4th District NPC

4th District NPC Monthly Minutes - April 2005


April 2005

4th District NPC Minutes April 13th 2005
Starts time: 7:00 PM
End time: 8:30 PM
Attendance Sheet taken? Y N

1. Draft copy of 5-year plan was passed out to everyone in attendance.

Discussion: Concerns that most of the monies are going to housing programs, not much being spent on anti poverty issues and programs.
Follow up: Plan needs to include this area of concern.
2. Questions aroused about Casinos status in the district

Discussion: Discussion: Does not look like the casino will be on A street, but the 7th street site is looking like a better deal. The developers for the 7th street site have its own funding.
Follow up: NPC has not gotten notices on the issue, contact Zoning board and find out procedures for doing business and presenting to NPC’s from city. (SL)
3. 4th District NPC has not been getting information from the zoning board on things that directly effect this area.

Discussion: How come we have not been getting this information?

Follow up: NPC needs to send letter to and contact council women Shabazz, the Zoning Board to address this issue. (SL)

4. RISE and STAR program

Discussion: These two programs are looking to do programs on home ownership in the district
Follow up: Obtain detail information about each

5. Youth problems in the 4th district

Discussion: Discussion: Our taxation monies do not seem to be making it back into our community to help pay for programs. Our businesses don’t appear to be investing into programs that directly effect this community either.
Follow up : Requesting that our representatives joint forces and send a letter requesting that business, churches, schools and groups etc. that function in the 4th district to please send a representative to the monthly NPC meetings. Tina Robinson has sent out an email to Councilwomen Shabazz, state rep. Keeley and Senator Henry on ( Date) . Use the web site to network with them as well.

6. Block captains for the 4th district needs to get off the ground

Discussion: Discussion: This could be another way to get more of the community involved.
Follow up Request previous list of people names and contact information who was interested in being block captains from Knoble players.

7. 4th district NPC group would like to see councilwomen and other district representatives to really empower other groups in the district to attend the NPC meeting on a regular basis. Use the meeting as a Forum.
Discussion: If our leaders don’t help by using this meeting as a point of contact, it will make things a lot harder to be done.
Follow up: Continue to request representatives support in this area.
8. Drug Anchor families in the district and city not being addressed fully by public safety.

Discussion: An explanation of an anchor family was discussed and the need to hold landlord responsible for renters behaviors, policing issue.
Follow up:
9. Using Documentation and established procedures more to help problem solve issues
Discussion: Many times the concerns that our heard at the NPC meetings should be addressed by using the existing resolutions that the city already has
Follow up: Make efforts to inform the citizens of the correct procedures, and offer to send a follow up letter from NPC if their efforts fail, encourage documentation of their efforts when they want a letter from the NPC to be sent. Letters to be sent for clarity on an issue or procedures
10. There is a strong need for a civic association in this community to help deal with many of the issues that come to the NPC, that could be resolved if there was one.

Follow up: Keith Lake and Don Farrell to form civic group for this area.

11. East side working group? Resident who have asked to be notified are not getting notices

Discussion: Several residents spoke up saying they had asked to be informed of the meeting and have not receive any notice at there homes.
Follow up : Send correspondence to Marcia Starks

12. Questions arose about the CDC for the 4th district: who, what, where and why. Do we need to create a new one?

Discussion: we need to find out more of what happened to the current one
Follow up : Jane Allison , and Mr. Hicks

13. Copies of information to give out at the NPC
Discussion: What resources do we have?
Follow up : Check wit council Women on help with this.
14. A grant for $4000. 00 is available to plant and maintain trees in the district via state rep. Helene Keeley for residents

Discussion: Does anyone ( DNREC ) make a assessment of the trees as a part for the grant? Who to call for trees removal? One company name came up an the report on that company was that they did not treat the resident well ( discriminatory practices were used)
Follow up : Any one interested in the grant monies should contact? by July 1st 2005, Jane Allison will provide the name of the company.

15. Rental Property ID initiative ( Real Estate and Housing Reps. Keith Booker and Perry Price )

Discussion: Every rental property must be registered, this group is asking volunteers to help ID rental properties in their neighborhood. Problem properties are being targeted first. Landlord brochure has been developed and Tenant Brochures are being developed.
Follow up : Volunteers at the meeting gave Perry Price their contact information, It will be posted on NPC web site as well. Contact Keith Booker or Perry Price at 571-3101.

16. 4th District NPC web site is up and running.
Discussion: Web address ( www.neighborhoodlink.com/wilmingon-de/4npc/)
given to group. Go to the front page of this site and type in your zip code, then click on “4th District NPC” The site is interactive so other can add information as well. A good means to communicate to those who have web access. What to do about he one who don’t?
Follow up : Site coordinator: Tina Robinson email: npc4@email.com
17. Group would like to have a representative from WHA to attend the NPC monthly meting or at least sent information on what is going on with the properties in this district.

Discussion: People who live next to these units are directly effected but not being informed.
Follow up : Send correspondence to WHA to address the lack of info given to NPC/residents
15. Re districting was, is it legal (Splitting, Cracking,)?
Discussion: Good topic for the talk about section of the website
Follow up : everyone’s , This should be looked into buy various groups and organizations

16. A need to develop a protocol for NPC to send out letters

Discussion: Many times the complaints have never been initiated to the right department/persons. Send letters as a follow up, and assure that residents have the resources and knowledge on what to do and who to call first.
Follow up: NPC, City, county and State representatives

News you can use!
1. Public hearing to prohibit fences in the front of yards to be held
Date: April 19th 2005
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: City Council Chambers

2. The District Police Captain and Lieutenant are available to meet with the NPC at our meetings.
Date: second Wednesdays of Each month
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Peoples Settlement Association

3. City of Wilmington’s Police departments on –site accreditation. Public comments will be taken on:
Date: April 25 2005
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Multi Purpose Room of the William T. McLaughlin Public Safety Building
300 North Walnut Street or you can call to make comments at 302-576-3165 on Tuesday, April 26 2005 between the hours of 8: 00 a.m. In addition, 12:00 noon. Comments are limited to the agency’s ability to comply with the CALEA’s standards. Copies of the Standards maybe obtain by calling Captain Michael Maggitti 302-576-3176.

4. Men’s Health & Cancer Conference
Date: April 16 2005
Time: 8a.m. –1:00pm
Place : Wyndam Hotel, Wilmington
Call 324-4227

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

May 2005

4th District NPC Minutes May 11th 2005
Starts time: 7:15 PM
End time: 8:10 PM
Attendance Sheet taken? Yes

Meeting was call to order by Khary Dewitt, a brief explanation as to the NPC purpose was given to the group. ( attendance sheet available upon request)

Discussion: April minutes were submitted for approval and approved.

Follow up: Post approved minutes to NPC web site ( TFR)

Meeting was delayed for 15 minutes. This was to allowed for additional attendees to hear Harmon Carey present , his request for support for re- zoning of two homes, a office for the African American Historical Society of Delaware on the 500 block of east 4th Street, and re- opening a restaurant on 8th and Pine.

Discussion: Harmon Carey representing ( Wilmington Reclamation & Development Corp. WRDC) requested a letter of support from the NPC council to take to the Zoning board, Questions from the NPC were : Community impact, Parking for business and rental units, If he had informed neighbors directly impacted by his request within a 4 block radius of each rental unit and business.
Mr. Carey gave a brief description of the WRDC, he stated that he has done business within the district in the past and has a good record in the community for dong business. He addressed the parking issue by indicating that he has a lot in which he could convert into parking spaces. He indicated that he has obtain letters of support from various other agencies and representatives and would like to add us to his list of supporters. But to date had not informed the residents that would be directly impacted by the change in zoning for the apartments and office on East 4th St. or the restaurant on 8th and Pines streets. The NPC felt the Plan was over a good idea, but want to make sure that the residents be inform and have an opportunity to have input.
Follow up: NPC requested that: Mr. Carey informs the residents that would be directly impacted by his Plan on a 24/7 basis. He is to provide the NPC with list of residents that he has informed and allow them to ask questions of him as to his intent on doing business in their neighborhood. He should provide the NPC with the contact information ( address or telephone number ) and some indictor if they are for or against the plan. Once he has done this the council feels they can have a better idea on what the community wants for that area, and then make the letter available based on the results of that contact as well as what is in the best interest of the area. Mr. Carey will contact Khary Dewitt with the resident contact info, ASAP so that we can meet his zoning request deadline in a timely fashion.
Letter needs to be sent to the zoning board

Clean Sweep for the 4th district will be May 23 –28 for the area

Discussion: The city has assigned the 28th for the Eastside and the 21st for South bridge. The need for a coordinator . Posters need to made and distributed to the residents, we need to find out if streets and time/dates details are available. A suggestion that the clean up activities be done on a Quarterly basis instead of just once a year.

Follow up: Obtain detailed information from the city and post it to the website, Galen Gradner has volunteer to be our coordinator. Herman Holloway Park ( 8th and Lombard) designated as the kick off location for the 28th. For volunteers to meet. Mr. Gardner will work with the city to set up an on going clean up effort for the district. Enlist the help of Noble Players, Sunday Breakfast Mission etc. with this project.

301 West 6th street to be turned into a recording studio. Meting was to tonight to discuss at 6:30 pm.

Discussion: Not much notice given for anyone to attend this meeting from the NPC.
Follow up : Khary to contact Board of adjusters to voice concerns.

HB32 – residency requirement for city employees letter from council women Shabazz read

Discussion: The attendees supports keeping the current 15 years in place for city employment.
Follow up: NPC to send correspondence to General Assembly Opposing bill to make a change from 15 to 5 years.

Letter read to invite groups to join the African American Historical Society
Discussion: The attendees supports joining the group and setting up a table, also post this groups information to our web site. This would be a good group to support and volunteer for .
Follow up: Funding of a 100.00 is needed to join this group

CDC role in the NPC
Discussion: What role does the CDC play? re establish contact with the CDC, no one from that group is at this meeting
Follow up: Khary to contact Marvin Thomas

Update on Capital funds Grant for lighting On the Lombard street between 2nd and 4th
Discussion: Funding is available, NPC is required to contact vendors for putting up the lights
Follow up: Khary to contact city-planning department for current vendor used to put up other city lights.

Recycling : CREW meeting notice read
Discussion: Meeting on May 12th at 6:30 pm , Meeting to educate residents on recycling coming to our area.
Follow up: Khary to attend meeting

Bylaws are in need of review
Discussion: NPC need to review bylaw in the next meeting .
Follow up: Place on next Months agenda

Supplies are needed to write and send letters out from the NPC
Discussion: Request help from our representatives. Don Farrell will donate supplies as well. ( stamps, envelopes , labels printer/toner, labels, and folders , office space.
Follow up: Contact our representatives for assistance

Visit our web site to obtain News you can use!



Posted by 4pcinfo on 03/10/2009
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