Biennially a commission called the Salary Setting Commission meets to decide how big a raise to give the Mayor and Council. In its entire history, the commission has ALWAYS recommended raises. The question has always been how big a raise and how to divide it between the coming two years when it is effective.
Two years ago the commission recommended a 15% raise to be granted 6% in the first year, 9% in the second. That was in the face of a 2% or smaller annual increase in the Consumer Price Index and in the face of declining city revenue projections. The council took the recommendation even though some council members thought it was too much.
The commission meets at 4:00PM, January 6 and January 13, 2004 in its meeting room on the Third Floor of the Civic Center Plaza, 1200 Third Avenue. There might be another meeting January 20, but that won't be decided until the last possible minute. The Civic Center Plaza is the building behind the City Administration Building, directly across from the Opera House. If you have something to say to the commission, say it then. If you prefer to write or if you can't attend the meetings, you can mail your wisdom to The Salary Setting Commission, 1200 Third Avenue, #300, San Diego CA 92101. If you wish to talk to someone, Pamela Hightower (619) 236-6667 is the staff member. It's your money they're spending, and you should say how and how much is spent.
I know this is late notice over the holidays. I made exactly that same complaint to the Commission on Monday, December 22. As you might guess, there isn't a lot of progress toward a better schedule or longer notice. Remember, this commission always recommends a raise for the Council.
The Commission's first public meeting was held yesterday. There is still another on January 13 and possibly one on Jan 20, but that won't be decided until later. At this first meeting, we discovered that the chairwoman thinks that 19 days notice over the holiday season and public meetings in the early days of the new year are just dandy. It was also clear the Commission is fully committed to another raise. You should know that the commission cannot recommend a reduction, but can recommend no increase. I doubt that will happen.
This whole Salary Setting Commission idea is a terrible travesty: first the very idea of a commission that cannot recommend a reduction; second a commission that refuses to recommend a zero increase; third a commission that provides minimal notice to the public; fourth a commission that doesn't even provide agenda at the meetings for the attendees; fifth a commission that didn't even assemble one of its information notebooks to keep at the front desk for the public to review; and the list goes on. I asked the council two years ago for a charter change to make the SSC work well. I think I'm going to ask for a change to be rid of the SSC, to let the Council decide its own pay.