Dear Neighbor:
My best wishes to you for a wonderful summer. At our June meeting, Councilwoman Melinda Katz inaugurated our board. I want to thank our board members for their hard work and look forward to working with them during the next two years. Our board is: Heidi Harrison Chain, President, Alan Hackman, Vice Pres., Gail Gordon, Second Vice Pres., Todd Reisman, Treasurer, Renee Lobo, Sect., Karen Mongiello, Sgt. At Arms and William Engel, Asst. Sect.
Captain Susan Maier-Smith is the Executive Officer of the 112th precinct. We welcome her and look forward to working with her and with Captain Tamola to better our community.
The precinct council is sponsoring the 25th annual Night Out Against Crime on August 5th from 6 to 9 pm at MacDonald Park. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. I also enclosed a flyer ?– please help us advertise the event by posting our flyer in the community.
We are currently fundraising for our precinct council. The money we raise will help pay for Night Out Against Crime and for all the other programs that we sponsor for the community during the year. All contributions will be listed in the Night Out Against Crime Program.
Some of our programs to better the community are: DMV accident prevention courses, paint-overs of graffiti, basic first aid course, whistles for you, the vial of life program, and special trips to one Police Plaza and Museums. We have monthly meetings and mailings on safety information. We co-sponsored a health safety fair with the Forest Hills Rego Park Lions Club. We co-sponsored a tolerance essay contest with the Forest Hills Community and Civic and with Maspeth Bank. We co-sponsored the antidrug essay contest with HSBC Bank. We worked with the 112th Precinct, Patrol Borough Queens North, the Queens District Attorney and Forest Hills High School to sponsor a criminal justice youth project bringing a youth court to Forest Hills. We purchased the equipment for the precinct to vin etch your cars. At our meetings, we honor police officers for their service to the community.
My congratulations to Captain Tamola and the 112th precinct for their excellent police work in arresting the individuals who are preying on the community. Recently, the 112th officers arrested burglars, bank robbers and other criminals. I also must thank Captain Tamola, and Community Affairs Officers James Smith and Gigi Redzematovic for their help and support in providing these programs for our community. It really is wonderful that in addition to reducing crime, our precinct helps in providing additional services to the community. We also thank Chief Pizzuti and the members of Patrol Borough Queens North for all of their help.
Reminder: you can help save a life. On July 14 from 12 to 5pm there is a blood drive at the precinct. It has been in the papers that there is a shortage of blood. Your donation will make a difference.