Americana Cove

The place to be when the snows reach Georgia!

Jan 31, 2005

Almighty God, we praise You for the beauty of Your creation; particularly the brain You gave man. We are thankful for those who have used it to benefit mankind. The scientific and medical minds have wrought wonders. May they continue to be inspired by Your Holy Spirit.. The memory of Christmas still lingers; yet Lent begins this month. Ash Wednesday is February 9th. This begins a time of reflection, fasting and sacrifice. We all have sinned but have we confessed and repented? Think about that!
This is also the month when we remember our Presidents, past and present. As we think about them, do we remember they swore their allegiance to God? Have we forgotten that our coinage reads In God We Trust? Do we? Are we standing up for our country?’s heritage or are we giving in to the pressure of a minority to take God out of our code of living? Help us to have the courage of our convictions and stand up for the belief we have in You. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.
John Whittredge Hill, Chaplain

?“It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.?”
-George Washington

It was with sadness that I noted Richard Linville had passed on. Richard, as many of you are aware, spearheaded the drive to purchase the community by the residents. He was also the first Editor of the Forecaster after the purchase of Mobel Americana. In October 1999, Dick turned the editing job over to me. He must have had some faith in me, as I had never done anything similar before. So I want to thank Richard (Dick) for his faith in me. He was a leader and he will be greatly missed, mostly by all of us who realize that without Dick Linville, we probably wouldn?’t be sitting here enjoying our present circumstances.

Three things we can all do today;
To pause a moment just to pray,
To be a friend both tried and true
And find some good that we can do.
-William A. Ward

By Gerri Bassett
COME AND WORSHIP! We would Love to see you SUNDAYS at 4:50 PM in the Clubhouse. We start Vespers with an informal hymn sing. You pick the songs to sing- this gives you a chance to sing some of your favorite hymns. At 5:00 PM the service starts so bring along a friend or neighbor. Following the service we have refreshments and good fellowship. And remember- if you like to sing, the choir still needs more singers, so just come to practice on Friday mornings at 8:45 AM in the Clubhouse.

FEB 6 Phil Fogel from D & D Mission Homes
FEB 13 Pastor Doug McMahon from Woodlawn
FEB 20 Doug Keister from Westminster
FEB 27 Glen Quam Retired from Riviera

For Jeremy Harris (January 1, 2005) Grandson of Lillian and Don Harris
From John And Shirley Wadsworth.

For Kenneth Wadsworth (December 25, 2004) and Donald Wadsworth (December 30, 2004) Only brothers Of John Wadsworth
From John and Shirley Wadsworth.

For Richard (Dick) Linville (January 2005)
From Nancy and John Hill

It is not by the gray of the hair that one knows the age of the heart. Edward Bulwer-Lytton

By Gerri Bassett

Doris Bolesta
Dick Linville
Arlen LeRoy

Bob Ortel Carrington Place
Mitzi Delzell Shore Acres
Kay Brownsey Integrated Health Service
Dorothy Goldsworthy Fountains of Boca Ciego Bay
Cameron Shults Abbey
C.J. Tietema (Cappy) Shore Acres
Pauline Newman Maria Manor
Vivian Daugherty Maria Manor

None known at this time.

01 Joe Dusza, Reg Corliss
02 Wanda Spetz
04 Fern Deschamps
06 Peg Sozanski, Nickolaus Volk
08 Jan Renaud
10 Lila Mussman
11 Beverly Hamel
12 Beverly Park
13 Billie Ballentine, Cleve Ballentine
14 Ruth Brown, Marge Lang
15 Jeanne Pavlik, John Ossenmacher, Nora
Adell Andrews
20 Doris Laberge, Crailey Gillies, Stan
22 Dolores Rice, Peggy Church
23 Pat Ruedy
24 Jack Young, Susan Eaton, Mark Faxon
25 Leo Laberge
26 William Buckland, Bob Kmieciak,
Mae St. Sauver, Linda Cook
30 Eleanor Doyle

11 Carol and Ron Undieme 48 years
14 Cathe and Joe Golf 06 years
15 Louise and John Layner 02 years
18 Peg and Dick Stannard 26 years
25 Nina and Bob Larson 43 years
Would you like your Birthday or Anniversary in the Forecaster? Let me know. E-mail me at or see me at one of the many functions I attend.

?“If I can make people smile, then I have served my purpose for God.?” -Red Skelton

By Bill Stanford
Tsunami in Asia, Hurricanes in Florida, Blizzards and Mudslides. Last year?’s near miss with severe weather caused us to look at our preparedness for the next storm season. We need to do many things better and we need your help. By giving us basic, up-to-date information we can prepare for the next evacuation. We will be better prepared for the cleanup afterwards. We will have contact information for those who are away from the Cove. The Disaster Preparedness Committee, under the leadership of Drew Fairlie, Dot Neimi and Dawn Simmons has developed a questionnaire. When you fill it out and return it to the office, it will help us to help you. It is vitally important that each resident completes and returns it as soon as possible, no later than Feb 28th. You will receive it by mail. Please complete and return quickly. In the same mailing you will receive a sign up letter from your new landscaping company. The cost is small and the benefits are large. Their service to you can help keep the whole community looking great all year. They will help prevent those dreaded letters many of us may have received for allowing weeds and shrubs to grow. Thank you for your cooperation.
The next Town Meeting will be held in the Clubhouse on Friday February 4,2005 at 10:30AM. We have some very important things to discuss with our community members so please mark the date and plan to attend!!! See you there!

?“If you don?’t say anything, you won?’t be called on to repeat it.?” -Calvin Coolidge

By Dawn Simmons
In November I conducted a park- wide Beautification Inspection. I am pleased to say many residents complied and I want to thank you for doing your part in beautifying Americana Cove! There were some residents, however, that were NOT in compliance. First let me state there are rules governing the upkeep of your property. Homes should be pressure washed at least once a year, and painted every 5 to 6 years or as deemed necessary by the Manager. Sod must be kept healthy and in good state of repair and free of weeds and fungus. Satellite dishes are not permitted in the front of the home. Place them in the rear of home so they are not visible from the street. Boat trailers are being parked all over the place. We have storage available and the rental term has been shortened to six months to accommodate our northern residents. Box trailers are not permitted to be stored on carports; we have available space for them as well. We are trying very had to remove ourselves from the ?“Trailer Park?” image. We need everyone?’s help in doing so.

?‘You can?’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.?” -Abraham Lincoln

By Frances McVay

BALY, Michael & Margaret
7056 Mt. Arlington Drive
Previously Van Meenen

COOPER, William & Bonnie
6834 Mt. Orange Drive
Previously Wilmarth

O?’BRIEN, Bernard & Ursula
7061 Mt. DeLeon Road 521-0066
Previously Buffa
(Moved From 150 Americana Court)

SMOLICK, George P. (PA)
7016 Americana Court
Previously Vidensky

SOMMERS, Lester & Mary
101 Americana Court
Previously Ossenmacher

STANABLE, Robert & Rochelle
6816 Americana Drive
Previously Ossenmacher

STEPHENS, Richard & Virginia (PA)
320 Mt. Oak Avenue
Previously Mattina

7009 Mt. Georgetown Drive 527-6532
Previously Dorsett

TRACE, William & Bernice (ONT)
150 Americana Court
Previously O?’Brien

WALSH, Michael (IL)
MacDONALD, Charles
7194 Mt. Arlington Drive
Previously Ferrara
(Moved From 6703 Americana Drive)

?“A good neighbor doubles the value of a house.?” -German Proverb

By Ken Hopkins
THE FORECASTER Well, you?’re reading this, aren?’t you? So I guess the Forecaster has not been discontinued! Our former publisher, Monarch Publishing is in the process of reorganization but they have assured us that they will continue to publish our newsletter. We are appreciative of their efforts on our behalf and hope to continue bringing you news of Americana Cove in the format you have been accustomed to.

BERNIE THE BEAR Some of you may remember that at last year?’s New England night, hosted by the great state of Vermont, Beck and I were honored to win one of the many door prizes in the form of an adorable Teddy Bear, who we promptly named Bernie. We immediately decided that Bernie was too cute to waste his life sitting on a closet shelf so we decided to bring Bernie along with us on our summer travels. During our 5 months away from the Cove, Bernie visited 22 states and 2 provinces. We kept a photographic journal of his travels and we have decided to turn Bernie over to another lucky family at this year?’s New England Massachusetts Night on February 26,2005. We hope that Bernie?’s new adopted parents will enjoy his companionship as much as we have!

WHITE ELEPHANT SALE There are two major fund raising events for ACA (MAA). One is the Craft Bazaar held in November and the other is the White Elephant Sale. This year?’s White Elephant sale will be held on SATURDAY, MARCH 5,2005 and promises to be bigger and better than ever. Wondering what to do with those goodies you intend to donate to the Sale? Just bring them down to the Clubhouse. You?’ll see an area in the rear of the Clubhouse designated for donations until the day of the sale. You can support the White Elephant in many ways: Donate your oldies but goodies to the Sale, Volunteer to help one of the many committees (there will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board), Come out as a customer and Buy something, Bake something for the bake sale- and on and on. Thanks for your support and we?’ll see you at the Sale.

OPERATION GROUND CONTROL Thanks to Bill Stanford for the following report, which appeared, on our Listbot in December:
Through the work of the Planning Committee, a company has been found that wants to take care of the landscaping around your home on an individual basis for only $11.00 a month. They will pull weeds, mulch once a year, trim bushes, and prune trees up to 12 feet and check your sprinklers for this price. All the work you thought you had hired someone to do that didn?’t get done will be done, guaranteed. The owners of the company and all their employees are active duty Pinellas County Sheriffs officers. How much more trustworthy can we find anyone to hire? They have been in business for about 3 years and are anxious to show us what they can do for us. This is their second job, a way to supplement their sheriff?’s pay. They are licensed, insured, and have worker?’s compensation insurance. You will be able to sign up sometime in January and anytime thereafter. There is no contract for you to sign- you can discontinue their service at anytime. ?“Zero cancellation notice?” they call it. When they start on your landscaping care they do an initial cleanup, spread mulch, after that they use roundup where they can without harming your plants. They come through as often as weekly, if needed, to keep things sparkling. The Planning Committee and I were very impressed by these young men. It was through the work of David Turner and Ken Colby that they were found and interviewed. Their references all checked out. This can eliminate a big problem in our community. Bill Stanford, Planning Committee Chairman

L?’ACADIE This Fall, Beck and I toured New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in the hopes of learning more of the history of the Acadian people and the migration of some of them to Louisiana to become the people we call Cajuns. Perhaps you are familiar with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?’s poem, Evangeline that depicts the deportation of the Acadian people from Nova Scotia. Back in the 1700?’s, Maritime Canada was occupied both by the British and French; however, in 1713 France relinquished its claim to the area and it became a British colony. The French-speaking Acadians had little interest in the politics of the day and just wished to continue their day-to-day lives in peace. However they had a difficult time maintaining their neutrality and were deeply distrusted by the ruling British due to language and religious differences. They refused to take an oath of allegiance to the British Crown in order to maintain their neutrality and finally in 1755 matters came to a head and the British ordered the deportation of all of the French Acadians. Many were shipped to British colonies from New England south, including 3,000 who found their way to Louisiana to become Cajuns. Many fled to French speaking Quebec. Some hid out and remained in the Maritimes but quickly lost their homes to colonists from New England who were encouraged to come North and claim the lands vacated by the deported Acadians. By the 1800?’s, some of the deportees slowly returned to their former lands and re-established a distinct Acadian identity and culture. Today in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia you will find many French speaking enclaves where the Acadian flag (see my golf cart!) is flown with pride. Although born in the U.S., in my heart I am proud to proclaim Je Suis Acadien.

Submitted by Annette Solomon
Can you create a sentence using the following words?
?“ Defeat, Defense, and Detail?”
Write your answer on a piece of paper.

Answer: Defeat of the dog went over defense before detail!!!

All items and other information for the Americana Cove Forecaster may be placed in the box just inside the entry doors to the Atrium, or sent electronically- either as a text in your email or as an Attachment. Send to my email address: All items are to be in the original type, no photocopies please, in BLACK INK, on white background paper, on full size 8 1/2 by 11 paper.
Deadline for March for all articles is the February 14,2005! Font size is number 12( twelve).
Forecaster Submissions If you can send me your items by email, either by attachment, or just as part of the email, you will save yourselves money (ink and paper) and you will save me time. Thank you for cooperating.
Emails to the Editor If you are sending me an email for the first time please let me know by phone AT 522-0891 what your email name is-I get so much spam mail that I simply delete all unknown senders and have lost a couple of items this way. It is unfortunate, but once I know your screen name I will have a reference for the future. Also important in all emails is to identify in the subject line that it is ?‘Forecaster?’ material.
Calendar Deadline for entries will be the 14th of each month Please note that all calendar submissions must come from, or be approved by the ACA. The Calendar point
person is Nora Adell Andrews, 528-9888.

There is located at the maintenance shed on Mount Piney Avenue an air pump that you may use to inflate your bicycle tires.

Newspapers and Magazine Recycling
All newspapers are to be placed in the newspaper bins. Please do not put brown paper or plastic bags in the newspaper bins. The bins are for newspapers only.

A magazine bin is located at the storage compound on Americana Drive. Please take all your magazines to this bin.

Phone books should be taken to the dumpster on Mt. Piney. Do not put them in with your regular trash.

Aluminum Cans/Can TABS
Please put these out on TUESDAYS ONLY, (or late Monday evening for very early Tuesday pick-up) or you can take them to one of the Old Timers Aluminum sheds. Do not put in the garbage compactor. It is for household garbage only. As the sale of aluminum contributes money to our social activities, please take the effort to segregate the cans from the regular trash. Aluminum can top tabs can be placed in the jar provided in the clubhouse.

Yard Brush and Tree Trimmings
Pick up days are Tuesday and Friday. Place all brush and tree trimmings at the side of the road separate from the garbage. It must be contained in trash bags, plastic containers or bundled.

The dumpster at the Mount Piney location is for the use of residents who have scrap materials from work that they themselves have done. Contractors doing renovations or repairs to your property are to remove any such materials from the community and dispose of it at their cost.

KITCHEN KREWE ICE MACHINES-To all residents and guests. Do not use ice from the kitchen supply for your personal home use or for your coolers. Ice in the kitchen is required for activities in the Hall and Atrium. Traffic through the kitchen area creates sanitary problems. Thank you.
Betty Chase -Kitchen Manager

By Ken Hopkins, President
Brrr. Remember what it was like up North? Well we have had our share of winter weather but isn?’t it fun to look at the news from Boston or Chicago and see what winter is really all about? February features Valentine?’s Day and our yearly New England Night. Plenty of things to keep you busy this month and Spring is just around the corner!

Our next ACA luncheon meeting will be Wednesday, February 2,2005 and we will be entertained by the Ladies in Blue. This is a wonderful program and not to be missed!

Our monthly Council meeting will take place Tuesday, February 1,2005 (yes, that is my birthday).

Don?’t forget LifeLine day in the Atrium on Tuesday, February 8,2005. They will be available all day for screening, starting at 8:30 A.M.

And for the romantics out there, bring your sweetie to the Valentine?’s Day dinner on Monday, February 14,2005. I can tell you there will be a very interesting entertainment program. Details will be posted on bulletin boards so stay tuned.

The Disabled American Veterans will host a seminar in the club house on Tuesday February 15,2005 at 11:00 A.M. concerning U.S. Veterans Benefits and Entitlement covering compensation, pensions, hospitalization, spousal entitlements, and similar. If you are a Veteran, spouse, or widow there will be important information for you in this seminar.

Card night will be held on Saturday, February 19,2005. Come and play your favorite card game with your favorite friends.

For all Canadians, Royal Bank of Canada will be here on February 22,2005 to talk to you about their presence here in the U.S. I?’m sure Gail Mills would be very happy to have you stop by for a bit. She?’ll be in the Atrium with a display of their services from 10:00 to 11:00 A.M.

And another thing to do-don?’t forget to check out the newly formed Chess Club Thursday evenings at 7:00PM in the Clubhouse. (If you?’re in my Spanish class, I?’ll teach you how to say ?“check mate?” in Spanish.)

And finally, the highlight of the month will be New England Night on Saturday February 26,2005 featuring the State of Massachusetts this year. New England night is always one of our most entertaining evenings. Make sure you buy a ticket and find out who Bernie the Bear will spend this year with. Watch the Forecaster and bulletin boards for details of ticket sales. You don?’t want to miss this one!

We want to thank all of you for your support, cards, and best wishes after the recent death of Dick Linville. You make life much happier and fuller.
Vivian Linville and Family

We want to thank everyone in the Shuffler?’s Club who donated to the Rose Bush planted in the Americana Cove Rose Garden for our grandson JEREMY HARRIS, in memory of him. Also for the donations collected for the Library at L?’Arche, Cape Breton, in memory of him. To all our friends and neighbors for their Mass cards, cards of sympathy and acts of kindness. Words cannot express our many thanks.
From Don & Lillian Harris

By Beck Hopkins
Isn?’t it wonderful how everyone comes together to support the White Elephant Sale?! Not only do we get great ?“stuff?”; we get great ?“help?”. Every ACA organization participates in this event! Sign-up sheets will be going up soon! We still need lots of goodies to fill the tables! We?’re looking for: household items (dishes, pots ?‘n pans, glassware, etc.), small furniture (tables, chairs, small dressers), electrical goods, holiday items, clean linen, bedspreads & curtains, rugs, towels, artwork, games, puzzles, tools (hand and electric), office supplies, sporting goods. Don?’t forget about the very popular Jewelry table.Dot Kolb will find wonderful homes for the baubles and bracelets you no longer want. The Bake Sale is being managed by Mary Ann Fairlie. Please bake and/or give generously when her helpers come calling! Sorry, but we can?’t take the following items: sofas, mattresses, and over-sized furniture. Small items can be left at the back of the Clubhouse. Larger items? Contact Beck Hopkins/525-9411 or Pat Fielhauer/525-2458.

By Bob Staples
Join the ranks of ?“Joan of Arc?” or ?“Alexander The Great?” and be the General of your own army! Meet with us on Thursdays at 7:00PM in the Library area of the Clubhouse.
Learn the royal game of Chess!!! Play with someone at your level of experience. It?’s easy, great mental exercise and a lot of fun. Learn the objectives, rules and moves in chess. For those who know the basics, improve your game with better chess strategy and a chance to play at your level. Bring your chess set if you have one, but don?’t let that stop you as we have some extra sets. Questions? Call Bob Staples @ 526-7350.

The 5th ANNUAL NEW ENGLAND NIGHT, sponsored this year by the Great State of Massachusetts, will be held on SATURDAY FEBRUARY 26, 2005 in the Clubhouse. Tickets will be $7.00 each and will go on sale Monday February 14,2005 at 10:00AM, again in the Clubhouse. (What a great present to buy for Valentine?’s Day!) You will be able to bring your set-ups with table service at 10:00AM Saturday February 26,2005. Happy hour will begin at 5:00PM with BYOB, then a fantastic and delicious New England-style turkey dinner will be served. We?’ll have door prizes, raffles, entertainment and lots and lots of fun. Mark your calendars and we?’ll see you there!

Words of Wisdom From Grandpa: Whether a man winds up with a nest egg, or a goose egg, depends alot on the kind of chick he marries.

By Conrad Weiser
Our February Town Hall Meeting, on Friday February 4,2005 at 10:30AM will include a presentation by Mr. Don Hazelton the President of FMO, (The Federation of Manufactured Home Owners of Florida). Originally started here in Pinellas County, the FMO has become a nationwide affiliation of mobile home residents protecting the legal rights of folks just like us. Ever since its inception in 1962, the FMO has promoted legislation that shield mobile home dwellers from owners and developers- many of whom would like to see our life style completely erased. Sadly, the tax potential of these developments have lead many county and municipal governments to do all that they can to squeeze out the mobile home communities. This alliance between tax administrations and condo developers is a real and continuing threat to every mobile home dweller, renters and shareholders alike. Don Hazelton has worked in many capacities during his 14 years with the FMO. He has an interesting story to tell of their successes in Tallahassee, and the threats we all must challenge as we go forward. Recognizing the importance of the work that the FMO has done over the years to support and protect all of us, our MAROA Board has invited Don to address our February Town Meeting. It is very important information for all of us and we are hoping you will ALL be there.

Line dancing is moving along well. We are now into our second month, dancing our old dances and some new ones too. It is truly amazing how the folks hear the music and remember what steps are in order. They now know about fifteen different dances! And I am so very proud of everyone. You?’re all doing great- even with all the new dance steps added every week. It just goes to show line dancing is no longer just a Country and Western event. It includes a wide array of music (waltzes, polkas, cha-chas and more!) Everyone is welcomed. You may just want to come and listen to the music and watch your friends and neighbors. The beautiful music is there for your pleasure. And, just in case you are wondering- it?’s not too late to join. We meet every Monday at 1:00PM in the Clubhouse. We?’re having lots of fun, so let?’s keep right on dancing?…. Hope to see you soon.

A father said to his complaining son: ?“Son, all you need is encouragement and a swift kick in the can?’ts.?”

By Linda Lou Fairbanks, Editor
I thought I?’d mention a few items people in the community have spoken to me about this month- nothing earth-shaking, but just interesting, gentle reminders for all of us. If you read our notice about bike-riding safety in the park, I was also asked to remind residents to be careful parking along the road when visiting friends/neighbors. Some of our roads are narrow and are on curves so please keep this in mind and watch carefully when you arrive/leave to make sure the road is clear of pedestrians and vehicles. One of our residents has asked me several times to caution residents about overexposure to the sun and while I?‘m unable to print the article, I do want to pass along that if you are interested, I can provide you with additional information. Call me and I?’ll pass it along to you. I also received a call this month while I was away visiting up North, from a wonderful neighbor who has brochures available on Recycling- instructing us what we need to do as responsible citizens in recycling. Again, we?’re not set up to do inserts in the Forecaster so I encourage you to pick up this information in the Clubhouse or in the laundry areas. If you are an avid bicyclist (I mean riding long distances) there is someone who would like to challenge you to at least 10-mile runs outside the community. I also can provide you with this information if you are interested. And finally, please make note on the inside cover of the Forecaster that we have a new website address! Until next month, I would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we once again begin new challenges with our Forecaster. And, I especially thank John Bassett (again???) for filling in for me and fielding all the queries over the publication of our newsletter. HAVE A GREAT MONTH EVERYBODY!!!

DUPLICATE BRIDGE By DIRECTORS Gerri Bassett & Shirley Beauchamp
Sunday December12,2004 Sunday December 19, 2004
1) Gerri & JohnBassett
1) Joan Dell?”Angelo & Betty Davis
2) Jo Waldron & Shirley Beauchamp 2) Lenore Helson & Shirley Wadsworth
3) Dorothy & Allen Taylor 3) Helen & Walter Smith
Sunday January 2, 2005
1) Linda Cook & Beverly Hamel
2) Lenore Helson & Shirley Wadsworth

Sunday January 9, 2005
1) Anne Kocher & Tex Batchelder
1) Milene & Al Wingrove
2) Betty Davis & Joan Dell?’Angelo
2) Gerri & John Bassett
3) Roger & Lucy LaBerge
3) Helen & Walter Smith

We wish a Happy Valentines Day to Everyone !

?“Under every red hat is a woman of beauty.?”
Well, Red Hatters, we?’re off and running. Can you believe how fast the time goes by? By the time you read this we will have had our second Fashion Show in the Park with 14 Sister Chapters and about 90 Red Hat Chilies in attendance. I?’d like to thank Betty Chase and her Kitchen Krewe for providing a lovely lunch for all. We have a lot of fun things planned for 2005 so please stay tuned, check the bulletin board for sign-up sheets to our events, and look in the Forecaster for each month?’s news.
I am pleased to announce this month will be a fun time with a Pizza by Parr/Game Nite Saturday February12, 2005 at 6:00 PM in the Clubhouse. Please see the sign up sheet on our bulletin board.
I?’m sorry that I have not been able to get invitations to new people coming into Americana Cove but we invite you now to join the Red Hat Society--the fun after fifty crowd?”. If you would like to be a Red Hatter, please call Marilyn Waltz, QM @528-2731. And a special thanks to Linda Myers, Vice QM and Chapter Sisters for the lovely hat and bag presented to me at the Christmas Party. The Red Hat Chilies is a wonderful chapter and I?’m looking forward to an exciting 2005 as your queen mum.

By Gerri Bassett
It will be held on February 16,2005 at 12:00 noon in the Atrium. Tickets will be sold for $5.00. This will include lunch and prizes. If you like to play Bridge, come and have a fun afternoon. Tickets will be available from Bev Hamel, Linda Cook, and Claire Bator.

By Jo Waldron
Unlike other shuffleboard clubs in the area, we here in Americana Cove are blessed with many avid shufflers. So many, in fact, that some of the later arrivals can only sub on a team. President Tom Solomon is looking for ways to solve this problem.
We have already added a new Nova team, Billie Ballentine is the Captain. Shirley Penrod suggested we add another Blue Sky team, everyone seemed to like this idea. All our teams are very busy and having a good time.
Tom?’s Jubilee League has the highest team standings; they are in 2nd place. The other teams, Nova, Blue Sky and two Friendship teams are somewhere in the middle. In fairness, I have to report that Friendship 1 is a few games ahead of Friendship 2. I?’m also happy to report that eleven players have signed up for the Wednesday Glen Peltier classes in Clearwater. They are very excited about the in-depth course. The good news; classes are running through February and you can still sign on. The other good news; they are free. Contact Annette Solomon 527-5151 for details.
We are still all anxiously awaiting the installation of our new court curtains- they should be here just ahead of our windy, cool season.
Our cocktail party is coming up this month, Thursday, February 10,2005. Cocktails are at 5 PM and the buffet is at 6 PM. There will be an open bar and finger foods. No need to bring any table service, just dress up and come. Each team is responsible for a food category. Your captain should have contacted you by this time, if not, give him/her a call.
Tom Solomon and Ed McGrath recently won two prestigious tournaments as they continue in their quest for Pro status. Actually, Ed and Sil Oliveira already have the necessary 5 points and will officially be crowned in October 2005. Tom is closing in fast with 4 points. Congratulations. Of course we have two who achieved this status long ago; Pat and Gen Van Patten. What great role models for all champions!

By Beck Hopkins
The Hobby Shop is really starting to shine thanks to the efforts of President Dan Craft and his VP, Rick Bircher! Equipment is being repaired (again!), shelves are beginning to get sorted, and plans are in the works to make the shop better than ever! The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 7--9:00 a.m. Get there early-the donuts go fast! The Hobby Shop is located next to the Mt. Piney Laundry. Everyone is welcome to join!

There has been a lot of interest lately about identity theft. With that in mind, I have arranged for a great program in February. I really hope you will all try to come. The Area Agency on Aging of Pasco- Pinellas has designed a special program just for seniors- it deals mostly with ways to avoid crime. I expect a variety of speakers to be here- from legal services, the postal inspection office, consumer protection, CASA, Medicare-Medicaid Patrol, etc. It will be held in the Clubhouse on Friday February 11,2005 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Please join us for this free program. You can contact me for more information or call Gabriel Wiechec, with the Victim Advocate Program, at 727-570-9696 Ext. 279. See you on the 11th!!!

Welcome to our many new members. It?’s wonderful to have you join us! We continue to meet every Monday evening from 6:00 to 9:00 PM in the Clubhouse. We offer basic lessons in knitting, crocheting, and counted cross-stitch every week. We have other special crafts as well- decoupage plates, no-sew blankets, and beading are being worked on by many members and we anticipate a new art class will be starting soon. We have submitted 18 handmade articles for this year?’s Florida State Fair and hope to see you there from February 10-24,2005, anytime from 10:00AM to 10:00pm.
I also wanted to honor our CRAFTER OF THE MONTH: EDITH UNVERZAGT. Edith has knitted lovely afghans for years and donated them to our Craft Bazaar; Crafter?’s Corner and the State Fair. She rarely misses a meeting or a luncheon. It is a great joy for all of us to know her. At 93, her eyesight is failing, but her presence is always our present! Thanks Edith for all you do! Happy Crafting to one and all!

The Veterans Memorial Committee was formed on July 26,2004. On that day, the first of many meetings, we laid our plans for a new Veteran?’s Memorial. It was to be presented to ALL on Veteran?’s Day, November 11,2004 at 11:00AM. We invited Bill Hart, President and Bill Stanford, Vice President of the MOROA Board to attend a meeting for the purpose of seeing what our agenda consisted of. An important issue was raised about whether the Canadian veterans were going to be included. It was decided the wording of the memorial would be: ?“Dedicated to the men and women who served in the armed forces..Let freedom reign.?” It was agreed this meant ALL veterans and the wording was then approved. Later, after the dedication, I was approached by another officer who suggested that Canadian flags be placed along side the American flags. I told him I would call a special meeting of the Committee to see what the consensus might be. The following results echo the sentiments of all: Our Committee had a memorial in mind for ALL OF US. Yes, all of the people in our community are beautiful. Citizenship has no bearing whatsoever. We ask that everyone remember we also have other, in fact, several countries represented here as our neighbors..that this is our country- it is not the United Nations. We love ALL people, not for where they come from but for who they are. Yes, the memorial is for all veterans, and yes, it shall remain embraced by the Stars and Stripes. We hope this helps explain the situation. Thank you.

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