Brandywine Neighborhood Association

BNA 08/07/2005 General Meeting Minutes

Jan 15, 2006

Brandywine Neighborhood Association
Meeting minutes Sunday, August 07, 2005

The meeting was opened by Abbe Michel at 4:30 pm. Abbe explained the reason for the meeting; to discuss and establish the bylaws for the Brandywine Neighborhood Association, hereafter referred to as BNA. Dan Nathan was introduced; he brought a sample set of the bylaws from another neighborhood. The intention was to use that as a guide, and amend to our requirements. The difference between a neighborhood association and a homeowner?’s association was emphasized; participation in the BNA will be completely voluntary, and the association will not mandate changes nor requirements for anyone?’s private property. Highlights of each of the bylaws, and the amended changes follow:

Article 1: Name ?– Brandywine Neighborhood Association
Motion to accept as written: Murray Stackhouse
Second: ?
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions

Article 2: Purpose ?– Improve quality of life
-Clearinghouse for information
-Advocate to city council
-Foster development of neighborhood relationships
Motion to accept as written: Mary Stackhouse
Second: Sandy Nathan
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions

Article 3: Membership ?– Any individual residing within the geographic domain of Brandywine (homeowner or rentor) -One vote per household; must have paid dues to be eligible.
-All adult members may be asked to donate time/talent.
-Geographic boundaries may be amended.
Motion to accept as written: Frank Green
Second:Abbe Michel
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions

Article 4: Meetings ?– Association will hold a minimum of 1 meeting per year, in August. Additional meetings called as needed. Calendar year will extend from September 1st through August 31. All residents will be notified of upcoming meetings.
- Agenda will be set by the executive committee; members must present items for the agenda to the executive committee minimum of 7 days before the meeting. Members can sponsor residents (non-members). Minutes will be taken at all meetings.
-Quorum consists of 33% of voting members.
-Members wishing to vote but not able to attend a meeting may provide written proxy to another member; proxy must be presented to a member of the executive committee before voting. Proxies will be verified by the recording secretary.
Motion to accept as amended: Jeremiah Goodson
Second: Dennis McKay
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions

Article 5: Funding ?– Dues are $20 per year per household. Contributions to the association will be accepted pending approval by the executive committee. Proceeds of dues will be used for support of the BNA operations and activities.
-Dues for upcoming year due in August. Dues must be paid to be considered in good standing and be eligible to vote. Dues are non-refundable and will not be pro-rated.
-Annual dues can be amended by 2/3 majority vote of membership present.
-If unable to afford annual dues, a donation of 6 hours of service to the association can be substituted.
-No officer can accept anything which may be in conflict with the association.
Motion to accept as amended: Jeanne Goodson
Second: Vanessa White
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions.

Article 6: Executive Committee ?– will consist of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Correspondence Secretary. The
committee will meet at least 7 days before general meeting. Quorum of the executive committee will be 3.
-Any BNA member in good standing may be nominated for a position on the executive council. Council members will be elected by a simple majority vote of the members present at the August meeting. Term of office is 1 year, no more than 2 consecutive terms in the same elected position.
-Vacancies of office except the president will be appointed by the executive council; the vice president will assume the offices of the president until the next election should a vacancy occur.

Article 7: Officers ?– President
-Vice President
-Recording Secretary
-Correspondence Secretary
Motion to accept both article 6 and 7 together as amended: Dennis McKay
Second: Billy McPherson
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions.

Article 8: Committees ?– The BNA will have 3 standing committees:
Political (chaired by VP)
Communications (chaired by Correspondence Secretary)
Projects (chaired by VP)
-Political committee will have at least 3 members; will concern itself with local construction, land resources, Cahaba watershed, zoning, growth and planning, city council meetings.
-Communications committee will have at least 3 members; will keep residents informed of BNA activities, disseminate information, and identify and welcome new residents to the neighborhood.
-Projects committee will have at least 3 members; goal is to improve neighbor relations, plan social events, organize neighbor assistance, maintain the neighborhood entrance, and plan fundraising activities approved by the executive council with proceeds benefiting the BNA.
Motion to approve as amended: Valerie McKay
Second: Abbe Michel
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions.

Article 9 ?– Roster and Directory:
-Neighborhood directory will be compiled and distributed one per member household. Consent for inclusion will be obtained by correspondence Secretary. A roster of members in good standing shall be maintained by the executive committee.
-Roster and Directory will remain property of the BNA, not to be sold nor given away.
Motion to approve as amended: Dennis McKay
Second: Frank Green
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions.

Article 10 ?– Bylaws Amendments:
-Bylaws reviewed and updated at least every 3 years. Proposed amendments submitted in writing to executive council by any member. Info regarding proposal in writing to all members at least 2 weeks before meeting. A 2/3 majority vote of members present is needed to pass amendment.
Motion to approve as amended: Gail Green
Second: Abbe Michel
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions.

Article 11 ?– Dissolution of the Association:

Motion to table until the next meeting: Abbe Michel
Second: Karen McPherson
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions.

The remaining time at the meeting was used to discuss a plan of action for the Helena Council meeting scheduled for Monday, August 15th. Dan outlined the promises given in writing by Clayton-Bailey properties for the tract II and B1 properties. They include either an 8 or 10 ft. fence; directional lighting, some with motion control; maintenance of fence and landscaping; performance bond on drainage, with corrections and improvements of existing drainage. The discussion was that many previous promises have not been kept; and the drainage plans sent to Dan used outdated information. The question brought to the floor was how will the BNA present itself at the 8/15 meeting? Accept their terms and hope the promises will be kept, or refuse their offer with the expectation the Council will not give them their permit. If the BNA refuses, and the Council passes the zoning, Clayton-Bailey will not be obligated to anthing they previously offered.

Motion to Vote to Deny B3 Zoning: Jeremiah Goodson
Second: Abbe Michel
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions.

Motion to Vote to Deny BI Zoning: Abbe Michel
Second: Dennis McKay
Vote was passed unanimously; no abstentions.

Abbe requested volunteers to come to her house on 08-08 to start calling neighbors to advise them about the Council meeting.

Valerie McKay consented to be the pro-tem Correspondence Secretary; Anita Britt will be the pro-tem Recording Secretary.

The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, August 11th at 7pm

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

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