You will also find enclosed in this mailing your 2005 dues notification and announcement of the 2005 annual meeting. As you will note on the agenda for the meeting, we will be electing tHREE officers: president, treasurer, and SECRETARY. We have found that the job doesn't pay enough ($0.00) to put up with the mental anguish involved with the job. It is impossible for some neighbors to get along with other neighbors and yet harder for some to follow the rules set forth in the Deed of Restrictions. It is not worth the battle and frustrations involved. We have several issues on the table that the new board of directors (BOD) will pursue and resolve. Yes, the job is not glamorous and has its frustrations but it is worth the experience. If no one steps forth to be on the BOD we may need to rethink the importance of having the association continue. If we are not all on the same page, with common desires for the neighborhood, perhaps it should be dissolved. Just a thought.