Augusta Bulldogs Blockwatch

Augusta Bulldogs: Life in the Armed Forces

Adopt-A-Soldier Programs A - Z Updated 12 12 01

Operation Dear Abby
How It Began

In the Beginning The idea for Operation Dear Abby started in 1967 when Sgt. Billy Thompson wrote Abby to tell her that 100,000 South Vietnamese orphans needed help. He also mentioned that a wonderful Christmas present for our armed forces personnel would be "just a letter from home." When "Dear Abby" readers saw the letter, the response was overwhelming.

That was the start of what the United States Department of Defense has dubbed "Operation Dear Abby." "It grew like wildfire," said Abby. "The exciting part is how the people feel thrilled to do this." When she mentioned in her column a few years ago that U.S. Marines stationed on Okinawa needed Christmas mail, the result was more than 30,000 letters and cards in two weeks. When they wrote to Abby to express their thanks, they said they were sorry they couldn't write back to each person.

What To Mail
The mail is limited to First Class letter mail, 13 ounces or less.

Where To Mail
For holiday greeting to Europe and South West Asia:

Any Service Member
Operation Dear Abby
APO AE 09135

For holiday greeting to the Far East:

Any Service Member
Operation Dear Abby
APO AP 96285

For holiday greeting to the Mediterranean Basin:

Any Service Member
Operation Dear Abby
FPO AE 09646

For holiday greeting to the Pacific Basin:

Any Service Member
Operation Dear Abby
FPO AP 96385

Operation Dear Abby

see also...(these all have their own specifications...)

Adopt a Soldier

Adopt a Soldier: Find a Soldier to Adopt!

Operation Network Military Moms

A Soldier's Christmas

A Tree for the Troops

USS Theodore Roosevelt [CVN71] US Mail
Send your letters and packages (especially care packages) using the following address:
Any Service Person
FPO AE 09599-2871

Wings and a Prayer: Adopt a Soldier and Pray Today

Military Life Links A - Z

updated 12 12 01

If unabashed patriotism is offensive to you, then leave.


Air Force Link

Official Website for the United States Marine Corps

The United States Army Homepage

U.S. Navy's Offical Web Site: Welcome Aboard

101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell, KY

104th Infantry Division Home Page

172d Infantry Brigade (Separate) Homepage

Adopt a Soldier

Adopt a Soldier: Find a Soldier to Adopt!

Airforce Times

A photo album which feature photographs of you and your time in service to the U S A Get out your old picture of your self or All Things U.S. Military, former or current military personal. All Veterans and Military personnel Past and present looking for all of the Americas Greatest Heroes
All U.S. Veterans

The American Enterprise

The American Legion Magazine Online

The American Partisan

The American Spectator

The American War Library: America's largest online mili-vet Personnel Registry

Army Times

As America Mourns: The Tragedy of September Eleventh

child psychologist from
Ask Dr. Brodkin - Talking About War

Ask Dr. Brodkin - When a Parent Goes to War

The use of attorneys by veterans is restricted. The following is an excerpt from Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations
Attorneys Who Represent Veterans


first commandant of the United States Coast Guard
Bertholf, Commodore Ellsworth Price , USRCS, USCG


Official Site of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society


Disabled American Veterans (DAV)


eBay Militia Collecticibles


Firebase Tennessee

Free USA Graphics


God's Blanket of Truth

Grandma Says: Disenfranchisement of the American Military
is NOT Acceptable
Grandma's Memorial Page


Covers the naval history in Hampton Roads from Colonial times to the present.

Happy Holidays: Memorial & Veterans Day

Healthy Living ~ Grief and Loss Support for Our Kids

Healthy Living ~ Living and Dying ~ Grief & Loss Support

see section on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...
Healthy Living ~ Mental Health Matters!


International Signal Flags

I Will Soar Again

I Will Soar Again - Page 2





Military Insignia and Custom Greeting Card Set

Military Lexicon

Military Members' Entrance at Clicket's Community

My Backpack is Ready


Naval Historical Center


Operation Dear Abby

Operation Network Military Moms

Our American Heritage!

Our U.S. Military: A Tribute Page




Return to Unity is a Youth Organization established in September, 1999, chartered in March, 2000 as a Non-Profit Public Organization (501C).
Our mission is to teach children and young teens about past generations of War Veterans and people who preserved our freedom. Our outstanding lineup of entertainment will bring excitement, smiles and laughter to wartime veterans. USO Show!
The youths perform old style USO theme shows around the metropolitan area and at various 55+ senior communities. They are taught how to Ballroom dance, march, act, sing and other vocational skills which are all needed during the show.
Return To Unity


A Soldier's Christmas


Tips for Dealing with the VA and filing claims

A Tree for the Troops


U.S. Army Military History Institute

United States Department of Veterans Affairs homepage contains: Press releases, Announcements for Veterans, List of Veterans Service Organizations, Job Opportunities With VA and the Government, Veterans Benefits, Federal Benefits for Veterans & Dependents, VA Cemeteries, VA Forms, Where To Go for Help, Phone Numbers, Bulletin Boards, Medical Centers, Clinics, Regional Offices, Vet Centers, Facility Planning, Construction and Real Property.
U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs

USS Theodore Roosevelt [CVN71]

--- USS Cole ---

"On October 12, 2000 two suspected terrorists approached the USS Cole in a raft on an appartent sucicide mission. The two saluted and then detonated a bomb which not only took their own lives but the lives of seventeen U.S. Servicemen and left another 39 injured.
Our hearts are heavy and our prayers go out to the families."
USS Cole Tribute

Cole Homecoming

COLE Relief Fund Information

USS COLE Relief Fund Information
Those wishing to make donations can send their contribution to:

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
801 North Randolph Street
Suite 1228
Arlington, VA 22203-1978

Please be sure to designate "For USS Cole" on the check.

COLE Relief Fund Information

--- END USS Cole ---


Veterans News and Information Service


Wings and a Prayer: Adopt a Soldier and Pray Today

Women in the Military and At War


A - Z


11th Cav Veterans;list

Sites honoring those who have given of themselves, both military aAmerica's Finest webring is devoted to websites by, for, or about our servicemembers. Websites from the Marine Corps, Navy, Army, Air Force, and Coast Guard will be accepted, as well as those in support of the members of our military.
America's Finest!

American Heroes

The AMVETS Web Ring;list








Honor Uniformed Services Heroes;list


Internet Military Community Elite Award Winners Net Ring;action=list

Internet Miltary Community Inspection Award Ring Net Ring;action=list

Internet Military Community Members Ring Net Ring;action=list

Internet Military Community Featured Site Award Winners Net Ring;action=list

Internet Military Community Quality Site Award Winners' Net Ring;action=list











Salute To Veterans;list


Support Our Soldiers! Our brothers & sisters, fathers & mothers, and sons & daughters are fighting to insure our freedom in this wonderful country. The least we can do is support them!
Support Our Soldiers



If you have pride in your country or support the USA in any way following the cowardly terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Centers September 11, 2001, join us. The topic of your site isn't terribly important, so long as it's family-friendly and NOT anti-USA but all 9/11/01 TRIBUTE pages are guaranteed admission.
USA Pride


Veterans on the Internet! The largest veteran - military webring in the world.
Veterans on the Internet


Site will be specifically for family oriented sites. Sites that are viewable by everyone. No adult sites will be added. Show your pride in your web site. Stand up for all the men and women who have fought to keep the USA free. Be proud of your efforts to maintain a decent family oriented site. Ring must retain its family friendly status. All web pages are invited to join this ring. Be proud and show it!
Web Pride Made In The USA;list


A Soldiers Christmas

By Major Bruce W. Lovely

(With Apologies to Clement Moore Who First Wrote the Story for His Children in
1822 also credit given to M/Sgt Noah Brazos Ross, RA18033195, a USArmy 18th
Field Artillery survivor of Utah Beach, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Battle for the
Ardennes, Deutschland wrote "Daddy's Christmas" (Soldier's Christmas)" as a
Bonita, Montague County, Texas, highschool exercise in 1937)

Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,
In a one bedroom house made of plaster & stone.
I had come down the chimney with presents to give
And to see just who in this home did live.

I looked all about a strange sight I did see,
No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
No stocking by the fire, just boots filled with sand,
On the wall hung pictures of far distant lands.

With medals and badges, awards of all kind
A sober thought came through my mind.
For this house was different, so dark and dreary,
I knew I had found the home of a soldier, once I could see clearly.

I heard stories about them, I had to see more
So I walked down the hall and pushed open the door.
And there he lay sleeping silent alone,
Curled up on the floor in his one bedroom home.

His face so gentle, his room in such disorder,
Not how I pictured a United States soldier.
Was this the hero of whom I’d just read?
Curled up in his poncho, a floor for his bed?

His head was clean shaven, his weathered face tan,
I soon understood this was more than a man.
For I realized the families that I saw that night
Owed their lives to these men who were willing to fight.

Soon ‘round the world, the children would play,
And grownups would celebrate on a bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom each month of the year,
Because of soldiers like this one lying here.

I couldn’t help wonder how many lay alone
On a cold Christmas Eve in a land far from home.
Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye,
I dropped to my knees and started to cry.

The soldier awakened and I heard a rough voice,
"Santa don’t cry, this life is my choice;
I fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more,
my life is my God, my country, my Corps."

With that he rolled over and drifted off into sleep,
I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep.
I watched him for hours, so silent and still,
I noticed he shivered from the cold night’s chill.

So I took off my jacket, the one made of red,
And I covered this Soldier from his toes to his head.
And I put on his T-shirt of gray and black,
With an eagle and an Army patch embroidered on back.

And although it barely fit me, I began to swell with pride,
And for a shining moment, I was United States Army deep inside.
I didn’t want to leave him on that cold dark night,
This guardian of honor so willing to fight.

Then the soldier rolled over, whispered with a voice so clean and pure,
"Carry on Santa, it’s Christmas Day, all is secure."
One look at my watch, and I knew he was right,
Merry Christmas my friend, and to all a good night!

I wrote this poem for Christmas Eve 1993 while assigned to USForces Korea Lt
Col Bruce Lovely, USAF (Printed in the Fort Leavenworth Lamp, 1995)

Oh, the snowflakes fell in silence
over Belleau Wood that night
For a Christmas truce had been declared

By both sides of the fight
As we lay there in our trenches
The silence broke in two
By a German soldier singing
A song that we all knew

Though I did not know the language
The song was "Silent Night"
Then I heard my buddy whisper,
"All is calm and all is bright"
Then the fear and doubt surrounded me
"Cause I'd die if I was wrong
But I stood up in my trench And

I began to sing along

Then across the frozen battlefield
Anothers voice joined in
Until one by one each man became
A singer of the hymn

Then I thought that I was dreaming
For right there in my sight
Stood the German soldier
'Neath the falling flakes of white
And he raised his hand and smiled at me
As if he seemed to say
Here's hoping we both live
To see us find a better way

Then the devil's clock struck midnight
And the skies lit up again
And the battlefield where heaven stood
Was blown to hell again

But for just one fleeting moment
The answer seemed so clear
Heaven's not beyond the clouds
It's just beyond the fear

No, heaven's not beyond the clouds
It's for us to find it here

The CD is: Sevens
The cut is: Belleau Wood
The Authors are : Joe Henry and Garth Brooks Copyright 1997

The Corpsman's Christmas Poem

"'Twas the night before Christmas as I flew o'er the Marine Base,
when I spied a young man who seemed out of place.
His eyes showed compassion, his hair a bit long,
but his head was held high and his body was strong.

His air was confident, his uniform smart,
but what impressed me most was the size of his heart.
For he embodied honor, one of this country's best,
and the words U.S. NAVY showed large on his chest.

As I stood there in wonder and gazed into his eyes,
the words that he spoke took me quite by surprise.
"What's wrong Santa, haven't you ever seen a sailor before?"
I sensed something special and longed to know more.

"To be honest, this field thing wasn't part of my plan,
but God didn't give me a boat or tin can."
The words he spoke next surprised me all the more,
"But I'm as proud of my Navy as I am of the Corps!"

"Don't worry Santa, that I'm a sailor you see,
for when a Marine goes down they will still call on me.
They'll forget I'm a sailor, they'll call in my stock.
At the top of their lungs they'll yell ,"Get me the doc!"

"And I'll answer that call, anytime, anywhere.
Though I know I'm a target I really don't care.
I'll face incoming fire as I race cross the land,
and use my very own body to shield a downed man."

"Working long hours and into the night,
my unit's battle is over, but I'm just starting to fight.
For the life of every Marine is sacred to me.
I refuse to surrender them to death, and in that I'll find victory."

"And yet I'll take the time to comfort a dying man,
to sit down by his side, to reach out and hold his hand.
For it takes as much courage to care as to fight.
For just as the poem says, many don't "go gently into that night."

"Santa, it's not any one uniform that makes you a man,
but rather it's those ideals for which you choose to stand.
I draw my line here, it's long and it's plain.
For pain, hurt and suffering are the things I disdain."

I know very well that I may lose my life,
so that a Marine may see an unmet child and young wife.
So Santa, it really doesn't matter if they don't like my hair.
I'm a Navy Corpsman, their Doc, and I'll always be there."

"I follow the brave docs who have come long before,
from Belleau Wood, Iwo, and Lebanon's shore.
As history proudly shows, they all gave their best,
and for those who have died, surely they're blessed."

"At Inchon, the gulf and times during Tet,
our brothers have fallen, but we carry on yet.
For we carry their honor and legacy still."
As I held back my tears it took all of my will.

I had to leave him there for I had other plans,
but I knew in my heart that the Corps is in good hands.
As I flew away I heard his laughter, it rang so loud and clear.
"Hey Santa, how 'bout a nice pair of boots for the 26 miler next year?"

HMC(FMF/SW) Mark Forsberg
2/3 UDP, Okinawa, December 1997


Young Warriors; Should fate find you on the battlefield, May your cause be a just
one. May your courage not falter. May you show mercy to your enemies. May your
efforts bring the blessings of peace. May you be triumphant and earn victory. May
your sacrifice be always appreciated. May you endure the conflict unharmed. Should
you be harmed, May your wounds heal. Should you perish in the struggle, May God
embrace you and find a Place for you in his Kingdom.

by : Scott A.Tackett Sr.

Dear Sir,

I am one of America's soldiers who received a copy of "A Soldier's Christmas" over
the internet, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for giving some
of my friends and family an opportune way to say 'thanks.' It meant a lot to me.

I have not been stationed in the US since 1995, and the nature of my job will keep
me overseas throughout my career. Although I am not always viewed as that soldier
with "dusty boots," I know all too well what it is like to be away from home for so
long -- especially during the holidays.

I would like, however, to take this opportunity to thank you, and America, for being
the fine, grand, noble Nation that makes each and every one of us out here serving in
the military extremely proud of the country and the people we protect.

You don't necessarily have to pray for us soldiers, as we have chosen this life....and
we will sacrifice our life for OUR people and OUR country. No, do not pray for us
this holiday season.....Pray for OUR Nation and Her people......for only then will the
life we 'chose' be worthwhile.

Yes, I do pray for peace on Earth...always. But, "there will be wars, and rumors of
wars," so, in the meantime; maybe, just maybe, this year you can put out a
suggestion to OUR American people......

We tend to fly our flag on 4th of July, we tend to fly our flag on Veteran's
Day......maybe this year, through your web-site, you could maybe "ask" the
American people to put a small American Flag on their Christmas Tree, amongst
their ornaments, (or within their own religious ceremony/custom) just to "remember."
A small reminder that "we" are free to celebrate whatever holiday, however we
please, because of that flag and what She represents.

Sir, I have volunteered to protect ALL Americans....Christian, Jewish, Agnostic,
even is my proud honor to do so.... and all I ask is that maybe, during
this "holiday" season (whether one believes in it or not) is your help in asking
"America" to wave Her flag in Unity and be thankful for our Grand Nation. It would
mean a lot to us out here, wherever we are......

"Santa don't cry, this life is my choice;

I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more,
My life is my God, my country and my corps."

and with all due respects to the Major, I add.....

America, my country-men,
Our flag is our life.....
We've accepted your ancestors
Through struggle, through strife...

We've come a long way,
Yes, a long way to go....
But we're out here defending,
The life that you know.

What you believe,
Is not my concern,
I carry my weapon.....
American learns....

I'm proud to serve you,
Wherever I'm sent,
For you are Americans...
From Allah to Lent....

And so my dear county-men,
I ask of you this...
Display Our flag,
And remember our bliss....

For I am out "here"
On this Christmas Day....
And I want you proud...
.......LONG MAY SHE WAVE.....

thank you,
a service member.....

A Soldier's Christmas

Email us

Posted by mellie on 12/11/2001
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