Meeting Minutes 02.03.04
Members: Kimberly Shepard, Karen McClellan, Kenneth Chennette, Dick Hansen, Paula Roby-Palmer, Maggie Stier
Guest: Jill Seifried
No meeting was held in December 2003 due to the holiday season.
January's meeting was cancelled due to several board member's having the flu.
Kimberly opened the meeting noting an accomplishment of last week: the snow DID get removed from Rumford School area on Thorndike Street, after Kimberly called Jim Majors of General Services. Kimberly will follow up to remind him to touch base with Rumford School about this in the future, and preferably not do the work during drop-off and pick-up times.
Maggie will make sure minutes of Nov. meeting got out. Kimberly handed out minutes from a board- only meeting in late November, and Maggie will also send these to all members on the email list.
Update from Jill: There will be a City Master Plan meeting this Saturday at Concord High School, and we are all urged to attend, 8:30 – 12:30 in the student activities center. Multiple consultants for each element of the Master Plan will make presentations. The North End revitalization process starts tomorrow, and they will be doing the same things that we began several years ago. Jill also discussed installment payments for the lawyers working on our 501(c)(3 )using our city grant funds.
The playground equipment in a lot of city parks has been deemed unsafe. Rollins Park will have new equipment installed in the spring, and other city parks will get a different and varied selection of new equipment too.
President’s Report: Kimberly handed out minutes from a board officer’s meeting at the end of November. Kimberly, Karen, Sky, and Maggie worked at that time on revising by-laws for the 501(c)(3) application, and now Kimberly will continue with the lawyer to make sure the completed application is filed.
Kimberly also talked about improving our communications channels with Rumford School. It was decided that Dickie Hansen and Karen would attend PTO meetings and keep our group in the loop. Our hope is to cooperate with them on the Festival (and other things), avoid duplication of efforts, and help promote both organizations’ agendas.
Jill informed us that the School Board has hired a consultant to examine all 9 of the city’s elementary schools, and urged us to consider getting one of our members in on this process. Karen agreed to follow up, since Rumford, with its decreasing enrollment numbers, may be at risk for being targeted to close.
Business Development: Paula Roby-Palmer will be leading ADNA business efforts. She announced the opening of her new massage therapy business on So. Main Street—the Five Senses Wellness Center near the Food Coop. We discussed that area of Main Street and how it could benefit from more attention and improvements. Jill said as the plans for the Sears block site come together, we would see some change.
Programs: Maggie reported that we have laid out a tentative schedule of programs. We’re going to organize a neighborhood clean-up and gardening forum in April or May. Maggie will try to get speakers. We want to do a program on “Researching Your House’s History” with Elizabeth Durfee Hengen in October or early November. Karen will contact Liz. Kimberly will also see about getting a speaker on how to create a neighborhood Crime Watch program.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 2 at 7 pm. at the St. John’s annex building.
keath on 02/10/2004