- During dry periods, be sure to winter water shrubs, containers, and grass.
- Aerate and fertilize. We have a two-pronged aerator tool. It?¹s easy to use and you can use it more often. We use organic-based Rich Lawn.
- Mulch! This will help maintain water and protect plants.
- To kill grass where you do not want it: we use a healthy layer of newspaper and mulch on top that'll kill just about anything. For new areas, we start with a four-inch trench, mow it extra low, and then use a very healthy layer of mulch and newspaper. This will kill and mulch the sod without taking the sod out.
- Early April. Optional: Before forecasted snow, on grassy areas, using a hand spreader, put down a little ammonia nitrate (21-0-0). It will green up the grass brilliantly. The grass will grow quickly. Repeat lightly throughout the growing season using seasonal moisture. Put a little sheep and peat at the base of roses, various shrubs, and vegetable beds.
- After Mother's Day, plant annuals and other frost-tender seeds and plants. Watch the forecast for freezing temperatures. Cover over night if temperatures are to drop.
- Prune Spring-flowering trees and shrubs after they?¹ve shed their blossoms.
- We use super phosphate (0-0-35) & Epson salt for flowering plants such as roses.