Our neighborhood needs your constant attention to help keep the speed down. We had an accident a few years ago, where a child was hit. Fortunately, there has not been another incident. However, during every homeowner meeting, vehicle safety and speed is one of the hot topics of discussion.
The neighborhood speed limit is posted at 20 MPH and there is a sign at the entrance to remind residents and visitors. We need all homeowners to obey the speed limit and help remind your neighbors and visitors of the speed limit. We all know it is easy to forget when we are in a hurry or are distracted. Taking the time to casually tell your neighbor you are concerned about all of our safety only helps to make the neighborhood a better community.
The Association has discussed many ideas to help control speed and improve safety. Unfortunately they all cost money, and none are truly 100 percent effective. None of us want a speed bump in front of our home and the Association does not need the liability caused by placing one on our streets. We are looking into getting the neighborhood's approval to allow SAPD to patrol, but this will be only when they are available. The Association did approve our security person issuing tickets to speed violators. They will be watching at various times and on different days.
One last item on this issue. Talk to your children and remind them about the dangers of playing on or near the street. No speed limit will ensure the safety of a distracted child or accidental fall in the street.
We can make a difference in the safety of our neighborhood, we just have to be involved.