Dear Community Member
Welcome to another issue of the Community council Newsletter. I am delighted to announce that our November Community Coouncil meeting will be held at the New YOrk City Police Museum. The NEw York City Police Museum's mission is to preserve the rich and unique history of the Department, and the extensive collections of materials relative to its 160 year history. Please join me on Wednesday November 15th for this special meeting.
Please be especailly aware of any suspicious acitivity on your block. Call 911 if you see a person that is trying to open automobile doors or looking in to car or home windows. Our Blockwatcher program can help you to learn how to give a good description and get the appropropriate agency to respond to qulaity of life problems. Please call my community Affairs OFfice for details on this beneficial program.
Also beneficial are the many Crime Prevention Programs available such as the home security survey, and VIN Vehicle Identification Number Etching Program. The Crime Prevention Officer, JAmes Smith, will be gald to assist you with your questions.
Let me remind you that the Department is lookingf to hire many new police officers. Applications are available at any precinct, or by calling 212 RECRUIT. Now that the exam filing is free, there has never been a better time to file and take the exam.
Remember that the Metro Forest Chamber of Commerce and the Forest Hills Civic Associaton along with the precinct will be sponsoring a halloween parade on Tuesday OCtober 31st. We will be meeting at the parking lot at 101-09 Metropolitan Avenue at 3:#0. Please bring your children to this trick or treat spectacular!
Sincerely yours,
Richard Napolitano,
Commanding Officer