Argyle Area Civic Council

Minutes and Highlights of 2004

Highlights of 2004

Groundbreaking Ceremony for Westside Library
Clay School District to break ground on Argyle Elementary
Candlewood Cove: 44 New Homes Between Candlewood & Cypress Point

Minutes of 2004

Minutes of the Thursday, January 15, 2004 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm - Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

Present: Acting chair, David Hodges
Treasurer: Allen Durant
Recording Secretary: Marie Splane

John Draper, Henry Mooneyhan, Adam J. Chiarelli, Roland & Eileen Cantin, Richard W. Taylor, John C. White, Michael Bueme, David Green, Steven Kaufman, Jorge Arce,
Bryan McPherson, Lars Jettman, Mary Krause.

1. The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:35 p.m. by Acting Chairman David Hodges, due to the resignation of Kenneth Bible, whose business commitments necessitated that he resign.

2. Allen Durant made a motion to approve the minutes from the November meeting, as posted on the website. Motion seconded by John Draper and passed.

3. Committee Reports:
(a.) Jacksonville City Council Report – report deferred.
(b.) Public Safety Report, Clay County Sheriff’s Office. (Lieutentant Jack Clanton)
Lieutenant Clanton handed out survey worksheets for residents to fill out to assess your susceptibility to crime.

An evening shift, from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m., has been added to the morning shift and the midnight shift. Officers who serve in administrative capacities will be required to ride a shift 8 hours a month, primarily in the heavier call areas.

Crime statistics: Clearance rate percentages (closed cases) were as follows:
Forcible rape, 80; forcible sodomy, 100; forcible fondling, 88.33; robbery, 53.53; aggravated battery, 100; structural burglaries, 44.12; shoplifting, 81.72; retail gas thefts went up from 29 percent; auto burglaries, 17.33; all other theft is at 25.32; auto thefts, 40.51; property crimes, 46.16. Total violent crime for the year is 77.23

Citizens were encouraged to contact the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and volunteer to ride a shift with them.

Public Safety Report, Duval County Sheriff’s Office: (No report.)

(c.) Transportation (David Hodges)
Regarding the road widening construction on Argyle Forest Boulevard, everyone should be aware that the speed limit in a construction zone is 25 mph, even though it
may not be posted.

There was a general discussion about city bus routes, the Collins Road – I-295 interchange, Collins Road widening, Rampart road widening, Wells Road Connector and Cleveland Connector.

John Draper made a motion that the AACC state that its top two transportation priorities of are the Collins Road/I-295 interchange and the Cleveland Connector, and that the AACC opposes the Wells Road Connector into Argyle Forest at the proposed sites of Argyle Business Loop, Youngerman Circle and Rampart Road. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.

(d.) Literacy Campaign (Henry Mooneyhan) – report deferred.
(e.) Business Development (David Hodges) – report deferred
(f.) Communications (Bill Lewis) – report deferred.
(g.) Homeowners Association Presidents Meeting (David Reagan) – report deferred.
(h.) Grant Writing Committee – report deferred.
(i.) Landscaping Committee – report deferred.
(j.) YMCA Committee – report deferred.
(k.) Charter School Committee – report deferred.
(l.) Landscaping Committee – report deferred.

4. Old Business
(a.) Officers for 2004.
President Ken Bible and Vice-President David Reagan have resigned due to a significant increase in their job commitments. All current positions and new geographical board of director positions are open for election for the 2004 year.
Allen Durant made a motion to elect Henry Mooneyhan as president. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
John Draper made a motion to reappoint Bill Lewis as 2nd Vice-president and director communications , Allen Durant as treasurer, and Marie Splane as recording secretary. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
Henry Mooneyhan made a motion to elect David Hodges as 1st Vice-president. Motion was seconded, discussed, and the motion passed.
John Draper moved to nominate Mary Krause as board member from the south side of Argyle Forest Boulevard in Argyle East. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
(b.) IRS 501(c)(3) Filing Status: In progress.
(c.) Treasurer’s Report: There is $706.72 in the treasury as of December 31, 2003.

5. New Business
(a.) Presentation by Greg Kupperman of Green & Kupperman, Inc.
Steven Kaufman and David Green gave a detailed presentation of a new daycare center, Tutor Time, which they hope to build on a 1.8 acre parcel of property at the southwest corner of Watermill Boulevard South and Argyle Forest Boulevard. They will be pursuing rezoning for this location and wanted to bring it to the attention of the AACC and invite comments and answer questions. Their stated mission is to address the needs of parents and children in emerging communities by offering the best facility in its class. Another Tutor Time facility is in operation at J. Turner Butler Boulevard and Hodges Boulevard. If approved by the city council and the zoning commission, it could be open for the August 2004 school year.

Allen Durant made a motion that the AACC accept Tutor Time as a member of the AACC community and support the construction of their daycare facility. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

6. Additional Comments from the Public.
David Hodges fielded questions from the audience about the YMCA, Charter School and Landscaping Committees.

No further business coming before the board, Allen Durant made a motion to adjourn, seconded by John Draper. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the Thursday, February 19, 2004 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm - KIRKWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
Henry Mooneyhan, President
Allen Durant, Treasurer
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary
Mary Krause (representing Argyle East North)
John Draper (representing Argyle East South)
Bob Nelson (representing West of Cheswick Oaks, Clay County)
Garland Swanson, Joyce Jack, Diana Radulovich, Mary Burkett, Ralph Kurtz, Jim Hershberger, Chelya G. Acree, Tom Dumas, Jim Kelly, Dorie White, Tracy Scott, Chris Buckley, Kathy Rhody.

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m.
2. John Draper moved that the minutes from the January 15 meeting be approved
as published. Motion seconded by Mary Krause and passed unanimously.

2.(a) Treasurer’s Report – Allen Durant
The treasurer report reflects a balance of $731.72.

3. Committee Reports:
(a). Jacksonville City Council Report (Councilman Michael Corrigan)
Councilman Corrigan could not be present for tonight’s meeting, but sent
the following letter:
"Dear Mr. Mooneyhan: Thank you for your letter regarding the acceleration of the Collins Road/I-295 interchange. Everyone is in favor of this and it has always been near to the top of the city's metropolitan planning organization, MPO priorities. The city and the Department of Transportation have worked closely on coordinating the project at this location, and the city's public works department has worked hard during the DOT's planning, development and environmental study to make the alignments work together. In fact, there is a joint participation agreement currently proceeding through the legislative process to come before the city council to allow the city to buy the right-of-way and construct the ultimate DOT bridge. Having this bridge in place will obviously accelerate the design and construction of the interchange. Any further acceleration in DOT funding is desirable but unlikely. They want it as bad as we do, and nothing is lost by continuing to lobby for acceleration of this interchange.

"I hope that this information is helpful and appreciate the Argyle Area Civic Council's community involvement. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to let me know.
“Sincerely, Michael Corrigan, council member, District 14."

(b). Public Safety Report.
Clay County Sheriff’s Office, Officer John Angus, provided the following information:
A new deputy has been assigned to the Argyle/Oakleaf Plantation beat after the recent sector reorganization. Since reorganization, February 9, there have been no Part 1 crimes reported. Part 1 crimes are defined as crimes of violence, such as robbery, rape, murder. Officer Angus
encouraged citizens with conerns to call the the sheriff’s office.

The investigation of an armed robbery of a Papa John’s pizza deliveryman approximately two months ago is still under inevestigation. Anyone with information is encouraged to call. This armed robbery took place off of Cheswick Oak Avenue.

A female jogger in the Oakleaf Plantation reported that a man exposed himself to her. A composite sketch of the suspect was handed out. Anyone with information is asked to call
Detective C. S. Gordon, Clay County Sheriff’s Office, at 213-6150.

(c). Literacy Campaign – Henry Mooneyhan
President Mooneyhan is asking for someone to take over the Literacy Campaign. 49 percent of adults 16 and older are considered to be functionally illiterate. The purpose of the literacy campaign is to expose the fact of functional illiteracy and to recruit tutors for this very
satisfying and rewarding endeavor. Persons interested in this cause are encouraged to
attend the next AACC meeting. We need a volunteer to head up the campaign and we
need volunteers who can tutor.

(d). Grant Writing Committee – no report.

(e) Transportation Committee – David Hodges.
Tom Dumas gave the report for David Hodges, who could not be present. The two transportation issues that have been identified as top priority are the interchange at
Collins Road and I-295, and Cleveland Connector in Clay County, and work is in progress
on trying to get these two projects accelerated.

Many people were present at Orange Park High School on February 5th to voice their opposition to a proposed four-lane road connecting Wells Road to Argyle Forest
Boulevard. John Draper made a motion that the AACC restate our opposition to the four proposals made by the Florida Department of Transportation to connect Argyle Forest Boulevard to Wells Road via Youngerman Circle, Rampart Road, Argyle Business Loop, or Cheswick Oak Avenue. Motion seconded by Allen Durant and approved unanimously.

David Hodges and Tom Dumas met with Clay County and Duval County transportation
officials at 6:30 a.m. recently to discuss the synchronization of the traffic lights at Blanding and I-295. Some modifications to signaling were identified which would help the flow
of traffic in this area. Another factor for drivers to keep in mind when exiting off of I-295
is not to let too big of a gap form between you and the car in front of you, as a lot of extra
space will trigger the loops in the roadway to start the traffic lights to cycle to red. Since this area of road is already over capacity, the only real relief is felt to be the Collins Road interchange. Modification of the traffic lights at Rampart Road and Argyle Forest Boulevard was also discussed with the transportation officers, in hopes of relieving the bottleneck of
traffic that develops in that area.

The funding for the Collins interchange and the collector distribution system is in the FDOT’s budget. Construction is still scheduled for 2012. Henry Mooneyhan wrote a letter to FDOT requesting that this interchange be considered a design build project, which would accelerate it and time it to coincide with the City of Jacksonville’s four-laning on Collins and the Youngerman Circle and Parramore connector/distributors. David Hodges and Tom Dumas will also be traveling to Washington to meet with Congressman Cliff Stears about getting this project accelerated. Congressman Ander Crenshaw has said that he will help, and Congresswoman Corrine Brown has asked the AACC transportation committee to work
through her legislative assistant. If any Argyle residents have any input, be sure to contact the AACC transportation committee.

The first part of the widening of Argyle Forest Boulevard should be completed by this summer.

A question from the audience was when will the widening of Collins Road begin. The answer given is that it will be 2006. This coming July the intersection of Blanding and Collins should get underway.

(f). Communications – Bill Lewis. No report.
(g). Homeowners Association Presidents Meeting – Bill Lewis. No report.
(i.) Landscape Committee – No report.
(j.) YMCA Committee – no report.
(k.) Charter School Committee – no report.

4. Old Business
(a.) Officers for 2004.
We are short one vice-president position. Some neighborhood representative board positions remain vacant. A list of the vacant neighborhood representative positions will be re-published on our website, and this item will be deferred until the next meeting.

(b). 501(c)(3) filing status – deferred.

5. New Business.
(a) Candidate for Duval County School Board, Chris Buckley, introduced herself and gave a brief presentation of her background and experience, and asked for our votes in the upcoming School Board election.

6. Other.
(a). Roadside litter.
Bob Nelson spoke about the roadside litter problem. He is asking that the homeowners associations that employ landscape contractors to pick up trash, if they could go just a bit
beyond their neighborhood boundaries to pick up visible trash close to their roadways, would
be tremendously helpful in keeping our neighborhoods looking respectable. Residents who are out walking are encouraged to pick up a stray can or piece of litter here and there to help keep Argyle clean.

(b). Argyle Forest & Blanding Boulevard entranceway.
Bob Nelson would like to see this area revitalized and hopes to get some contributions from some of the area businesses. He is working with the Adopt-A-Road program to see what can be done.

No further business coming before the board, Allen Durant made a motion to adjourn.
Motion was seconded and passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the March 18, 2004 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm - Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

Henry Mooneyhan, President; David Hodges, First Vice-President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Also present: Joyce Jack, John Turknett, Thad Danson, John Angus, Kenyon S. Atlee, Leo Tedesco, Garland Swanson, Leah Solliday, Tom Dumas, Mary Krause, Kathy Rhody, Brian Christoff, Jim Kelly, Dr. Richard Schilke, Mike LoMurro, Denise Bunnewith.

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

2. Approval of minutes. David Hodges made a motion that the minutes of the February 19 meeting be approved as published on the website; seconded by Allen Durant. Motion passed.

3. Committee Reports.
a. Jacksonville City Council Report – No report.

b. Public Safety Report, Duval and Clay County Sheriff’s Offices.
1. Clay County (Officer John Angus): Response time is down due to a redistricting in Clay County. Nothing major to report in the way of criminal activity.

2. Duval County (Assistant Chief Mark Richardson).
The Duval County portion of Argyle Forest is in one of the largest geographical police zones in the county, known as Zone 4. Two burglaries have been reported in the last
two days off of Collins Road. There have been two burglaries in the last 30 days, again off of Collins Road. More officers are riding in the Argyle Forest area due to the
increase in traffic accidents along Argyle Forest Boulevard. Overall crime has decreased 4 percent as compared to this time last year. Officer Thad Danson is the community focus officer for our area; any safety and crime concerns can be directed to him for suggestions and recommendations.

c. Transportation (David Hodges)
1. Wells Road Connector: Kathy Rhody was thanked and given a round of applause for her comments a couple of weeks ago before the Jacksonville City Council on the AACC’s opposition to the proposed Wells Road Connector. Tom Dumas and John Draper also spoke to the City Council in opposition to the project.

2. Collins Road/295 Interchange (David Hodges): Tom Dumas, David Hodges and Henry Mooneyhan went to Washington DC this week and met with Congressman Cliff Stearns and the staffs of Congressman Crenshaw, Congressman Mica, and Congresswoman Brown in an attempt to get funding for this project in the federal 2005 Transportation Budget and to also ask that it be designated as a design-build project, which would hasten the construction. David Hodges, Tom Dumas and Henry Mooneyhan extended a public thank you to the area merchants for donating the travel money to make this trip possible.

3. Denise Bunnewith, Executive Director of the First Coast Metropolitan Planning Organization, announced that a public meeting/workshop would be held at FCCJ Kent Campus on Tuesday, March 30th, and encouraged all persons having an interest
in the Wells Road Connector to attend. Other workshops are planned, and comments from the public are encouraged. Relevant websites are: and

d. Literacy Campaign - No report.

e. Business Development (David Hodges)
No report necessary; business development activity was published in the last issue of Argyle Today.

f. Communications (Bill Lewis) – No report.

g. Homeowners Association President Meeting (Bill Lewis) – No report.

h. Grant Writing Committee - No report.

i. Landscaping Committee – currently inactive. Anyone wishing to become involved in the landscaping committee, contact David Hodges.

j. YMCA Committee – No report.

k. Charter School Committee (Dr. Richard Schilke)
After a Charter School Committee board is selected, fundraising efforts will need to be started for construction or to locate a suitable site. A national charter school conference will be held in Miami June 16 through 18, which Dr. Schilke will be unable to attend. It is hoped that by that time a prospective board will be in place and that some members will be able to attend this conference. Dr. Schilke attended the Florida conference last year and has lots of information. Anyone interested
in serving on this committee, please contact Dr. Schilke.

4. Old Business
a. IRS 501(c)(3) Filing Status (David Hodges): Recommended changes have been submitted to the attorney for finalization.

5. New Business
a. Presentation by Kendale Land Development – 10 Acres Behind JEA Water Treatment Plant on Argyle Forest Boulevard near Candlewood.
Ken Atlee gave a presentation for a new residential development to be called
Candlewood Cove. Approximately 44 lots are envisioned, with the entrance off of Candlewood Drive. The price range is expected to be in the range of 100,000 to 145,000. Existing trees at the berm in front of the water treatment plant will be retained and the road will curve around it. Donation of a portion of the property
for a community park was discussed, but the developer stated that he had to either develop the property or sell it.

b. John Draper moved for the adoption of a resolution to Kendale, Inc. and the City of Jacksonville that lots 1 and 2 of the proposed Candlewood Cove development be donated for use as a pocket/toddler park. Motion was seconded by Allen Durant. After discussion, the motion to adopt the resolution carried unanimously.

c. School Board Elections, District 7.
Mike LoMurro introduced himself as a candidate for the District 7 race, which includes Riverside, Ortega, the Argyle area and Mandarin. Mike’s wife is a teacher who has taught in Clay and Duval County schools. Mike has an MBA from Jacksonville University and a BS in physics from the University of Central Florida, and is currently working on his Doctorate in business administration.

d. Branan Field Master Plan (Thad Crowe, Director of Clay County Planning Department) – No report.

e. Jacksonville Property, Safety and Maintenance Code (David Hodges).
David gave a brief explanation of this city ordinance, which deals with maintenance of property, and will see that it gets published on our website.

6. Public Comments.
Announcements for the Argyle Forest Library groundbreaking and the grand opening of the Equestrian Center were made.

7. No further business coming before the council, John Draper moved to adjourn. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the April 15, 2004 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm - KIRKWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

David Hodges, Acting President; Al Durant, Treasurer, Marie Splane, Recording Secretary;
Carl Corsuti, Beth Clark, Jim Kelly, Jerry Feltner, John Draper, Dr. Richard Schilke, Don Christen, Rose Lopez, David Shacter, Joseph Van Rooy, Mary Krause, John Schumacher, Joe Sanoguet, Chris Buckley, Dorie White, Tracy Scott.

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. Due to the unavailability of President Henry Mooneyhan and Bill Lewis, 2nd Vice President, David Hodges agreed to chair the meeting.

2. John Draper made a motion that the minutes of March 18 be approved; motion seconded by Allen Durant and carried.

3. Public Safety Report
(a) Clay County.
Officer Jerry Feltner reported on vandalism at the Oakleaf Plantation construction sites. New homes have been vandalized. The Clay County Sheriff’s Office will be meeting with the construction superintendents to discuss the matter of new homes being left unlocked.
(b) Duval County.
Officer John Schumacher reported that overall crime for the Argyle area is down. If anyone has any general non-emergency questions or concerns, Officer Schumacher can be contacted by email at

(c) Transportation - (David Hodges)
Collins Road/I-295 Interchange: As a result of Tom Dumas, Henry Mooneyhan and David Hodges going to Washington D.C. last month to meet with our congressional representatives, Congressman Stearns has sponsored a $5 billion transportation bill which would be used to purchase the right-of-way for the Collins Road Interchange. The design phase has already been funded and will start July 1. A plan for some advance funding for construction is under consideration now that may enable this project to be built possibly as early as 2008.

(d) Literacy Campaign - (No report)

(e) Business Development - (David Hodges)
(1) Restaurants.
On Blanding Boulevard, across from the Argyle Forest Shopping Center, an Appleby’s restaurant, Panera Bread Company and a Starbuck’s will be opening.

(2) Publix Shopping Center at Oakleaf Plantation.
The new bank building is close to being finished. A Subway sandwich shop has opened.

(f) Communications - (No report)

(g) Homeowners Association Presidents Meeting - (No report)

(h) Grant Writing Committee - (No report)

(i) Landscaping Committee - (No report)
A Landscape Committee chairperson is needed.

(j) YMCA Committee – (No report)

(k) Charter School Committee.
Dr. Schilke will be meeting with representatives of the Haskell Company in the coming weeks, and hopes to have them at our next meeting to discuss what they can offer. Several issues remain to be finalized: the not-for-profit corporation; a founding board; a building; a plan for initial and continued funding. A founding board of five to seven people is hoped to be formed by next month’s meeting. All interested persons are encouraged to contact Dr. Schilke at or 573-9590.

4. Old Business
(a) IRS – 501(c)(3)
The corporate paperwork is ready for finalization. The $2500 legal fee needs to be raised so that the filing can be accomplished.

(b) Candlewood Cove recreation park
John Draper met with Councilman Corrigan, who agreed that a pocket/toddler park would be desirable for that part of the neighborhood. To date, there are no city funds available to buy the land from the developer for the creation of a park.

(c) Bishopwood Park
David Hodges met with Ron Stein, of the City of Jacksonville Parks and Recreation, to discuss the possibility of some improvements to the Bishopwood area park, such as picnic tables or a gazebo. With the road widening of Argyle Forest Boulevard, this park is becoming much more visible. Barricades around the park have been suggested in order to keep vehicles out . In other parks on the Westside, vehicle access to parks has contributed to the illicit buying and selling of contraband.

(d) The Argyle Library next to Enterprise Elementary School is now under construction.

(e) Soccer Complex.
The soccer complex planned near the intersection of Old Middleburg and Oakleaf Plantation Boulevard should be under construction very soon.

(f) Tutor Time.
Final approval for the construction of Tutor Time daycare was given April 13th. It should be open for business by January 2005.

5. New Business
(a) David Shacter, President of Harmony Homes, gave a presentation of a new development to be built on Sandler Road, in the area between the back of Bent Creek and Connie Jean Road, to be called Sandler Heights . The development will be comprised of approximately 45 homes, which will be very similar to those in Whisper Glen off Old Middleburg Road. The prices will start in the mid $140,000 range.

(b) Chris Buckley announced that Duval County Schools will be making a pilot program for universal pre-K available this summer, with the hours expected to be somewhere in the range of 300 to 310.

6. Additional Comments from the Public:
Joe Sanoguet raised a concern about school children and the number of registered sex offenders living in the 32244 ZIP code. Chris Buckley explained that Florida law provides that a registered sex offender cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school, or a school bus stop, and restricts school districts from moving bus stops to distances less than 1,000 feet of the residence of a registered sex offender. A list of offenders is maintained on the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website.

Allen Durant reminded everyone how important it is to attend the monthly AACC meetings in order to keep informed about area developments and other events that affect all Argyle Forest residents. This is one of the best ways to keep informed and to give your input..

There being no further business to come before the board, Allen Durant made a motion to adjourn, seconded by John Draper. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the May 20th, 2004 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm - Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

Henry Mooneyhan, President; David Hodges, First Vice-President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Also present: Jim Kelly, John White, Jane Hebron, Wilma Schnell, Mary Krause, Steve Hinkle, Tom Dumas, C.E. Ayoub, John Draper, Rudy Radulovich.

1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:43 p.m.
2..Approval of Old Minutes. David Hodges moved to accept the minutes from the April 15 meeting; seconded by Allen Durant and passed.
a. Jacksonville City Council Report.
Councilman Corrigan could not be here tonight due to previous commitments. President Mooneyhan has been in contact with Councilman Corrigan several times over the past weeks about the Collins Road construction, and read the following letter from Councilman Corrigan:

“Dear AACC members: I recently met with the representatives of the Better Jacksonville Plan to discuss comments that they received during and after the Collins Road, (Shindler-to-Rampart) Community Meeting held March 30th, 2004. Most of the public concerns addressed the necessity of widening the roadway from two lanes to four divided lanes, with bike lanes and sidewalks on each side. The proposed design will require up to an additional 19 feet of right-of-way width at the west end of the project where the existing right-of-way is the narrowest.

“In reviewing the traffic analysis results, the corridor needs to be constructed as a four-lane divided roadway in order to maintain an acceptable level of service within 20 years. A two or three lane corridor will result in a failing level of service by the year 2025, based on projected traffic volumes, especially when the new I-295/Collins Road interstate interchange is included.

“In attempting to minimize the required right-of-way width, we considered the following options: narrowing the median, utility strips, and bike lanes. However, this results in only a 7-foot reduction in required additional right-of-way. (Moves it from 85 feet to 78 feet in width.) In general, it does not eliminate the need to obtain land from the same parcels affected by the 85-foot design.

“Bicycle and pedestrian facilities on both sides of the street are required by the city's comprehensive plan. These features become even more important when a roadway intersects with an interstate highway.

“The city, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, and the Department of Transportation are continuing to work together in coordinating efforts to improve Collins Road and other roads in the Argyle area.

“To give you an opportunity to express your concerns and ask questions, we are holding another community meeting on Monday, June 14th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Argyle Church of Christ located at 7310 Collins Road, and you should be receiving a notice of the meeting in the mail.

“I look forward to seeing each of you on June 14th. Sincerely, Michael Corrigan, Jacksonville councilman, district 14.".

All citizens who will be impacted by the Collins Road construction are urged to attend this meeting on June 14 at the Argyle Church of Christ.

b. Public Safety Report:
Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (Officer C. E. Ayoub): Thefts at the new construction sites continue to be a problem. Argyle Forest and Blanding Boulevard, Youngerman Circle and Blanding Boulevard are high-frequency crash sites.

c. Transportation:
 Collins Road and I-295 interchange funding. David Hodges, Tom Dumas and Henry Mooneyhan were able to find locate $50 million in funds from the U.S. government and the state government, but the Secretary of the State of Florida Department of Transportation objected, indicating that funding earmarked for this particular project would cause them to have to change their schedules and projections. Further meetings are planned with the Secretary of the Florida DOT.

 Wells Road Connector: No further information is available. The cut-in to facilitate the Wells Road Connector has not been observed in the road widening of Argyle Forest Boulevard, across from Lindsay Terrace or Youngerman Circle.

 Parramore Road: Tom Dumas met with the City and learned that they are planning to change the Parramore Road connector to two lanes instead of four. Tom has asked to see the results of the traffic study and will keep us updated.

d. Literacy Campaign. This item will be deferred until the next meeting.

e. Business Development: David Hodges met with the City Parks and Recreation Department regarding the parks at Bishopwood and 118th Street and Jammes Road. He has asked for stanchions and/or poles to be installed so that vehicles cannot drive into the parks.

The 116-acre site at the end of Morse Avenue was inquired about, and a letter was received which is included herein:
“Dear Mr. Hodges: Thank you for your interest in the lands in your neighborhood that are being considered for the Recreation, Open Space categry. As you requested, attached is a printout of the Florida Communities Trust grant program web page and a list of the conditions that must be addressed by them in order to receive project funding.
“Feel free to contact me if you have questions. Sincerely, Elizabeth Kohler, Preservation Project Administrator, (904) 630-4920, Preservation Project Jacksonville.”

Florida Communities Trust website: and
Anyone interested in neighborhood parks and activities and forming a committee should investigate the websites listed above. $6 million in funding could be available to our community. The former Walgreens site at Rampart and Argyle Forest Boulevard is a possible site that could be developed for kayaking or other community amenities. The second website listed above gives a Management Plan Checklist that enumerates the requirements to receive grant money. Technical assistance is available through Ms. Kohler’s office. Tom Dumas said he would be willing to look at any site under consideration and see how it might score under the state criteria.

Notices of Public Meeting and Hearings received:
1. Applicant: Thomas Halliday. Location of property: 9230 103rd Street, between Rockola Road and Monroe Smith Road. Waiver sought: To reduce required minimum road frontage from 90 feet to 0 feet.
2. Applicant: Curtis Hart, Plantation Oaks LLC. Location of property: Off Taylor Field Road West, between Old Middleburg Road and Branan Field Chaffee Road. Application for rezoning, from Residential Rural to Planned Unit Development.
3. Applicant: Steven R. Hannan, Kendale Land Development, Inc. Location of property: Argyle Forest Boulevard, between Knotts Landing Drive and Candlewood Drive. Application for Planned Unit Development.

Community involvement and awareness is needed for the City’s Comprehensive 2020 plan.

A Senior Citizens Center is needed for this area. Representative Jennifer Carroll is trying to assist in getting some remodeling funds for a location at Ricker Road and Park City.

f. Communications – Bill Lewis. No report.
g. Homeowners Association Presidents Meeting. Bill Lewis. No report.
h. Grant Writing Committee – No report.
i. Landscaping Committee. No report.
j. YMCA Committee – no report.
k. Charter School Committee. It was reported that a charter school is looking into opening up at the recently closed Normandy Elementary School.

4. Old Business
Noise barrier fences along Argyle Forest Boulevard. The city has turned down the request; there will be no noise abatement walls or fences. Some residents feel that the only way the citizens who will be impacted by the traffic noise will get a fence is by inverse condemnation suits against the city.

5. New Business
a. Focus Group (Fair Housing/Public Housing) – deferred until next meeting.

There being no further business to come before the council, John Draper made a motion to adjourn. Motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes from the June 17th, 2004 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm - Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

Henry Mooneyhan, President; David Hodges, First Vice-President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Also present: Jim Kelly, Carl Corsuiti, Garland Swanson, Wilma Schnell, Jerry Felter, Ian S. McAfee, Mr. & Mrs. Franks, Kathy Beck, Rudy Radulovich, and Mary Krause.

1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m.

2. Approval of Old Minutes. Deferred. The minutes from May 20 have not been completed, but will be posted on the website soon.

3. Committee Reports
Clay County Sheriff’s Office (Officer Jerry Feltner):
Thefts at the new construction sites around Oakleaf Plantation continue to be a problem. There were a couple of burglaries in the Willow Green and Sweetbriar areas that have since been solved. A resident of Cranes Landing reported that his neighbor came out of his house and found his car up on blocks, having been stripped. Officer Feltner believes that incident is now solved. Anyone who observes anything out of the ordinary, please call the sheriff’s office, 264-6512.

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (Officer Ian McAfee)
Officer McAfee reiterated the thefts at the new construction sites and asked that you please call 630-0500 if you see anything suspicious. As always, if there is a threat to a person or an emergency, or you are positive something unlawful is taking place, call 911 instead.
There was an increase in juvenile complaints, which is common citywide right now with school being in summer recess. Curfew for juveniles is 11 p.m., Sunday through Thursday. Friday and Saturday is midnight.
A resident of Highland Lakes reported a rash of car break-ins, and was advised to call the Zone 4 substation, 573-3471, to let them know that more patrols are needed in that area. Officer McAfee will pass this information on to his lieutenant and sergeant.
Residents going out of town for any length of time or on vacation who want your property watched,just call 573-3465, and let them know you will be out of town, patrol will come by and check your house.

David Hodges reported on counterfeit Bank of America cashier’s checks being used to purchase jewelry. Also, a credit card scam where the caller purports to be from the fraud division of one of the major banks asking if you have just made a large purchase with your credit card, and then asking to verify the three-digit number on the back of your credit card. This is a scam – do not fall for it.

A similar scam is through the internet, asking to verify information by clicking on this eamil. The company logos are exactly like the legitimate ones and appear very genuine, but they are not.

c. Transportation
David Hodges gave an update on the Collins Road/I-295 interchange Community Meeting held on June 14 at the Argyle Church of Christ. 150 to 200 people were in attendance.
Right-of-way requirements will cause many homeowners along Collins Road to lose 20 feet of their property and also lose the ability to park more than one car in their driveways. Many homeowners are still on septic tanks, and the City has no current plan to put in sewers at the same time the road is built. Still other issues are the location of existing septic tanks. In short, there are many problems to be solved before the Collins Road widening project can get underway. However, the design phase is funded and starts in two weeks, the first of July.

d. Literacy Campaign. Allen Durant attended a meeting of Teaching Children To Read, and learned that there is a 47 percent literacy rate in Duval County. Some of the difficulty the children experience with reading is compounded by parents who have very poor or no reading skills. We need more volunteers for the Literacy Campaign.

e. Business Development: No report.
f. Communications: No report.
g. Homeowners Associations Presidents Meeting: No report..
h. Grant Writing Committee:. No report.
i. Landscaping Committee:. No report.
j. YMCA Committee:. No report.
k. Charter School Committee:. No report.

4. Old Business. Deferred.

5. New Business
a. Public Housing. The Northeast Florida Center For Community Initiatives will be holding a public forum at the Murray Hill Branch Library June 22nd at 7 p.m. The focus of the forum will be public housing issues. All interested Argyle Forest citizens are invited to attend.

b. Senior Citizens Center. The AACC needs someone to spearhead efforts with the city on getting an Argyle Senior Citizens Center at Park City and Ricker Road. Representative Carroll is trying to help us obtain some refurbishing money to renovate the building at this location. We need a spokesperson to work with the senior initiatives representative from the City and to check in with them periodically on this project. David Hodges said that we just need someone who is willing to call the city once a week and ask how everything is going.

c. Clay County Candidates Forum. A committee is needed to formulate questions for the candidates , as well as a meeting site We would like to hold the candidates forum on two separate nights, the first for the sheriff and clerk of courts candidates, and the following night for the county commissioners and judges.

There being no further business to come before the council, a motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


Henry Mooneyhan, President;, David Hodges, First Vice-President; Al Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary; Jim Kelly, John Draper, Dr. Richard Schilke, Rudy Radulovich, Mary Krause, City Councilman Dan Davis, City Councilman Michael Corrigan, David M. Schneider, Officer Flannagan and Sergeant Warren of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Jim & Mary Collier, Joyce Weathington, Vick Zody, Jerry Parker, Judy Parker, Joanne & Ray Martin, Ingrid & Ron Hughes, Evangeline Crittenden,Karen Mungay

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

2. Public Safety Report.
(b) Officer Flannagan and Sergeant Warren answered questions about safety and crime concerns in the Argyle neighborhoods. There have been several incidents of vandalism to cars in the Cross Timbers and Highland Lakes area. Sergeant Warren encouraged those with concerns to feel free to call him at the Cedar Hills substation, 573-3165. Someone inquired about the automobile accident statistics for the Blanding Boulevard/I-295 intersection; Sergeant Warren advised that those printouts are available on a montly basis for high-frequency sites. The four high-frequency accident sites in this area are: Blanding Boulevard & I-295, Blanding Boulevard & Argyle Forest Boulevard, Collins Road & Blanding Boulevard, and Youngerman Circle & Blanding Boulevard. Accidents at the intersection of Shindler Drive and Argyle Forest Boulevard are aslo increasing.

3. Committee Reports.
(a) Jacksonville City Council. Councilmen Dan Davis and Michael Corrigan were present to give us an update on the Collins Road widening.
Councilman Davis encouraged us to get more residents involved in the AACC. With greater numbers in our membership, the more our voices are heard in City Hall and the City Council.

The Collins Road project is a large project that actually comprises five different projects built into one. It extends east-west all the way from Old Middleburg to U.S. 17 and Blanding Boulevard. The portion between Rampart and Shindler continues to present problems that the engineers are looking into, such as right-of-way and striving to have the least impact as possible on homeowners in that area.

David Schneider, Senior Project Manager for the Department of Public Works, answered questions from the audience. A four-lane divided highway with a grass median and turn lanes for intersections has been recommended. The right-of-way considerably narrows in the area of the Collins Ridge neighborhood, with the potential to affect those residents more than others. Many options and possible modifications to what has been recommended are being discussed. Residents asked many questions of Mr. Schneider and the councilmen.

Someone asked about the interchange at I-295 and Collins Road. Councilman Corrigan advised that it would be a minimum of five years before the first piece of asphalt is laid down, and he and Councilman Davis are working every day to shrink that number down to less than five years. The original projection was 15 years, but due to a lot of effort by AACC members and previous City Council representatives, the number was reduced to five years. Councilman Corrigan assured us that he and Councilman Davis will continue efforts to keep this project on as short a time track as possible. The I-295 and Blanding Boulevard area is a top priority, and our state and national representatives are very much aware of it.

3. Charter Schools.
Dr. Richard Schilke advised that it is getting increasingly difficult to secure funds for charter schools. The timing is not good to pursue establishment of a magnet/charter school. A minimum of $400,00 to $500,00 would be needed as a donation to secure a building and land. It is possible that it may be easier to get a private school to move into the area. Dr. Schilke recommends getting the school board to look at the overcrowding in this area, plus the two new apartment complexes at I-295 and Collins Road/Lake Gray area that will add more children to the existing schools. New schools, of one sort or another, will need to be built in this area.

4. Literacy Campaign.
President Mooneyhan advised that he believes he has someone to head up the literacy campaign and should have an announcement to that effect by next meeting.

5. Treasurer's Report.
Allen Durrant reported that after paying $53.50 for a banner and signs to advertise the Collins Road Widening meeting held in June, we have $678.50 in the treasury.

6. Senior Citizens Center.
David Hodges gave an update on the building at Ricker Road and Park City. There is an 11- to 12,000 square foot building that used to be a juvenile detention facility that could possibly be the location for a senior citizens center. The Mayor's Office is in favor of it, along with the Senior Citizens Center Program and City Councilmen Corrigan, Davis and Alvarez. Representative Jennifer Carroll is looking into securing some funds from the state for refurbishing the building. Updates will follow.

7. Approval of May and June minutes.
Allen Durrant made a motion to accept the minutes from May and June as posted on the website. David Hodges seconded. Motion passed.

8. New Business.
David Hodges announced that a political candidates debate for Clay County Commissioners will be held July 26, 7:00 p.m., at Calvary United Methodist Church on Blanding Boulevard. On August 10th the Clay County Sheriff's Office and Clay County Clerk of Courts candidates debate will be held, same place, same time.

9. There being no further business to come before the council, Allen Durrant made a motion to adjourn, seconded by an attendee from the audience. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

No Quorum for the August 19, 2004 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm

No Quorum for the August 19, 2004 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm
Since there was not a quorum of the Director for the August 19th, 2004 AACC Meeting, there were no minutes.

Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 8701 Argyle Forest Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida

Present: Henry Mooneyhan, President; David Hodges,
First Vice-President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane,
Recording Secretary.
Garland Swanson, Tom Dumas, Dr. Richard Schilke, Jim Kelly, Steve Thomas, John Draper, Larry P. Wehner.

President Mooneyhan called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

The minutes of the August meeting having been posted on the AACC website, Allen Durant moved that the minutes be approved. Motion seconded and carried.

PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT: Officer Meisnner from the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office advised that most of the police activity in our area has been directed toward traffic-related issues. The intersections involved in most of the traffic accidents continue to be Blanding and Argyle Forest, and Blanding and Youngerman Circle. People have been running a lot of red lights. There have been some specific deployments directed to burglaries and robberies, but the areas included in those deployments extend from 103rd Street all the way into the Argyle Forest area.

The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office has been trying to focus on the Neighborhood Watch Programs. Any feedback from the citizenry about specific areas where patrols need to be directed is encouraged. Contact the Cedar Hills Substation.

Larry Wehner, Manager of Construction for the JTA, gave an update on the Argyle Forest Boulevard construction. Phase 1 of the project is scheduled to be completed by next August. The new bridge section is being poured now, and the old bridge will be removed and replaced. Questions as to grade level transitions and access to neighborhood/business entrances were answered.

A member of the audience inquired about the status of the Collins Road extension from Shindler to Old Middleburg. Due to funding issues, this project may not go forward.

Collins Road Interchange: This is still number one on the MPO's priority list for construction funding for year 2009-2010. Number 2 on the MPO's priority list is the Cleveland Connector.

David Hodges reported that he is still looking for volunteers to be on the Economic Development Committee.

Starbuck's has opened at the new strip mall across from the Argyle Forest Shopping Center, and Appleby's will open soon, if it is not open already. Montana Steak House will also open in this location.

Argyle Senior Citizen's Center: City Councilman Daniel Davis, Representatives Jennifer Carroll and Steve Wise are working on this and we believe it will go forward soon.

(a). AACC e-mail list. A couple of people who are not directly involved with the AACC have requested that their names and e-mail addresses be removed from our database. Communications Director Bill Lewis will take care of these requests.

(b). David Hodges made a motion to purchase 25 signs that would advertise "Argyle Area Civic Council meets tonight" with an address on it. Motion seconded by Allen Durant. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Jim Kelly advised that FJJC is opening up a campus next to the Equestrian Center. The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for next week, and it is expected that this facility will be larger than Kent Campus. Construction should start within 18 months.

Allen Durant reported that the AACC has $678.22 in the treasury.

There being no further business to come before the council, David Hodges made a motion that the meeting adjourn. Motion seconded and carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 8701 Argyle Forest Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida

Present: David Hodges, First Vice-President; Bill Lewis, 2nd Vice-President/Communications Director;Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.

Attendees to be added.

Acting President David Hodges called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Allen Durant made a motion to accept the minutes of September 20 as published on the website. Motion seconded by Bill Lewis and passed.

Transportation/Road Construction Update:
A. Collins Road/I-295 interchange: The design contract on the interchange at Collins and 295 was started last month by Reynolds, Smith & Hills. Construction date has been estimated for fiscal year 2009-2010, and the possibility for an earlier start date to coincide with the Collins Road widening is being investigated.

B. Wells Road Connector: Another meeting will be held in December on the Wells Road Connector study. Watch for future announcements.

C. Northbound I-295/Blanding Boulevard exit: The off ramp at this location (next to Best Buy) has not opened up yet because the concrete work has to be done over again. The current opening date is said to be April 2005.

D. Argyle Forest Shopping Center: Someone asked about the land clearing that is going on behind the shopping center. Nothing is known at this point other than the land is being cleared.

E. Blanding and Collins Road intersection: The contract for renovations and widening to the intersection is now in place. This construction is not anticipated to be finished before the Argyle Forest Boulevard widening is completed.

F. Collins Road widening: The Better Jacksonville Plan calls for the widening to extend from Blanding to Old Middleburg Road, but due to funding shortfalls, it looks like the widening may only extend to Shindler Drive. Councilman Davis plans to attend our next meeting and give us the latest updates.

Business Development: New businesses slated for the strip mall across from Argyle Forest Shopping Center on Blanding Boulevard are Panera Bread, Montana Grill Steak House, and Qdoba's Mexican Grill. The previously reported opening of Appleby's cannot be confirmed.

Oakleaf Plantation Publix Shopping Center: A Japanese Steak House will be opening about December/January.

Old Business:
A. Argyle Senior Citizen Center: There has been a rumor that the proposed Park City site will be used as a center for homeless AIDS victims. The site has been leased to River Region Human Services. We have been assured that is not going to happen. The CEO of River Region Human Services is scheduled to attend our meeting in November and will tell us about their plans for this site and also hear input from area citizens.

B. Rampart and Argyle Forest Boulevard: The AACC has been approached by a developer who is proposing to put in a gas station and a strip mall where the Walgreen's drugstore was going to be located. After receiving an unfavorable response by the Chairman of the AACC Transportation Committee, the developer is said to be reconsidering. The entire 10-acre site is now for sale, as opposed to the two-acre site that Walgreen's would have occupied. It is anticipated that the developer will be present at a future AACC meeting.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer's Report: There is $678.22 in the treasury. Treasurer Allen Durant made a motion to buy another 25 signs to promote the monthly AACC meetings, at a cost of $230.05. Motion seconded by Bill Lewis and carried unanimously.

Comments from the public: A question from the audience: What area does the AACC cover? The Argyle Area Civic Council boundaries are from Blanding on the east, Brannan Field/Chaffee on the west, north to 103rd and south to Old Jennings Road in Clay County.

There being no further business to come before the board, Bill Lewis moved that the meeting adjourn. Dr. Richard Schilke seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 8701 Argyle Forest Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida

Henry Mooneyhan, President
David Hodges, First Vice-President
Bill Lewis, Second Vice-President/Communications Director
Allen Durant, Treasurer
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Others to be added.

President Mooneyhan called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The minutes of the October meeting having been posted on the AACC website, Allen Durant moved that the minutes be approved. Motion seconded and carried.

PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT: Officer J. C. Stang of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office brief us on the crime activity in the Argyle area, which was mostly burglaries of new construction sites.
The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office has a new feature on the internet called the Crime Stats Program that allows a citizen to type in their address and get a report of all crimes occurring within a half mile radius. On the internet, go to

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: (David Hodges) Panera Bread is now open in the new strip mall on Blanding Boulevard opposite the Argyle Forest Shopping Center. Starbuck's, a cell
phone/beeper store, video store are open now, and Ted's Montana Grill, Qdobo's restaurant and Appleby's restaurant will be open soon.
A nationwide restaurant chain is looking for property in the Argyle area. They are being encouraged to look deeper into Argyle and away from Blanding Boulevard.

COMMUNICATIONS: (Bill Lewis) There are 850 names in the communications database. Our website is showing anywhere from 750 to 1,000 hits a month. People not familiar with our
website address can to to, and do a keyword search for "Argyle" and it will take them directly to the AACC website.

HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS MEETING: (Bill Lewis) An updated list of the current presidents of homeowners associations should be completed soon.

CHARTER SCHOOLS: David Hodges reported that there is a building off of Ricker Road that had been a school in the past. This site will be investigated further to see if it could possibly be a location for a charter school.

TRANSPORTATION: An update on the Collins Road/I-295 interchange: There was supposed to have been a public meeting on the 4th of November. A meeting is scheduled for the 28th
on the Cleveland Connector and early December on the Wells Road Connector. Argyle citizens were encouraged to keep in touch with our city council representatives as to our transportation needs in this fast-growing area. Their phone numbers are: Councilman Corrigan, 630-1390; Councilman Davis, 630-1380; Councilwoman Rustin, 630-1393; Councilman Alvarez, 630-1383.
Keep an eye out for newspaper announcements of any public meetings concerning the Wells Road Connector.

LITERACY CAMPAIGN (Henry Mooneyhan): President Mooneyhan has been in contact with someone who is interested in heading up this project. More information will be available after the holidays.

NEW BUSINESS: Property at 7500 Ricker Road. Carl Falconer, Director of Housing Services for River Region Human Services came to discuss possible uses for this property. His organization is pursuing a lease on this building and wants some input from the community as to the types of programs we would like to have instituted. This property is currently zoned medium residential. The type of programs River Region Human Services administers varies, such as programs for the elderly, the homeless, people with HIV and AIDS, substance abusers, refugees, mothers and infants, and adolescents. The website for River Region Human Services is .

There is funding available for a Citizens Advisory Committee in this section of Clay County. In the past, funding for neighborhood street lights and sidewalks and other needs has been available through a CAC. Clay County Planning Department Thad Crowe encourages anyone interested to contact Marsha Dumler, chair of the Fleming Island CAC, to learn more about
the role of CACs.

IRS 501(c)(3) FILING STATUS: This item will be addressed next month.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: John Draper, Tom Dumas and Bill Lewis were asked to serve on the nominating committee and come up with a proposed slate of officers for the upcoming year.

Elections are slated to be held at our next meeting in December.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Allen Durant reports that our treasury totals $218.12.

No further business coming before the council, Allen Durant made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by David Hodges.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the December 16th, 2004 ARGYLE AREA CIVIC COUNCIL Meeting 7:30pm
Kirkwood Presbyterian Church
8701 Argyle Forest Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida

Present: Henry Mooneyhan, President; David Hodges, First Vice-President; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Bill Lewis, Second Vice-President; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.
Also present: Tom Dumas, John Draper, Mary Krause, Jim Kelly

Others from sign-in sheet to be added.

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m.

2. Approval of Old Minutes
David Hodges moved, seconded by John Draper, that the minutes
for the November meeting, as posted on the website, be
approved. Motion passed.

2(a). Treasurer's Report.
Allen Durant reported that we have $218.12 in the treasury
after the purchase of 50 additional AACC meeting anouncement

3. Committee Reports
a. City Council (no report)
b. Public Safety (no report)
c. Transportation (Tom Dumas):
Tom attended the Department of Transportation's five-year work
plan meeting in November, where David Hodges spoke in support
of the need for the Collins Road/I-295 interchange. The
project is in the final design stage; funds for right-of-way
purchase have been advanced to 2007, and funds for
construction of the project is slated for 2010. There is a
chance this project can be done sooner if the state
legislature decides to accelerate the funding. David Hodges
has made the point to the state transportation department that
the interchange should be built while the Collins Road
overpass changes are underway, in conjunction with the City's
widening of Collins Road.

As of now, the top two projects of the MPO (Metropolitan
Planning Organization) are the I-295/Collins to Blanding
Boulevard construction of the collector/distributor system,
including the construction of the Collins overpass, and the
Cleveland Connector, which will be four lanes from Blanding
Boulevard to Branan Field Road.

Bill Lewis reported that the Florida DOT should be holding
meeting sometime in January regarding the Wells Road
Connector. This project would take traffic from the west side
of Wells Road at Blanding Boulevard and create a route that
would terminate at the Argyle Business Loop on Argyle Forest
Boulevard. The final report is expected to recommend against
funding this project due to the high cost of building an
elevated roadway across the wetlands. Notification to AACC
members on the email list will go out as soon as a date for
the meeting is announced.

There was some general discussion regarding local traffic
congestion along Argyle Forest Boulevard and Shindler Drive
and the need for a traffic light.

d. Literacy Campaign (report deferred to January meeting)

e. Business development (David Hodges)
The new Walgreen's at Oakleaf should be open anytime now. New
tenants are signing up for the strip mall just west of the
Walgreen's. The Japanese Steak House will be opening shortly.

f. Communications (Bill Lewis)
The email list is at about 850, and the website is being kept

g. Homeowners Association Presidents (Bill Lewis)
Many elections are being held about this time of year. An
accurate list of homeowners association presidents will be
compiled after elections are held.

4. Old Business:
The police stop station at the Argyle Business Loop is now
closed, until and unless someone else can provide space and
$1,000 a year for insurance.

Senior Citizens Center: The site that has been discussed as a
possible site for a senior citizens center is also being
looked at by a Christian veteran's organization that would
like to sublease it from River Region Human Services, as a
live-in site for veterans who need retraining for jobs.

5. New Business
a. Election of 2005 AACC Officers.
Tom Dumas gave the nominating committee's report on the
selection of new officers for 2005. The slate for 2005 is as
follows: President, Henry Mooneyhan. First Vice-President,
Bill Lewis. Treasurer, Allen Durant. Recording Secretary,
Marie Splane.

The position of Second Vice-President was put on the floor.
Tom Dumas was nominated from the floor.

Motion was made to accept the nominating committee's slate and
the nomination made from the floor. Motion carried unanimously.

Bill Lewis will continue to serve as the Communications
Director and David Hodges will continue to chair the
Transportation Committee.

There being no further business to come before the council,
motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting
adjourned at 8:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Email us

Posted by bill5lewis on 02/19/2007
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