Brandywine Hills

Recommended Urban Street Trees by Dept. of Horticulture

Small Trees, Suitable Under Low Overhead Utility Wires


Acer buergerianum
Trident Maple
Spring or Fall
20-25 ft, rounded. Zone 5-8. Withstands drought and infertile soils and various temperatures. Exfoliating bark is quite striking, coloring gray, orange, and brown. Yellow and red in fall.

Acer campestre
Hedge Maple
Spring or Fall
25-35 ft, rounded. Zone 5a-8b. Tolerates wide range of conditions including high soil pH and drought. Relatively pest-free. Moderate-good soil salt tolerance. Yellowish leaves drop late in fall.

Acer ginnala
Amur Maple
Spring or Fall
15-18 ft, rounded. Zone 3-8. Excellent tolerance to dry and alkaline soils. One of the most cold hardy and highly adaptable maples. Variable fall color.

Acer griseum
Paperbark Maple
Spring or Fall
20-30 ft, rounded. Zone 4-8. Extremely tolerant of well-drained acid or alkaline clay soils. No two specimens are exactly alike. Reddish brown exfoliating bark. Brilliant red in fall.

Acer triflorum
Three-flower Maple
Spring or Fall
20-30 ft, rounded. Zone 4-8. Prefers moist, acidic, well drained soils in sun to part shade. Opposite, trifoliate leaves.

Acer truncatum
Shantung Maple
Spring or Fall
20-25 ft, rounded. Zone 4-8. Tolerant of acid, alkaline and dry soils. Yellow flowers emerge before leaves. Variable fall color.

*Aesculus x carnea
Red Horsechestnut
Spring or Fall
30-50 ft, rounded. Zone 4-7. Prefers moist, deep, well-drained soils, but is widely adaptable to soil types. Susceptible to a blight that causes browning of the leaves. Spectacular rose-red flower effect.

Carpinus caroliniana
American Hornbeam
25-35 ft, rounded, spreading. Zone 3b-9a. Prefers shaded, moist soils but will tolerate some intermittent drought as well as high pH soil. Good orange-red fall color.

Chionanthus retusus
Chinese Fringetree
Spring or Fall
15-25 ft, rounded. Zone 5-8. Extremely easy to grow. Withstands acid or high pH, sandy loam or clay soils. Prospers in sun, but withstands part shade. Early summer white flower clusters.

Cornus mas
Corneliancherry Dogwood
Spring or Fall
20-25 ft, oval-rounded. Zone 4-8. Tolerates acid and high pH, as well as heavy clay soils, better than any dogwood. Bright yellow flowers in March and cherry-red fruit in June and July.

Cornus officianalis
Japanese Cornel Dogwood
Spring or Fall
20-25 ft, oval. Zone 4-8. Similar to Cornus mas, although it flowers earlier and the fruit ripen later. Exfoliating bark in gray, orange and brown.

Cotinus obovatus
American Smoketree
Spring or Fall
20-30 ft, oval-rounded. Zone 4-8. Scaly gray-black bark. Brilliant fall color, no two trees alike.

Crataegus viridis
Winter King Hawthorn
‘Winter King’
20-30 ft, oval. Zone 5a-9a. White flowers, red persistent fruit. Tolerant of wide range of soil types including high soil pH. Exfoliating bark in gray, green, and orangish brown.

Koelreuteria paniculata
Panicled Goldenrain Tree
30-40 ft, rounded. Zone 5b-9a. Tolerates drought, heat, wind, alkaline soil and salt. Extremely fast growing in moist, well-drained soils. Mid-summer yellow flower clusters. Specify straight trunk and good branch structure or tag at nursery.

Maackia amurensis
Amur Maackia
Spring or Fall
20-30 ft, rounded. Zone 4-7. Performs best in loose, acid or alkaline, well-drained soils. Amber-colored bark peels with age into loose flakes. Leaves are made up of 5-7 leaflets and die off green. Summer white, pealike flower clusters.

Magnolia ‘Galaxy’
Hybrid Magnolia
Spring or Fall
25-30 ft, pyramidal. Zone 5-8. Pinkish purple flowers open in April. Mildew can be a problem in moist, humid climates. Develops water sprouts.

Malus ‘Donald Wyman’
Malus Cultivar
25 ft, rounded. Highly resistant. Alternating cycles of heavy and light flowering. Rich red buds that unfurl to white flowers. Glossy bright red fruit persist into winter.

Ostrya virginiana
American Hophornbeam
25-40 ft, pyramidal to rounded. Zone 4-9. Tolerates dry, acid and higher pH soils. Prospers in full sun and is also a good understory tree. Grayish brown exfoliating bark.

Prunus x incam ‘Okame’
Okame Cherry
20-30 ft, vase-shaped to rounded. Zone 5-8. Excellent heat and cold tolerance. Rich pink flowers appear before the leaves. Bronzy red fall color.

Prunus subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’
Flowering Cherry
20-40 ft, upright to rounded. Zone 4-8. Tolerant of heat. Pinkish white flowers in fall and spring. One of the longest lived flowering cherries.

Syringa reticulata
Japanese Tree Lilac
Spring or Fall
20-30 ft, oval to rounded. Zone 3a-7b. Summer white flower clusters. Transplants readily. Relatively pest-free.

Medium to Large Trees

Acer rubrum
Red Maple
40-70 ft. Zone 3b-9a. Acid, moist soils a necessity. Sensitive to salt and drought. Should be used with caution only in sites with little environmental stress. Tree should be specified as ‘own rooted’, as graft incompatibility can be a problem. Superior cultivars for form and fall color are available. Colorful tree year round.

Acer saccharum
Sugar Maple
Spring or Fall
‘Green Mountain’
60-80 ft, oval. Sensitive to road salt, heat, compaction and drought. Brilliant variable fall color. ‘Legacy’ is reported as the toughest of the cultivars.

Betula nigra
River Birch
40-70 ft, oval. Zone 4a-9a. Prefers acid, moist soils - but adaptable. Resistant to bronze birch borer. Exfoliating pinkish white bark. ‘Heritage’ has superior vigor, larger leaves and greater resistance to leaf spot.

Carpinus betulus
European Hornbeam
40-60 ft, pyramidal-oval. Zone 5a-7a. Tolerates drought, heavy soil and wide soil pH range. Intolerant of soil salt. Pest-free. ‘Fastigiata’ grows 30-40 ft.

Celtis laevigata
Sugar Hackberry
40-50 ft, upright. Zone 5-9. Tolerates full sun or light shade, wet to dry sites, compaction, salt and pollution. Lemon yellow leaves in fall. Select straight trunked trees.

Celtis occidentalis
Common Hackberry
40-60 ft, upright. Zone 3-9. Tolerates light shade, wide range of soils, salt and pollution. Susceptible to nipple gall on leaves, powdery mildew and leaf spots. Reasonable choice where few trees will prosper.

Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Katsura Tree
Spring or Fall
40-60 ft, pyramidal to globose. Zone 5a-9a. Suffers from drought and compacted soils. Relatively pest-free. Prefers full sun and rich, moist soil. Yellow to apricot-orange in fall.

*Cladrastis kentukea
American Yellowwood
Spring or Fall
30-50 ft, broad-rounded. Zone 4-8. Best growth occurs in high pH soils, but adapts to low pH soils. Early summer cream-colored flower clusters.

Corylus colurna
Turkish Filbert
Spring or Fall
40-60 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 4-7. Grows in variety of soils and, once established, displays excellent drought tolerance. Lackluster yellow to purple in fall. Exfoliating bark.

Fraxinus americana
White Ash
Spring or Fall
50-80 ft, oval. Zone 3-9. Performs best in deep, moist, well-drained soils of varying pH. Scale and borer can be problems. Sensitive to drought. Splendid large shade tree. Requires large area.

Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Green Ash
Spring or Fall
40-60 ft, oval to rounded. Zone 3-9. Excellent tolerance of heat and cold, wet and dry soils, and high pH environments. May contract borer and scale. Yellow fall color.

Ginkgo biloba (male)
Spring or Fall
50-80 ft, variable and irregular. Zone 4b-8b. Narrow upright cultivars available. Tolerates high soil pH, salt and drought. Pest-free. Unique fan-shaped leaves. Yellow fall color.

Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis
Thornless Common Honeylocust
Spring or Fall
30-70 ft, broad oval. Zone 4-9. Very adaptable to soils, and displays excellent salt tolerance. Produces 7-8” long pods, less on certain cultivars. Rich golden yellow fall color.

Gymnocladus dioica
Kentucky Coffeetree
Spring or Fall
50-75 ft, irregular oval. Zone 4-8. Tolerates drought, alkaline soil and salt. Pest-free. Grass grows well underneath. Distinctive curled ridges on gray brown bark. Yellow fall color.

Liquidambar styraciflua
50-75 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 5b-9a. Best on moist, sunny sites, does not tolerate high pH soils. Northern seed source recommended. Brilliant variable fall color. ‘Rotundiloba’ has a purple-burgundy fall color and is reportedly seedless.

*Liriodendron tulipifera
Tulip Tree
70-90 ft, oval-rounded. Zone 4-9. Requires large area. Susceptible to drought. Unique leaf shape, conelike fruit, and tulip-shaped flowers make this tree easily identifiable as well as giving it year-round interest.

Magnolia x brooklynensis
Hybrid Magnolia
Spring or Fall
‘Yellow Bird’
30-50 ft, pyramidal. Large, intense yellow flowers are produced with the leaves.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Dawn Redwood
Spring or Fall
65-90 ft, pyramidal. Zone 5b-9a. Deciduous conifer. Prefers full sun and acid soil. Lower branches need to be removed for street side use. Requires large area. Orangish brown fall color.

Platanus x acerifolia
London Planetree
Spring or Fall
70-90 ft, broad oval. Zone 5b-9a.Tolerates compacted soils, drought, salt and varying pH. Resistant to anthracnose. Requires large area. Cream- to olive-colored bark. Yellow-brown fall color.

Prunus sargentii
Sargent Cherry
20-35 ft, vase-shaped. Zone 5a-9a. ‘Columnaris’ is considered one of the best cherries for streetside use. Prefers well-drained acid soil and full sun. Pink flowers open before leaves in spring, followed by purple-black fruit in summer. Bronze-red fall color.

Quercus acutissima
Sawtooth Oak
40-50 ft, pyramidal to broad rounded. Zone 5b or 6a-9a. Tolerates city conditions, including dry soils. Reasonably pest-free. Transplants more readily and is suited to smaller spaces than most oaks.

Quercus bicolor
Swamp White Oak
50-80 ft, pyramidal to rounded. Zone 3-8. Easier to transplant than other white oaks. Tolerates drought, salt and soil compaction in urban environments.

*Quercus imbricaria
Shingle Oak
40-65 ft, pyramidal to rounded. Zone 4-7. Leaves persist into winter and are atypical of oaks (not lobed). Tolerates city conditions. Variable fall color.

Quercus palustris
Pin Oak
Spring or Fall
50-70 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 5a-8b. Tolerates a wide range of soils. Prefers acid soil free of limestone, and full sun. Salt tolerance is moderate. Tolerates intermittent drought. Red fall color.

Quercus phellos
Willow Oak
55-75 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 6a-9a. Prefers acid soil and full sun. Withstands temporary flooding and dry soils. Yellow-brown to red fall color.

Quercus rubra
Northern Red Oak
60-80 ft, rounded. Zone 3b-9a. Tolerates urban conditions along streets with heavy traffic. Red to golden brown fall color.

Sophora japonica
Japanese Pagodatree
Spring or Fall
40-65 ft, upright-spreading to broadly rounded. Zone 4-7. Requires large area and well-drained soils. Cream flower clusters and 3-8” long pods. One of a few trees that flowers in late summer. Insignificant fall color.

Taxodium ascendens
Pond Cypress
Spring or Fall
70-80 ft, more columnar than T. distichum, but otherwise very similar.

Taxodium distichum
Common Baldcypress
Spring or Fall
50-80 ft, columnar. Zone 4-9. Adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions, except for high pH. Leaves are needle shaped and turn orange-brown in fall before dropping. Reddish brown fibrous bark.

Tilia cordata
Littleleaf Linden
Spring or Fall
60-80 ft, dense, pyramidal, many good cultivars. Zone 3b-8a. Best on moist, well-drained soils. Poor salt and drought tolerance. Adaptable to wide soil pH range. Will withstand moderate compaction. Early summer yellow flowers. Yellow fall color.

Tilia tomentosa
Silver Linden
60-70 ft, pyramidal. Zone 5a-8a. Tolerates drought and heat better than T. cordata. Attractive white pubescence on underside of leaves. Tolerant of high soil pH and less susceptible to Japanese beetles than other lindens. Midsummer yellowish white flowers.

Ulmus americana
American Elm
Spring or Fall
70-90 ft, upright spreading. Zone 2-9. Select ONLY Dutch elm disease resistant selections (eg. ‘Valley Forge’ and ‘New Harmony’). High tolerance of urban conditions. Described as “graceful beauty” and “majestic”. Yellow fall color.

Ulmus parvifolia
Chinese or Lacebark Elm
Spring or Fall
50-75 ft, rounded. Zone 5-9. Has proven highly resistant to Dutch elm disease. Splendid exfoliating bark. High degree of urban and stress tolerance. Yellow to wine fall color.

Zelkova serrata
Japanese Zelkova
50-70 ft, vase shaped. Zone 5b-9a. Adaptable to pH, compacted soil, pollution, partial shade and drought once established. Flaky bark with orange patches. Bronze-red fall color.
Acer rubrum
Red Maple
40-70 ft. Zone 3b-9a. Acid, moist soils a necessity. Sensitive to salt and drought. Should be used with caution only in sites with little environmental stress. Tree should be specified as ‘own rooted’, as graft incompatibility can be a problem. Superior cultivars for form and fall color are available. Colorful tree year round.

Acer saccharum
Sugar Maple
Spring or Fall
‘Green Mountain’
60-80 ft, oval. Sensitive to road salt, heat, compaction and drought. Brilliant variable fall color. ‘Legacy’ is reported as the toughest of the cultivars.

Betula nigra
River Birch
40-70 ft, oval. Zone 4a-9a. Prefers acid, moist soils - but adaptable. Resistant to bronze birch borer. Exfoliating pinkish white bark. ‘Heritage’ has superior vigor, larger leaves and greater resistance to leaf spot.

Carpinus betulus
European Hornbeam
40-60 ft, pyramidal-oval. Zone 5a-7a. Tolerates drought, heavy soil and wide soil pH range. Intolerant of soil salt. Pest-free. ‘Fastigiata’ grows 30-40 ft.

Celtis laevigata
Sugar Hackberry
40-50 ft, upright. Zone 5-9. Tolerates full sun or light shade, wet to dry sites, compaction, salt and pollution. Lemon yellow leaves in fall. Select straight trunked trees.

Celtis occidentalis
Common Hackberry
40-60 ft, upright. Zone 3-9. Tolerates light shade, wide range of soils, salt and pollution. Susceptible to nipple gall on leaves, powdery mildew and leaf spots. Reasonable choice where few trees will prosper.

Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Katsura Tree
Spring or Fall
40-60 ft, pyramidal to globose. Zone 5a-9a. Suffers from drought and compacted soils. Relatively pest-free. Prefers full sun and rich, moist soil. Yellow to apricot-orange in fall.

*Cladrastis kentukea
American Yellowwood
Spring or Fall
30-50 ft, broad-rounded. Zone 4-8. Best growth occurs in high pH soils, but adapts to low pH soils. Early summer cream-colored flower clusters.

Corylus colurna
Turkish Filbert
Spring or Fall
40-60 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 4-7. Grows in variety of soils and, once established, displays excellent drought tolerance. Lackluster yellow to purple in fall. Exfoliating bark.

Fraxinus americana
White Ash
Spring or Fall
50-80 ft, oval. Zone 3-9. Performs best in deep, moist, well-drained soils of varying pH. Scale and borer can be problems. Sensitive to drought. Splendid large shade tree. Requires large area.

Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Green Ash
Spring or Fall
40-60 ft, oval to rounded. Zone 3-9. Excellent tolerance of heat and cold, wet and dry soils, and high pH environments. May contract borer and scale. Yellow fall color.

Ginkgo biloba (male)
Spring or Fall
50-80 ft, variable and irregular. Zone 4b-8b. Narrow upright cultivars available. Tolerates high soil pH, salt and drought. Pest-free. Unique fan-shaped leaves. Yellow fall color.

Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis
Thornless Common Honeylocust
Spring or Fall
30-70 ft, broad oval. Zone 4-9. Very adaptable to soils, and displays excellent salt tolerance. Produces 7-8” long pods, less on certain cultivars. Rich golden yellow fall color.

Gymnocladus dioica
Kentucky Coffeetree
Spring or Fall
50-75 ft, irregular oval. Zone 4-8. Tolerates drought, alkaline soil and salt. Pest-free. Grass grows well underneath. Distinctive curled ridges on gray brown bark. Yellow fall color.

Liquidambar styraciflua
50-75 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 5b-9a. Best on moist, sunny sites, does not tolerate high pH soils. Northern seed source recommended. Brilliant variable fall color. ‘Rotundiloba’ has a purple-burgundy fall color and is reportedly seedless.

*Liriodendron tulipifera
Tulip Tree
70-90 ft, oval-rounded. Zone 4-9. Requires large area. Susceptible to drought. Unique leaf shape, conelike fruit, and tulip-shaped flowers make this tree easily identifiable as well as giving it year-round interest.

Magnolia x brooklynensis
Hybrid Magnolia
Spring or Fall
‘Yellow Bird’
30-50 ft, pyramidal. Large, intense yellow flowers are produced with the leaves.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Dawn Redwood
Spring or Fall
65-90 ft, pyramidal. Zone 5b-9a. Deciduous conifer. Prefers full sun and acid soil. Lower branches need to be removed for street side use. Requires large area. Orangish brown fall color.

Platanus x acerifolia
London Planetree
Spring or Fall
70-90 ft, broad oval. Zone 5b-9a.Tolerates compacted soils, drought, salt and varying pH. Resistant to anthracnose. Requires large area. Cream- to olive-colored bark. Yellow-brown fall color.

Prunus sargentii
Sargent Cherry
20-35 ft, vase-shaped. Zone 5a-9a. ‘Columnaris’ is considered one of the best cherries for streetside use. Prefers well-drained acid soil and full sun. Pink flowers open before leaves in spring, followed by purple-black fruit in summer. Bronze-red fall color.

Quercus acutissima
Sawtooth Oak
40-50 ft, pyramidal to broad rounded. Zone 5b or 6a-9a. Tolerates city conditions, including dry soils. Reasonably pest-free. Transplants more readily and is suited to smaller spaces than most oaks.

Quercus bicolor
Swamp White Oak
50-80 ft, pyramidal to rounded. Zone 3-8. Easier to transplant than other white oaks. Tolerates drought, salt and soil compaction in urban environments.

*Quercus imbricaria
Shingle Oak
40-65 ft, pyramidal to rounded. Zone 4-7. Leaves persist into winter and are atypical of oaks (not lobed). Tolerates city conditions. Variable fall color.

Quercus palustris
Pin Oak
Spring or Fall
50-70 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 5a-8b. Tolerates a wide range of soils. Prefers acid soil free of limestone, and full sun. Salt tolerance is moderate. Tolerates intermittent drought. Red fall color.

Quercus phellos
Willow Oak
55-75 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 6a-9a. Prefers acid soil and full sun. Withstands temporary flooding and dry soils. Yellow-brown to red fall color.

Quercus rubra
Northern Red Oak
60-80 ft, rounded. Zone 3b-9a. Tolerates urban conditions along streets with heavy traffic. Red to golden brown fall color.

Sophora japonica
Japanese Pagodatree
Spring or Fall
40-65 ft, upright-spreading to broadly rounded. Zone 4-7. Requires large area and well-drained soils. Cream flower clusters and 3-8” long pods. One of a few trees that flowers in late summer. Insignificant fall color.

Taxodium ascendens
Pond Cypress
Spring or Fall
70-80 ft, more columnar than T. distichum, but otherwise very similar.

Taxodium distichum
Common Baldcypress
Spring or Fall
50-80 ft, columnar. Zone 4-9. Adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions, except for high pH. Leaves are needle shaped and turn orange-brown in fall before dropping. Reddish brown fibrous bark.

Tilia cordata
Littleleaf Linden
Spring or Fall
60-80 ft, dense, pyramidal, many good cultivars. Zone 3b-8a. Best on moist, well-drained soils. Poor salt and drought tolerance. Adaptable to wide soil pH range. Will withstand moderate compaction. Early summer yellow flowers. Yellow fall color.

Tilia tomentosa
Silver Linden
60-70 ft, pyramidal. Zone 5a-8a. Tolerates drought and heat better than T. cordata. Attractive white pubescence on underside of leaves. Tolerant of high soil pH and less susceptible to Japanese beetles than other lindens. Midsummer yellowish white flowers.

Ulmus americana
American Elm
Spring or Fall
70-90 ft, upright spreading. Zone 2-9. Select ONLY Dutch elm disease resistant selections (eg. ‘Valley Forge’ and ‘New Harmony’). High tolerance of urban conditions. Described as “graceful beauty” and “majestic”. Yellow fall color.

Ulmus parvifolia
Chinese or Lacebark Elm
Spring or Fall
50-75 ft, rounded. Zone 5-9. Has proven highly resistant to Dutch elm disease. Splendid exfoliating bark. High degree of urban and stress tolerance. Yellow to wine fall color.

Zelkova serrata
Japanese Zelkova
50-70 ft, vase shaped. Zone 5b-9a. Adaptable to pH, compacted soil, pollution, partial shade and drought once established. Flaky bark with orange patches. Bronze-red fall color.
Acer rubrum
Red Maple
40-70 ft. Zone 3b-9a. Acid, moist soils a necessity. Sensitive to salt and drought. Should be used with caution only in sites with little environmental stress. Tree should be specified as ‘own rooted’, as graft incompatibility can be a problem. Superior cultivars for form and fall color are available. Colorful tree year round.

Acer saccharum
Sugar Maple
Spring or Fall
‘Green Mountain’
60-80 ft, oval. Sensitive to road salt, heat, compaction and drought. Brilliant variable fall color. ‘Legacy’ is reported as the toughest of the cultivars.

Betula nigra
River Birch
40-70 ft, oval. Zone 4a-9a. Prefers acid, moist soils - but adaptable. Resistant to bronze birch borer. Exfoliating pinkish white bark. ‘Heritage’ has superior vigor, larger leaves and greater resistance to leaf spot.

Carpinus betulus
European Hornbeam
40-60 ft, pyramidal-oval. Zone 5a-7a. Tolerates drought, heavy soil and wide soil pH range. Intolerant of soil salt. Pest-free. ‘Fastigiata’ grows 30-40 ft.

Celtis laevigata
Sugar Hackberry
40-50 ft, upright. Zone 5-9. Tolerates full sun or light shade, wet to dry sites, compaction, salt and pollution. Lemon yellow leaves in fall. Select straight trunked trees.

Celtis occidentalis
Common Hackberry
40-60 ft, upright. Zone 3-9. Tolerates light shade, wide range of soils, salt and pollution. Susceptible to nipple gall on leaves, powdery mildew and leaf spots. Reasonable choice where few trees will prosper.

Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Katsura Tree
Spring or Fall
40-60 ft, pyramidal to globose. Zone 5a-9a. Suffers from drought and compacted soils. Relatively pest-free. Prefers full sun and rich, moist soil. Yellow to apricot-orange in fall.

*Cladrastis kentukea
American Yellowwood
Spring or Fall
30-50 ft, broad-rounded. Zone 4-8. Best growth occurs in high pH soils, but adapts to low pH soils. Early summer cream-colored flower clusters.

Corylus colurna
Turkish Filbert
Spring or Fall
40-60 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 4-7. Grows in variety of soils and, once established, displays excellent drought tolerance. Lackluster yellow to purple in fall. Exfoliating bark.

Fraxinus americana
White Ash
Spring or Fall
50-80 ft, oval. Zone 3-9. Performs best in deep, moist, well-drained soils of varying pH. Scale and borer can be problems. Sensitive to drought. Splendid large shade tree. Requires large area.

Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Green Ash
Spring or Fall
40-60 ft, oval to rounded. Zone 3-9. Excellent tolerance of heat and cold, wet and dry soils, and high pH environments. May contract borer and scale. Yellow fall color.

Ginkgo biloba (male)
Spring or Fall
50-80 ft, variable and irregular. Zone 4b-8b. Narrow upright cultivars available. Tolerates high soil pH, salt and drought. Pest-free. Unique fan-shaped leaves. Yellow fall color.

Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis
Thornless Common Honeylocust
Spring or Fall
30-70 ft, broad oval. Zone 4-9. Very adaptable to soils, and displays excellent salt tolerance. Produces 7-8” long pods, less on certain cultivars. Rich golden yellow fall color.

Gymnocladus dioica
Kentucky Coffeetree
Spring or Fall
50-75 ft, irregular oval. Zone 4-8. Tolerates drought, alkaline soil and salt. Pest-free. Grass grows well underneath. Distinctive curled ridges on gray brown bark. Yellow fall color.

Liquidambar styraciflua
50-75 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 5b-9a. Best on moist, sunny sites, does not tolerate high pH soils. Northern seed source recommended. Brilliant variable fall color. ‘Rotundiloba’ has a purple-burgundy fall color and is reportedly seedless.

*Liriodendron tulipifera
Tulip Tree
70-90 ft, oval-rounded. Zone 4-9. Requires large area. Susceptible to drought. Unique leaf shape, conelike fruit, and tulip-shaped flowers make this tree easily identifiable as well as giving it year-round interest.

Magnolia x brooklynensis
Hybrid Magnolia
Spring or Fall
‘Yellow Bird’
30-50 ft, pyramidal. Large, intense yellow flowers are produced with the leaves.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Dawn Redwood
Spring or Fall
65-90 ft, pyramidal. Zone 5b-9a. Deciduous conifer. Prefers full sun and acid soil. Lower branches need to be removed for street side use. Requires large area. Orangish brown fall color.

Platanus x acerifolia
London Planetree
Spring or Fall
70-90 ft, broad oval. Zone 5b-9a.Tolerates compacted soils, drought, salt and varying pH. Resistant to anthracnose. Requires large area. Cream- to olive-colored bark. Yellow-brown fall color.

Prunus sargentii
Sargent Cherry
20-35 ft, vase-shaped. Zone 5a-9a. ‘Columnaris’ is considered one of the best cherries for streetside use. Prefers well-drained acid soil and full sun. Pink flowers open before leaves in spring, followed by purple-black fruit in summer. Bronze-red fall color.

Quercus acutissima
Sawtooth Oak
40-50 ft, pyramidal to broad rounded. Zone 5b or 6a-9a. Tolerates city conditions, including dry soils. Reasonably pest-free. Transplants more readily and is suited to smaller spaces than most oaks.

Quercus bicolor
Swamp White Oak
50-80 ft, pyramidal to rounded. Zone 3-8. Easier to transplant than other white oaks. Tolerates drought, salt and soil compaction in urban environments.

*Quercus imbricaria
Shingle Oak
40-65 ft, pyramidal to rounded. Zone 4-7. Leaves persist into winter and are atypical of oaks (not lobed). Tolerates city conditions. Variable fall color.

Quercus palustris
Pin Oak
Spring or Fall
50-70 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 5a-8b. Tolerates a wide range of soils. Prefers acid soil free of limestone, and full sun. Salt tolerance is moderate. Tolerates intermittent drought. Red fall color.

Quercus phellos
Willow Oak
55-75 ft, pyramidal to oval. Zone 6a-9a. Prefers acid soil and full sun. Withstands temporary flooding and dry soils. Yellow-brown to red fall color.

Quercus rubra
Northern Red Oak
60-80 ft, rounded. Zone 3b-9a. Tolerates urban conditions along streets with heavy traffic. Red to golden brown fall color.

Sophora japonica
Japanese Pagodatree
Spring or Fall
40-65 ft, upright-spreading to broadly rounded. Zone 4-7. Requires large area and well-drained soils. Cream flower clusters and 3-8” long pods. One of a few trees that flowers in late summer. Insignificant fall color.

Taxodium ascendens
Pond Cypress
Spring or Fall
70-80 ft, more columnar than T. distichum, but otherwise very similar.

Taxodium distichum
Common Baldcypress
Spring or Fall
50-80 ft, columnar. Zone 4-9. Adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions, except for high pH. Leaves are needle shaped and turn orange-brown in fall before dropping. Reddish brown fibrous bark.

Tilia cordata
Littleleaf Linden
Spring or Fall
60-80 ft, dense, pyramidal, many good cultivars. Zone 3b-8a. Best on moist, well-drained soils. Poor salt and drought tolerance. Adaptable to wide soil pH range. Will withstand moderate compaction. Early summer yellow flowers. Yellow fall color.

Tilia tomentosa
Silver Linden
60-70 ft, pyramidal. Zone 5a-8a. Tolerates drought and heat better than T. cordata. Attractive white pubescence on underside of leaves. Tolerant of high soil pH and less susceptible to Japanese beetles than other lindens. Midsummer yellowish white flowers.

Ulmus americana
American Elm
Spring or Fall
70-90 ft, upright spreading. Zone 2-9. Select ONLY Dutch elm disease resistant selections (eg. ‘Valley Forge’ and ‘New Harmony’). High tolerance of urban conditions. Described as “graceful beauty” and “majestic”. Yellow fall color.

Ulmus parvifolia
Chinese or Lacebark Elm
Spring or Fall
50-75 ft, rounded. Zone 5-9. Has proven highly resistant to Dutch elm disease. Splendid exfoliating bark. High degree of urban and stress tolerance. Yellow to wine fall color.

Zelkova serrata
Japanese Zelkova
50-70 ft, vase shaped. Zone 5b-9a. Adaptable to pH, compacted soil, pollution, partial shade and drought once established. Flaky bark with orange patches. Bronze-red fall color.

Posted by martin59 on 11/07/2004
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