Feb 10, 2003
Article I.
The name of this organization shall be the BONNYCASTLE HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION.
Article II.
The objectives of this association shall be:
(1) To provide a civil forum and a medium for community betterment.
(2) To promote the community, its activities and interests and preserve its intrinsic values, as a predominately residential area.
(3) To encourage the cooperation of all those living and working in the area in the Association's goals.
(4) To enlist the aid of news media, local, state, and federal governmental agencies and other institutions, as such aid may be required.
(5) To cooperate with other organizations working for similar purposes.
Article III.
Section 1. The boundaries of the Association shall be:
The center line of Eastern Parkway on the north, Cherokee Road Sulgrave on the east, the center line of Speed Avenue on the south, and the center line of Bardstown Road on the west.
Section 2. Definitions of terms below are as follows:
A. A Resident is a person who maintains his or her household within the boundaries of the Association whether as a property owner or as a tenant.
B. A Landlord is a person who owns rental property within the boundaries of the Association (except persons who own a single rental unit which is located on the same lot as the person's own residence).
C. A Businessperson is a person who owns or operates a commercial enterprise within the boundaries of the Association.
Section 3. Categories of membership in the Association shall be as follows:
A. Regular Landlord or Business Member is either a Landlord or a Businessperson, as defined above, who subscribes to the goals of the organization and pays annual dues.
B. Regular Resident Member is not either a Landlord or a Businessperson, as defined above, and is a Resident, as defined above, who subscribes to the goals of the organization and pays annual dues.
C. Associate Member is a person who is not a Resident, Landlord, or Businessperson, who subscribes to the goals of the organization and pays annual dues.
Section 4. Voting Privileges:
A. All Regular Residential Members in good standing shall have one (1) vote per adult member, limited to two (2) votes per household.
B. All Regular Landlord or Regular Business Members shall have one (1) vote per landlord or business.
C. Associate Members shall enjoy all the privileges of membership except voting or holding office.
Section 5. Dues for both Regular and Associate Members shall be $10.00 per year per household, landlord, or business, payable by March 1st of each year. Dues for single person households shall be $5.00 per year payable by March 1st of each year. Any member more than 30 days delinquent in payment of dues shall be automatically suspended from the enjoyment of all membership privileges until the arrearage is paid. On September 1st of any given membership year, the dues for the remainder of that membership year will be $5.00.
Article IV.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of 18 Regular Resident Members from which the Board of Directors will elect a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected for a term of one year at the next Board meeting presided over by the immediate Past President by a two thirds majority of those present. Not more than four (4) Regular Landlord or Business Members shall be members of the Board of Directors at any time. Nor shall any such Regular Landlord or Business Member serve as an officer of the Association or as chairperson of any committee unless, after the election or appointment of such member as an officer or committee chairperson, his or her election or appointment is ratified by vote of confirmation by at least 12 members of the Board of Directors who are Regular residential Members.
Section 2. A Nominating Committee of three members, none of whom shall concurrently be directors of this Association or have been members of this committee during the immediately past administrative year, shall be chosen by the President to present at the election the following year, the names of those whose consent they have obtained to run for officers and directorships.
Section 3. The duties and prerequisites of the officers and directors shall be those prescribed for them in the Association's adopted parliamentary authority, except where differently specified in these bylaws or other rules of the Association.
Section 4. The President shall, whenever possible, preside at all assembly and Board meetings. The President shall appoint the standing committees, and the Nominating Committee, naming a member of the Board of Directors as chairperson of each committee he appoints. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 5. (a) The Recording Secretary shall serve the Board of Directors as its secretary and have a vote thereon; (b) The Corresponding Secretary shall serve the Board of Directors in matters of communication with the membership and others, and have a vote on the said Board.
Section 6. The Treasurer shall bill, receive, record, and deposit in a bank approved by the Board of Directors, all dues or other funds received by him for the Association. The Treasurer shall make disbursements as directed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall sign all checks, also any contracts approved by the Board. The treasurer shall give financial reports to the Board as they direct and an audited report for the calendar year recently closed, to the membership, at its annual meeting.
Section 7. The length of time of all elective offices or posts shall be for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. Nine of the 18 directors will be elected every other year.
Section 8. Elections shall be held at each annual meeting, by ballot, after the Nominating Committee has reported and full opportunity has been given for further nominations from the floor. The nine nominees having the highest number of votes shall be elected. In the event of a tie ballot, re balloting shall occur among those affected until the nine highest can be determined.
Section 9. In the event of a vacancy in any office or post, except that of the Presidency, which the Vice President shall immediately assume, the Board of Directors shall promptly elect another member to fill the unexpired term.
Section 10. An officer and/or director must attend at least two thirds (2/3) of all regularly scheduled Board meetings in a single year. Failure to meet this requirement shall cause that officer/director's term of office to be ended, and a vacancy for that seat declared.
Article V.
Section 1. The Annual Meeting shall be held in February of each hear, at a time and place designated by the President, and announced in a notice to be sent by the Corresponding Secretary to all members at least ten (10) days beforehand.
Section 2. Special Meetings of the membership may be called by either (a) the President, (b) the majority of the Board of Directors, or (c) upon written request to the Corresponding Secretary by fifteen (15) or more members. In any case with notice by the Corresponding Secretary sent to all members at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting. The request and notice shall contain the time, place and purpose of such meeting.
Section 3. The number of voting members present after the scheduled meeting opening time shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any legally called or regular membership meeting.
Article VI.
The rules contained in ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws or other adopted rules of this Association.
Article VII.
The books and accounts of the Association shall be closed December 31st, by the Treasurer and audited annually, during January, by the Officers of the Association other than the Treasurer, or by an audit committee appointed by the President, at his discretion.
Article VIII.
These bylaws may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote at any membership meeting for which the notice prescribed in Article V, Sections 1 and 2 has been sent and contains additionally the content of the changes in the bylaws that are proposed.
The foregoing bylaws were adopted originally on February 13, 1973 and include subsequent amendments through March 31, 1987.