The meeting was called to order at 4 PM by President Kellie Brown.
There was continuing discussion of the vacant church property at Barron and Prescott.
The problem of people discarding trash on the property was raised again. Some trash apparently comes from students waiting for a bus at the corner, and it was suggested that a trash can might be placed there for waste disposal. The problem has been pointed out to home owners across Barron from the property, which seems to have helped somewhat.
It was again noted that the responsibility for most maintenance on the property, except in the area of the proposed garden, remains with the Fellowship of Believers Church. This includes mowing and weed cutting, removal of overgrown brush and dead trees, etc. It was decided that Peter Limper would draw up a draft statement regarding the neighborhood concerns about the appearance of the property, and the extent of shared responsibilities by the church and the community for maintenance. The draft will be shared with interested members of the Association for comment, and then Rev. Jackson will discuss it with the Fellowship of Believers pastor.
With regard to the planned community garden, the following steps were proposed:
(1) Have the garden plot tilled. Barbara Mullins-Nelson will try to contact County Agent Grace Perry about this, and Jeff Nelson agreed to serve as “on the site” representative if tilling takes place.
(2) Plant fall crops as appropriate.
(3) Try to arrange for a (temporary?) water source if needed.
The question was raised about which members of the Association were interested enough to plant and work in the garden. A number of people expressed interest.
It was decided to continue to hold regular clean-up days on which members of the Association will voluntarily help with trash pickup and other upkeep chores on the church property. The next date was scheduled for Saturday, September 18, beginning at 7AM. An attempt will be made to keep church members informed about clean-up days, and to encourage their participation.
The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 9, at 4 PM, at the home of Mary and Rick Sieger, 1228 Prescott.
Respectfully submitted, Peter Limper, Secretary
September 15, 2010.