Americana Cove

The (northern) Natives Are Growing Restless!

Mar 01, 2005

Holy Triune God we worship and praise You.Your Might and Creativity are Awesome to us. We sometimes question the tragedies and disasters that You seem to allow but forget to thank you for our Blessings. Why should You be so gracious to us who are so sinful? As we contemplate our worthiness we pray for Your forgiveness?…. Lent is the time to confess and repent. God help us. We pray in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
John Whittredge Hill, Chaplain

Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness, weakness, and despair to strength and beauty and happiness. --Floyd W. Tomkins

Our Lord Jesus arose from the dead,
After His cruel torture and execution;
For the sins of the Garden of Eden,
He came to make restitution.

After the first Sunday after the full moon,
After the vernal equinox;
We celebrate His being with us again,
With our Eucharist and prayerful thoughts.

Will He come in the same way again?
It?’s not for us to know;
There may be a note on the Internet,
Or the universe may open to show,
Him coming into the galaxy;
With a great following of angels and saints,
Behind Him St. Peter and the Heavenly Gates,
And He will address all our complaints.

Jesus, when you come again,
Please let us know who you are;
As we?’re ready to receive you anytime,
And visualize you in every star.

By Gerri Bassett
Come and worship with us! On March 27, 2005 the last service of the season will be a SUNRISE SERVICE. It will be held in the Atrium at 7:00 A.M. What a beautiful sight to see the sun come up. The minister will be Bob Stanton, a Missionary. Refreshments will be served after the service. Our Pastors for March 2005 will be as follows:
March 6th Bob Stanton (Missionary)
March 13th Jeff Burton (Faith Covenant)
March 20th Curt Hess (Central Christian, Retired)
March 27th Bob Stanton (Missionary)
We thank all the people who attended Vespers November through April. Have a wonderful summer and we will see you all in the fall. Happy Easter and God Bless.

IN MEMORY: From Howard and Dorothy Roush in memory of Dick Linville.

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. -Albert Schweitzer

By Gerri Bassett

Robert Lescarbeau
Jim Lepowski

Bob Ortel Carrington Place
Mitzi Delzell Shore Acres
Kay Brownsey Pinellas Park Care & Rehab. Center
Dorothy Goldsworthy Fountains of Boca Ciego Bay
Cameron Shults Abbey
C.J. Tietema (Cappy) Shore Acres
Vivian Daugherty Maria Manor
Jan Renaud Maria Manor

01 George Chamberlin
02 Jerry Mussman, Bob Thomas
03 George Myers
04 Ray Macomber
06 Kay Brownsey, Marjorie Dodd, Jim Tanner
07 Cecile Lescarbeau, Barbara Tumminia, Rich
08 Lou Ayotte, Roger LaRochelle
09 Susanne Darowski, Jeanette Imbrogulio
11 John Hill, Donald Park, Pat Wright, Kathy
12 Anne Kocher
14 Gladys Dunn , Bill Kocher, Lois Vogel
Bob Gamble Kathleen Kirkpatrick
17 Pat Porretto
18 Doc. Jones, Claire Mosakowski
19 Norine Fisher
20 Bill Fullerton
21 Rosemary Kegebein
22 Dick Nemi , Mary Ann Fairlie, Barbara
23 Shirley Wadsworth , Drew Fairlie,
25 Bob Larson
26 John Mello
30 Irene Goulet Shirley Dunn, Edward Kimak

07 Jan and Rene Renaud 62 years
10 Mary and Fod Wright 61 years
25 Betty and Jim Chase 51 years
28 Nora and Ed Clifford 54 years
28 Barbara and Rick Tumminia 15 years

Would you like your Birthday or Anniversary in the Forecaster? Let me know. Gerri Bassett 525-6806 Thank You !

The Planning Committee has been working on many enhancements to the park. One that many people have expressed interest in is a spa (hot tub). Our capable Dave Turner and Carl Slaugenhaupt have researched it. Their report has been turned in to the Board for consideration. If there is enough interest in the community for it, we will send it to the Finance Committee to develop a way to include it in a future budget. I anticipate a membership vote is required.
One of the greatest challenges we face is filling our empty lots. This needs a coordinated effort. For this reason I am asking the Board to establish a Marketing Committee. We will give them the mission of investigating and recommending ways to improve sales. This may include possible reconfiguration of some quad lots. That would require a vote by certificate holders of course. The committee will include evaluation of certificate sales; advertising, web sites, and developing a brochure to hand out to prospective purchasers. The brochure will be a ?“tell all?” about the park with the information one needs to help make the decision to live here. This committee would work in conjunction with our broker to increase sales. Residents with sales and/or marketing experience are urged to contact me so that we may get started on this most important job. Ideas are always welcome. Please put them in writing and drop them at the office.
Please complete the form asking for contact information in the case of emergencies. It is important that it be renewed yearly. We chose the color of the form to replace existing forms quickly and so we know the information is current. It is in your best interest to fully complete the information to the best of your ability. Help us help you. Thank you.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. -John Quincy Adams

By Dawn Simmons
There are several items that need to be addressed this month so I have listed them by category below. Please take note of the information. Thank you.

Bulletin Boards: We ask you to please remember when posting something on the laundry room bulletin boards, it must be on a 3?” x 5?” card or piece of paper. Also please put a date on it.

Monthly Payments: When paying your monthly rent or maintenance fee PLEASE put your Lot Number on the check. This will save the office a lot of time.

OperationGround Control: Don?’t forget to turn in your registration form to the office. We have many northerners that have not signed up with Operation Ground Control. Please do so before your departure! And also, please make note: We now have a box in the lobby of the Office to put your Operation Ground Control payment in.

Disaster Form: The response has been very good, but we are still waiting on a few. We need the pink paper from everyone.

Laundry Rooms: You will now find pink slips in the laundry rooms to fill out when a washer or dryer is not working. Too often people just put a paper towel in the door to signify the machine is not working. When the maintenance men go to check them out they cannot find anything wrong with them. We recently had a resident come in and report five dryers on MT Pleasant Rd were not working. The men immediately went to investigate, only to find someone had gone behind the dryers and shut the gas off. This was not the same person who reported them inoperative. I cannot stress enough how dangerous going behind the dryers and shutting off a natural gas line is, and that no one has any business or authority to do so!!!

Americana Drive: The white vinyl fence is up and it looks great! A sign has been placed there instructing you what NOT to leave there. The newspaper and magazine containers are now housed behind the fence, as well as a new aluminum can shed. Please use them.

When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly replied ?“I?’m not sure.?” ?“Well, look in your underwear, Grandma,?” he advised. ?“ Mine says I?’m four!?”

By Frances McVay

126 Mt. Piney Avenue
Previously Landano

WOLLERMAN, Thomas & Joyce
6847 Mt. Quincy Drive
New Home

WOSIL, Jeanette
7143 Mt. Arlington Drive
New Home

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. ~Attributed to Adrienne Cook

By Linda Lou Fairbanks, Editor
Once in a while a topic comes up for discussion and you think ?“ Oh no, not again!?” For example, trying to let residents know the importance of obeying the speed limits in the park. (Yes, that sign really does say 15 miles per hour!) And, yes, it does mean YOU! You are not special, nor have you been granted divine permission to drive like a maniac through the streets of Americana Cove. You have, however, been granted a precious right to live in a community that not only expects you to obey the rules, but respects and honors you if you do! No one here wants to become snitchers on their friends and neighbors. But believe me that is exactly what will happen if some of you do not slow down! Please, when you leave your driveway or you enter the gate, take a deep breath and remember to take your foot off the accelerator, remember the 15-MPH signs and drive appropriately?…
Then, there?’s another topic. How many times do we have to be reminded that you should NOT put your trash in the magazine/newspaper bins? Evidently not enough! For it continues to be a problem. So please, unless you want drastic measures to be taken- do not put your trash in those bins! And tell your guests or friends that visit too. Thank you.

By Ken Hopkins

THE KITCHEN - You men will relate to this. Did you ever cook something, clean your dishes, put away the pots and pans, wipe off the stove, and the next day your wife says you left a mess?! Cleanliness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. We are blessed at the Cove with a wonderful kitchen facility capable of feeding nearly 400 people at a crack. It would make a mess sergeant proud. Fortunately our kitchen is a common resource, available to all. Any group desiring to cook for their event may do so, regardless of size. However, with privilege comes responsibility. Unfortunately, recently there have been some discussions of cleanliness in the kitchen. Whether the kitchen was clean or not when your group took over means nothing. It is all of our responsibility to make sure that the kitchen?’s cleanliness lives up to the high standards we set for our own home. There?’s a simple message. If you use the kitchen, YOU are responsible to make sure it is clean before you go home for the night. To say, ?“well I left it the way I found it?” does not get the job done. We will all benefit from your cooperation. Thank you.
PARKING LOT POLITENESS - Oops! One of my friends just commented that there have been some accidents in our crowded parking lot after some of our events. Probably not a surprise. We do get pretty jammed in there and often we leave in darkness so an occasional bump is not unexpected. What is a surprise, is that when this happens, people do not always own up to their guilt. Apparently, we had an episode the other day where $200 worth of damage was caused to a parked vehicle and the offender left no note or otherwise tried to alert the injured party. Not good. After all, we are all friends and neighbors, are we not? And we all try to live by the Golden Rule, do we not? So, a gentle
reminder. If you do accidentally bump another vehicle while pulling in or out of your parking space, please do the right thing. Leave a note, tell them how sorry you are, and own up to your responsibility. You?’ll feel better for it.
AMERICANA BOAT CLUB - When the boat club was formed two years ago, we put into our charter that service to the community was one of the aspects of our purpose. For example, at the recent Open House, the boat club provided free boat rides to almost 40 visitors and residents. Many people seeing our community for the first time had the benefit of being able to look us over from the unique perspective of our canals. We would also like to remind you that the boat club will be offering boat rides at the MAROA picnic on Founders Day, March 26th. Hope you will come out and take a tour of our canals. And a final reminder, the boat club will be sponsoring a Spaghetti Supper on Wednesday, March 30th. We invite you to come to the clubhouse at 5:30 P.M. and enjoy a heaping plate of spaghetti and meatballs and meet our boat club members. Tickets will be on sale at the March ACA Luncheon.

COOLWEB SEARCH - IF YOU DON?’T HAVE A COMPUTER ON THE INTERNET, IGNORE THIS ARTICLE. OTHERWISE, READ ON! CoolWeb Search is not cool. It?’s a ?“browser hijacker,?” similar to a virus. It attaches itself to your browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape) so that every time you run your browser, instead of going to your usual start or home page, it takes you to a page called ?“about blank?” which has a list of general websites and a warning that your PC is infected and offering programs for sale to remove the infection. When you try and set up your browser to go back to your normal home page, the hijacker immediately returns you to their desired ?“about blank?” page. There?’s a little catch with all of this. The CoolWeb hijack program is selling their service to a bunch of other companies. If you click on any of the categories and go to an individual website offered, that?’s a ?“hit?” and CoolWeb receives a slight fee. Maybe pennies but added up by the number of infected computers it adds up to thousands of dollars to CoolWeb, just for infecting your computer! There are several web sites on the Internet who offer programs to defeat and remove CoolWeb. Just to demonstrate how devious this program is, it has the capability to block your ability to download these removal programs. How do I know all this? Well, of course, I was infected and spent hours browsing on the key words ?“CoolWeb?”, found the removal programs, was blocked by the infection, and finally found a site where I could download a removal program and now I am infection free. CoolWeb Search is very common and particularly difficult to remove.If your browser doesn?’t seem to want to take you back to your customary home page, you are probably infected. Let me know and I?’ll be happy to help you remove the infection.

By Gail Jones

Mary Davis has been in our community for awhile now and resides at 235 MT Piney Avenue. She grew up in Cherryville, NC but has lived in St. Petersburg for 55 years. She?’s had many interesting forms of employment- she drove a school bus, was a telephone operator, worked in a plastics factory and retired after working 15 years at the 38th Avenue Sears store. She raised five (5) children- two boys and three girls, and is particularly proud of a granddaughter from Northeast that has broken two State championships in swimming. She will be competing in the World Fina Cup Championships in New York this spring. We all wish her the best!!! Mary likes to play Bingo- you will see her for sure there at our Clubhouse on Friday evenings.

William Heres makes his home at 7117 MT Bristol Road. He first visited a friend here in the community and learned what a nice place it is to live. He is employed by Sonic-Westinghouse and periodically is gone while he travels to a nuclear power plant to do refueling and maintenance. He likes his Harley and trucks it with him to job sites. He wants people to know him as just plain ?“Bill?” and can be called upon to do small work or repairs for folks here in the community. And he has been so impressed with our lifestyle here he has even brought his mother to live here!

Mary Heres tells about living in Plymouth MA and being a clerk in the produce department of a Stop and Shop store for 20 years. Her son ?“Bill?” called her one day and said he had found an ideal place for her and would be coming north to get her in about six weeks. Three days later he arrived on her doorstep and announced she needed to start packing- they were returning to Americana Cove by the end of the week! She lives at 7201 MT Arlington Drive and you may frequently see her working in the kitchen with the Kitchen Krewe. She laughs as she talks about the ?“fast move?” and now says, ?“ I wish I would have come here sooner!?” She is proud of Berlynna, her thirteen-year-old granddaughter, who has attended art camp summers and already produced some very nice paintings.

Bill and Linda Johnson actually came to 7278 MT Jupiter Drive last year. They spruced up their property and then returned to their Long Island home. You may have seen Linda as one of those cute little dancers in the New York Nite show. She likes crafts and is very excited about becoming involved in community activities. Bill is a veteran from the Vietnam War and has recently retired after 25 years with the New York-New Jersey Port Authority. They have a 25ft. Proline boat and enjoy boating and fishing. Being a waterfront community is what attracted them to buy a home and certificate in our community. They have two sons- one lives in California, the other lives in New York.

Irene Cunningham resides at 316 MT Piney Avenue. Terry Campbell, the electrician that does a lot of work in the community, is her nephew. George Campbell that resided on MT Pleasant for many years was her brother. She is proud that they were born and raised on Staten Island, NY. While in NY, she was a secretary in Manhattan for the Lehman Bros Investment Co. After retirement she and her late husband spent several years traveling across the country in their Airstream RV. Eventually they settled in Clearwater, FL. Irene likes to play bridge.

Bill and Mary Ann Foley live at 313 Richmond Avenue. They have a home in Schenectady, NY and have spent seven winters in Plant City but always wanted a place on the water. Mary Ann found Americana Cove from our website. Because they are both energetic and Mary Ann has lots of talent with sewing and design, they tore the whole inside of their home apart and created a beautiful interior. Just recently they had a new deck built. Bill had three years active duty in the Air Force and thirty-two years in the National Guard reserves. While on his tour of duty he has been stationed at both the North and South Poles. He flew in on C130?’s that were equipped with skis. He has also served for thirty-two years with United Parcel Services in the Schenectady area. Mary Ann worked for eight years for the telephone company then ventured out and began her own sewing business called ?‘Pillow Talk?”. Later she got interested in wallpapering which led her to create ?“Wall Coverings by Mary Ann. She worked with this endeavor for 28 years and has her credentials as a member of the NGPP National Guild of Professional Papering. They are active members of our community, belonging to the Boat Club, the Red Hats, and both work for the NY Yankees during spring training- Bill ushers and Mary Ann operates the elevator. Mary Ann?’s mother spends a lot of time with them and they enjoy a large family network of about 20 aunts/cousins in the Largo area that keeps them busy as well.

By Linda Lou Fairbanks
I heard about a heart-warming story this past month and decided with all the emphasis on the traumatic or terrible events happening around us every day; it would be nice to hear about something positive for a change. One of our most lively and most loved residents, Ruth Brown (who just happens to be 91 but don?’t tell her I told you so?…) was shopping for groceries and while taking her bags to her car in the parking lot, she tripped and fell, hitting her cheek/chin on a car bumper. Ruth being Ruth, she didn?’t want any fuss made, and, as a few folks gathered, she protested their pleas to send for an ambulance. A lovely woman stepped forward and told Ruth she would accompany her to the hospital. The ambulance arrived and whisked Ruth on her way, with her newfound ?“angel?” following behind. Two hours later, Ruth?’s new friend was still there and offered to take Ruth back to her car. When they reached her car, they noticed a flyer attached to her windshield wiper. It was from a service station here on 4th St. The woman said she also used this station. So they proceeded to the station and the owner graciously offered to rescue Ruth?’s car and bring it home for her. When Ruth arrived home she received several phone calls from the people gathered around her that day- all checking on her to see how she was! As Ruth said to me, ?“It?’s difficult to let others take care of you when you?’ve been the one taking care of others.?” Well, we are all grateful Ruth had some wonderful guardian angels watching over her and wish her a speedy recovery!
Then?… just when I thought it couldn?’t get any better; I received a call from Joanne Ebert who informed me of another angel sighting, right here in the park! Helen Barta recently suffered a fall and upon returning from the doctor?’s she fell again outside her doorway. Joanne was struggling to help her when she saw two gentlemen driving by in a golf cart. They responded to her plea for assistance and Helen was lifted and placed in a comfortable chair inside. The men then went merrily on their way. Helen and Joanne did not get the names of the men, and wanted them to know they were angels to stop and help. If you are willing to step forward and let them know your names, I feel certain a token (something delicious) of appreciation will be offered. If not, please give yourselves a huge pat on the back for being such good Samaritans!!!


Many thanks for all your cards, visits and prayers during and after my surgery.
It's great to be living in such a friendly place in my "Golden Years".
Your Prayers, good wishes and cards were greatly appreciated during my recent hospital stay. I also want to thank the Board of Directors and staff for the planter. My recovery is going well and I hope to be back to work soon.
From Barbara Whisenhunt

A special dinner event is being planned for February 11, 2006! If you claim one or more of the following states as your ?“home?” please plan to attend a follow-up planning meeting scheduled for Thursday March 3,2005 at 4:00 PM in the Atrium: OHIO, INDIANA, MICHIGAN, ILLINOIS, IOWA, MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, KANSAS and NEBRASKA. Your input is needed to help present the Midwest as a wonderful part of our country- to live, to visit and to work. Any questions can be directed to Stan or Jane Kerr, 7047 MT Deleon Rd, 525-6916. SEE YOU THERE!!!

Submitted by Tom Priestley
My grandfather is an amazing man. He served his country during World War II. He postponed his dreams to give his five children a better life. He and my grandmother sacrificed and saved so that their children would have the chance to go to college and emerge debt-free. He is the kindest and gentlest person I have ever known. Last summer, at the age of 84, he almost died of a still undiagnosed blood disorder. What saved his life were multiple transfusions of donated blood. Since that time, he has returned to the hospital for further transfusions and is doing fine.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who gave their time and their blood so that my grandfather could live. Thank you for giving him the opportunity to meet and fall in love with his first great-grandchild. Thank you for giving Grandpa his 62nd wedding anniversary and his 85th birthday. Thank you for allowing his extended family to gather in celebration of Christmas. Thank you for every day that you have given our family the chance to absorb more of his wisdom.
You too can take the time to save a grandpa, a child, a stranger or a relative. How? GIVE A PRECIOUS GIFT- GIVE BLOOD!!!

There is located at the maintenance shed on Mount Piney Avenue an air pump that you may use to inflate your bicycle tires.

Newspapers and Magazine Recycling
All newspapers are to be placed in the newspaper bins. Please do not put brown paper or plastic bags in the newspaper bins. The bins are only for newspapers.
A magazine bin is located at the storage compound on Americana Drive. Please take all your magazines to this bin.

Phone books should be taken to the dumpster on Mt. Piney. Do not put them in with your regular trash.

Aluminum Cans/Can TABS
Please put these out on Tuesdays only (or late Monday evening) for very early Tuesday pick-up, or take to one of the Old Timers Aluminum sheds. Do not put in the garbage compactor. It is for household garbage only. As the sale of aluminum contributes money to our social activities, please take the effort to segregate the cans from the regular trash. Aluminum can top tabs can be placed in the jar provided in the clubhouse.

Yard Brush and Tree Trimmings
Pick up days is Tuesday and Friday. Place all brush and tree trimmings at the side of the road separate from the garbage. It must be contained in trash bags, plastic containers or bundled.

The dumpster at the Mount Piney location is for the use of residents who have scrap materials from work that they themselves have done. Contractors doing renovations or repairs to your property are to remove any such materials from the community and dispose of it at their cost.

KITCHEN KREWE Ice Machines To all residents and guests: Do not use ice from the kitchen supply for your personal home use or for your coolers. Ice in the kitchen is required for activities in the Hall and Atrium. Traffic through the kitchen area creates sanitary problems. Thank you! From Betty Chase, Kitchen Manager

All items and other information for the AMERICANA COVE FORECASTER may be placed in the box just inside the entry doors to the Atrium, or may be sent electronically to our Winter Editor- Linda Lou Fairbanks at: All items are to be in the original type- no photocopies, please, in BLACK INK, on full-size paper (8 ?½ by 11). The DEADLINE for April 2005 for all articles is MARCH 14,2005. The font size is number twelve (12).

If you can send me your items by email, either by attachment, or as part of your email text, you will save yourself money and perhaps a little time as well. Thank you for your cooperation.

If you are sending me an email for the first time, please let me know by phone what your email name is. I get so much spam in my mailbox and if I don?’t recognize a name I may inadvertently delete your item(s). It would also be very helpful if you could identify ?“Forecaster?” in your subject line.

The deadline for the calendar is different from the articles, so please make note of this. Deadline for entries will be the 13th of each month, except for December and January. These months require submission two (2) days prior to the Forecaster entry deadline. AND PLEASE NOTE: ALL calendar submissions must come from, and be approved by the ACA!!! The COORDINATOR for the calendar is Nora Adell Andrews, 528-9888.

By Ken Hopkins, President
March is the month when our Association has its official annual meeting. Most importantly, our election of officers takes place this month. We have a nominating committee in place and welcome your participation. If you feel you would like to have a say in the affairs of ACA, you are encouraged to step forward and announce yourself as a candidate. There will be a call for nominations at the luncheon meeting. Don?’t be shy! Oh, yes. Spring comes this month!!! Our next ACA luncheon meeting will be Wednesday, March 2, 2005. And our monthly Council meeting will take place the day before on March 1, 2005. March 5, 2005 is the date of one of our most important events- the Annual White Elephant sale! This is our major fund-raiser and provides funding through the year for many of the entertainment and other events sponsored by ACA. The fun will start at 9:00 A.M. and go until everything is gone or we all drop in exhaustion. Please note the Clubhouse will be closed on Friday, March 4,2005, to allow time to sort and price all the White Elephant items.

On Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 10:00 AM in the Atrium, Low Vision Works will present an informational seminar for those of us with poor or failing eyesight.
Card night will be on Saturday, March 12, 2005 this month. Come and play your favorite card game with your favorite friends.
Thursday, March 17, 2005 will feature our traditional St. Patrick?’s Day Dinner. Corned Beef and Cabbage and all the trimmings. Didn?’t we have green beer last year? The fun starts at 4:30 PM with dinner served at 5:30PM. After dinner we will be entertained by our own Just Us and Company. Tickets will go on sale at this month?’s luncheon on March 2, 2005.
On Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 10:00 A.M. in the Atrium, Neighborly Care Network will present information on volunteer opportunities in the community. These are the people who sponsor the Meals on Wheels program as well as many others.

This year?’s MAROA Picnic will take place (rain or shine) at Founders Park on Saturday, March 26, 2005 at 2:00 P.M. For you newcomers, Founders Park is the ?“fishing hole?” located on Mt. Piney Rd. This is a ?“pot-luck?” event. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service and beverage. Grills will be provided. The MAROA Board will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, fixings, and dessert. You are welcome to bring your own meat to cook as well. We recommend that you bring a lawn chair. Awnings will be provided for those who wish to avoid too much sun exposure. The St. Petersburg Band will entertain us and the Americana Boat Club will once again provide boat rides around the community. If you haven?’t seen our lovely community from the water, you?’re missing an experience. This is the day we honor those brave residents who put their necks on the line for all of us and purchased Mobel Americana back in 1994. I?’ll bet it seems like just yesterday for those residents who were there?…

Then, we have the Old Timers luncheons so don?’t forget to pay your dues of $3.50 and attend the meetings, lunch is usually followed by Bingo at no cost to you. They are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Hope to see you all there.
And, don?’t forget to check out the newly formed Chess Club Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Clubhouse. Checkers and other board games are welcome as well.
If you have room for a few more calories after the MAROA Picnic, come down to the clubhouse on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 5:30 PM and have a plate of spaghetti and meatballs served by the Americana Boat Club. We have a real Italian cooking the meatballs!

May the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends gathered below never fall out.
May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live!
May you die in bed at ninety-five years, shot by a jealous husband (or ...wife).
Here's to the health of your enemies' enemies.

By Conrad Weiser
The Renter?’s Association of Americana Cove met in the Clubhouse, February 2, 2005 for their monthly meeting. The resignation of their President, John Dunn, at their January meeting, made it necessary to add another Director. Calling for nominations from the floor, Chairman Jean Dion acknowledged the nomination of Joyce Clark, 336 Mount Saxon Avenue. Calling for the vote, Mrs. Clark?’s nomination was approved. Former President John Dunn then administered the Oath of Office to Mrs.Clark. Motion by John Dunn calling for the Directors to elect their officers was approved. Thereafter the Directors elected the following slate of officers. President- Jean Dion, First VP-Margaret Lederhouse, Second VP- Joyce Clark, Secretary- Conrad Weiser, Treasurer- Pauline Begin. The Association meets at 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday, [meetings are omitted, April through November]. The next meeting will be March 2, 2005. Coffee and donuts will be served. All are invited to attend.

By Tom Priestly, Chairman
Our Annual Blood Drive is scheduled for Saturday, March 12, 2005 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. I was disappointed in our last drive, only 14 people donated, that is not a good turnout for a community of 700 homes. Our record high was 36 donors, let?’s try to top that this year. Thank you to the 14 that did turn out. Don?’t forget, some of the blood is going to our troops, let?’s show our support and donate!!! Thank you in advance for your support.

By Sharon S. Miller
Your life depends on it! Dieting ads regularly include in small print, "and with exercise." Help conquer bone loss with weight bearing exercise. Take care of one's heart by exercising aerobically. Translated this means increasing more use of oxygen by running, walking, or just plain moving. Aging well includes "and exercise." Use it or loose it is not a myth. I add "regularly" to all of these! If convenience is wanted, we have it right here in Americana Cove. A qualified and certified fitness instructor leads a well- balanced exercise class available Monday, Wednesday, & Friday at 8:15 AM in the Atrium. Sally Anderson leads the class in warm-ups, aerobics, weight use, strengthening, and cool down exercises leaving the class applauding their efforts at the end. Sally encourages all ages (51 - 101) to participate AND at your own pace. Best of all? It costs
nothing-no money commitment is required. But, for her expert leadership, a donation is suggested for each session attended. Any questions, please call Sharon S. Miller at 527-8150.

There are only a few days left before the sale! If you?’ve got something you?’d like to donate, please get it down to the Clubhouse pronto! Dot Kolb and Sandy Ferretti are looking for sparkly shiny things for the jewelry table! Sale set-up begins on Friday, March 4, 2005 at 9:00 AM, in the Clubhouse. It takes many hands sorting and pricing to make the sale a success! On Friday, coffee will be available in the morning and hot dogs will be served to the workers. Also on Friday, all workers (both for Friday and Saturday) are asked to sign in and pick up nametags. Saturday workers are asked to be in the Clubhouse at 8:00 AM to put the final touches on the tables. The White Elephant hours are 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Betty Chase and the Kitchen Krewe will be serving a light lunch on Saturday. Questions? Contact Beck Hopkins (525-8411) or Pat Fielhauer (525-2458).

The contest to design something for the back wall of the Clubhouse will shortly be over. We have already received six (6) great suggestions but can always use more. If you have an idea, please submit it, in writing please, to Annette Solomon by March 12, 2005. Thank you!

An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was sprinkled with bright freckles, spent the day at the zoo. Lots of children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws. "You've got so many freckles, there's no place to paint!" a girl in the line said to the little fella. Embarrassed, the little boy dropped his head. His grandmother knelt down next to him "I love your freckles. When I was a little girl I always wanted freckles, she said, while tracing her finger across the child's cheek. "Freckles are beautiful!" The boy looked up, "Really?" "Of course," said the grandmother. "Why, just name me one thing that's prettier than freckles." The little boy thought for a moment, peered intensely into his grandma's face, and softly whispered, "Wrinkles."
All through the long winter, I dream of my garden. On the first day of spring, I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth. I can feel its energy, and my spirits soar. -Actress Helen Hayes

Americana Cove Rose Garden
By Don Delzell, Committee Chairman
Others and I monitor the Rose Garden on an almost daily basis. We pinch off (deadhead) spent blossoms and black spots leaves, throwing the latter in the trash can to avoid further contamination. Other individuals are welcome to do the same. Matthews Landscaping is responsible, through Dawn Simmons our Manager, for fertilization and spraying on a defined schedule. To avoid burning or killing a rose plant, donors should not be fertilizing their own or others plants. New plants should not be pruned, except dead canes. Suckers and dead canes should always be pruned on mature plants. Although the Rose Garden is automatically watered, the adequacy is questionable. If the soil is not moist down 3 to 4 inches, donors are welcome to water their own or others roses. We all enjoy the Rose Garden . Let?’s cooperate to make it as good as possible. If you have any questions or comments, please call me at 526-2410. THANK YOU!

By Norine Fisher
I?’m really pleased with my class right now. They hear the song(s) and immediately know the steps that go with it! We have lots of fun, exercise and good music?… a great recipe for what it takes to enjoy line dancing. Music makes life a little easier!
And, it is with our deepest sympathy we extend our best wishes to Ronnie Lepkowski on
the loss of her husband, Jim. Ronnie was one of our dancers and we will all miss her very much.

Smiling is infectious; you
Catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner and
Someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realized
I?’d passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile
Then I realized its?’ worth,
A single smile, just like mine
Could travel ?‘round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin,
Don?’t leave it undetected.
Let?’s start an epidemic quick,
And get the world infected!

By Gerri Bassett
It will be held on March 16 at noon in the Atrium. Tickets will be sold for $5.00
which includes lunch and prizes. If you like to play Bridge come and have a fun afternoon. Tickets will be available from Betty Davis, Anne Kocher, Susan Doyle and Joan Dell?’Angelo.

By Brian Birch
By the time you read this we will already have started our League Tournaments for both Women and Men. Please check the bulletin boards in the both the Clubhouse and the billiards room for our results. We are proud of our Club and want you to know how our season went?… On March 7, 2005 at 11:00 AM we will hold our regular monthly meeting in the Atrium and if you are a member I respectfully ask you to attend. We will be electing new officers and your presence and support would be greatly appreciated. Then, on Thursday March 24, 2005 we will have our Annual Banquet and Awards ceremony. Happy hour will begin at 5:00 PM, with dinner beginning at 6:00 PM. Once again, we will be serving prime rib, offering door prizes and enjoying entertainment and dancing after the awards. You do not need to be a member to attend. Tickets will be $10 and are available from Irene Goulet, Nancy Hubartt, Bruce Perry, Leni Lambert, Roger LeBerge or me. You can get your tickets beginning March 2, 2005, up until March 17, 2005. And last of all, but certainly not least of all, I would like to extend a hearty ?“Congratulations?” to member Cleve Ballentine for making the ?“8 on the break?”. For those of you who play eight ball you know this is indeed a rare accomplishment, one most of us wait a lifetime to achieve! Offer Cleve a pat on the back when you see him.

By Directors Gerri Bassett & Shirley Beauchamp
Howell Movement
Sunday January 16, 2005
North & South
Milene & Al Wingrove
Linda Cook & Bev Hamel
Pat McCarthy & Don Delzell
East & West
Gerri & John Bassett
Claire Bator & Anne Kocher
Lois & Leo Dwyre
Sunday January 23,2005
North & South
1) Milene & Al Wingrove
Betty Davis & Joan Dell?’Angelo
3) Pat McCarthy & Don Delzell
East & West
Gerri & John Bassett
Daphine & Dick Gunton
Sunday January 30, 2005
North & South
Milene & Al Wingrove
Claire Bator & Anne Kocher
East & West
Lois & Leo Dwyre
Helen & Walter Smith
Howell Movement
Sunday February 6, 2005
Helen & Walter Smith
Lois & Leo Dwyre
3) Shirley Beauchamp & Michelle Willett
Everyone have a nice EASTER and PLEASE REMEMBER: NO Duplicate that Sunday.

Common sense ain't common. - Will Rogers

By Gerri Bassett
We want to give a special THANKS to Doc Jones and his crew for all the work they have done on the aluminum collecting. They have raised over $300.00 and it is a lot of work and time involved! So please try to help them. They collect those items of aluminum if they are put out early Tuesday morning by 7:30 A. M. We do encourage you to take your cans and other items to the sheds on Americana Drive or Mt. Piney. There the cans will be crushed and made ready to be taken to be weighed. Don?’t forget to pay your dues of $3.50 and attend the meetings, lunch is followed by Bingo at no cost to you. They are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Hope to see you all there.

By Mike Regan
Congratulations to our Canadian Open winners: 1) Bob Vansickle, 2) Jen Vansickle and 3) Al Wingrove- Low Gross: Jack Young; And also to our U.S. Open winners: 1) Peg Truex, 2) Pete Lambert, 3) Bernie O?’Brien- Low Gross: Norm Begin.
We have a busy agenda for March. Coming up is the CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP tournament, which will be held on March 3, 2005. Our next Club meeting will be held on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 10:00 AM in the Atrium. THEN?… we have our Annual Banquet on Monday March 21, 2005 with cocktail hour beginning at 5:00 PM, followed by dinner at 6:00 PM. Remember to bring your own place settings. The Parseekers have been asked to help with the White Elephant Sale on Saturday, March 5, 2005. Our job will be to put tables back after the sale is over. Anyone willing to help needs to be at the Clubhouse around 2:30 that day. And lastly, we have a SCRAMBLE set for March 31, 2005 so please mark your calendars!
As you may know, the current Parseekers Officers are retiring after this season and a new slate of officers is needed for the next two seasons. Will Williams will be heading up the nominating committee and he will be looking for you!!! Call him at 521-3108 if you are interested in a fulfilling and worthwhile job serving on the Parseekers Board. But most of all just remember to have fun!!!

Anyone acquainted with Ireland knows that the morning of St. Patrick's Day consists of the night of the 17th of March flavored strongly with the morning of the 18th. ~Author Unknown

Submitted by Beck Hopkins
The Hobby Shop has been around over 40 years! And in that 40 years, hundreds (probably thousands!) of keys have been disbursed. Unfortunately, many of these keys have fallen into unauthorized hands. Because of this, it has been decided to change the Hobby Shop front door lock. The lock change will occur on March 15, 2005. To get your new key, bring your old key to the Hobby Shop Meeting on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 9:00 AM. Your name will be checked against the Hobby Shop Club files to assure that a Waiver of Liability and Indemnification form has been signed. Your old key will then be exchanged for a new key. Can?’t get to the meeting? Contact President Dan Craft (525-7005) or Vice-President Rick Birtcher (526-1306). At the February meeting, it was voted to establish membership dues of $5.00/year. The ?“Key Fee?” will no longer be charged. The Hobby Shop is located next to the Mt. Piney Rd. Laundry. All are invited to join!

By Annette Solomon
Have you visited the Clubhouse on Monday evenings between 6 and 9 PM? You would be surprised to see so many happy faces and busy hands! Over 68 members all working and sharing their creativity on all different levels. Please stop by and visit us- it?’s contagious. Also check the Crafters Bulletin Board for our exciting monthly agenda of classes for dates and times. We hope you got a chance to visit the Florida State Fair. Stay tuned for our announcement of ribbon winners in next month?’s Forecaster. HAPPY CRAFTING!!!

By Jo Waldron
Annette Solomon and her band of helpers threw a great cocktail party in February. The food was excellent and plentiful. Everyone had fun with the Valentines Day games. Our park games, except for the Red and Black, Agerholm tournament, have been played by now but don your sneakers and get ready for the League tournaments. The Agerholm will be played on March 7, 2005 at l PM. You?’ll have to check with Shirley Penrod to see if you qualify. The rule is you must play eight games but she is being lenient if you have a good excuse or a note from your mother. The Nova league will hold their tournament at Silver Lake on Thursday March 17, 2005 St. Patrick?’s Day. You?’re in luck if you?’ re Irish! Friendship Doubles are March 14,15, & 16, 2005 at Pasadena. Singles will be held the following week, the 21,22, & 23, 2005 at Harbor Lights. Remember if you have subbed on Friendship for at least 6 games you are eligible to play in the tournaments. The trophy party is at Palm Haven on March 29, 2005 from 2 to 4 PM. Blue Sky will hold their tournament at Clearwater on March 10and 11, 2005- be there at 8:30 AM. If you play court one or two you will play in the ?“A?” division courts, three and four will play ?“B?”. Shirley Penrod and the Blue Sky team will be hosting the trophy party here in the Atrium on Friday March 18, 2005 from 12 to 3 PM. The Jubilee League tournament is on March 22,23, & 24, 2005 and will be at Four Seasons. Speaking of the Jubilee team congratulations are in order, as of this writing they are in first place in their league. I assume all the above tournaments will have sign-up sheets either on the courts or in the clubhouse so be sure to check. Our finale, the Shufflers Trophy Banquet will be on Saturday March 19, 2005 from 5 to 9 PM.
Results of the February 14th Park Doubles:
1st Ann Collins & Doug Reid
2nd Billie Ballantine & Lenore Helson
3rd Joyce McEdwards & Roger Beauchamp
4th Ray Macomber & Jo Waldron
1st Michelle Willett & Fod Wright
2nd Annette Solomon & George Luce
3rd Popi Genhart & David Vogle
4th Lorraine Boshek & Mary Wright
Don?’t forget the pancake breakfast on Saturday March 12, 2005 from 8 to 11 AM. All the pancakes you can eat plus sausage, OJ and coffee. See you there.

May the grass grow long on the road to Hell for want of use.
Health and long life to you.
The wife (or husband) of your choice to you.
A child every year to you.
Land without rent to you.
And may you be half an hour in heaven before the devil knows you're dead.

By Coordinator Barbara Magada
I want to thank you all for attending our Crime Forum last Friday 2/11/05.I hope you all enjoyed the speakers and the surprise visit of our Police Chief Chuck Harmon along with Councilman John Bryan. Our next meeting will be on March 11, 2005 at 1:30 P.M. in the Clubhouse. Our speaker will be former retired Policeman Dan Bates who now is employed by St. Petersburg College. I'd like to bring a reminder to all Bike & Trike owners/operators!. If you do not have lights (front & rear on your Bikes & Trikes) PLEASE make arrangements to purchase these safety items before you get hurt or hurt someone else. This also goes for walkers- please wear light colored clothing and carry flashlights. We also have nearly 100 Golf Carts running around our streets that do not have front & rear lights. It's nice to see where you are going and to be seen by other walkers, trikes, bikes and golf carts. If you are not equipped properly, please stay home and watch TV. We do not need any accidents and injuries to our residents and their guests. THANK YOU!!!

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