Argyle Area Civic Council

Minutes and Highlights of 2006

Highlights of 2006

12-18-2006 - Developer, Charles Mann, presented his client’s revised PUD for the 10 acres located at the NW corner of Argyle Forest Blvd and Rampart Road. The PUD included provisions for a police Stop Station in one of the buildings and reserved space for a Canoe and Kayak launch on the western end of the property into McGirts Creek/Ortega River.
John Draped then moved approval of the PUD with changes discussed. It was seconded by Allen Durant. The motion passed unanimousely. Letter emailed to Jacksonville City Councilman, Michael Corrigan.

11-7-2006 - Voter Referendum to return Cecil Field to the Navy REJECTED

Minutes of 2006


PRESENT: Henry Mooneyhan, President; Bill Lewis, First Vice-President; Tom Dumas, Vice-President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Other members in attendance: Bobbie Cockayne, Ashley Davis, Debbie Israel Messer, Kay Sibert, Neilson Giles, Wayne Bolla, John Draper, Ernest Mattson, David Hodges, Ken Shirey, and Sergeant Jerry Stange (Duval County) and Lt. Dan Smith and Deputy Kara Rathbun (Clay County).

The President called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

The minutes of the December 15, 2005 meeting having been posted on the website, David Hodges made a motion to accept the minutes. Motion seconded and carried.

Public Safety, Duval County: Sergeant Jerry Stange. Crime statistics for Zone 4, January through November, show that violent crimes for this area are down 21 percent.
Property crime is up 15 percent. The total crime index when the numbers are combined show an approximate 3 percent increase, from ’04 to ’05. Much of the
Increase in the property crime is related to construction site thefts.

The last 30 days for the Argyle area show one robbery to a business where a lady’s purse was stolen from the office of an apartment complex by two individuals. Another incident was a strong-arm robbery of two 13-year-old boys by three boys 17, 18 and 19, where money and bicycles were stolen. The three assailants were captured. Two other incidents were reported where people were
robbed as they approached their vehicles.

There have been 23 auto burglaries in the area. In most instances, the automobiles were left unlocked.

Several residents had traffic-related questions and were advised that the City’s
traffic engineering department would have to look into those issues; i.e., the need
for a traffic light at Shindler & Argyle Forest Boulevard.

Public Safety, Clay County: Deputy Kara Rathbun. Most of the crime incidents in Clay County are related to construction site thefts, people leaving their cars unlocked and garage doors open. There have been a couple of incidences of
residential burglaries where houses have been left unlocked.

Curfew for juveniles is 1 o’clock on Friday and Saturday nights, 11 o’clock during the week, as contrasted with Duval County, which is 12 o’clock Friday and Saturday nights and 11 o’clock during the week..


There is a new office condo behind the new Walgreen’s. Watson Realty will be
one of the tenants.

The Duval County Tax Collector will open a branch office near Walgreen’s sometime this year.

A Gator’s Docksider restaurant will be opening soon in this same area.


Argyle Forest Boulevard, Phase II – Construction should start in April.
Collins Road-Blanding Boulevard intersection is scheduled for 2009, but efforts are underway to move the date up.
Collins Road widening is in progress; we may have updated information by next meeting.

Sewer lift station across from the twin lakes: President Mooneyhan has filed a complaint about the odor. It is his understanding that the lift station will be relocated and new technology will be employed.

Entrance to Argyle Forest (median at Blanding & Argyle Forest Boulevard):
Ashley Davis discussed the condition of the median and the landscaping. A section of bricks and mortar have been knocked out of the brick entranceway. JTA has declined to fix it. Discussion ensued, and possibilities for getting this repaired might be forthcoming at the next meeting.

HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS MEETING (Bill Lewis): A meeting will be held sometime in the future.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS (Tom Dumas): There was a call for nominations from the floor. No nominations from the floor were received. The slate of officers for 2006 are: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice-President; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary, Allen Durant, Treasurer; Bobbie Cockayne (Watermill), John Draper, David Hodges, Henry Mooneyhan, Kay Sibert (Spencer’s Crossing) as directors. Motion was made and seconded that the slate of officers be accepted by acclamation. Motion passed unanimously.


Future AACC Meetings: Several possible locations were put forth Allen Durant and Henry Mooneyhan are looking at several nearby locations. Kay Sibert made a motion that the date of our meetings be changed to the third Monday of the month, on a temporary basis, to see if this works. Motion seconded and carried
Unanimously. The next meeting will be held at 7033 Collins Road on February 20th.

Argyle Branch Library: Henry Mooneyhan made a motion to contact the library officials about change the hours of operation from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. six days a week. Motion seconded by Allen Durant and passed unanimously.

GOALS OF AACC for 2006:
Discussion was had as to future goals of AACC and whether we need to schedule a planning session or whether this can be taken up at the next meeting. The consensus seemed to be that a planning committee should identify a few items and then present it to the entire body would be a good way to get started.


Bobbie Cockayne inquired as to the progress on the traffic problem in front of the
Enterprise Elementary School. Bill Lewis will follow up on this.

There being no further business to come before the board, Kay Sibert made a motion to adjourn. All members being in favor, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


PRESENT: Bill Lewis, President;, Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Other members in attendance: Ashley Davis, John Loveland, Debbie Israel Messer, Kay Sibert, Bobbie Cockayne, Kevin M. Kuzel, Neilson G. Giles, John Draper, Ernest Mattson, David Hodges, Ken Shirey, Steven Shirey, Bob Dorn, Mary Krause, Jim Minion, Katja Palmer and Sergeant Adams (Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office).

The President called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

The minutes of the January 23, 2006 meeting having been posted on the website, Allen Durant made a motion to accept the minutes. Motion seconded by Mary Krause and carried.


Public Safety – Sergeant Adams:
There are no significant problems in the Argyle area. Auto burglaries have been a problem in the Riverside-Avondale area, as well as residential burglaries in the Ortega and Confederate Pointe Road areas. Some auto and residential burglaries have been reported along Collins Road, but nothing of major concern.

Residents voiced concerns about cars blocking traffic lanes by parking in front of Enterprise Learning Academy; drivers cutting through the golf course residential area to get from Collins Road to Blanding Boulevard; loud car stereos; cars traveling westbound on Argyle Forest Boulevard attempting to make a left turn across the double yellow lines and causing traffic backups; traffic lanes merging to one lane at Argyle Forest Boulevard and Westport; continued complaints about the intersection of Argyle Forest Boulevard and Shindler Drive. Sergeant Adams advised that these are city traffic engineering issues and not something the Sheriff’s Office has any control over.

Transportation – David Hodges:
David plans to have a traffic engineer at the next meeting to get us up-to-date information on road construction projects in this area.

Economic Development – David Hodges:
The Oakleaf Plantation area is growing rapidly. The property from Old Middleburg Road to Branan Field Road is being cleared for construction of the
new town center-style shopping center.
David is asking the local meteorologists to start giving weather reports for the Argyle area.

Literacy Campaign and Communications - No reports.

Voting Precinct changes – Bob Dorn, Jim Minion.
New voting laws have put a cap on registered voters in any precinct
at 2800 registered voters, which will mean adding precincts in some areas and eliminating precincts in other areas. The Supervisor of Elections office has proposed the redrawing of some precinct boundaries in order to comply. Argyle will have an additional precinct added if the resolution that is before the City Council is passed. Jim Minion showed a map of the proposed precinct changes. Bob Dorn expressed the view that a modification of the proposed precinct changes would better serve the Argyle community. The matter will be open for public comment for the last time next Thursday at 2 p.m. before the City Council.

Motion was made by Tom Dumas to support the modifications to the Supervisor of Elections’ proposal as outlined by Bob Dorn and Jim Minion. The Supervisor of Elections has proposed that Precinct 12 D will become 12 W, and an additional precinct will be added, as well as another new precinct, 14 I. The modification to the proposal is that the Argyle Church of Christ be the polling location for Precinct 12 W, and the Church of Argyle be the polling location for Precincts 14 B and 14 I. Motion was seconded and passed, with one opposition.

Clay County Commission Election – Katja Palmer.
Katja Palmer introduced herself and announced that she is running for Clay County Commisioner, District 2. Ms. Palmer was involved with the Better Westside Project. Some of her bigger concerns are transportation, infrastructure and the school system. The election will be held November 7th.

Am Vet and Goodwill Containers:
Bobbie Cockayne voiced concerns about people dropping off items that are much too large for the Am Vets and Goodwill containers, She suggested that the local businesses located in the area of the drop-off containers call Goodwill or Am Vets when large items are dropped off that won’t fit inside the containers, so that the items can be removed.

Argyle Forest Boulevard & Rampart intersection:
John Draper reported that the 10 acres at the corner has been sold. The new owner is considering possibly building a branch bank and professional offices. The owner has been invited to present his plans to this organization, and it is expected that he will make a presentation sometime in the future.

Florida Spaceport Authority:
Katja Palmer will be attending a meeting March 15 in Tallahassee. The Spaceport Authority would like to rezone Cecil Commerce Center as a space port. If anyone has any questions, contact Ms. Palmer after the meeting in Tallahassee.


Planning Session:
The AACC will hold a planning session on Saturday, March 18, from 10 o’clock to 2 o’clock at 7033 Collins Road.

Argyle Entrance at Blanding Boulevard:
Ashley Davis has talked to city officials about the unsightly condition of the
Argyle Forest entrance, so far to no avail.

There being no further business to come before the board, Kay Sibert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Tom Dumas. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


PRESENT: Bill Lewis, President;, Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Other members in attendance: Kay Sibert, Bobbie Cockayne, Neilson G. Giles, John Draper, David Hodges, David Reagan, Steve Hinkle, Doug Conkey and Officer Nathan L. Tomlin, (Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office).

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Approval of February 2006 minutes. Kay Sibert made a motion to accept the minutes as printed. Motion seconded by John Draper and passed.

Public Safety Report (Officer Tomlin):
Reports for the last 30 days show that criminal activity is down dramatically. There have been 8 residential burglaries and 12 auto burglaries. Pamphlets published by the Sheriff’s Office were passed out explaining how to keep your property and home safe from burglaries; also, applications to join SHADCO. Strange or suspicious persons need to be reported to the Sheriff’s Office so they can follow up, including door-to-door solicitors who do not have permits; many homeowners associations prohibit solicitations regardless.

A strong-arm robbery occurred recently in the Winn-Dixie parking lot; three assailants were later arrested.

A representative from J.B. Coxwell, the builder for phase II of Argyle Forest Boulevard, will attend next month’s meeting, along with the traffic engineers for the city and this area. This will be a good time to ask them about traffic concerns for this area.

The Collins Road interchange is funded through construction, which is set to start July 1, 2009. The City would like Youngerman Circle to be connected to Collins Road at Paramore, preferably before the Collins Road interchange construction starts. They have asked if the development company that Tom Dumas works for would consider donating the land that would be required to build that connecting road. The development company is looking into this.

Update on Collins & Blanding intersection road construction:
The contractor is making progress and is on schedule.

Intersection of Argyle Forest Boulevard & Shindler Drive:
There was a discussion of the feasibility of asking the city to extend Shindler Drive across Argyle Forest Boulevard, at the JEA power line easement, down to Cheswick Oak, to help alleviate the traffic congestion. Discussion ensued.

Overpass at Argyle Forest Boulevard & Collins Road:
There was informal discussion about an overpass over Argyle Forest Boulevard at Collins Road so that commercial traffic can get to the interstate and to Cecil Commerce Center with less impact on local area traffic.

David passed out informational packets on the Mayor’s Matching Neighborhood Grant program, which has had some changes. The grants can give neighborhoods up to $5,000 for local projects.

The Mayor’s Office has recently combined the Housing Department with the Neighborhood Department, which should result in some increased efficiencies and less hierarchy.

Pamphlets on the new library were passed out. There was discussion about the new libraries in our area and the hours established, which do not seem to meet the needs of the residents. We would like to see the hours altered to a more usable schedule, such as 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Residents were encouraged to call 630-2665 (630-BOOK) if they would like to see a change in operating hours.

Cecil Commerce Center: FCCJ is getting ready to break ground on a complex at Cecil Commerce Center for an avionics/aviation academy and some other technologies. Cecil Commerce Center is also one of the facilities under consideration for a Spaceport.

Schools: Half of the public land located across from Enterprise Learning Academy on Old Middleburg Road was given away to the Parks and Recreation Department. Tom Dumas and David Hodges are trying to get the city to take the land back for use as a middle school and possibly a junior high school, which if accomplished would amount to 25 to 30 acres.

LANDSCAPING: David Hodges brought up the idea of the Mayor’s Matching Neighborhood Grant Program being utilized to fix the brickwork and other aspects of the formal entrance to Argyle Forest (at Blanding Boulevard). Tom Dumas and Allen Durant volunteered to look into this.

The treasury balance is $218.12.

The members were brought up-to-date on the Saturday planning session that was held the week before, which included area beautification, increasing membership attendance, traffic concerns, strategic alliances with local businesses, more homeowner association involvement and input.

Rampart & Argyle Forest Boulevard update:
John Draper reported that this corner has been purchased and the owner is still trying to finalize his plans. The current thought is a bank and some professional offices. The owner may have some more definite plans to present by the next meeting.

Clay County Commission District 2 race:
Doug Conkey introduced himself and announced that he will be running for Pat McGovern’s seat on the commission. Doug gave us a brief personal and professional history and spoke about what he would like to see accomplished if he is elected.

There being no further business to come before the board, Kay Sibert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by John Draper. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


PRESENT: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Other members in attendance: Bobbie Cockayne, John Draper, David Hodges,
Frederick B. Campbell, Ken Shirey, Ernest Mattson, Yvonne Boman, Kay Sibert, Katja Palmer, Neilson Giles, Ashley Davis.

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m.

2. Approval of Minutes. David Hodges moved that the minutes of the March meeting be approved, seconded by Allen Durant. Motion carried.

3. Committee Reports.
a. Jacksonville City Council and Clay County Commission: No reports.
b. Public Safety Report: No reports from Duval County or Clay County.
c. Transportation (David Hodges): David Hodges displayed a map showing the planned road construction sites for this area, and there was a general question and answer session. The following FDOT letter was sent to the City of Jacksonville Planning Department:


The AACC has been trying for years to get four road projects accomplished by
planners and adopted into construction funding and also trying to remove one
road project from planning as worthless. We have been successful in killing
the Wells Road Extender as not being worth the exorbitant cost. We have
been successful in getting the Collins Road @ I295 interchange funded for
construction in July 2009, with lots of help from all who took time to
listen. The Mayor, US Rep Stearns, Sen Wise, Rep Carroll, the MPO staff,
FDOT, and many others have made this vital project a future reality.

We have been partially successful in getting the College Drive Extender
project on the forefront of nearly everyone in Clay county with a push from
the MPO and Comm. McGovern and Bush.

We need help from you in getting the extension of Collins Rd from Old
Middleburg to Cecil Commerce Center. The Mayor has already agreed this
might could be done as part of BJP, but it needs to have a P & E study done
and feasibility study and traffic study completed.
Can you take this for action? As discussed in your offices, this has been
looked at by many but has not yet been placed on the drawing boards.

We also need your help in getting Shindler Rd realigned with Cheswick Oaks
along the JEA easements for power lines. Since BJP is paying to have JTA
widen Argyle Forrest Blvd with construction starting soon, this may be a hot
topic. That plan calls for a new light at Shindler and AFB along with a
revamped light at Cheswick Oaks and AFB. Our plan would remove the light at
Cheswick Oaks and move it to the newly created Shindler/Cheswick Oaks
intersection. The use of one light instead of two so close together would
greatly aid traffic movements. In our view, the current plan of two lights
so close together will impede traffic movements. The current roadways could
be eliminated as to Cheswick Oaks and left as a right in/right out as to
Shindler. The current Cheswick Oaks could also be turned into a cul de sac
not intersecting with AFB and replaced by the newly aligned road under the
power lines. We have discussed this with Kirkwood Presbyterian church and
they are not opposed to it so long as we tell them our plans so that they
don't build onto the wrong end of their property. their access is from AFB
and would not change since they do not have access along Shindler and would
not have access along the newly aligned Shindler and it would not impact
them either way. Can you get this fast tracked so that the taxpayers don't
waste money building interchanges that are soon thereafter torn out and

David Hodges, Chairman
AACC Trans. Comm
904-778-0459 fax

d. Literacy Campaign: No report.
e. Business Development (David Hodges): Plans have been submitted to the City of Jacksonville for two 2-million square foot warehouses at Cecil Commerce Center. Further details are not known.
f. Communications (Bill Lewis): The minutes as posted on the website are in the process of being consolidated into specific years. There are hyperlinks on the AACC website to the proposed local road projects.

4. Old Business:
a. Corner of Argyle Forest Boulevard and Rampart. John Draper reported that the owner of this parcel of land has not finalized his plans.
b. Improvements/repairs to Argyle Forest Entranceway. Unfortunately, no one was available to attend the grant writing workshop, so this project will be delayed until next year.

There being no further business to come before the board, Tom Dumas made a motion to adjourn; motion seconded, and the meeting ended at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


PRESENT: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Other members in attendance: Bobbie Cockayne, Jean Campbell, Frederick Campbell, Ashley Davis, Ernest Mattson, Steve Hinkle, John Draper, David Hodges, Debbie Israel Messer.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

Approval of April minutes. Allen Durant moved that the minutes be accepted
as posted. Motion seconded by David Hodges and passed.


Jacksonville City Council and Clay County Commission Reports:.
No representatives present.

Public Safety Report:
No representatives present.

Transportation (David Hodges):
Realignment of Shindler Drive and Cheswick Oaks:
A traffic study is underway.

A traffic study for the extension of Collins Road from Old Middleburg to Cecil Commerce Center is underway.

Plans for two 2 million square foot buildings near Cecil Commerce Center are under review by the City of Jacksonville Building Inspection Department. Specific details are not available at this point.

The College Drive extension in Clay County will tie into Branan Field/Chaffee at Oakleaf Plantation Parkway.

The four-laning of Branan Field/Chaffee from Argyle Forest Boulevard to 103rd Street has been completed.

Connector/distributor roadway in the area of I-295 and Collins Road interchange.
Tom Dumas reported that Harmony Farms has been asked to build, gratis, two lanes of the Parramore Road connector and dedicate a four-lane right-of-way to the city, with the understanding that before any development takes place along that property, the entity doing the development would build the other two lanes. Harmony Farms is studying the feasibility of this proposition.

Olsen Farms Rezoning:
Tom Dumas recused himself from the AACC board for the purpose of this update. The Olsen Farms property has received a recommendation of approval without conditions for commercial/residential/office rezoning. A planning session is envisioned at sometime in the future, where input would be received from the Southwest CPAC and area residents.


The opening of a Tax Collector’s Branch office in the Argyle/Oakleaf area has not come to pass. David Hodges suggested writing a letter to the tax collector, Mike Hogan, to express the need and support for a local branch office in this area.

Bill is in the process of consolidating several years’ worth of minutes so that information will be easier to find.


Weed overgrowth along Phase I of Argyle Forest Boulevard:
Discussion was had about the state of the weed overgrowth along Argyle Forest Boulevard since the completion of the four-laning of Phase I. Motion was made by David Hodges that AACC members gather at 6 p.m. June 1 to pull dog fennel and other overgrown weeds in the median at the area of Rampart and Argyle Forest Boulevard. Motion seconded by Ashley Davis and passed unanimously.

Allen Durant reported that the treasury balance is $218.12.


Water Pressure:
Water pressure has at times been low in the Argyle neighborhoods. David Hodges suggested writing a letter to JEA.

June AACC meeting: Allen Durant made a motion to hold the next AACC meeting at
Denny’s restaurant on Blanding Boulevard. Motion was seconded by David Hodges and passed unanimously.

Town Hall Meeting:
State Representative Jennifer Carroll will host a Town Hall meeting at 11 a.m. on June 10 at the Argyle Branch Library on Old Middleburg Road.

Property at the southwest corner of Argyle Forest Boulevard and Rampart:
John Draper advised that the new property owner of this parcel has not yet
finalized any plans for this corner.

There being no further business to come before the board, David Hodges made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Allen Durant. Motion passed without opposition.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


PRESENT: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Other members in attendance: Ashley Davis, Ernest Mattson, Steve Hinkle, David Hodges, Linda Thacker, Steve Palmer, Doug Conkey, Frank Harden, Dennis Murphy, Kay Sibert, Mary Krause, Vicki Zody, Bobbie Cockayne, Ken Shirley, Doug Conkey, Charles Felder, Patricia Zaremba, Anthony Arnett, Cheryl Anderson

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Approval of April minutes. David Hodges moved that the minutes of the May meeting be accepted as posted. Motion seconded by Tom Dumas. Motion carried.


Jacksonville City Council and Clay County Commission Reports: (No reports.)

Public Safety Report, Jacksonville Sheriff's Office and Clay County Sheriff's Office: (No reports.)

Transportation: (report given by David Hodges):
David publicly thanked the AACC members who pulled weeds in the median at Argyle Forest Boulevard and Rampart on June 1. An article was featured in the Westside Edition of the Times-Union and the Argyle Today newspapers. Discussion was had regarding the overgrown state of our roadways in the Argyle Forest area.

David Hodges made a motion to send a letter to the Duval County Sheriff, requesting that prison labor be used to help clean the ditches along Argyle Forest Boulevard and the underbrush around the
creek at Blanding Boulevard. The motion was seconded and carried.

There was a general discussion about the repairs needed on the Argyle Forest entryway structure at Blanding Boulevard and the lights on the new bridge on Argyle Forest Boulevard just west of Rampart
Road. President Lewis will contact someone regarding the landscaping at the entranceway structure to see if it can be improved.

Shindler Drive realignment with Cheswick Oaks: The City of Jacksonville is doing a PD&E study.

There was a general discussion about the Collins Road widening and the extension of Collins Road from Old Middleburg to Cecil Commerce Center.

Old Middleburg Road and 103rd Street realignment: David Hodges told us about the plans to realign Old Middleburg Road 1700 feet to the west at 103rd Street, and a bigger Kangaroo gas station is planned to replace the current Chevron station.

Oakleaf area branch tax collector's office: President Bill Lewis read the proposed letter by David Hodges to Tax Collector Mike Hogan expressing the residents' excitement at the plans for a branch tax collector's office in the Oakleaf/Argyle Forest area, which will also
serve Clay County residents.

Frank Harden, candidate for Jacksonville City Council, introduced himself, and spoke about a new port facility in the Dames Point area which is expected to bring in lots of truck traffic. Mr. Harden has a background with the City of Jacksonville Code Enforcement and Building Inspection Division.

Cecil Field Master Jet Base: There was general discussion about a group seeking to put this issue on the ballot in September, and Steven Palmer spoke about it, as well as the recently published JCCI report.

President Lewis has done some updating and information consolidation.



LANDSCAPING COMMITTEE: President Lewis will be contacting a local landscaper to discuss landscaping at the Argyle Forest entranceway.

David Hodges made a motion to sponsor an information-gathering/fact-finding public symposium on the subject of the Cecil Field Master Jet Base. Kay Sibert seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Affordable Housing: David Hodges made a motion to draft a letter to the Mayor And the City Council where in the 2010 Comprehensive Land Use Plan that they have land zoned for affordable housing that could be purchased by entry-level professionals, such as police officers, teachers, nurses and firemen whose pay is $28,000 to $30,000. Motion seconded by Allen Durant. Discussion ensued. The motion then passed unanimously.

Cell Tower Sites: David Hodges brought up the subject of the location of cell towers in the Argyle area. The subject was discussed, and Mr. Hodges made a motion to draft a letter to the Mayor and the City Council inquiring about the approval of cell towers in residential neighborhoods. The motion was seconded by Kay Sibert and passed.

No further business coming before the council, David Hodges made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ashley Davis. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


PRESENT: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen
Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Other members in attendance: Ashley Davis, Ken Shirey, Wilma
Schnell, Charles H. Felder, Frank Hardin, David Hodges, Fred and Jean
Campbell, Katja and Steve Palmer, Sandy Goldman, John Loveland,
Donald and Ellie Christen, John Draper, Glorious J. Johnson, Jim
Kelly, Kay Sibert, Dick Berry, Susan Farmer.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

Approval of June meeting minutes. David Hodges made a motion to
approve the minutes as posted. Motion seconded and carried.

Committee Reports:
Jacksonville City Council: City council member Glorius Johnson,
Group 5 At Large, encouraged everyone to call her if they have a
concern relating to city services. Her number is 630-1387, and
e-mail is

Public Safety Report: No reports available.

Transportation (David Hodges):
David has started some test plantings of oakleaf hydrangeas at the
corner of Staples Mill and Cheswick Oaks Drive. Funds are available
through the city for neighborhood beautification, as long as the
plantings are not on private or neighborhood association
property. Anyone interested should call their city council
representative or one of the at-large council members to get details.

Frank Hardin tells us that the JEA has trees available to anyone for
the asking at their P-Farm facility on the northside. Anyone
interested should call first to make sure that this is available.

Roadway cleanup concerns were discussed. Glorius Johnson suggested
that if the roadways are not being mowed, give her office a call and
she will look into it.

David Hodges discussed the condition of the neighborhood retention
ponds and the possibility of planting cypress trees around them.

Shindler Drive realignment: David met with the Jacksonville
Transportation Authority and was referred to James Davis to discuss
the realignment of Shindler with Cheswick Oaks. A PD&E study is
underway for the straightening of Shindler Drive at Argyle Forest Boulevard.

A committee that is part of the City Council has agreed to look at
the locations of the two cell towers, one on Shindler Drive near
Collins Road, and the other one located behind the Gate Station at
Collins and Rampart. The concern is that the homes are located too
close to the cell towers, or vice-versa, and brings up building
inspection and zoning questions.

Business Development (David Hodges):
A pediatric practice has moved into the old Watson Realty office on
Westport Road.
A BMW dealership is under construction on Blanding Boulevard across
from the post office.
The Morse Avenue area is filling in with many new houses.

Katja Palmer reported that Oakleaf Plantation has rezoned their
industrial park for mixed use, which means houses will also go in that area.

Communications and Web Site (Bill Lewis):
There were over 600 hits on the AACC website in June.

Homeowners Association Presidents Meeting (Bill Lewis):
Plans are still in progress.

Landscaping Committee: No current activity, but discussion was held
concerning landscaping the Argyle Forest entranceway at
Blanding. This is still being discussed but we have no ability to
proceed on this project right now.

New Business:
Tom Dumas brought us up to date on the Cecil Field Public Forum
Planning and the possibility of partnering with Better Westside
Project and the Westside Business Leaders Association. After
discussion, it was decided to wait and see if the Vote Jacksonville
petition drive to get a ballot on the November elections is
successful. Tom Dumas moved that we table the joint fact-finding
meeting that was discussed at the last meeting. Allen Durrant
seconded; motion carried.

Work in Jacksonville, Live in Jacksonville:
General discussion relative to a recently proposed bill in the
Jacksonville City Council requiring persons working for the city to
be required to reside in Duval County.

Upcoming Elections:
Several candidates participated in tonight's meeting and spoke briefly:
Glorius J. Johnson, candidate for reelection to Jacksonville City
Council District 5 At-Large.
Frank Hardin, running for Jacksonville City Council District 11.
Dick Berry, running for Jacksonville City Council District 11.
Katja Palmer, running for Clay County District 2 Commissioner.

Treasurer's Report (Allen Durrant):
Treasury account balance has increased to a total of $278.12.

There being no further business to come before the board, Tom Dumas
made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Fred Campbell. The meeting
adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


PRESENT: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen
Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Other members in attendance: John Draper, Henry Mooneyhan, Kay
Sibert, Yvonne Boman, Mary Krause, Savannah Glen Homeowners
Association President, Deborah Israel Messer, Ken Shirey, Ed Pauley,
David Thompson, Roger Miller and Gregory Bruce.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

The approval of the July minutes are tabled until the next meeting.

Public Safety: No reports to present.

Realignment of Shindler Drive and Cheswick Oak:
A meeting has been scheduled to discuss realignment with Mr. Jones of the JTA.
Discussion will also include the extension of Collins Road to Cecil
Commerce Center.

Early voting will be available at the Argyle Branch Library on the
Sunday before the primary election day (Tuesday).

Declining Neighborhoods: Complaints about homes in disrepair, broken
down cars, trash, et cetera, can be made by telephone to the Code
Enforcement department of the City of Jacksonville, 630-CITY. For
Clay County residents, call the County Administrator.

Cell Phone Towers: Discussion about location of cell phone
towers. There are prohibitions against erecting a cell phone tower
in an existing neighborhood, so that if the tower should fall, it
would not destroy or damage homes or lives. The building of homes
around existing cell phone towers has apparently been allowed,
despite the obvious fact that if the tower were to fall, homes and
lives would be in jeopardy. David Hodges is seeking clarification
from the City of Jacksonville.

Communications and website: (Bill Lewis)
Additional consolidation of documents on the website is continuing.

Grant Writing Committee: No activity.
Landscaping Committee: No acitivity.

Cecil Field: The proposed ballot initiative to make Cecil Field a
master jet base for the U.S. Navy has concluded, with the
VoteJacksonville organization presenting a petition to the Superivsor
of Elections to place the issue on the November elections
ballot. The City of Jacksonville has filed a lawsuit with the
circuit court to defeat the ballot initiative.

Cecil Commerce Center: On Wednesday there will be an announcement
about a $1.2 million center at Cecil Commerce Center, called the
Workforce Innovation Center.

Area Road Improvement Projects: Gregory Bruce and Roger Miller from
the City of Jacksonville gave an update on the roadway projects
currently in progress and passed out some informational
leaflets. The design phase for Rampart Road has been concluded. It
will go from Argyle Forest to Park City. The plan is to build four
lanes on Rampart, from Argyle to Collins, and three lanes from
Collins to Park City. Bike lanes and sidewalks are included. The
City is purchasing right-of-way from the landowners. Part of the
Rampart project will include reworking the Collins intersection north
and south so that it will merge into the four-lane section of
Collins. Utilities should start to go in this fall and construction
should start in the spring of 2007, lasting about 18 months.

A resident asked about the extension of Collins Road west to Old
Middleburg and beyond. Mr. Miller advised that section is in design
now and due to go to construction in the fall of 2007. Two lanes
willl be built initially, and then two more will follow. There are
no plans to build beyond Old Middleburg at this point..

Status of Collins Road from Rampart to Blanding and the new
interchange bridge: Mr. Miller advised that this is two projects.
The improvement of Collins from Blanding to Rampart willgo to
construction by the middle of 2007, and the bridge will be built over
I-295 and the ramps will be stubbed out. Then the FDOT will build
the interchange later, which is projected to be 2009.

Shindler Drive resurfacing: Shindler will be completely resurfaced
after the three-lane widening is completed.

Circuit Court Judge Elections: David Thompson, candidate for Fourth
Judicial Circuit Judge, Group 34, spoke to us and gave us a brief
history of his career, fielded questions, and asked for our votes on
Tuesday, September 5.

Treasurer's Report: Allen Durrant reported that our treasury balance
is now $303.12.

Clay County Outer Beltway: Deborah Messer reported that some
workshops will be held on proposals for the outer beltway
routes. The closest one to Argyle will be held September 7th at
Cecil Field. At least three of the proposed routes will be different
than the other three previously submitted. The draft Environmental
Impact Statement will be issued in December. A public hearing
regarding that impact will probably be held in January.

Argyle Forest Bridge lights: There was discussion regarding the
possibility of getting the City of Jacksonville to pay for the lights
to be turned on. David Hodges will look into it to see what would be involved.

No further business coming before the board, Kay Sibert made a motion
to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


PRESENT: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Other members in attendance: John Draper, Steve Palmer, Sandy Goldman, Bobbie Cockayne, Ed Pauly, Kay Sibert, Ken Shirey, Cheryl Anderson, Steve Hinkle.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes for the July and August meetings were reviewed. Tom Dumas moved to approve the minutes as written. Ed Pauly moved to correct the spelling of his last name in the August minutes from P-a-u-l-e-y to P-a-u-l-y. Steve Hinkle seconded the motion to approve and correct. Motion passed.

Public Safety: No reports to present.
Jacksonville City Council: No report.
Clay County Commission: No report.

The four-laning of Collins Road from Blanding to Rampart is scheduled to be let the first quarter of 2007. Construction might start midyear. The four-laning of this section will include the new bridge over I-295, and the design of the exit ramps will coincide with the configuration of the Parramore Connector. The Parramore Connector is not currently funded; Harmony Farms is being asked to contribute “partner funds.”


AACC website information is being updated.

LANDSCAPING: No report. Tom Dumas reminded us that one of our number will have to attend a seminar in order for our organization to quality for city funds to repair and refurbish the Argyle Forest entranceway at Blanding and Argyle Forest Boulevard.

Update on Navy/Cecil Field Ballot Initiative Lawsuit:
Steve Palmer gave us an update on the lawsuit. The Circuit Court ruled to strike the proposed ballot. The plaintiff is seeking to overturn that ruling by filing an appeal with the First District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee.

Sandy Goldman, Campaign Manager for Katja Palmer, candidate for Clay County Commissioner, expressed regret that Mrs. Palmer could not be present tonight, due to an important meeting in Clay County concerning utility rates and expenditures for a Visioning Committee.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Allen Durant reported that the treasury balance is $303.12.

There being no further business to come before the council, John Draper made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ed Pauly. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the October 16, 2006 Argyle Area Civic Council Meeting
Held at 8409 Blanding Boulevard (Denny’s Restaurant)
Jacksonville, Florida 32244

Present: Bill Lewis, President; Alan Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Also Present:
John Draper, Bobbie Cockayne, Bob & Diane Wagner, Ken Shirey, Gloria Norton, VirginiaNorton, Dawn Hudson, Ed Pauly, Cheryl Anderson, Kay Sibert, Linda Crawford, Andy Palazzolo, Travis Cummings, Wilma Schnell, Don Christen, Ray Pringle, Debbie Israel Messer, Ashley Davis, Bill Garrison, Joe Nairon.

The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m.

2. Approval of Old Minutes. The minutes of the September 18 meeting were distributed, after which Ashley Davis made a motion to accept, seconded by Allen Durant. Motion passed unanimously.

3. Committee Reports.
a. Jacksonville City Council and Clay County Commission: No reports.
b. Public Safety Reports from Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and Clay County Sheriff’s Office: No reports.
c. Transportation (David Hodges): David Hodges could not be present tonight. Local transportation projects can be reviewed by clicking on the links provided in the emailed copy of the meeting agenda or by going to the AACC website.
d. Business development – deferred until next month.
e. Communications and website – deferred until next month.
f. Homeowners association presidents meeting – deferred until next month.
g. Grant writing committee – deferred until next month.
f. Landscaping committee – deferred until next month.
i. Treasurer’s Report – Allen Durant
With the addition of a donation in the amount of $50 at tonight’s meeting, the treasury now has a balance of $353.12.

4. Old Business:
a. Cecil Field Update – Special Guest, Adam Hollingsworth.
Mr. Hollingsworth gave us an update on the change of position of the Mayor’s Office since late summer/early fall of 2005 and why the Mayor is no longer in favor of the City of Jacksonville making preparations for the Navy’s return to Cecil Field. He also answered many questions related to the upcoming ballot referendum sponsored by Ken Underwood, which would require the City of Jacksonville to turn over title to 17,000 acres of property in preparation for the Navy’s return to Cecil Field as a master jet base, as well as other requirements.

Subject: Vote NO on Cecil Referendum!
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 18:54:00 -0500
Linked to: Adam Hollingsworth

Vote NO on Cecil Referendum! if you live in Duval County - Information from Adam Hollingsworth, Chief of Strategic Initiatives

On Tuesday, Duval County voters will cast an important vote on Jacksonville's future. Voting NO on the Cecil referendum will mean the continued growth and development of the Cecil Commerce Center, thousands of good paying jobs for Jacksonville families and the fulfillment of a promise to this community. A vote to the contrary means limbo and lawsuits for Jacksonville, not to mentions millions wasted in taxpayer dollars.

I hope you'll join me in voting NO on the Cecil referendum. Here are a few of the reasons why:

1. The Navy Isn't Coming -- The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Mike Mullen, has testified under oath that the Navy wants to stay in Virginia and that they have no plans to move to Cecil. In addition, Senator John Warner, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has vowed to fight any potential move by the Navy. So a vote yes doesn't mean the Navy is coming to Jacksonville. It just means years of litigation and political fights. Meanwhile, the future of the private companies doing business at Cecil and the thousands of families who live near the Commerce Center would be in limbo. And we'd have no ability to market the 17,000-acre industrial park to new companies and tenants. The promise of Cecil Commerce Center would be lost.

2. Jobs Would be Lost -- A study released by Fishkind and Associates last week said over the next nine years, more than 27,000 jobs would be created through the private development of Cecil Commerce Center. By the year 2030, that number would sky rockets to 70,000 jobs. And the average wage of those jobs is expected to be more than $53,000. The best news is that those jobs would be created through a diversified development, dozens of new companies and entrepreneurial investment. Proponents seem to have forgotten that the Navy closed Cecil Field once; and they can do it again. Do we really want to put Jacksonville jobs at risk through the political whims of Washington, DC, or do we want to encourage the growth of many different companies that allow for more constant, stable growth?

3. The Costs Would be Enormous - This referendum is about giving away 17,000 acres of property, worth $1.6 billion, to the federal government for free. And in the process, we would lose the nearly $200 million that taxpayers have invested in Cecil Commerce Center since 1999. This includes new roads, buildings and other infrastructure. It also includes a new equestrian center and recreational complex. But the costs don't just include what we'd give away. The costs also include the new checks taxpayers would have to write: like $28 million to remove a conservation easement, $100 million to replace the park land (which is required by City ordinance), $200 million for the relocation of tenants at Cecil Commerce Center and the millions in claims by homeowners who would seek noise abatement for their homes or for their land to be purchased by the government. These millions in payments are not worth the gamble.

4. The Community has Moved On - When the Navy owned Cecil Field, one property owner controlled 17,000 acres. Today, seven owners control the land comprising Cecil Commerce Center. The City and Jacksonville Aviation Authority own almost 16,000 acres and are actively marketing the Commerce Center to potential tenants. There are 36 commercial leases with private companies. Almost 3,000 count on the commercial activity at Cecil for a paycheck everyday and there's more to come. Bridgestone/Firestone has agreed to purchase 63 acres at Cecil Commerce Center for a new distribution Center. This summer, Boeing announced that they have selected Cecil as the site of a new military aircraft manufacturing facility if they win a new bid with the Defense Department. Given the momentum we are generating, why would we reverse course now?

5. We Can't Break a Promise -- When the last jet left Cecil in 1999, this City committed to new life for the area around Cecil. Since then, 8,000 families have bought land or built homes around Cecil Commerce Center. In addition, people have invested their life savings in building new businesses around Cecil, businesses that may not be compatible with a new master jet base. They moved to and invested in the areas around Cecil based on a promise made by this community and I'm not going to break that promise.

This Cecil deal is simply wrong for Jacksonville.

Join me in voting NO on the Cecil referendum.
Adam Hollingsworth, Chief of Strategic Initiatives

b. Rampart Road drainage improvement projects. No additional information; refer to AACC website link for current status.
c. November 7 Local Elections, Duval County and Clay County.
1. Dawn Hudson, who is running for Duval County Court Judge, gave a brief speech highlighting her background and experience.
2. Virginia Norton, who is also running for Duval County Court Judge, gave a brief speech highlighting her background and experience.
3. Ray Pringle, who is a candidate for City Council at Large, introduced himself and gave us a history of his qualifications and experience.

5. New Business:
a. Clay County Charter Review Commission Presentation – Bill Garrison
Mr. Garrison spoke in favor of:
Amendment 1, which requires the County Commission to adopt a Code of Ethics, which would apply to County Commissioners, county officers and employees;
Amendment 2, which allows citizens to vote for three of seven Commissioners rather than one of five, and to choose the Chairman of the County Commission for a four-year term. Term limits would be for a period of eight years;
Amendment 3, which strengthens the noninterference clause of the County Charter.
b. Clay Action Network – Linda Crawford
Ms. Crawford gave a detailed presentation as to the proposed referenda and spoke against referendum 2 (Amendment 2), which adds two at-large commissioners.

6. Additional comments from the public:
Ashley Davis brought up the problem of trash and litter in the Argyle area in particular and Jacksonville in general. He passed around photographs of lots in his neighborhood which depicted how city subcontractors are mowing the lots and yards, leaving grass clippings in the curb and street. Mr. Davis is getting tired of sweeping it up himself. He reports that this also causes a problem for the sewers when it rains, as the clippings get washed down into the drainage system, which then becomes clogged. The Argyle Forest entranceway is now an eyesore, with bricks missing and dead oak trees. Jacksonville, says Mr. Davis, will retain its reputation as the “Trash City of the South” unless we can get our city administration and residents to care.
Adam Hollingsworth agreed to take the photographs and have the matter looked into. Virginia Norton also offered advice on calling 630-CITY to lodge a complaint under Chapter 518 of the municipal code, adding that complaints to the city can be made anonymously if a resident feels uncomfortable making a public complaint.

Ed Pauly reported that he is the duly elected representative of the Chimney Lakes Homeowners Association as of September and will be running for the Board of Directors.

There being no further business to come before the board, John Draper made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ed Pauly. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


Present: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary; Kay Sibert, Bobbie Cockayne, Henry Mooneyhan, John Draper, David Hodges, Ed Pauly, Debbie Israel-Messer, Charlie Mann.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

Approval of previous month's minutes: Kay Sibert made a motion to accept, seconded by John Draper. Motion passed.

Committee Reports (City Council, County Commission and Public Safety): No reports available.

Transportation, David Hodges:
Realignment of Shindler Drive with Cheswick Oaks along the JEA power easement: David has met with
JEA, Clay Electric and the MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization). John Draper made a motion to authorize
David Hodges to be an authorized representative of the AACC in future meetings with those groups. Motion
seconded by Tom Dumas and passed.

John Draper asked about plans to widen the road at Branan Field/Chaffee Road south toward the new Home
Depot and Wal-Mart. Debra Israel-Messer reported that it was in the design phase now and construction is
expected to begin in 2007 to add two more lanes.

Business/Economic Development, David Hodges:
There is a child care center under construction in the Oakleaf area with a capacity of 144 children.

Grant Writing and Landscaping Committee:
We will be trying to get something written for next year and look into the 501(3)(c) nonprofit corporate status in order to make application for an improvement grant to be used for the entrance to Argyle Forest at Blanding Boulevard.

Old Business - Cecil Field Update
There was discussion that Cecil Field may be renamed in the future. Bridgestone/Firestone is opening a 4 million square foot facility. Seda Construction has made a $1 million donation to the Equestrian Center.

New Business:
Commercial development at Argyle Forest Boulevard and Rampart Road: Charlie Mann, a real estate broker/lobbyist,
represents the owner of the 10-acre tract of land at this corner. An application has been filed with the city planning department for review. This development would be a Planned Unit Development that would encompass a branch bank, medical/dental/professional offices, and light retail, possibly including a breakfast/lunch type eatery. John Draper made a motion for preliminary approval of the PUD, with the potential for a police stop station and a canoe/kayak launch area. Motion was seconded by Ed Pauly and passed.

Mr. Mann will try to attend our next meeting to give us an updated report and to verify whether a police stop station and canoe/kayak launch ramp will be possible.

Nomination of 2007 AACC Officers: President Lewis suggested forming a nominating committee. Ed Pauly asked for a point of order, asking if anyone had expressed an interest in running for any of the offices. There being no response from anyone in the audience, Ed Pauly made a motion that the same officers fill the positions for 2007. Henry Mooneyhan seconded the motion, which passed.

Hobnob and Jacksonville City Candidate Forum for the 2007 Duval and Clay County Elections. Discussion ensued to split up the straw ballot between county-wide and district-wide races, to decide on a date, and to make arrangements for a venue.

Truck Parking on Parramore Road:
A resident in this area has expressed concern about the semi trucks that are parking off of Collins Road on Parramore and the possibility of illegal activity going on at night. Henry Mooneyhan offered to make some phone calls to determine the responsibility of owner/operators.

Department of Community Affairs:
David Hodges is going to invite a representative from the Department of Community Affairs to attend our next meeting.
We have a lot of homeowners associations in the Argyle and Oakleaf areas. Homeowners who have a disagreement with their homeowners association are mandated to mediate such disputes. The DCA representative will be speaking on issues such as homeowners associations responsibilities and homeowners responsibilties, and how to get disputes resolved.

Water Quality in Retention Ponds:
David Hodges addressed the quality of water in our neighbordhood retention ponds. David is going to attempt to get someone from the City of Jacksonville to speak about retention ponds, quality of the water, and the possibility of the ponds being stocked.

Debbie Israel-Messer:
The group gave Debbie Israel-Messer a round of applause for her attendance at our meetings on behalf of the Clay Today Newspaper. Debbie will be moving to California by the end of the month.

There being no further business to come before the board, Tom Dumas made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kay Sibert.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


Present: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; The Honorable Doug Conkey, Kay Sibert, Bobbie Cockayne, John Draper, David Hodges, Jim Kelly, Wilma Schell, Fred Campbell, Jean Campbell, Thomas R. Martin, Ken Shirley, Steve Hinkle, Yvonne Boman, Tony Bates, L. Charles Mann.

The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m.

President Lewis mentioned Recording Secretary and Board Member Marie Splane was under the weather, wished her a speedy recovery and requested Tom Dumas take notes.

Approval of previous month's minutes: Allen Durant made a motion to accept, seconded by John Draper. Motion passed.

President Lewis congratulated and recognized new Clay County District 2 Commissioner, Doug Conkey, who spoke briefly on his desire to improve communications between citizens and the community.

Committee Reports (City Council, County Commission): No reports available.

Public Safety, Allen Durant mentioned the Kirkwood Presbyterian Church’s desire for a median break on Argyle Forest Boulevard (AFB) into their property. Commissioner Conkey brought up the issue of shelterless people in the AFB/Blanding area. David Hodges requested the Sheriffs of both counties work to underbrush and clear the area to open up the vistas of the waterway, and reduce the shelterless situation. Commissioner Conkey will coordinate with Councilman Michael Corrigan.

Transportation, David Hodges: discussed continued efforts to realign Shindler Drive with Cheswick Oaks along the JEA power easement, and continue Collins Road into Cecil Commerce Center. Fred Campbell inquired into the status of ROW for extending Collins Road.

Business/Economic Development, David Hodges: Mentioned the new Wal Mart and Home Depot stores at Brannen Chaffee Field and Blanding were not ADA compliant, lacking “truncated domes” on sidewalks for the sight impared. Commissioner Conkey with check on status. Jim Kelly and Kay Sibert discussed the lack of street lighting at this intersection.

John Draper questioned the status of renaming Brannen Chaffee Field Road. David Hodges mentioned waiting on beltway, and Commissioner Conkey discussed the Public/Private partnership developing to jump start the ROW process.

Charles Mann then presented his client’s revised PUD for the 10 acres located at the NW corner of Argyle Forest Blvd and Rampart Road. The PUD included provisions for a police Stop Station in one of the buildings and reserved space for a Canoe and Kayak launch on the western end of the property into McGirts Creek/Ortega River.

After discussion of the uses, Charles Mann eliminated the video store. John Draper moved the restaurant be eliminated and was seconded by Bobbie Cockayne. After lengthy discussion the vote was 7 to 6 in favor of deleting the restaurant.

David Hodges requested the Canoe and Kayak launch reservation be made in favor of the City of Jacksonville Recreation Department instead of the AACC.

John Draped then moved approval of the PUD with changes discussed. It was seconded by Allen Durant. The motion passed unanimousely.

Grant Writing and Landscaping Committee: no report

Home Owner Association Presidents meeting: Bobbie Cockayne will head up the committee and Jim Kelly will give notice in Clay Today.

Old Business - Cecil Field Update

New Business:

2007 Election Hobnob was discussed. David Hodges confirmed the availability of 1st Coast Baptist to hold the event. Saturday, February 24, 2007 was selected as the date. The format would allow 5 minutes per candidate, plus time for the candidates to question each other. 10:00 AM – 12:00PM would be for Constitutional Officer candidates; 1:00 PM -3:00 PM for At-Large candidates; and, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM for District candidates.
Bill Lewis will notify the candidates.

Allen Durant gave the treasurer report with $353.12 in the bank.

The January 15, 2007 and February 19th meeting date were announced.

John Draper thanked Commissioner Conkey for attending.

Tony Bates mentioned the Concerned Taxpayers Television show, which usually airs around 11:30 AM, Sunday morning on Comcast channel 29.

There being no further business to come before the board, John Draper made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Thomas Martin; and the meeting was adjourned at 9:30PM

Respectfully submitted,
Tom Dumas, acting Recording Secretary

Email us

Posted by bill5lewis on 02/19/2007
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