Argyle Area Civic Council

Minutes and Highlights of 2002

Highlights of 2002

1. Argyle Forest Police Traffic Stop Station Opens November 2002.
2. Fire Station 26 in Clay County Section of Argyle Forest opens November 2002.
3. AACC makes a difference in Chimney Lakes Stalker/Prowler Case in getting the Assistant State Attorney involved.
4. AACC Literacy Campaign is started.
5. Announcement of the Argyle Elementary School is also in the planning stages for the Clay County section of Argyle Forest. The School will open in 2004 and will have an enrollment of 750 aproximately. See Minutes from the Thursday, June 20, 2002 AACC Meeting.
6. Oakleaf Plantation development started by The Hutson Companies.

Minutes of 2002

Minutes from the Thursday, January 17, 2002 AACC Meeting
Meeting Called to order at 7:30 P.M.

The following persons were in attendance:
Kathy Beck, Don Christian, Mike Dannelly, Richard Darby, John Draper, Lars Jettman, Lynn Ann Low, Henry Mooneyhan, Jim Nulty, Wilma Schnell, Mike Swann, Marie Splane, Tony Bates, Fred Carpenter, Mary Krause, Clay County Commission Chairman Pat McGovern, BoD officers David Hodges, Allen Durant, Bill Lewis, and Kenneth Bible.

The reading of last month’s minutes was waived. December’s minutes had been corrected and were broadcast by e-mail.

Committee Reports:

Neighborhood Watch: Allen Durant handed out a pamphlet from Watson Realty, suggesting ways to help make homes and neighborhoods safer. Watson has a $500 reward for anyone who signs up with them as a part of their security watch program, and reports a crime that leads to an arrest and conviction. Sign up by calling 772-9180.

Business Selection: No report.

Police Substation: Support is being gathered for a police traffic substation. Area businesses are being asked to become involved, and support information will be gathered to develop a request for a substation to be located near the corner of Argyle Forest Blvd., and Youngerman Circle. Assistance is needed in obtaining the information from Area 4 Police Chief Bennett. Please contact Kenneth Bible if you can help (777-8930).

Fire station: The City Council contracted an independent study for where fire stations should be located for greatest effectiveness. This study accounted for roads that are not built and perhaps, never will be completed. The current planned site would be located at Marlee and Shindler. AACC continues to investigate alternative sites and data, supporting a site in the area of Argyle Forest Blvd. and Westport.

Roads and Highways: Fred Carpenter identified the need to have the intersections at Blanding and Argyle, Blanding and Youngerman Circle and Blanding and I-295 cleaned up and the streets swept. Call 630-CITY (2489) to request for this service.

Council Member Alberta Hipps has asked for a traffic engineer to sequence the lights in the Area for improved traffic flow. This will include lights on Blanding to Morse Avenue, Argyle Forest Blvd., and Collins Road. We have also asked that the light at Youngerman Circle and Argyle Forest Blvd. become primarily green on AFB, and on demand from Youngerman Circle.

There is a deed restriction against solicitors in the Area. If we want this enforced, we will need to have additional signage added throughout the Area. It was pointed out that in order for this to be enforced, it requires stopping all door-to-door solicitations, even for schools, scouts, and all other organizations.

Communications: Bill Lewis has added a number of media e-mail addresses to the AACC e-list, so that AACC activities are open and known to all interested parties.

Executive Committee: The executive committee has determined that the AACC will likely choose to file as a IRC 501(c)(3), tax exempted, educational corporation. Assistance is needed in filing the correct forms with the IRS as soon as possible.

Drainage and Engineering Report: The site plan for Keith Pierson Toyota has been evaluated by David Hodges and Kenneth Bible and appears to conform with accepted City and SJRWMD standards. Previously, SJRWMD Compliance Director, Robin Harrell had stated that the dealer-ship would need to purchase an additional 25 acres to accommodate the storm water runoff.

Lindsey Terrace Apartments set its drainage pipe at two feet below the dry season Natural Water Table, effectively removing a minimum of 14,000,000 gallons of groundwater per year. This was apparently done to compensate for a reduced area of the main water retention pond. Additional concerns have recently been discovered, and as a result have delayed the final report from our storm water expert.

Folio Weekly reportedly blasted the AACC in an editorial last week. (This article appeared in the January 8th, 2002 Edition of Folio Weekly. Bill Lewis has a scanned copy of this article. Send Bill Lewis an email to and he will forward it to you.)

Clay County Commission Chairman, Pat McGovern reviewed the SAP planning. The DRI for western Argyle area in Duval, and the Sector Plan for the adjoining area of Clay County represents the highest level of planning and cooperation ever to occur in Northeast Florida. This planning includes the development of retail, office, and light industrial centers in both counties to
accommodate nearby workers, thus drastically reducing the need for people to clog already overcrowded roads and highways.

Chairman McGovern reviewed the SAP meetings, organized by Council Member Alberta Hipps recently conducted to help educate the citizens of the Argyle Area. These meeting included discussions from governmental officials related to: Land use and Zoning; Roads and Utilities; Police and Fire Protection; and Schools, Parks & Recreation, and Libraries.

The AACC board expresses its appreciation to Council Member Alberta Hipps and Chairperson McGovern for coordinating and hosting these meetings.

Additionally, Mr. McGovern reported that he has been working for six years to build the Cleveland
Avenue Extension, allowing access from Branan Field-Chaffee Road to Cleveland Avenue (about five miles SW of Wells Road). Clay County hired a consultant six months ago to help overcome SJRWMD’s opposition and determine the best method of expediting the building of this important corridor. Cheswick Road will also be extended to join this road.

Mr. McGovern also discussed the proposed Wells Road connector between Argyle Forest Blvd. and Wells Road, joining AFB at the entrance to the Professional Office Park and LTA. The AACC expressed its opposition, and requested that every effort be put into building the Cleveland
Avenue Extension, with the primary concern being the safety and welfare of those Argyle Residents in Clay County.

It was suggested that in the Education Bill recently signed into law by President Bush, that elementary students in Argyle/Clay, could be given scholarships and a for-profit, or other educational corporation could then build a school for the 550+ elementary students in that immediate vicinity. Mr. McGovern stated that he would look into that possibility.

Richard Darby announced that the Citizens Oversight Committee for the Better Jacksonville Plan was to meet on Monday January 21, 2002 at 6:00 PM in City Hall, and encourage everyone to attend. Mr. Darby is a member of this important committee.

John Draper suggested that the most important item to be addressed was the Mayor’s utilization of the Contingency Fund to fund basic projects before they were even built. These funds were established in the Plan to cover cost overruns, when they occur during the build out phase.

Allen Durant expressed concerns over the amount of money proposed for the library downtown, when the majority of the citizens live and work outside the downtown area. He also suggested that since we have 30 years to comply with the specifications of the BJP, that the building of the downtown library could occur at a much later date, allowing time for current tax collections to accumulate.

It was pointed out that the chairperson of the Westside C-PAC is now Gene McCorkle.

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10PM.

Kenneth Bible, Secretary, AACC

Meeting adjourned 9:10 P.M.

Recorded by Kenneth Bible, Secretary AACC

Minutes from the Thursday, February 21, 2002 AACC Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

The following attendees were present: Vicki and Tiffany Bennett, Richard Darby, Tracie Murphy, Keith Pierson, Wilma Schnell, Michael Shapiro, Derrick Yacavone, Mary Burkett, SuAnn Gerush, Heidi Hebert, Beth Vearli, Elizabeth Kermitz, Doug Hemphill, Max and Wanda Franklin, Marie Splane, Lars Jettman, Marge Allen, Michael Corrigan, Christina Drawdy, T.G. Carter, Sharon Arroyo, Henry Mooneyhan, Sandy Strickland, Ken Bible, David Hodges, Dan Hoard, Allen Durant,
and Bill Lewis.

In addition, present were fourteen Zone 4 police officers, shift sergeants, lieutenants, the Zone 4 Community Relations officer and Assistant Chief Bennett. Lieutenant Richard A. Bramlitt and the sex-crimes detective represented the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.

AACC President, David Hodges opened the meeting stating that the “No Soliciting” signs currently in use are improperly worded, and ineffective. Many of our neighborhoods are within “deed restricted communities” and soliciting is prohibited. However, proper signage must be in place for this to be enforced. The exact wording for these signs will be researched.

Hodges then turned the floor over to Assistant Chief George Bennett, who introduced neighborhood patrol officers and senior staff. These officers were all in attendance, in uniform, during off duty hours, and were present so that members of the Argyle community could meet them. There are 165 officers, 21 supervisors, and six lieutenant’s serving Zone 4.

Chief Bennett presented statistics for our specific sub-zones, which show a general decrease in crime during 2001, as compared to 2000. This decrease occurred while the population showed a substantial increase. Still, the following crimes were reported:

Aggravated Battery 15
Arson 1
Bus. Burglary 26
Auto Burglary 82
Res. Burglary 66
Robberies 13
Sex Crimes 7
Larcenies 212
Auto Theft 37

Three of the highest five intersections for accidents are in the Argyle area. They are Blanding and Argyle, Blanding and I-295, and Blanding and Collins Road. Improvements to these intersections over the next few years will temporarily improve the conditions.

Chief Bennett stated that each zone was allowed one substation, and each sub-zone tried to have a stop-station. While the substations are manned 24 / 7, stop-stations are accessible places, set aside by organizations within a sub-zone, that provide space for basic amenities, and a restroom.

Pres. Hodges announced that the Harringtons, who own the professional office park near the corner of Argyle Forest Blvd. and Blanding have offered 450 sq. ft of space for a sub-station, and various members of the community have offered donations for the renovations that may be necessary, furniture, appliances, and specific breakroom supplies. The AACC will formally request an “expanded sub-station” at this location.

Two citizens reported regular sightings of a “peeping Tom” as recently as the previous Monday night. Police know who this man is, have arrested him, but there is concern about whether or not the State Attorney’s Office will prosecute. See Web Page Link below:

Additionally, a rape was reported on Collins Road. Citizens were asked to meet with the sex crimes detective and watch supervisors that were present.

Chief Bennett responded to additional questions regarding sex predators verses sex offenders. Neighbors are notified of the presence of released sexual predators, but NOT sex offenders. There is a specific program to keep close tabs on sex offenders for one year after their release.

Neighborhood Watch: Officer Thad Danson is in charge of Zone 4’s Neighborhood Watch program. Officer Danson expressed serious concerns that the Argyle area has only two active Neighborhood Watch programs in place.

This cooperative effort between citizens and the JSO is the most effective deterrent to crime. Individuals must get to know their neighbors, and when they suspect something is wrong, call the police. A Neighborhood Watch program is relatively easy to establish. They consist of Watch Captains and block watchers. Please visit the web site at for additional information, and call 630- 2160, the community affairs office, to set up a watch program for your neighborhood.

Updates were given on the near-abduction in Clay County, and the Argyle exposure case. The press had misunderstood the facts regarding the exposure case, in that the young girls had happened upon the exposed man, rather than him purposefully exposing himself to them. Still, a concern.

It was pointed out that there is “Sheriff’s Advisory Council” that meets monthly at the police substation located in the shopping center at Blanding and Wilson. Anyone can participate, and many regularly do.

The regular meeting then resumed.

David Reagan and Kenneth Bible were appointed to file for 501c(3) status with the IRS for the AACC. This will enable tax-deductible donations, and allow the AACC to receive and distribute funds for charitable and educational activities.

The final engineering report on the groundwater discrepancies at Lindsey Terrace Apartments is not yet ready for presentation. Our expert and others are working to make the report readily understood by the general public. We want a clear description of the laws, rules, and guidelines that were violated by the SJRWMD, the City of Jacksonville, and Vestcor. It has also been determined that similar problems exist at other Vestcor properties, establishing a definite pattern.

A recent meeting was held with Brian Teeple, Exec. Dir. of the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council. The purpose was to learn more about the NFRPC, and what continuing role they would play in the goals set by AACC. Discussions also included the need for improving traffic flow by better sequencing traffic lights, and obtaining assistance with establishing a YMCA in the Argyle area. Mr. Teeple pledged assistance with both.

A questionnaire will be designed by Bill Lewis and Tracie Murphy to learn more about what ideas, and goals community residents would like to see accomplished.

Bill Lewis made the following motion: The AACC will reimburse expenses incurred by members relating to efforts regarding the Lindsey Terrace Apartments, should there every be a monetary settlement that meets or exceeds the expenses incurred. The settlement must be attributable to the Lindsey Terrace Apartment concerns. The motion was seconded and discussion followed. The motion passed without dissent.

It was noted that the owner of the property where the Chimney Lakes sign is located, has offered to donate the land upon which the sign sits. This is strictly a matter for the CLHOA, and it is their responsibility to respond to the owner in order to save the sign.

It was also noted that the lights of the bridge are regarded as a local landmark and it is disappointing to see them unlighted. Allen Durrant volunteered to do whatever is necessary to determine the cause, and attempt to have them restored to operational condition.

It was reported that the retention pond located between the Spencer’s Crossing and Sweet Briar neighborhoods is overrun with water moccasins and presents a dangerous situation. The Sweet Briar Association manager will be notified.

The Clay County “Sector Plan” has been completed and public hearings will be held. This plan was established in conjunction with the Argyle DRI and has an overlapping impact. Much of the plan effects land within the AACC area.

The Neighborhood Matching Grants program is still in effect. HOA’s can apply for matching grants of up to $5000. These grants can be used for virtually any neighborhood purpose, such as planting trees, improving entrances, and other “neighborhood” improvements. Interested HOA’s can go to and click on “Mayor’s Neighborhood Matching Grants Application.” Much of the “match” by the neighborhood can be in the form of “sweat equity.” Every year, a large number of these grants go unallocated and unrequested. Area HOAs are encouraged to take advantage of this program.

Kenneth Bible made the following motion: A position statement against SB 270 and its companion bill in the House of Representatives will be drafted and delivered to the legislative delegation for NE Florida. The motion was seconded and discussion followed. If passed, the bill would seriously alter existing law that enables administrative challenges by citizens who oppose a developer’s plans to build on environmentally sensitive land. Motion carried without dissent.

Kenneth Bible made the following motion: The AACC will aggressively pursue a program for literacy as the “cornerstone” of commitment for the improvement of the Argyle area. The motion was seconded and discussion followed. Forty-seven percent of Jacksonville residents are unable to read, write, or do simple math. This represents the greatest opportunity for the AACC to positively impact our community. While we do not expect to establish a program for the entire City, we can develop programs that provide literacy assistance to the children and adults of our community. The motion carried without dissent.

President Hodges stated that efforts must be made to provide positive incentives to the Argyle Forest Blvd. contractors for finishing on time or ahead of schedule. It will also be requested that penalties apply for finishing work behind the schedule dates of completion.

It was suggested that since the JTA will need to acquire additional land for retention ponds along some areas of Argyle Forest Blvd. Since a major portion of that land will need to be acquired from CLHOA, the BoD for CLHOA may wish to consider requiring JTA to provide “reclaimed water irrigation” for the roadway landscaping. Mr. Hodges pointed out that this is not an AACC matter and that the CLHOA would need to take up that issue on their own.

Richard Darby stated that he wished to go on record as opposing any effort by the AACC to request that a fire station be built at the location near Westport and AFB. He further stated that other locations have a much better chance of receiving funding and the approval of the fire department, and that these locations would be better for the community as a whole.

Mr. Hodges asked that Mr. Darby join Henry Mooneyhan on the Fire Station Committee, to determine the best single location for the proposed station. The committee was further directed to then pursue approval and funding as soon as possible.

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Kenneth Bible, Secretary, AACC

Minutes from March 21,2002 AACC Meeting

· Crime and Safety report from Duval and Clay Sheriff’s Departments.
· Business recruiting report.
· AACC working for a “Y”. Offer of land and seed money made by Don Hinson. Tracie Murphy is Committee Chairwoman.
· Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Traffic Stop-Station progressing.
· Literacy Project gains support from officials. Henry Mooneyhan is Committee Chairman. Several existing programs are being evaluated for AACC application.
· Donna Walker introduced Enterprise Ambassador Program
· Councilwoman Hipps is co-sponsoring legislation to provide for more citizen input for the Better Jacksonville Plan. A new library is planned near Enterprise School. JTA meeting at Ms. Hipps’ office on March 27th about AFB. Collins Road Interchange is undergoing PD & E, needs citizen input to step up plans.
· Jim Doughfman is planning a skateboard and roller hockey park for the area. Mrs. Hipps has been working with Parks and Recreation on similar plans.
· Developer Don Hinson is building 2,800 homes west of Old Middleburg Road, wants to re-name AFB “OakLeaf Plantation Blvd.
· Hodges asked Ms. Hipps to assist with getting DOT, FDOT, and JTA to properly sequence traffic lights in the area.
· Argyle entrance median to be completed by end of June. Dan Hoard and Ms. Hipps obtained permissions, donations and funding.
· Frank Spencer is seeking re-zoning of 32 acres on Cheswick Oak Avenue to multi-family.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

The following attendees were present:

Marge Allen, Barbara Bible, Michael Corrigan, Ashley Davis, Tracie Murphy, Wilma Schnell, Betty Hayes, Jim Doughfman, David Reagan, Donna Walker, Lee and Thelma Jones, Tony Bates, Councilwoman Alberta Hipps, David Hodges, Bill Lewis, Kenneth Bible, Allen Durant, Clay County Sheriffs Deputies, Lieutenant Phelps and Deputy Ken West from the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office.

The reading of the minutes from the previous meeting was waved, since they had been posted on the website two weeks prior.

Officers from Clay County presented alert bulletins regarding a robbery suspect who has been involved in several robberies of fast-food establishments. He is robbing as many as two stores per week as they are closing for the day.

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Lt. Phelps reports that auto burglaries and auto theft have increased recently in this zone (Zone 4), but mostly in the Riverside area.

Construction sites in the area are being burglarized. Most often this is by construction workers and sub-contractors.

A continuance was ordered for the “Chimney Lakes Prowler” until March 26th. It is hoped that this man will be taken off the streets.

Marge Allen offered personal safety suggestions for women. (See the Web Link at the End of this Page)

Tracie Murphy reported that she is trying to locate the developers of commercial properties on the Clay County side of Argyle. It was suggested that she begin with a call to Clay County’s Council Chairman, Pat McGovern. Ms. Murphy read the list of businesses being suggested by members.
When the list is completed, Ms. Murphy will actively assist the developers with recruiting these businesses to the area.

The executive director for the Y has expressed an interest in revitalizing an effort to help bring a new “Y” for our area. It was also mentioned that Mr. Don Hinson (one of the developers of the OakLeaf Plantation) is interested in donating the land and seed money for that effort. Tracie Murphy volunteered to chair the Committee for the Y.

Bible reported that he and Hodges met with Asst. Chief George Bennett and the manager for the professional office complex that has a unit available for the traffic stop-station. The unit offered by the Harringtons was very satisfactory to Asst. Chief Bennett, who stated that only minor alterations and the approval of the Division Chief were needed. The division chief will visit the location during the week of April 1st for a final determination, and work can begin shortly thereafter. The Clay County Sheriff’s office has indicated that they may want to share the traffic stop-station, further increasing police presence in the area.

Councilwoman Hipps discussed the status of the AFB widening project, and additional road changes, designed to help alleviate some of the congestion. The AFB widening is scheduled to begin in September.

Bill Lewis reported that many e-mails are being received supporting the efforts of the AACC BoD. This encouragement is appreciated. Everyone currently on the list is asked to add their neighbors’ e-mail address by sending them to Bill. While over 450 people now get our messages, there are hundreds more that could, if we have their email addresses.

Hodges reported that Sandy Strickland had interviewed him for an article on the AACC (see Times Union, 3-27-02).

The AACC Literacy Project was discussed. The steering committee now includes Committee Chairman, Henry Mooneyhan (district 14 City Council candidate), Councilwoman Alberta Hipps, Senator Steve Wise, Representative Mike Hogan, Lawrence Jefferson, and Glorious Johnson (at-large candidate for the City Council), and Donna Walker, a new BoD member of the AACC.

Ms. Hipps provided extensive written information on existing programs, Council commissioned studies, and other information for this program. Several groups, including Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA) have successful programs that can be implemented easily and have available funds.

Volunteers from churches, volunteer students, and trained community volunteers, will be utilized. Some school officials have already expressed interest in the AACC program. Dozens of “reading mentors” will be needed to assist. They will be trained how to teach children to read.

Help will also be needed in identifying and teaching non-reading adults who would like to learn to read, or read better.

Donna Walker also provided information on a Dave Thomas (Wendy’s) program called “Enterprise Ambassador Program,” designed to reach 10th, 11th and 12th graders with encouragement to become productive, useful citizens, by achieving their professional goals. The program is “values” related, teaching self-discipline, and sacrifice to achieve success.

Councilwoman Hipps addressed the group, stating that she had quickly endorsed Councilwoman Suzanne Jenkins’ plan to allow for more citizen input for the Better Jacksonville Plan. She will keep the AACC posted on what things individuals can do to help assure the passage of this legislation.

Ms. Hipps also pointed out that we have a library planned (15,000 sq. ft.), adjacent to Enterprise School.

There will be an AFB meeting with JTA officials at Councilwoman Hipps’ office on March 27th. Call Shirley (904)630-1397 for details.

The Collins Road interchange project is undergoing a PD & E study at the present time. Letters to the Metropolitan Planning Organization and to the Federal DOT by individuals and the AACC can and will step up the process. Otherwise, it is scheduled to begin in about six years. (The AACC BoD supports this interchange, and the widening of Collins Road before work on AFB begins.)

Jim Doughfman stated that he and a partner are in the beginning stages of securing land and capital to build a skateboard/roller hockey park, somewhere in the Argyle area. Five to ten acres will be needed for the park, plus required parking. Mrs. Hipps stated that she has been working with Parks and Recreation on a related matter, and invited Mr. Doughfman to contact her for discussions.

Developer Don Hinson has completed initial plans to build an additional 2,800 homes in the area. The development will be called OakLeaf Plantation, will be built west from Old Middleburg Road, and will continue around the Argyle Forest Boulevard Loop (past Brananfield Chaffee Road). He is asking the City Council for permission to re-name AFB to OakLeaf Plantation Boulevard in order to help create an identity for the project. Please let any AACC BoD member know if you have an opinion on this decision. You can also make you opinions known by sending an e-mail to the AACC and/or Councilwoman Hipps.

Hodges asked Councilwoman Hipps for assistance in getting help from the DOT, FDOT, and JTA to improve the traffic light sequencing for the area. Clay County Lieutenant Bramlitt stated that the lights have been properly sequenced for Blanding Boulevard on the Clay County side.

Two new committees need to be established and committee chairs designated. They are the “Polling Committee” and the “Telephone Committee.” If you can help, please let any member of the AACC BoD know.

It was reported that Dan Hoard and Councilwoman Alberta Hipps have completed discussions with the JTA, and that lights, irrigation and landscaping will be in place for the Argyle entrance median (located at AFB and Blanding) by the end of June. Thank you both for your perseverance!

The deadline for the Mayor’s Neighborhood Grant program applications is approaching fast. There is only one more class left to help grant writers learn what is expected. Contact Ms. Hipps’ office for details.

David Reagan reported that Frank Spencer has asked the Clay County Commission to re-zone 32 acres on Cheswick Oak Avenue, in Clay County, for multi-family homes. All interested parties are encouraged to let your Clay County Commissioner know your opinion.

Without objection, meeting adjourned at 9:56 P.M.

Minutes from the Thursday, April 18, 2002 AACC Meeting
Minutes Summary
· Henry Mooneyhan reviewed the reasons for establishing an AACC Literacy Campaign.
· Senator Steve Wise commented on the Literacy Campaign, and expressed his gratitude that the AACC was undertaking such an important project.
· Dan Hoard reported on Business Development.
· Clay County Chairman, Pat McGovern’s message regarding the Cleveland Avenue Extension.
· Comments on construction that will be going on simultaneously at Collins and Blanding, I-295 and Blanding, and Argyle Forest Boulevard and Blanding.
· Opposition to the Wells Road Extension.
· Call for the AACC to conduct a Transportation Symposium.
· Voter Participation Committee set.
· Letter to Mayor Delaney regarding contractors ignoring construction requirements for silt fences near the protected Ortega Swamp.
· Noise abatement for AFB widening.

Board of Directors Minutes from 4/18/2002 AACC Meeting
Meeting began at 7:30 P.M.

In attendance were: Tony Bates, Barbara Bible, Kenneth Bible, Ashley Davis, Allen Durant, Dan Hoard, David Hodges, Lars Jettman, Bill Lewis, Henry Mooneyhan, Jim Nulty, Vicki Zody, Senator Steve Wise, Norman Longmier, David Berry, Kassie Berry, and Danla Lang.

The Chair recognized Senator Steve Wise. Senator Wise reported that 16.4 Billion Dollars was appropriated next year for education. It is anticipated that the Senator will Chair the Education Committee for the Senate.

Henry Mooneyhan presented the results of extensive research into the illiteracy issue.
· Illiteracy tends to perpetuate itself within family groups.
· Problems include increased reliance on public assistance, the need for welfare, reduced health quality, lower quality workforce, higher jobless rates, and increases in the incarceration rate.
· Problems also include child abuse, poor work ethics, and drug and alcohol dependency.
· Jacksonville, and the state of Florida, tends to parallel the national averages for functional illiteracy (inability to read and comprehend at the tenth grade level) at 47%.
· Clay County has 39% and Baker County has 59%.
· Those who are illiterate tend to get left out of prosperous economy, thus increasing the gap between the “have” and the “have nots.”

Senator Wise pointed out that he had been instrumental in establishing a “Literacy Grant and Aid” program, funded with $7,500,000, for the purpose of providing Direct Instruction funds to school districts. The Jacksonville School Board did not apply for these funds.

Senator Wise suggested that it would be prudent for the AACC to look into creating a charter school, specifically to teach the construction trades.

It was also suggested that the AACC investigate the Project Child program in use at Windy Hill Elementary, and “failure free reading.”

The Senator recommended that our project coordinator, Henry Mooneyhan, approach the president at FCCJ, regarding an adult literacy program. The State of Florida has a program the will pay any college, once adult students have mastered the basics, and have become functionally capable. The payments are for results, not efforts, and Senator Wise offered to make the introductions for Mr. Mooneyhan, that will enable the
AACC to take advantage of this program.

Senator Wise also mentioned that there is a statewide shortage 2000 nurses. Many of those sitting for the proficiency exams cannot pass the math and chemistry portions.

Workforce development is a key issue, as is vocational training for grades K through 12. It is anticipated that business leaders in the future will play an important role, and develop curriculum based on workforce needs.

The basic root problem of discipline is that Family and Children’s Services have taken the authority of parents over children away. This is something that will not be easily corrected.

AACC President, David Hodges, stated that while ignorance of the law was not excusable in a court of law, no formal classes are provided to students that are designed to help educate them as to what the law actually requires. While it is not possible to educate people to all the laws, students could be taught about laws that apply to everyday living. Since our laws are based on religious criteria, it would be possible to teach basic standards of ethical personal conduct as it relates to our day-to-day lives, just by explaining certain legal points.

Dan Hoard addressed business development in the OakLeaf Plantation area, stating that Regency, a potential shopping center developer, has remained aloof and unresponsive to offers of assistance from the AACC. Council Member Alberta Hipps has been asked to intervene and encourage cooperation in the early stages. Mrs. Hipps is also checking with Planning and Zoning Director, Jeannie Fewell, to ascertain potential zoning limitations on signage, and percentages of road frontage that can be required to be set aside for landscaping.

Representatives from Indian Trails, David and Kassie Berry, stated that traffic on Argyle Forest Boulevard could be greatly decreased, if plans to build the Cleveland Avenue Extension (now twenty years in the making) can be brought to fruition.

It was reported that Clay County Commission chairman, Pat McGovern, had sent an
E-mail to the officers, expressing regret for not being able to make this BoD meeting due to a schedule conflict, but wanted it reported that an agreement had been reach with St. Johns River Water Management, for the set-aside of 900 acres (?) in compensation for the 36 acres of wetlands that will be affected by the building of this road.

Senator Wise added that Clay County was now aggressively seeking funds from the State to build out the Cleveland Avenue Extension.

Transportation Committee Review

On 4-16-2002, the JTA held a meeting regarding the construction projects for Argyle Forest Boulevard, Collins Road, and the I-295 / Blanding Interchange.

It was requested that during the AFB widening, temporary traffic lights be placed at: (1) AFB and Westport, and (2) Collins Road and Schindler.

Opposition was expressed to widening Collins Road without providing for an interchange at I-295. Current plans call for ingress/egress from I-295 at Collins Road to occur in 2012, utilizing “collector roads” rather than an interchange.

Improvements are also planned for the I-295/ Blanding interchange. The plan calls for three exit lanes from both the North and the southbound lanes of I-295 on to South bound Blanding.

With Blanding Boulevard already being the 2nd busiest corridor in the State and 80% over capacity, the committee has reservations about these plans. The committee is also concerned that all three construction areas (AFB, Collins, and I-295/Blanding) will be occurring during approximately the same time frame, thus increasing congestion for about one and one-half years.

Senator Wise made the recommendation that the AACC hold a transportation symposium, inviting Lake Ray, Auggie Schrodder, Alberta Hipps, Pat McGovern,
Faye Rustin, Jack Meyers, Jeannie Fewell, Denise Bunniwith, Doyle Carter, JTA, and someone from St. Johns River Water Management District.

This will afford the AACC an opportunity to present an “Action Plan” that tells them in cohesive terms what we want accomplished, and in what order.

Senator Wise also believes that a Transportation Authority, similar to that in use in Orlando would be the best course of action for Jacksonville.

David Hodges spoke regarding the importance of Argyle Area voter participation in the up coming elections. It should be a goal of the AACC to attain recognition for the highest percentage of eligible voters in Jacksonville. A committee needs to be formed, and will need a chairperson.

A letter was written to Mayor Delany, regarding the lack of response by the City Engineer and the area compliance officer in overseeing the construction work recently being done on Argyle Forest Blvd. See attachment below. This letter was sent after consultation with the AACC officers.

Bible made the motion that the AACC undertake an initiative to secure “noise barriers” in the areas along AFB that will be substantially affected by increased traffic noise as a result of the widening project. Discussion followed including apparent discrepancies in the noise study that was conducted by a JTA consultant, and the response by JTA to another independent study. While JTA maintains that they are under so legal or moral obligation to provide a noise barrier, several homeowners will be adversely affected, at noise levels that United Nations (and Federal) studies indicate will cause physical, mental, and emotional harm. Motion passed without opposition.

Meeting adjourned at 9:56 PM.

Minutes from the Thursday, May 16, 2002 AACC Meeting

AACC Meeting Meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M.

In attendance were: Barbara Bible, Richard Darby, Allen Durant, Doug Hemphill, David Hodges, Lars Jettman, Bill Lewis, Henry Mooneyhan, Mike Swann, Glorious Johnson, Clay County Commissioner Pay McGovern, Clay County Deputy Richard Bramlett, T.C. Carter, Erik Wilson, Garland Swanson, and Florida Department of Transportation District 2 Secretary Aage Schroeder.

President David Hodges began the meeting by Congratulating Committee Chair Ken Bible for getting approval from all parties to place a newly defined mini-substation in the Argyle Commerce Center. See Times Union Article:

Florida Department of Transportation District 2 Secretary Aage Schroeder was introduced as tonight’s special guest. Here are the major points that were mentioned:

a. District 2 consists of 18 Florida counties.

b. I-295 is partially in Clay County between Blanding and Roosevelt Boulevards.

c. Bids will be received in January 2003 to do $10 million worth of road improvement at Blanding and I-295. Construction is estimated to begin around May 2003.

d. Federal approval is required to put an intersection on the Interstate Highway Systems at I-295 and Collins Road.

e. The Interstate Justification Report has been completed and now the Project Development and Environmental Study is being done for the intersection of I-295 and Collins Road.

f. A Collector Distributor System has been proposed to connect Blanding Blvd and Collins Road together on I-295. The funding of the Collector Distributor System is not being contemplated until the years between 2012 and 2015.

g. A Wells Road connector has been recommended by the MPO. The Project Development and Environmental Study for this project is scheduled for 2003.

h. Pat McGovern said that Frank Spencer will donate land for the Wells Road connector and the Cleveland Road connector.

i. Pat McGovern also said that Frank Spencer has donated land for a school site in the Clay County part of Argyle Forest. This school site will be at the end of Spencer Blvd for a 750 student elementary school to be completed before 2004.
See this link to the Branan Field Corridor Master Plan.

j. There was also a discussion of the Oakleaf Plantation regional mall and what its impact would be on the Argyle Area roads.

*** End of Transportation Discussion ***
The motion was made to support changing the land use designation to permit the building of a soccer field complex on 11 acres near Enterprise Learning Center Elementary and change the other 4 acre property to multifamily dwelling use. Discussion explained how Gene Halbert and others working with Councilperson Alberta Hipps had developed this change to get allow more sports and recreational land. Motion passed without opposition.

Literacy Committee Report:
Henry Mooneyhan introduced literacy program specialist Glorious Johnson.
Here are her credentials and background information:
* Master of Education - Columbia University, New York City
* Master of Education - Nova University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
* Bachelor of Music Education - Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Florida
* Co- Founder of the Harlem Book Association, New York City
* Co-Founder of The Beckworth's Summer Tutorial Program, Jacksonville, Florida
* Honorary Lifetime Membership - Florida Parent/Teacher Association
* Tutored youths and adults in reading for over 28yrs.

Glorious Johnson noted that 40% of the black population can’t read at a 4th grade level and 30% of black students in the 12th grade can’t read at a 4th grade level. Glorious Johnson also noted that there was too much socialization in the schools and not enough instruction.

Glorious offered to help with the paper work and grant writing to establish the literacy program.

Discussion of the literacy program explained how a literacy program could help the Argyle Area community.

Bill Lewis and David Hodges explained how the Chimney Lakes prowler / stalker case is being escalated by the State Attorney’s Office. The next court date is set for June 10th, 2002.
More information is available on the AACC Web Site:

Establishment of a Voter Registration Committee was discussed. Bill Lewis agreed to contact Ruby Dodson and Michael Shapiro for their help on this committee.

The establishment of other committees was discussed. These committees include:
a. Bumper Sticker campaign.
b. Schools liaison
c. Landscaping
d. Tutor recruitment & training for literacy campaign
e. Meetings Speaker committee
f. Community Center project
g. Senior Center project
h. Nominations/Future Leaders Committee

David Hodges talked about the declining appearance of the Collins Ridge neighborhood off Collins Road. This neighborhood of approximately 80 homes need to be helped to prevent that neighborhood from becoming an “eyesore” to the Argyle Area.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Lewis

Minutes from the Thursday, June 20, 2002 AACC Meeting

*New JSO traffic Stop Station Report
*AACC Literacy Campaign
*New Clay County/Chimney Lakes Elementary School
*Request to build Mini-Warehouse, west of Argyle Shopping Center
*Request to build Walgreen’s at Rampart and AFB
*Wells Road Extension and Cleveland Avenue Extension Report
*AFB Noise Abatement
*Argyle Stalker Case report
*Charter School Request for City Property
*Name Change Request for Argyle Forest Boulevard
*Voters Registration Drive
*Recreation Report
*Landscaping Report
*Safety Concerns for Collins Ridge Residents
*Odds and ends

The meeting was mentioned in Times Union on Wed, June 19, 2002 in an article by Sandy Strickland:

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.

In attendance were: Don Christen, Richard Darby, Jim Doughfman, John Draper, David Hodges (AACC President), Bill Lewis (AACC VP of Communications), Barbara Bible, Kenneth Bible (AACC Secretary), Henry Mooneyhan (Literacy Campaign Coordinator), Tracie Murphy, Garland Swanson, Derrick Yacavone, Sandy Yacavone, Homer Butler, Steve Hinkle, Kathy Hinkle, Sandy Strickland (Florida Times Union), Sheryl Barbier, Charles Sikes, Lt. Paul Normann (CCSO), Lt. Richard Bramlitt (CCSO), Lt. R. H. Elkins ((JSO), Wayne Ezell, Randall Whitefield (Mini- Storage Developer), and Glorious Johnson.

We also gratefully recognize the attendance of Jacksonville City Council Members Alberta Hipps and Warren Alverez.

The minutes from last month’s meeting were approved as were posted on the internet.

Traffic stop-station: Hodges announced that the traffic stop-station had received all the necessary approvals. An area resident has volunteered to help with the contracting work. Donations are needed for a metal pre-hung door, a pre-hung solid core interior door, and furnishings.
Tracie Murphy volunteered to help obtain the concrete for the walkway, and Bill Lewis stated that the manager of Bath and Beyond has offered to help with decorating the traffic stop station.
The target date for completion is August 1, 2002.

Literacy Campaign: Henry Mooneyhan and Glorious Johnson presented information regarding the status of the AACC Literacy Campaign. Volunteers who can give a few hours a week are needed to assist with one-on-one mentoring. A “mentor coordinator”, and program director will also be needed. Everyone is urged to consider this incredible need and opportunity to be a vital part of helping our community.
The program will most likely be accomplished in conjunction with “Learn to Read” a successful system already utilized in areas of Jacksonville. This is a national program, and having good results. Ms. Johnson, and Mr. Mooneyhan will meet with the key people of Learn to Read next week to begin this vital relationship.
Funding for the AACC Literacy Campaign, which will not necessarily be limited to the Argyle area, will come from a number of potential sources: VISTA (Volunteers In
Service To America), The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, The South Florida Anneaberg Challenge, Inc. (administered by The Florida Literacy Coalition), and The Governor’s Family Literacy Initiative. The AACC will become the “community provider” for other organizations throughout the area that are dedicated to helping people learn to read.
The start up of the AACC Literacy Campaign will occur within 30 days after funding has been secured.
Glorious Johnson, an educator who has been involved in teaching people how to read for over thirty years, stated that Jennifer Carol also has a foundation that may be integrated with AACC efforts.
Mr. Mooneyhan pointed out that only 55% of our high school students are even graduating, and 85% of those incarcerated cannot read even at a tenth-grade level.

Additional planning will include identifying individuals who want to learn to read, and meeting places for mentors to work, one-on-one with both adults and children. Chimney Lakes Elementary and Lindsey Terrace Apartments have both graciously offered temporary meeting facilities, and have expressed a willingness to help identify and encourage individuals wanting to learn to read, or read better.
Glorious Johnson quoted former First Lady Barbara Bush saying, ”The majority of problems in this country can be overcome by teaching people how to read.”
Please notify Henry Mooneyhan ( ) or Glorious Johnson ( ) how you can help. Mentors will receive training to help make them more effective, but mostly what is needed is willing hearts and minds.

See Times Union Article: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 By Sandy Strickland Staff writer
Argyle civic council plans to start literacy program

Note: Please remember, that the AACC has identified our Literacy Campaign as the number one need and goal for our area. Your participation is key to our success. Consider what is at stake. Consider the need. Your efforts will enable us to make a tremendous difference in the lives of many individuals, and in the quality of life that we all experience living in the Greater Argyle Area. Keb

Congratulations to the Clay County School Board and Clay County Commission Chairman, Pat McGovern: The Clay County School Board, at the urging of Commission Chairman, Pat McGovern has moved up the date for which an elementary school will be operational in the south Chimney Lakes area. The Commission has agreed to extend Cheswick Oaks, and Landowner, Frank Spencer has donated 11 acres of land to the School Board that will enable the building of the 750 student elementary school. The new school will be operational for the 2004 school year. The AACC thanks everyone who helped make this possible.

Developer wants to build multi-story, climate controlled mini-warehouse: Mr. Randall Whitfield, of ASH Properties, presented plans to develop, build and manage a multi-story, mini-warehouse complex that would be located on Argyle Forest Boulevard, just west of the Argyle Shopping Center. It is proposed that the main building will have inside storage for boats and RVs, as well as climate controlled units for storage of personal items. The gated entrance would be from Argyle, and on-site living quarters for management will provide additional security. An eight foot wall around the 12.6 acre complex will shield the area, and landscaping around the wall will add to the aesthetics.
Mr. Whitfield stated that his company wanted to be “good neighbors,” and to participate in the AACC with direct involvement and donations for specific projects. Mr. Whitfield also pointed out that such a facility will have a very low impact on roads, will fill a definite need, and will be as aesthetically pleasing as possible.
Mr. Hodges thanked Mr. Whitfield, for informing the AACC of the plans, and withheld comments until residents have a chance to consider the effects.

Walgreen’s wants to build on NW corner of Rampart and Argyle Forest Blvd.
Hodges stated that he had been approached by a representative of Slieman Real Estate who said that Walgreen’s wants to build one of their stores on Argyle Forest Boulevard at Rampart. The area is designated for single family homes in the 2010 plan, and would require a change authorization from Tallahassee. Hodges stated, that regardless of how it is built out, it will result in higher traffic. If it is residential, it will also increase the demand for services such as schools, fire and police protection.
Tracie Murphy ( ), said that she personally was against another drug store in the area, or any commercial use of this property.
Sheryl Barbier ( ), who lives at the intersection of Rampart and AFB, expressed concerns about any commercial establishment at that location. There are many (sometimes fatal) accidents already occurring, and the intersection has too much traffic.
John Draper ( ), a former City Councilman, and 18 year resident of Argyle, made the following statements:
1. The proposal would, if adopted, drastically change the character of the Argyle East neighborhood from residential to commercial. The site is now designated single-family residential in the 2010 Land Use Plan.
The residential make-up of the Argyle East area immediately surrounding the site has not changed since the 2010 Land Use Plan was approved 11 years ago.
The site in question is surrounded by single family houses for roughly one-half mile in all directions. (One small exception is a parcel of land zoned low intensity commercial that was grandfathered into the 2010 Land Use Plan).
There is no justification for changing the land use for this large parcel of land from residential to commercial.
2. Commercial centers already exist less than 1 mile away at the eastern and western ends of the Argyle East Community. There is no overriding need for additional services that would justify the changing the residential land use designation of the parcel at Argyle Forest Blvd. and Rampart Road.
3. Traffic congestion for the current residents of the single-family homes surrounding the parcel at Argyle Forest Blvd. and Rampart Road would be greatly increased.
Additionally, Draper said that he had led the protest a few years ago against a Food Lion that was to be built at that location eleven years ago, and will gladly lead the protest against the Walgreen’s.
Hodges suggested that the Civic Council members think about other options for this location that could allow the highest and best use, while resulting in lower impact on the traffic and services. Some discussion followed about the possibility for a Senior Center. Councilwoman Hipps, said that she will revisit the area statistics to help determine if a senior center at this location would meet City criteria.
See Times Union Article: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 By Sandy Strickland Staff writer
Development draws Argyle residents' comments

Wells Road Extension vs. Cleveland Avenue Extension: Hodges stated that the AACC had previously voted to send a letter of protest to the FDoT, stating that we are against the Wells Road Ext., and encouraging a focus on the Cleveland Avenue Ext., as one requiring the highest priority.
Councilwoman Hipps then addressed the AACC, stating that she and other citizens had worked for several years to get BOTH road extensions approved by the State and by the SJRWMD. Representative Hogan, and Senator Wise had worked with her in Tallahassee to obtain funds for the P & E phase (Planning and Engineering) this year, and it was her opinion, based on significant citizen input, that both projects need to be pushed forward as quickly as possible. Mrs. Hipps also stated that she agreed that the Cleveland Avenue Extension should have the higher priority. It is believed that an additional “traffic relief” to Wells Road will greatly reduce the traffic on Blanding.
Councilwoman Hipps pointed out that there is a new citizens group that is focused on the development of an E-SW Transportation Corridor, designed to move people from the Beaches area to the Argyle/Cecil Field area. The discussions are centering around light-rail, bus lanes, and other methods of transportation that will make travel safer, and more efficient between the Beaches area to and from our area. Mrs. Hipps stated that she needs volunteers to serve on that committee, and that it is heavily represented by citizens from the Beaches and Arlington/Southside areas, and very few from the Westside. If you are interested in this important project, please contact Mrs. Hipps (630-1400).
AFB Noise Abatement:
Kenneth Bible stated that Councilwoman Hipps has graciously facilitated a meeting between JTA, a noise abatement engineer hired by Bible, Bibles’ civil attorney, David Hodges, and Mr. and Mrs. Bible. That meeting will occur on June 27th, and additional information will be available after that.
New District Map for City Council:
City Councilman, Warren Alverez addressed the group, stating that he will now be representing a large number of the AACC constituents, and that he will be attending as many of the meetings as his schedule will allow.
Argyle Stalker Case:
Bill Lewis provided an update on the case, stating that most of the information had been previously e-mailed as a bulletin to all the members on the e-list. It is obvious that the involvement by the AACC is making a difference, and the Assistant State Attorney is now interested in doing everything possible to get this man removed from society and to get him the help he needs to rehabilitate.

Charter School for Greater Argyle:
David Hodges asked for a clarification from Council Woman Hipps as to whether the 11 acres currently set aside for a middle school, could be utilized by a 501C corpora- tion to establish a middle school more quickly than the current plans of the Duval School Board. Mrs. Hipps has promised to look into that possibility, and provide an answer as soon as possible.
Name Change for Argyle Forest Boulevard:
Councilwoman Hipps stated that the developers of OakLeaf Plantation are interested in changing the name of Argyle Forest Blvd., as it crosses Branen Field-Chafee, continuing on until it joins Old Middleburg Road at the south end. The name would be changed to OakLeaf Plantation Drive. Their reasons include a desire to provide a sense of continuity and community to the residents of OakLeaf Plantation.
Richard Darby stated that the emergency services would find this confusing, as would citizens in crises trying to give an address. Name changes on continuing streets could potentially delay a rescue, police response, or firefighters.
It was suggested that the developers should be invited to the next meeting to provide additional input.
Voters Registration Drive:
The AACC wishes to be involved in encouraging all area residents who are qualified, to vote. It is requested that one person from each neighborhood take responsibility to ensure that each of his/her neighbors is registered prior to the deadline of August 12th. If you can help or know who can, please notify David Hodges ( ).
It was also pointed out that members of the Republican Club of West Jacksonville have set up a number of times at locations throughout the Greater Argyle Area in an effort to help increase the number of voters from our area.
Jim Doughfman said that additional ideas had been added to the skateboard park. By adding other community interest programs, a consolidation of expenditures would occur to help save the City money, both in development cost and in costs associated with continuing operations. As an example, and depending upon how much land was available, a senior center might also serve as the community center, while next door a skateboard park, and other recreational programs might be implemented.
There was discussion about creating a Landscape Committee, which could among other things, help identify native plant species that are suitable as ornamental flowers, shrubs, and flowing trees. The committee would then make certain that individual homeowners, and road building agencies were aware of these, and be encouraged to utilize these species whenever possible.
The Entrance to Argyle Forest Boulevard has not yet been landscaped, due to the fact that JEA has not provided electricity and water as promised. DanScapes continues to maintain the entrance, free of charge to the City and Argyle residents, and has offered to provide full landscaping services, once JEA runs the water and electricity as planned. Councilwoman Hipps stated that she believes that JEA will soon live up to their commitment, and that the log-jam that led to the delay has been removed.
Concerns about the Safety of Residents Living in Collins Ridge:
Hodges stated that he had received complaints from several residents of Collins Ridge that there were gangs of minority young people roaming the area at night, damaging personal property and threatening homeowners. Other residents said that they knew nothing about those activities, but had their yards vandalized by elementary students waiting for the bus.
Councilwoman Hipps suggested that the Neighborhood Watch program be reinstituted in the area, so that the residents could work directly with the police to stop recurrence of these problems.
It was also suggested that the JSO might want to take these concerns seriously, and begin to patrol the area more frequently, and enforce curfew ordinances against minors and their parents.
AACC Housekeeping Items:
Bible reported that AACC Treasurer Allen Durant looked into area banks for our bank account, and has chosen Compass Bank at Youngerman for its convenience, and preferential treatment of non-profit organizations. Discussion followed about how many authorized signatures and the number of required signatures necessary to withdraw funds.
The AACC now has a new mailing address:
AACC, PMB 140, 6001-21 Argyle Forest Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32244
Bible read a letter written to Councilwoman Hipps, asking for her support and assistance as the AACC applies for a grant for Gov. Bush’s Florida Front Porch program. (See attachment).
Hodges announced that applications were being filed by attorney, Al Hadeed to gain 501(C) 4 status with the IRS, and non-profit association status with the State of Florida. Errors and Omission insurance, corporate documents, seal, and fictitious name recording are part of this package. The cost will be $2,500.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by:
Kenneth Bible, Secretary AACC

Letter to Council Person Alberta Hipps
Argyle Area Civic Council
6001-21 Argyle Forest Blvd.
Jacksonville, Florida 32244-5705
904 777-8930

June 21, 2002

The Honorable Alberta Hipps,
Councilwoman, Jacksonville City Council
City Hall, Suite 425
117 West Duval Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Dear Councilwoman Hipps:

The Argyle Area Civic Council wishes to apply for a grant from Florida Front Porch this fall.

As you know, this program is for grassroots organizations such as ours, and must have the support of local government and local officials.

We would be honored to have you as a supporter for our efforts, and request your assistance. We will need help with writing the grant, community organization and with
introductions to those individuals who can lend support to the purpose of this project.

Your varied experiences in government will be vital to the success of this effort, and we look forward to working closely with you toward the achievement of our common goals.


David Hodges,
President, AACC

Minutes from the Thursday, July 18, 2002 AACC Meeting

Agenda for the Thursday, July 18, 2002 AACC Meeting
1. Approval of the the minutes from the Thursday, June 20, 2002 AACC meeting.

2. Henry Mooneyhan < > report continues on literacy campaign,

3. Dan Hoard < > / Tracie Murphy < > report on Business Development. A developer wants to build a Walgreens at corner of Rampart and AFB. How do we feel about it?

4. Transportation Committee: Opposition to the Wells Road Extension and switch of support of priority and funding to Cleveland Rd. Extension. Clay County support needed on this as it is all in Clay Co.
* Call for the AACC to conduct a Transportation Symposium on Collins and I-295. Councilwoman Hipps to set up meeting. Wide public input needed on this.
* Noise abatement for AFB widening.
* Report on meeting with Federal Highway Administration in Tally.
* Report on the July 16 meeting about collector distributor meeting held at Orange Park Holiday Inn
* The developer of OakLeaf Plantation will send someone to discuss the development and the Proposed name change of Argyle Forest Blvd., west of Brannon Field-Chafee Road, continuing on until it joins Old Middleburg Road at the south end. The name would be changed to OakLeaf Plantation Drive. Their reasons include a desire to provide a sense of continuity and community to the residents of OakLeaf Plantation.

5. Congratulations to VP Bill Lewis for outstanding performances in communications for this Council.

6. Report on the Argyle Stalker case by Bill Lewis.

7. Is a charter school the answer to the middle school need? Councilwoman Hipps will address this issue when the Charter School reps contact her.

8. Voter Registration Drive. A sub-division Chair will be selected at this meeting for each sub-division. You need to be there if you are interested. By breaking it down into smaller parts, we can effectively achieve high voter registration numbers w/o killing anyone. Supv of Elections is unable by law of giving us a listing of which addresses have registered voters. This campaign will be a door to door one. We'd like to have our flier ready for this and also begin collecting annual dues and registering members.

9. Reminder about City Grants for neighborhoods due dates.

10. By Jim Doughfman, Rec Chair < >, a report on skateboard park and others.

11. Request for Chair Person of:
a. Bumper Sticker campaign.
b. Voter registration
c. Candidate Speakers Forum
e. Meetings Speaker committee
f. Community Center project
g. Senior Center project
h. Nominations/Future Leaders Committee

12. Report from various Animal Control reps as to the pit bull situations and what are the rights of citizens who are neighbors to a pit bull.

13. Suggestions of neighborhoods for selection of a Florida Front Porch grant to improve a neighborhood.

14. Expert's Stormwater Management Report on LTA. It's not pretty!

Minutes From the Thursday, August 15, 2002 AACC Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

In attendance were: David Hodges, Henry Mooneyhan, Mike Hogan, John Draper, Marie Splane, Clint Murphy and Scott Hinson, of Sleiman Enterprises,
(including others who signed attendance sheet)

1. Approval of the minutes of the July 18 meeting. Motion was made to waive the reading of last month’s minutes. Motion seconded and passed unopposed.

2. Literacy campaign. Henry Mooneyhan reported that all volunteers were given applications for the schooling that will take place. There will be two classes held in September. Packets are being mailed out to everyone that has volunteered, and once the classes are complete, students will be assigned to tutors. Training for the tutors will consist of an orientation class on a Thursday night, followed by an all-day Saturday training session, after which student assignments will be made. Henry stressed that it is not too late to volunteer. Additional information will be posted on the website.

3. Report on Business Development - Dan Hoard. Report postponed due to the absence of Dan Hoard.

4. Transportation Committee. David Hodges reported that the number 1 priority for the Nassau, St.Johns, Duval and Clay County area selected by the Metropolitan Planning Organization is the I-295-Collins Road interchange, and number 2 is the Cleveland Road Connector (back-door access to Cheswick Oak). Councilwoman Hipps will be setting up a transportation symposium, and wide public input will be needed on how to go about these projects. One of the suggestions to Councilwoman Hipps is that Collins Road be extended beyond Old Middleburg, to Cecil Field, so that it would be a four-lane road all the way from Cecil Field to the Interstate.

The Transportation Committee would also like to suggest to the MPO that the Brannan Field-Chaffee Road connector, which currently stops at Blanding Boulevard, continue on State Road 23 so that it will eventually tie it into State Road 220. This would route the southbound traffic away from the bridge and all the congestion in that area, and also give Clay County some federal highway money.

A noise abatement study for Argyle Forest Boulevard is currently being conducted, which also needs to be brought up at the transportation symposium. The current cost feasibility numbers may be too high. A consulting engineer has been hired to examine the criteria used by the JTA consultant.
The widening of Rampart to Park City will begin sometime in 2007.

5. The Clay County board of commissioners have agreed to build a fire station that includes a sheriff's office substation off of Cheswick Oaks just beyond Savannah Glen. A big thanks to Commissioner McGovern for the much-needed fire/police/EMT services that will be soon be available.

A "traditional neighborhood" has been approved by the Clay County Commission for the southern corner of Plantation Boulevard. These are basically townhomes with very small lot lines, similar to zero lot lines. The purpose is of a traditional neighborhood is to encourage residents to walk to the commercial places in the neighborhood, of which there are none, except for Winn-Dixie, McDonald's and Beef O'Brady's, which is not exactly walking distance for most people. The Clay County Sheriff's Office was not in favor of the idea, but the Commission passed the zoning anyway.

Approximately 750 to 1,000 people show up for the National Night Out. The Sheriff, School Board members and Pat McGovern, the Justice Coalition and many others were in attendance. Some of the sponsors were Coca-Cola, Keith Pierson Toyota and Watson Realty. Additional residents were signed up for the Neighborhood Watch program.

An elementary school is also in the planning stages for this area of Clay County.

7. It was learned that development of a charter school across from Enterprise Learning Academy is being discussed. If anyone knows of any other suitable sites in the area, get the information to the AACC.

Construction of Walgreen's at Rampart and Argyle Forest Boulevard. Mr. Couch, a neighborhood representative, gave us a history of the ownership of the land in this area. Bobby and Ginger West, the landowners, are willing to sell some of their acreage. Clint Murphy and Scott Hinson, of Sleiman Enterprises, gave a presentation of a new store that Walgreen would like to build at this intersection, and answered questions from the audience. Rezoning efforts are underway. Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hinson answered many questions from the residents in attendance. The prevailing opinions and views regarding the construction of a new Walgreen's at this location were negative.

All remaining agenda items not addressed will be carried over to the next meeting.

Henry Mooneyhan made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, acting secretary

Minutes Thu, Sep 19, 2002 AACC Meeting. Old Middleburg Rd Notes.
September 19, 2002

Present: David Hodges, president; Allen H. Durant, Treasurer; Bill Lewis, Communications Director.
Barbara Bible, Mary Kay Burkett, Richard Darby, John Draper, Dan Hoard, Henry Mooneyhan, Marie Splane, Garland Swanson, and Jim Kelly (Clay Today Newspaper), Deputy Dean Jones.

The meeting was called to order.
A letter has been sent to the Chimney Lakes Owners Association asking that they change their meeting dates back to their original schedule so that Chimney Lakes Owners Association members can attend both meetings. The purpose and mission of both organizations being different, it was felt that residents of the Chimney Lakes Owners Association need to be able to attend the AACC meetings. The last couple of meetings of the Chimney Lakes Owners Association have been changed to fall on the same day and time as the AACC schedule.

Henry Mooneyhan made a motion that the minutes of the August 15th meeting be approved. Richard Darby seconded the motion; motion carried.

Literacy Campaign. Henry Mooneyhan gave an update on the Literacy Campaign. The first group has completed training. Three more people have volunteered and will be trained in the next group.

New Business Development - Dan Hoard. Nothing new to report at the present time.

At the next meeting a straw vote will be taken regarding support of the proposed Walgreen’s drug store at the corner of Rampart and Argyle Forest Boulevard. Residents in that general area are urged to attend and express their opinions in favor or against a Walgreen’s at this site.

The AACC wants to continue to receiving input from the residents of the Argyle area regarding all planned commercial development and property usage in this area.

Residents from the Clay County subdivisions off of Cheswick Oaks are strongly encouraged to attend the next meeting. Clay County Commissioner Pat McGovern will be in attendance and will discuss the roads situation, i.e., the Cleveland Road Connector and the Wells Road Connector. Proposals are being discussed that do not seem to be in the best interests of the taxpayers and residents of the Argyle Forest area. Make plans to attend the next meeting, keep yourselves informed, and let your opinions be heard..

When the 2003 budget is approved, it will include funds for engineering layout and construction of an Argyle fire station. They are in the process of obtaining legal surveys for the donation of the fire station site and a 27-acre park. Deeds are expected in the next 60 to 90 days, after which input from the area residents will be needed regarding the type of facilities to be included in the park. Nine new fire fighters will begin employment on October 5, and the temporary fire station should be manned by that time. A Clay County Sheriff’s Office stop station in this area is also being discussed.

Transportation Committee.
Councilwoman Hipps is putting together a Transportation Symposium regarding Collins Road- I-295-Parramore area, and all residents are encouraged to attend. Traffic relief is needed in this area, but the state and federal departments of transportation are not inclined to approve an interchange here if a red light is needed at Parramore. Alternate traffic solutions are possible for this interchange, but we need residential involvement and presence. Please make plans to attend this Transportation Symposium when the date and time are announced.

A noise abatement meeting is needed for Argyle Forest Boulevard. Four neighborhoods will be affected, and a separate meeting will be needed with the residents of these four neighborhoods. Flyers will go out soon announcing this meeting.

Entrance to Publix Shopping Center.
What is currently planned is an entrance from Argyle Forest Boulevard to the back of the shopping center, then taking a right-hand turn along the southern end, and then a left-hand turn to get to the front of the shopping center. Traffic leaving the shopping center and going west on Argyle Forest Boulevard would make a right turn, as is currently done. Traffic coming from Blanding onto Argyle Forest Boulevard would also make a right turn into the shopping center. It appears that a traffic light will be needed somewhere along the shopping center entrance. These changes in traffic patterns are apparently still in the discussion phase. Stay tuned.

Widening of Shindler Drive.
Shindler Drive widening has been downgraded from four lanes to three.

Widening of Old Middleburg Road.
Old Middleburg Road widening has been changed from five lanes to four.

Widening ofArgyle Forest Boulevard. This has been delayed. The contract has not gone out for bid.

Argyle Forest JSO Stop Station. Furniture and a computer have been donated, and this stop station should be up and running very shortly.

Landscape Committee. Ashley Davis, well-known local horticulturalist, will serve as chairman. Dan Hoard is also on this committee. Ashley and Dan will be working together to see that the Argyle Forest Boulevard median is nicely landscaped with native shrubs and trees, not pine trees and palmettos. The funds have already been set aside under the Better Jacksonville Plan.

Schools. There is an approximately 11-acre piece of property across from Enterprise Learning Academy that has been set aside for a school. Chimney Lakes Elementary is already overrun with students, and Enterprise is nearing capacity. The School Board says that a junior high school is not needed in this area. The school board has bought 30 acres across the street from Connie Jean and Old Middleburg road and they're going to put a middle school there. A charter school would be an option for people in this area.

Florida Front Porch Program.
This is a program which provides grants through the governor’s office, and it is to improve neighborhoods. We are looking for a neighborhood to sponsor to the governor's office for a neighborhood grant. We will not be able to apply for it until about a year from now, but we want to be able to suggest a neighborhood in the area that is struggling and needs help.

Storm Water Management. A meeting will be held with the St. Johns River Water Management District on the 1st of October. Notes from that meeting will be posted on the website.

Lindsay Terrace/stormwater runoff.
The opinion given by the AACC’s expert has been given to the Water Management District to see if there were some systemic problems in the permitting process for Lindsay Terrace. It has been confirmed that the Ortega River has already sustained damage from runoff at Lindsay Terrace apartments and from Vestcor's associated alterations to Argyle Forest Boulevard. Some first-floor residents of Lindsay Terrace are experiencing water intrusion into their apartments when it rains.

Suspicious Person.
Deputy Dean Jones of the Clay County Sheriff’s Office is requesting your assistance in looking for a person that has been seen during the early morning hours in the Turtle Dove Drive and Golden Pond area. This person is described as a Hispanic-looking male, 20-30 years of age, 6 feet tall, approximately 200 pounds, black shoulder-length hair. He has been looking in residents’ windows and watching people. If anyone has information on this person or comes in contact with anyone suspicious matching this description, contact Detective Ken West with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office immediately at 213-6759.

There has been an increase in automobile burglaries, mostly stealing cell phones and CD players.

A maroon truck with a winch and a flatbed, which appears to be similar to the vehicles used by automobile repossession companies, has been seen in the area and has been stealing cars.

Motion by Richard Darby to adjourn. Motion seconded and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Splane, Acting Recording Secretary

Old Middleburg Road Meeting on 9-12-2002 Notes from David Hodges
On behalf of AACC members, I attended the Better Jacksonville Plan presentation (9-12-2002) on the 30% designs for the Old Middleburg Road meeting and made the following notes from it:

1. The Duval School Board has purchased 40 acres near Connie Jean and 103rd for a Junior High after learning that the new Catholic School is full in all grade levels. We will need to push them to begin construction now.

2. AFB start date(projected for this month) is being delayed by permitting process and noise barrier discussions, we were told.

3. It was discussed that Collins and blanding interchange improvements were underway for same 8 months. of AFB widening at Blanding to Westport. I suggested that they start on Westport end to allow Collins and Blanding time to finish.

4. The improbability of connecting Parramore to Collins at the new I-295 and Collins interchange was discussed. Mrs. Hipps will hold more meetings on same issue. State DOT and FED DOT think it is not good idea and I suggested that it would be difficult to enter Collins from Parramore during drive times after interchange constructed. I suggested that Parramore be a cul de sac connected to Youngerman, on your behalf.

5. Water will be provided to all areas of Old Middleburg when widened to 4 lanes but sewer input needed now if desired. Call JEA(665-6000) to register interest in sewer.

6. Shindler is down-graded to three lane and there was some noise in crowd that even this was not needed.

7. On your behalf, I suggested Collins be extended into Cecil with a flyover at Brannan Field/Chaffee. This would permit Commerce center traffic access to I-295 w/o going thru I-10 and I-295 interchanges.

8. Project Manager Dennis Lord has informed that Fed DOT was warm to idea of phasing collector/distributor work with first phase being Collins
Interchange. We're gonna get this done!

9. Extension of Collins Rd from Shindler to Old Middleburg was identified as one that could be sped up and completed w/o interfering with traffic
patterns. Ditto for Ricker Rd on both sides of 103rd. Mrs. Hipps is trying to get Ricker Rd improvements extended to Park City.

10. Improvements to Rampart from AFB to Park City were also mentioned as a speed-up project. We need this.

11. The Old Middleburg improvements will eliminate open ditches full of standing water and will flatten out the worst curves to permit 45MPH traffic
flow. If additional median breakthroughs are needed, must input the info now. Call BJP or Mrs. Hipps.

12. Old Middleburg will be redirected about 1100 ft west of current intersection at 103rd to be just on West side of Trent's Seafood plaza. A cul de sac and cut through road will be made to connect existing residents of Old Middleburg back to the new section of road. The city will have to purchase and remove three new homes to do so and the homeowners are willing to sell.

13. There was a good turnout( 100 or more), though most were living along Old Middleburg. A number of AACC members were there.

14. It was mentioned that it would be nice if they could connect Shindler to Cheswick Oaks and put a light there, removing the one currently at
Cheswick and AFB. This would require some realignment of overhead electric lines and CLOA properties. It should be looked at now rather than later. It was pointed out that a light is needed at AFB and Shindler, and I suggested the re-alignment as an answer to getting a light and yet not stopping traffic any more on AFB. Y'all get your thinking hats on, you hear.

David Hodges, P.I., F.C.I.
President - Argyle Area Civic Council
Jacksonville, Florida

Minutes from the Thursday, October 24, 2002 AACC Meeting.
MEETING began at 7:30 PM.

In attendance were:
David Hodges, Ken Bible, Barbara Bible, Allen Durant, Bill Lewis, David Reagan, Tracie Murphy, Mike Swann, Karen Swann, Garland Swanson, Tom Rodgers, Sue Rodgers, James Crawford, R. L. (Bob) Wilson, Steve Hinkle, Nelda Sherrell, Jesse A. Medeiros, C. Luc Deffense, Jennifer Brodary, Deirdre Deffense, Eric Knowlton, Guy Deffense, Robert Arteaga, Sheryl Barbier, Charles Sikes, Shelly Richardson, David Kykendall, Yvonne Harris, Arnold Whisenaut, Jr., Capella Zamost, Roger Miller, Kimberly Miller, Michael Corrigan, Marie Splane, Lt. C.A. Wall - Jacksonville Sherrif's Office, Sgt. J.A. Stacy - Jacksonville Sherrif's Office, Pat McGovern - Clay County Commissioner, Greg Kupperman - Car Wash Developer, John R. Couch - CALMAC Realty, Inc., Robert A. Heekin - Attorney for Sleiman, Jim Kelly - Clay Today, Sandy Strickland - Times Union, Mary Maraghy - Times Union, Jim Corbin - Clay County Department of Public Safety, Bernita Bush - Clay County Department of Public Safety

Pat McGovern, Chairman, Clay County Commission was the first to address the group.

The new fire station to be located at the end of Cheswick Oaks will be temporarily housed in the farmhouse owned by Frank Spencer. It will have an “ALS” vehicle and be manned with three members of Fire and Rescue at all times. The ALS is a “first response” unit, capable of providing limited emergency medical and fire fighting services to help stabilize the situation until transport rescue units and fire trucks can arrive. A fire truck will be added soon.

The park and the fire station will be in the same area. The survey and the legal identification and breaking-out of the property is in process.

The Clay County Commission has voted to add impact fees for builders and developers to partially fund the services to accommodate the rapid growth of the county. This was done following a study by a citizen’s committee that demonstrated a $100M shortfall for needed roads and a $300M shortfall needed for schools. Voters will soon have the opportunity to decide about a ½ cent sales tax increase to fund needed services.

The Cleveland Road extension has been handed over to Clay County, and the AACC will be notified of the time and dates for hearings on the plans for the road. It is not imminent. Wet lands will play a significant roll in exactly where the road will go.

Jim Corbin, Clay County Public Safety Director, stated that the temporary emergency service facility is located 2100 feet south of the end of Cheswick Oaks, located in the remodeled farm house leased to Clay County by Frank Spencer, until the new facility can be built. It will be manned beginning November 6th. A specially equiped ALS engine will be capable of providing both emergency care to victims, and initial fire fighting capabilities.

Clay County's Information Officer, Rita Bush, announced a social event on November 26th so that neighbors can come meet the fire and rescue personnel assigned to the Argyle station.

Clay Co. is determining how many homesteads pay $0 in property taxes. Without creating hardships for anyone, they will then determine a special assessment, county wide to help the county bring services up to par.

New JSO Stop-Station, Now Open for Business:
November 12th at 2:00 is the grand opening of the new JSO Stop-Station, located in the Cresent Hill office park, near Blanding and Argyle Forest Boulevards. Everyone is invited to stop into meet the officers serving our area. The phone number is 338-0823.

The AACC wishes to extend our thanks to everyone who contributed to the Stop-Station. Those who provided encouragement and suggestions, and those who have contributed time and energy to make it possible. Special thanks go to John Draper for the signage, David Hodges, Keith Pierson, and Ken Bible for furnishings, and to Claire Harrington (owner of Cresent Hill) for working through several major obstacles in order to provide the facility.

Minutes for previous month's meeting were approved as posted on the website.

John Draper re: Rezoning for Walgreens
About twenty people were present to discuss the proposed rezoning for a Walgreens that would be located at the Northwest corner of Rampart Road and Argyle Forest Blvd.

Sleiman Enterprises has found a loophole in the law that will allow for "Spot-Zoning" the site. They have determined that by definition, Argyle Forest Blvd, and Rampart Road are to become "collector roads" where commercial development is allowed.

Two votes were taken: The first vote was for those who were present to voice opinions about the rezoning. 100% of those who were present and lived within 350 feet of the proposed site voted against the rezoning. The second vote was among the AACC delegates. This vote was three to one against the rezoning.

All affected homeowners, Council Candidates, and AACC delegates and officers are encouraged to attend the following meetings:

November 22: Planning Commission meeting, Jacksonville Planning and Zoning offices.
November 26: City Council, first reading
December 3: Land Use and City Planning Committee of the City Council.

Individuals are also encouraged to let the CEO of Walgreens know of your interest in this proposed site by writing to:

Mr. David Bernauer, President and CEO
Walgreen Co.
200 Wilmot Road
Deerfield, IL 60015

It is also recommended that interested parties e-mail, fax or write to all At-Large Council Members, and Council Woman Alberta Hipps, stating your position, for or against the proposed Spot Zoning, and the effect it will have on the character of the neighborhoods.

Car Wash zoning change near Long Horn Steakhouse:
Greg Kupperman said that Bubbles Car Wash is requesting a zoning change to allow an entrance from Argyle Forest Blvd. They are requesting a PUD. The car wash will have an attendant during operating hours.

Discussion followed indicating that the AACC delegates had concerns about traffic problems with the entrance from Argyle Forest Blvd. Mr. Kupperman stated that access from AFB was a matter of law, and that they would force the issue. Final vote postponed for one month until delegates had the opportunity to talk with neighbors.

Berm Replacement along Argyle Forest Blvd:
Bible said that independent sound engineer, Stanley Dunn, PhD., had reviewed the noise study contracted by JTA and had found several serious oversights, and incorrect analysis. Mrs. Alberta Hipps, Council Woman, had called for two meeting with the JTA, Bible, Hodges, Dr. Dunn and attorney Al Hadeed. While in both cases, JTA appeared to focus on how to comply with the request for a noise suppression wall, written responses still indicate otherwise. Mrs. Hipps has continued her support for the noise barrier, and has called for a meeting (Nov. 11, at the Argyle Baptist Church) with all property owner who would be effected by the increase in noise levels to determine those who want the wall to be built, and those areas request that no wall be built.

The Noise barrier will vary from 8 to 12 feet, depending on the predicted increase in sound levels. The Florida Department of Transportation has conducted studies demonstrating that neighborhood barriers can be decorative and built for a cost approximately one-half the figures quoted by the JTA.

Southwest jacksonville Vision Master Plan Workshop:
Council Woman Hipps announces a Southwest Jacksonville Vision Master Plan Workshop to be held on October 28th at 6:00 PM at the Cecil Commerce Center Conference Room 13561 Lake Newman Avenue.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM

Minutes from the Thursday, November 21, 2002 AACC Meeting.
Meeting began at 7:30 PM

In attendance were:
David Hodges, Ken Bible, Allen Durant, Bill Lewis, David Reagan, Mike Swann, Lars Jettman, Marie Splane, Dawn Alvarliz, Greg Kupperman & Gregory Frey - Car Wash Developer, Councilman Warren Alvarez, Councilwoman Alberta Hipps, Jim Kelly - Clay Today, Mary Maraghy - Times Union

General Discussion as follows:

Clay County Fire and Rescue will hold open house November 30th at the newly renovated Spencer farmhouse, from 1:00 to 4:00PM. David Reagan needs volunteers to help with various duties. If you can help, please contact him at 772-1718. Most importantly, show up to help celebrate!

Business donations to AACC will be sought along with $1 dues from willing members and representatives.

Argyle Forest Boulevard widening is being held up for a variety of reasons, mostly involving details of water retention, adding Rampart
Rd widening from Collins to AFB, and re-engineering the turn lane entrances to the shopping center at Blanding. The project was originally costed at about $6M, but that amount has grown to almost $20M.

Walgreen’s hearings postponed to allow the developer to redesign the plans to allow for the widening of Rampart. Mrs. Hipps was successful in gaining the developer’s agreement to an all-brick building, if it is built at all.

Highland Lakes applied for and received a Neighborhood Grant for $5,000 to build a large shelter for children waiting for the school bus. While the money is supplied by the City of Jacksonville, the 100 hours of “sweat equity” will be provided by volunteers.

Minutes from previous meeting approved as posted on the website.

The Argyle Library is on the fast track to be completed in 2004. The 15,000 square foot building will be built next to Enterprise Learning Center, and will house over 50,000 books, as well as large and small meeting areas. Councilwoman Hipps reported that she is also trying to get a park built near the library.

The Regional Library will also be completed in 2004. This facility will be located on Chaffee Road, ¾ mile south of I-10. It will be about 50,000 s.f. and provide a range of amenities.

A large “NO Outlet” sign will be posed on the Duval County side of Cheswick Oak, and will remain in place until Clay County connects Cheswick Oak to Brannon Field-Chafee Road. It is important that people realize that access is severely limited before they acquire a home in that area.

Plans for the proposed Car Wash at The Argyle Shopping Center have been revised so that ingress and egress from AFB will no longer be necessary. Instead, the car wash can be entered from the shopping center’s parking areas. There will be an attendant on duty during operational hours. The three self-service bays, one automatic bay will have ceramic tile for easy cleaning, and stucco walls externally. A photo of a similar building was shown. The BoD requested that an artist’s rendering of the planned facility be shown before our recommendations go to the City Council.

Mrs. Hipps is still looking for property for the skate board park for the Argyle area. Three to five acres are needed. The City has overcome the liability issues.

The Argyle Police Stop-Station was dedicated November 12th. Sheriff Glover conducted a “Sheriff’s Walk” in Collins Ridge recently.

Two crashes have occurred on AFB during recent weeks. One person was killed when she ran the stoplight at Brannon Field-Chafee, and four more were severely injured near Westport, when one car went off edge of the pavement and the driver lost control.

The Parramore Street cut-through is still being considered by Planning and the City Council. Proposed there also is an office park and single-family homes. The street would be completed from Collins Road to Youngerman Circle.

There have been over 1100 hits to the AACC website during the month of November. The AACC Board sincerely appreciates the interest among the
Argyle Area residents. Everyone is welcomed to the monthly meetings. Bring ideas, suggestions, complaints, participation, or just observe. Our numbers continue to grow.

Bill Lewis asked Mrs. Hipps to comment on the proposed Bent Creek rezoning of Piper Glenn Blvd. Discussion followed whereby Council Woman Hipps relayed her concerns about the rezoning, and stated her opposition, because it violates the 2010 Comprehensive Plan for Jacksonville. Councilman Alvarez, also present indicated that the developers had convinced the Council Planning Committee that all requirements had been met and that they had no choice but to approve the rezoning from apartments to single-family homes.
Meeting adjourned 9:25 PM.

Minutes from the Thursday, December 19, 2002 AACC Meeting.
Meeting began at 7:30 PM

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Present were: Kurtis Johnson, Steve Fairbanks, Marie Splane, Bob Curtis, Kathy Beck, Charles Felder, Bill Lewis, Steve Dennis, Paul Kaminsky, Phillip Culpepper, Carla Rowley, Kenneth Bible, Tom Dumas, Lisa Hansen, Tiffany Kaczouski, Vicky Bennett, Jim Nulty, Shawn Gwaltney, Aubrey Gwaltney, Wilma Schnell, David Reagan, Allen Durant, Jeff Betts, David Hodges, Rafael Torres, Steve Hinkle, Lisa Hansen, Mark Burford, Henry Mooneyhan, Lars Jettman, Tony Bates
Jim Kelly – Clay Today, Sgt. Renckley - Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, Matt Dominy – JTA, Jack Gabriel – JTA, Dennis Lord – FDOT, Paul Schmidt – RS&H, Jeff Bowen – RS&H, Suraya Teeple – FDOT, Pat McGovern – Clay County Commissioner, Lori Lentile – Clay County Fire and Rescue, Jack Shad, Jacksonville Planning and Development Department, Jesse Wiles – APD, Inc., Courtney Harris – Apd, Inc., Mike Saylor – BHR


Dennis Lord and Jeff Bowen, from the Florida Department of Transportation, discussed the I-295 and Collins interchange. The new design reduces the number of traffic lights that will be necessary. There will be a direct off-ramp from 295 that will provide access to the commercial area along Parramore Road, which also connects to Collins Road. Mrs. Teeples told us that if the money were available today, it would take five years to begin construction. Due to the fact that it will take two years for planning, design and engineering (PD&E), and two years for right-of-way acquisition estimates, construction is not scheduled to begin until 2012 to 2013.

The new traffic count indicates 1500 vehicles per hour would be pulled off of 295 and away from 103rd Street and Blanding Boulevard. This new interchange should handle traffic flow for 20 years after construction is completed.

This planned interchange is a direct result of AACC efforts and will be part of a $38 million roadway improvement package.


Jack Gabriel from JTA gave an update on the status of the Argyle Forest Boulevard widening.
Phase 1: Argyle Forest Boulevard phase 1 is now 100 percent designed but is undergoing additional revisions for drainage and flood plain mitigation, and Rampart widening. It is scheduled to begin April 2003 and the estimate is it will take 20 months, due to the fact that they have to build two new bridges.

Phase 2: Westport to Bridgecreek, will be a four-lane divided highway, landscaped, with turn lanes. Existing retention ponds will be extended. Scheduled to advertise February 2004, and complete July 2005.

John Draper asked about noise abatement along Argyle Forest Boulevard phase 1, and was told that the Jacksonville Transit Authority assumes no responsibility, and that the city will have to address it and decide. Councilwoman Hipps had indicated she could find the money for the noise abatement.

The JTA representative stated that there will be three left-turn lanes and two right-turn lanes when exiting Argyle Forest Boulevard onto Blanding Boulevard.


Present were Jessie Wyles, Mike Saylor and Courtney Harris, consultants to planning and development for the city's Vision Plan. EDAW Consulting from Atlanta is the consultant for the Vision Plan for the Southwest. Along with Asset Property Disposition, Inc., they are trying to coordinate an effort to interface the Argyle area with Cecil Field. The planning and development department wants to curb urban sprawl and encourage positive growth patterns.

Bob Curtis from Bent Creek commented on the need for road construction before additional development is allowed.

The development of job opportunities in Oakleaf Plantation and Cecil Commerce area is planned to reduce the need for expansion or development of current westside roads.

Additional public meetings will be held when a draft booklet has been produced by the consulting firms.

All AACC members are invited to forward their ideas to


1. David Hodges wrote to the chairman of the board of Walgreen's regarding the proposed construction at Rampart and Argyle Forest Boulevard.

2. Councilwoman Hipps reported that the new construction will be brick instead of stucco, if it is built.

3. There will be additional design changes to accommodate the widening of Rampart Road.


The vote on Ducky's Car Wash was tabled until access issues at the proposed site can be clarified.


It was reported that a new restaurant or restaurants will be going in at the old movie site on Blanding Boulevard across from Youngerman Circle.

Motion was made to adjourn. Motion seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
By Ken Bible and Marie Splane

Email us

Important Web Links

TU 6-19-2002 - Argyle civic group plans for meeting
TU 6-26-2002 - Argyle Civic Council plans to start literacy prog
TU 3-27-2002 - Argyle Council makes itself heard
PUBLIC MEETING Tues,7-16-2002 I-295 @ Collins Rd, SR-21Interchng
TU Article 10-5-2002 - Cleveland Road Connector
TU 11-8-2002 - Firefighters settle into Argyle farmhouse
Police Stop Station in Argyle Forest Opens November 2002
Walgreens at Argyle Forest Blvd & Rampart Road ?????
Oakleaf Plantation Development started by The Hutson Companies

Posted by bill5lewis on 02/19/2007
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