Valverde Elementary Landscape Architecture Program student Melodee Berquist and Professor Lois Brink from the University of Colorado at Denver are working with Valverde Elementary to develop a master plan for a campus renovation at the school.
Ms. Berquist has been seeking school and community input during the research phase of the project. Representatives from APNA are advocating that traffic flow and parking issues be addressed in the campus redesign. Other elements being considered for this exciting project include the removal of part of the large retaining wall that currently separates the upper play fields from the lower part of the playground. A continuous upward slope would then take its place so that all parts of the playground would be visible and connected. Gardens, new play equipment, a shade structure plaza, a soccer field, and art pieces are also in the plan.
A schematic site plan of preliminary ideas was reviewed by Principal Ardell Rivera-Francis and school staff in mid-February. There will be an opportunity for further community input when the schematic designs are presented at APNA?¹s February 24th board meeting. Interested neighbors are urged to participate in this public comment opportunity. We also plan to print a copy of the preliminary site plan in our May newsletter.
As the project moves forward, the school will need to raise $10,000 towards funding the project. Expectations are that the rest of the project funding will be included in an upcoming school bond election. Next Spring, design development will bring all the research and input together into a final site plan. Watch for good things to happen at the corner of S. Tejon and W.Alameda as this exciting project develops!