Brazos Landing

Deed Restrictions of Brazos Landing Residential Assoc.

Deed Restrictions of Brazos Landing Residential Assoc.

****Please note that this document may not reflect all changes that were incorporated into the final signature copy****

Timothy D. Hagen
Hagen & Parsons, P.C.
North Central Plaza Three
12801 N. Central Expwy., Suite 370
Dallas, Texas 75243


THIS DECLARATION (herein so called) is made this ______ day of _______________, 1998, by ASHTON HOUSTON RESIDENTIAL L.L.C., a Texas limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as "Declarant").

W I T N E S S E T H :

WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property referred to in Article II hereof and described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, and desires to create thereon a residential community with residential lots, and common improvements for the benefit of the community; and

WHEREAS, Declarant desires to provide for, among other matters, the preserva-tion of the amenities and common interests in said community and for the maintenance of the common area im-provements; and, to this end, desires to subject the real property referred to in Article II, together with such additions as may hereafter be made thereto (as provided in Article II) to the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, charges and liens hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is and are for the benefit of said property and each and every owner of any part thereof; and

WHEREAS, Declarant has deemed it desirable, for the efficient preservation of the values and amenities in said community, to create an owners' association to which would be delegated and assigned the powers of (i) maintaining and administering the common properties and facilities, (ii) administering and enforcing the covenants and restrictions contained herein, (iii) collecting and disbursing the assessments and charges hereinafter created, and (iv) establishing a capital reserve fund; and

WHEREAS, Declarant has caused or will cause a non-profit corporation to be incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas for the purpose of effecting the intents and objectives herein set forth.

NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant declares that the real property referred to in Article II, and such additions thereto as may hereafter be made pursuant to Article II hereof, is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, charges and liens (sometimes referred to as "Covenants and Restrictions") hereinafter set forth.


The following words when used in this Declaration or any Supplemental Declaration (unless the context shall otherwise provide) shall have the following meanings:

(a) "Architectural Control Committee" shall mean and refer to the architectural control committee described in Article X hereof.

(b) "Articles of Incorporation" shall mean and refer to the articles of incorporation of the Association as may be amended from time to time.

(c) "Association" shall mean and refer to Brazos Landing Residential Association, Inc., a Texas non-profit corporation, which will have the power, duty and responsibility of maintaining and administering the Common Properties, and collecting and disbursing the assessments and charges hereinafter prescribed, and will have the right to administer and enforce the Covenants and Restrictions.
(d) "Board" or "Board of Directors" shall mean and refer to the board of directors of the Association.

(e) "Bylaws" shall mean and refer to the bylaws of the Association, as may be amended from time to time.

(f) "Class A Members" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.02 hereof.

(g) "Class B Members" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.02 hereof.

(h) "Common Properties" shall mean and refer to (i) those certain landscaping improvements, plantings, screen-ing walls, sprinkler systems, amenity center, and easements, among other amenities, which are intended to be devoted to the common use and enjoyment of the Owners; and (ii) any areas of land, improvements or other property rights within the Properties which are now or hereafter designated by the Declarant or the Board of Directors as Common Properties, together with any and all improvements that are now or may hereafter be constructed thereon. In certain circumstances, Common Properties may not be owned by the Declarant or the Association in fee, but may, in some instances, be held as an easement, be leased or may simply be areas of land that are not owned or leased by the Declarant or the Association but which are maintained by the Association or the Declarant for the use and benefit of the Owners and the Properties. An example of areas of Common Properties which may not be owned or leased by the Association or the Declarant but would constitute a portion of the Common Properties would be landscaped areas appurtenant to and within public rights-of-way. The Declarant may hold record title to all or a portion of the Common Properties, consistent with the objec-tives envisioned herein and subject to the easement rights herein of the Owners to use and enjoy the Common Properties, for an indefinite period of time and at a point in time (deemed appropriate and reasonable by the Declarant) after the Association has been incorporated, record title to those portions of the Common Properties which are owned by the Declarant in fee, as an easement or otherwise will be transferred from the Declarant to the Association.

(i) "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Ashton Houston Residential L.L.C., a Texas limited liability company, and its successors and assigns, if such successors and/or assigns become same by express assignment by Ashton Houston Residential L.L.C. of its rights as Declarant hereunder or by operation of law. No person or entity purchasing one or more Lots from Ashton Houston Residential L.L.C. in the ordinary course of business shall be considered as "Declarant".

(j) "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot or tract of land shown upon any recorded subdivision map(s) or plat(s) of the Properties, as amended from time to time, which is designated as a lot thereon and which is or will be improved with a residential dwelling. Some portions of the Common Properties may be platted as a "lot" on the recorded subdivision plat, however, these lots shall be excluded from the concept and definition of lot as used herein.

(k) "Member" shall mean and refer to each Owner as provided in Article III hereof.

(l) "Owner" shall mean and refer to every person or entity who is a record owner of a fee or undivided fee interest in any Lot which is subject to this Declaration. The foregoing is not intended to include persons or entities who hold an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation.

(m) "Plat" shall mean and refer to the Final Plat of Brazos Landing, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Slide 1741A and Slide 1741B of the Map or Plat Records of Fort Bend County, Texas.

(n) "Properties" shall mean and refer to the proper-ties subject to this Declaration as described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, together with such additions as may hereafter be made thereto (as provided in Article II).


2.01 Existing Properties. The Properties which are, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed, and occupied subject to this Declaration are located in Fort Bend County, State of Texas, and are more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes.

2.02 Additions to Properties. Additional land(s) may become subject to this Declaration in any of the following manners:

(a) The Declarant may add or annex additional real property to the scheme of this Declaration by filing of record a Supplementary Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions ("Supplementary Declaration") which shall extend the scheme of the Covenants and Restrictions of this Declaration to such property; provided, however, that such Supplementary Declaration may contain such complementary additions and modifications of the Covenants and Restrictions contained in this Declaration as may be necessary to reflect the different character, if any, of the added properties and as are not materially inconsistent with this Declaration in a manner which adversely affects the concept of this Declaration.

(b) In the event any person or entity other than the Declarant desires to add or annex additional residential and/or common areas to the scheme of this Declaration, such proposed annexation must have the prior written consent and approval of the majority of the total eligible votes of the Association.

(c) Any additions made pursuant to Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section 2.02, when made, shall automatically extend the jurisdiction, functions, duties and membership of the Association to the properties added.

(d) The Declarant shall have the right and option [without the joinder, approval or consent of any person(s) or entity(ies)] to cause the Association to merge or consolidate with any similar association then having jurisdiction over real property located (in whole or in part) within one-half (1/2) mile of any real property then subject to the jurisdiction of the Association. Upon a merger or consolidation of the Association with another association, its properties, rights and obligations may, by operation of law, be transferred to another surviving or consolidated association or, alternatively, the properties, rights and obligations of another association may, by operation of law, be added to the properties, rights and obligations of the Association as a surviving corporation pursuant to a merger. The surviving or consolidated association may administer the Covenants and Restrictions established by this Declaration within the Properties together with the covenants and restrictions established upon any other properties as one scheme.

(e) Notwithstanding the fact that the Declarant may not be a Class A or Class B Member by virtue of its sale, transfer or conveyance of all of its right, title, and interest in the Properties, the Declarant shall continue to be entitled to implement and exercise all its rights under and pursuant to this Section 2.02 and all of the subsections hereof. Even though the Declarant may not be a Class A or Class B Member prior to an annexation, merger or consolidation permitted by this Section 2.02, subsequent to such annexation, merger or consolidation, the Declarant shall be and become a Class B Member with respect to the Lots owned by it within the Properties, as such Properties have been expanded or increased by the annexation, merger or consolidation. The Declarant's rights as a Class B Member shall be governed by and set forth in this Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association, as same may be amended or altered by, and in accordance with, the annexation, merger or consolidation.


3.01 Membership. Every Owner of a Lot shall automatically be a Member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot which is subject to this Declaration. The foregoing is not intended to include persons or entities who hold an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot. The Board of Directors may declare that an Owner is not a Member in good standing because of unpaid dues, fines, late charges, interest, legal fees, and/or any other Assessment of any nature. The Board of Directors may temporarily suspend the voting rights of any Member who is not in good standing until such unpaid amounts are paid in full.

3.02 Classes of Membership. The Association shall have two (2) classes of voting membership:

CLASS A. Class A Members shall be all Members with the exception of Class B Members. Class A Members shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each Lot in which they hold the interest required for membership. When more than one person holds such interest or interests in any Lot, all such persons shall be Members, and the vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they, among themselves, determine, but in no event shall more than one vote (1) be cast with respect to any such Lot.

CLASS B. Class B Members shall be Declarant. Declarant shall be entitled to eight (8) votes for each Lot owned by Declarant. The Class B membership shall cease, and Declarant shall become a Class A Member, upon the earlier to occur of the following:

(i) when Declarant no longer owns record title to any of the Lots; or

(ii) on the tenth (10th) anniversary of the date this Declaration was recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas.

Notwithstanding the voting rights within the Association, until the Declarant no longer owns record title to any Lot or the tenth (10th) anniversary of the date this Declaration was recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas, whichever occurs first in time, the Association shall take no action with respect to any matter whatsoever without the prior written consent of the Declarant.

Owners of exempt properties as described in Section 5.11 hereof shall be Members but shall not have voting rights.

3.03 Quorum, Notice and Voting Requirements.

(a) Subject to the provisions of Paragraph (c) of this Section, any action taken at a meeting of the Members shall require the assent of the majority of all eligible votes of those who are voting in person or by proxy, regardless of class, at a meeting duly called, written notice of which shall be given to all Members not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days in advance.

(b) The quorum required for any action referred to in Paragraph (a) of this Section shall be as follows:

The presence at the initial meeting of Members entitled to cast, or of proxies entitled to cast, one tenth (1/10th) of all eligible votes of the Association, regardless of class, shall constitute a quorum for any action except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws or this Declaration or as provided by the laws of the State of Texas.

(c) As an alternative to the procedure set forth above, any action referred to in Paragraph (a) of this Section may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, approving the action to be taken, shall be signed by all eligible Members.

(d) Except as otherwise specifically set forth in this Declaration, notice, voting and quorum requirements for all actions to be taken by the Association shall be consistent with its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, as same may be amended from time to time.

(e) Except as specifically set forth in this Declaration, notice, voting and quorum require-ments for all action to be taken by the Association (as an incorporated entity) shall be consistent with its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, as same may be amended from time to time.


4.01 Members' Easements of Enjoyment. Subject to the provisions of Section 4.03 of this Article, every Member and every tenant of every Member, who resides on a Lot, and each individual who resides with either of them, respectively, on such Lot shall have a non-exclusive right and easement of use and enjoyment in and to the Common Properties, and such easement shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title of every Lot; provided, however, such easement shall not give such person the right to make alterations, additions or improvements to the Common Properties.

4.02 Title to the Common Properties. The Declarant shall dedicate and convey the fee simple title to the Common Properties to the Association at such point in time deemed reasonable and appropriate by the Declarant. Prior to the date the Common Properties are conveyed to the Association, the Declarant shall retain the right to sell portions of the Common Properties to Owners if Declarant, in its sole discretion, deems such sale to be for the best interest of the development.

4.03 Extent of Members' Easements. The rights and easements of enjoyment created hereby shall be subject to and limited by the following:

(a) The right of the Association to prescribe regulations governing the use, operation and maintenance of the Common Properties.

(b) Liens of mortgages placed against all or any portion of the Common Properties with respect to monies borrowed by the Declarant to develop and improve the Common Properties or by the Association to improve or maintain all or any portion of the Common Properties;

(c) The right of the Declarant and/or the Association to enter into and execute contracts with parties (including the Declarant or an affiliate of the Declarant) for the purpose of providing maintenance for all or a portion of the Common Properties or providing materials or services consistent with the purposes of the Association;

(d) The right of the Association to take such steps as are reasonably necessary to protect the Common Properties against foreclosure;

(e) The right of the Association, as may be provided in its Bylaws, to suspend the voting rights of any Member and to suspend the right of any individual to use any of the Common Properties for any period during which any assessment against a Lot owned by such individual remains unpaid, and for any period not to exceed sixty (60) days for an infraction of its rules and regulations;

(f) The right of the Declarant or the Association, subject to approval by written consent by the Member(s) having a majority of the outstanding votes of the Members, in the aggregate, regardless of class, to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Properties to any public agency, authority, or utility company for such purposes and upon such conditions as may be agreed to by such Members;

(g) The right of the Declarant or the Association, at any time, to make such reasonable amendments to the Plat, as it deems advisable, in its sole discretion. All Members are advised that a portion of the Common Properties may be located within the platted and dedicated public rights-of-way and in connection therewith the public shall have rights of use and enjoyment of Common Properties located within the public rights-of-way; and

(h) With respect to any and all portions of the Common Properties, Declarant, until Declarant no longer owns record title to any Lot or the tenth (10th) anniversary of the date this Declaration was recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas, whichever is the first to occur, shall have the right and option (without the joinder and consent of any person or entity, save and except any consent, joinder or approval required by any governmental agency having appropriate jurisdiction over the Common Properties) to: (i) alter, improve, landscape and/or maintain the Common Properties; (ii) rechannel, realign, dam, bridge, bulwark, culvert and otherwise employ or utilize construction and/or engineering measures and activities of any kind or nature whatsoever upon or within the Common Properties; (iii) seek and obtain variances or permits of any kind or nature whatsoever upon or within the Common Properties; (iv) replat or redesign the shape or configuration of the Common Properties; and (v) seek and obtain any and all permits, licenses or exemptions from any and all governmental agencies exercising jurisdiction over the Common Properties and/or the uses or activities thereon.


5.01 Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessments. Declarant, for each Lot owned by it, hereby covenants and agrees, and each purchaser of any Lot by acceptance of a deed or other conveyance document creating in such Owner the interest required to be deemed an Owner, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other conveyance document, shall be deemed to covenant and agree (and such covenant and agreement shall be deemed to constitute a portion of the consideration and purchase money for the acquisition of the Lot), to pay to the Association (or to an entity or collection agency designated by the Association): (1) annual maintenance assessments or charges (as specified in Section 5.04 hereof), such assessments to be fixed, established and collected from time to time as herein provided; (2) special assessments for capital improvements and other purposes (as specified in Section 5.05 hereof), such assessments to be fixed, established and collected from time to time as hereinafter provided; and (3) individual special assessments levied against one or more Owners to reimburse the Association for extra costs for maintenance and repairs caused by the willful or negligent acts or omissions of such Owner or Owners, his tenants (if applicable), and their respective family, agents, guests and invitees, and not caused by ordinary wear and tear (as specified in Section 5.05 hereof), all of such assessments to be fixed, established and collected from time to time as hereinafter provided. The annual maintenance, special capital, and special individual assessments described in this Section 5.01 (hereinafter, the "Assessment" or the "Assessments," together with interest thereon, attorneys' fees, court costs and other costs of collection thereof, as herein provided, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon each Lot against which any such Assessment is made. Each such Assessment, together with interest thereon, attorneys' fees, court costs, and other costs of collection thereof shall also be the continuing personal obligation of the Owner of such Lot at the time when the Assessment fell due. Further, no Owner may exempt himself from liability for such Assessments or waive or otherwise escape liability for the Assessments by non-use of the Common Properties or abandonment of his Lot. Existing obligations of an Owner to pay Assessments and other costs and charges shall not pass to bona fide first lien mortgagees which become Owners by reason of foreclosure proceedings or an action at law subsequent to the date the Assessment was due; provided, however, any such foreclosure proceeding or action at law shall not relieve such new Owner of such Lot from liability for the amount of any Assessment thereafter becoming due nor from the lien securing the payment of any subsequent Assessment.

5.02 Purpose of Assessments. The Assessments levied by the Association shall be used for (i) the purpose of promoting the recreation of the Members and/or the residents of the Properties; (ii) managing the Common Properties; (iii) enhancing the quality of life in the Properties and the value of the Properties; (iv) improving and maintaining the Common Properties, the properties, services, improvements and facilities devoted to or directly related to the use and enjoyment of the Common Properties, including, but not limited to, the payment of taxes on the Common Properties and insurance in connection therewith and the repair, replacement and additions thereto, including, but not limited to the establishment of a capital reserve fund; (v) paying the cost of labor, equipment (including the expense of leasing any equipment) and materials required for, and management and supervision of, the Common Properties; (vi) carrying out the powers and duties of the Board of Directors of the Association as set forth in this Declaration and the Bylaws; (vii) carrying out the purposes of the Association as stated in its Articles of Incorporation; and (viii) carrying out the powers and duties relating to the Architectural Control Committee, after Declarant has delegated or assigned such powers and duties to the Association.

5.03 Improvement and Maintenance of the Common Properties Prior to Conveyance to the Association. Initially, all improvement of the Common Properties shall be the responsibility of the Declarant and shall be undertaken by Declarant at its sole cost and expense with no right to reimbursement from the Association. After the initial improvements to the Common Properties are substantially completed and until the date of the conveyance of the title to the Common Properties to the Association, the Declarant, on behalf of the Association, shall have the responsibility and duty (but with right of Assessment against all Owners) of maintaining the Common Properties, including, but not limited to, the payment of taxes on and insurance in connection with the Common Properties and the cost of repairs, replacements and additions thereto, and for paying the cost of labor, equipment (including the expense of leasing any equipment) and materials required for, and management and supervision of, the Common Properties. In this regard, and until such time as the Common Properties are conveyed to the Association, all Assessments collected by the Association (less such amount required for the operation of the Association) shall be forthwith paid by the Association to Declarant, to the extent that such Assessments are required by Declarant to maintain the Common Properties as set forth in this Paragraph. The Association may rely upon a certificate executed and delivered by the Declarant with respect to the amount required by Declarant to maintain the Common Properties hereunder.

5.04 Annual Maintenance Assessments.

(a) Commencing with the year beginning January 1, 1998, and each year thereafter, each Member shall pay to the Association an annual maintenance assessment in such amount as set by the Board of Directors, at its annual meeting.

(b) Subject to the provisions of Section 5.04(c) hereof, the rate of annual maintenance assessments may be increased by the Board. The Board may, after consideration of current maintenance, operational and other costs and the future needs of the Association, fix the annual maintenance assessments for any year at a lesser amount than that of the previous year.

(c) An increase in the rate of the annual maintenance assessments as authorized by Section 5.04(b) hereof in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) of the preceding year's annual maintenance assessments must be approved by the Members in accordance with Section 3.03 hereof.

(d) When the annual maintenance assessment is computed for Lots, all or a portion of such annual maintenance assessment shall be payable to the Association by the Member according to the status of the Lot owned by such Member as follows:

(i) As to a Lot owned by a Class A Member who is not engaged in the process of constructing a residential dwelling on the Lot for sale to consumers, the full annual maintenance assessment shall be payable.

(ii) As to a Lot owned by a Class A Member who is engaged in the process of constructing a residential dwelling on the Lot for sale to consumers, one-half (½) of the annual maintenance assessment shall be payable.

(iii) As to a Lot owned by a Class B Member, one-quarter (1/4) of the annual maintenance assessment shall be payable.

Notwithstanding the foregoing for a period of five (5) years after the date hereof or until there is no longer any Class B membership, whichever occurs first, at Declarant's option, Declarant shall not be required to pay any Assessments with respect to any Lot owned by Declarant which has not been improved with a completed dwelling structure thereon; provided, however, that in the event Declarant elects not to pay any such Assessments during such period for so long as Declarant is the Owner of any Lot, Declarant shall subsidize the Association to the extent necessary to cover all net operating losses incurred by the Association in the operation or maintenance of the Common Properties, but Declarant shall not be required to subsidize the Association in an amount in excess of the Assessments which Declarant would otherwise have been required to pay hereunder. If Declarant subsidizes the Association and the Association thereafter accumulates a surplus or positive account balance, the Association shall reimburse the Declarant for the amount of such subsidies to the extent of the surplus or positive account balance. If Declarant subsidizes the Association in an amount in excess of the Assessments which Declarant would otherwise have been required to pay pursuant to this Declaration, all of such excess amounts shall constitute loans (bearing interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum) from Declarant to the Association which shall be payable by the Association to Declarant on demand. After the expiration of such period, Declarant shall be required to pay Assessments in accordance with the provisions hereof, but Declarant shall not be required to subsidize the Association in an amount in excess of the Assessments which Declarant would otherwise have been required to pay hereunder.

(e) Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, prior to January 1, 1999, the maximum annual maintenance assessment chargeable against any Lot for which a full assessment is payable shall not exceed $600.00 per year.

(f) The Board of Directors may provide that annual maintenance assessments shall be paid, semi-annually or annually on a calendar year basis. Not later than thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year of the Association, the Board shall (i) estimate the total common expenses to be incurred by the Association for the forthcoming fiscal year, and (ii) determine, in a manner consistent with the terms and provisions of this Declaration, the amount of the annual maintenance assessments to be paid by each Member. Written notice of the annual maintenance assessments to be paid by each Member shall be sent to every Member, but only to one (1) joint Owner. Each Member shall thereafter pay to the Association his annual maintenance assessment in such manner as determined by the Board of Directors.

(g) The annual maintenance assessments shall include reasonable amounts, as determined by the Members or by the Board, collected as reserves for the future periodic maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all or a portion of the Common Properties and/or for fulfillment of future obligations of the Association. All amounts collected as reserves, whether pursuant to this Section or otherwise, shall be deposited in a separate bank account to be held in trust for the purposes for which they were collected and are to be segregated from and not commingled with any other funds of the Association. Assessments collected as reserves shall not be considered to be advance payments of regular annual maintenance assessments.

5.05 Special Capital Assessments and Special Individual Assessments.

(a) In addition to the annual maintenance assessments authorized in Section 5.04 hereof, the Board of Directors of the Association may levy in any calendar assessment year a special capital assessment for the purpose of (i) defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction or reconstruction, repair or replacement of improvements upon the Properties or Common Properties, including the necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto (ii) maintaining portions of the Common Properties and improvements thereon, or (iii) carrying out other purposes of the Association; provided, however, that any such special capital assessment levied by the Association shall have the approval of the Members in accordance with Section 3.03 hereof. Any special capital assessment levied by the Association shall be paid by the Members directly to the Association on such date or dates as determined by the Board of Directors. All such amounts collected by the Association may only be used for the purposes set forth in this Section 5.05.

(b) The Board of Directors of the Association may levy special individual capital assessments against one or more Owners for (i) reimburse-ment to the Association of the costs for repairs to the Properties or Common Properties and improvements thereto occasioned by the willful or negligent acts of such Owner or Owners and not ordinary wear and tear; or (ii) for payment of fines, penalties or other charges imposed against an Owner or Owners relative to such Owner's failure to comply with the terms and provisions of this Declaration, the Bylaws of the Association or any rules or regulation promulgated hereunder. Any special individual assessment levied by the Association shall be paid by the Owner or Owners directly to the Association. All amounts collected by the Association as special individual assessments under this Section 5.05 shall belong to and remain with the Association.

5.06 Uniform Rate of Annual Maintenance Assessments and Special Capital Assessments with Phases. Both annual maintenance assessments and special capital assessments (excepting therefrom special individual capital assessments) must be fixed at a uniform rate for all Lots within a particular phase of Brazos Landing, and be payable as set forth herein. Annual maintenance assessments and special capital assessment may vary between different phases of Brazos Landing.

5.07 Neighborhood Assessments. Lots within a particular phase of Brazos Landing may be charged an assessment in addition to the annual maintenance assessment described in Section 5.04 hereof to pay for services and/or amenities unique to that phase.

5.08 Date of Commencement of Assessments; Due Dates; No Offsets. The annual maintenance assessments provided for herein shall commence on the date fixed by the Board of Directors to be the date of commencement and, except as hereinafter provided, shall be payable monthly, quarter-annually, semi-annually or annually, in advance, on the first day of each payment period thereafter, as the case may be and as the Board of Directors shall direct. The first annual maintenance assessment shall be made for the balance of the calendar year in which it is levied. The amount of the annual maintenance assessment which may be levied for the balance remaining in the first year of assessment shall be an amount which bears the same relationship to the annual maintenance assessment provided for in Section 5.04 hereof as the remaining number of months in that year bears to twelve; provided, however, that if the date of commencement falls on other than the first day of a month, the annual maintenance assessment for such month shall be prorated by the number of days remaining in the month. The due date or dates, if to be paid in installments, of any special capital assessment or special individual assessment under Section 5.05 hereof shall be fixed in the respective resolution authorizing such assessment. All Assessments shall be payable in the amount specified by the Association and no offsets against such amount shall be permitted for any reason.

5.09 Duties of the Board of Directors with Respect to Assessments.

(a) The Board of Directors shall fix the date of commencement and the amount of the annual maintenance assessment against each Lot for each assessment period at least thirty (30) days in advance of such date or period and shall, at that time, prepare a roster of the Lots and assessments applicable thereto which shall be kept in the office of the Association and shall be open to inspection by any Owner, at such Owner's sole cost and expense.

(b) Written notice of all assessments shall be delivered or mailed to every Owner at the address of the Lot owned by such Owner unless an alternate address is provided to the Association in writing specifically directing the Association where such notices are to be delivered. Each Owner is also required to provide the Association with the name of any tenant residing in the residence situated on the Lot owned by such Owner.

(c) The omission of the Board of Directors to fix the assessments within the time period set forth above for any year shall not be deemed a waiver or modification in any respect of the provisions of this Declaration, or a release of any Owner from the obligation to pay the assessments, or any installment thereof for that or any subsequent year, but the assessment fixed for the preceding year shall continue until a new assessment is fixed.

5.10 Non-Payment of Assessment.

(a) Delinquency. Any Assessment, or installment thereof, which is not paid in full when due shall be delinquent on the day following the due date (herein, "delinquency date") as specified in the notice of such Assessment. The Association shall have the right to reject partial payment of an Assessment and demand full payment thereof. If any Assessment or part thereof is not paid within thirty (30) days after the delinquency date, the unpaid amount of such Assessment shall bear interest from and after the delinquency date until paid at a rate equal to the lesser of (i) eighteen percent (18%) per annum or (ii) the maximum lawful rate. In addition to the foregoing, if any Assessment remains unpaid at the expiration of fifteen (15) days after the due date established by the Board, a late charge in the amount of $25.00 may be assessed against the non-paying Owner for each month that any portion of any Assessment remains unpaid. A service charge in the amount of $25.00 may be charged for each check that is returned because of insufficient funds. The amounts of late charges and services charges may be adjusted, from time to time, by the Board consistent with any changes in the amounts of regular or special Assessments.

(b) Lien. The unpaid amount of any Assessment not paid by the delinquency date is and shall be, together with late charges, the interest thereon as provided in Section 5.09(a) hereof and the cost of collection thereof, including reasonable attorneys' fees, a continuing debt, secured by, and there is hereby impressed upon and created against each Lot, a lien and charge on the Lot of the non-paying Owner, which shall bind such Lot in the hands of the Owner, and his heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, personal representatives, successors and assigns. The lien shall be superior to all other liens and charges against the Lot, except only for tax liens and the lien of any bona fide first mortgage or first deed of trust now or hereafter placed upon such Lot. A subsequent sale or assignment of the Lot shall not relieve the Owner from liability for any Assessment made prior to the date of sale or assignment and thereafter becoming due nor from the lien of any such Assessment. As hereinbefore stated, the personal obligation of the Owner incurred at the time of such Assessment to pay such Assessment shall remain the personal obligation of such Owner and shall not pass to such Owner's successors in title unless expressly assumed by them in writing. Liens for unpaid Assessments shall not be affected by any sale or assignment of a Lot and shall continue in full force and effect. No Owner may exempt himself from liability for such Assessments or waive or otherwise escape liability for the Assessments by non-use of the Common Properties or abandonment of his Lot.

To evidence any lien, the Association shall prepare a written notice of lien setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the Owner of the Lot covered by such lien and a description of the Lot covered by such lien. Such notice shall be executed by one of the officers of the Association and shall be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas.

(c) Remedies. The lien securing the payment of the Assessments shall attach to the Lot belonging to such non-paying Owner upon recordation of this Declaration with the priority set forth in this Section. Subsequent to the recording of a notice of the lien, the Association may institute an action at law against the Owner or Owners personally obligated to pay the Assessment and/or for the judicial or non-judicial foreclosure of the aforesaid lien. In any foreclosure proceeding the Owner shall be required to pay the costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Association. In the event an action at law is instituted against the Owner or Owners personally obligated to pay the Assessment there shall be added to the amount of any such Assessment:

(i) the interest provided in this Section,

(ii) the costs of preparing and filing the complaint in such action,

(iii) the reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with such action, and

(iv) any other costs of collection;

and in the event a judgment is obtained, such judgment shall include interest on the Assessment as provided in this Section and a reasonable attorneys' fee to be fixed by the court, together with the costs of the action.

Each Owner, by acceptance of a deed to a Lot, hereby expressly vests in the Association or its agents or trustees the right and power to bring all actions against such Owner personally for the collection of such charges as a debt, and to enforce the aforesaid liens by all methods available for the enforcement of such liens, including non-judicial foreclosure pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code, and such Owner hereby expressly grants to the Association the private power of sale in connection with said liens. The Association may also suspend the Association membership and voting rights of any Owner who is in default in payment of any Assessment in accordance with this Declaration and/or the Bylaws until paid in full.

(d) Notice to Mortgagees. The Association may, and upon the written request of any mortgagee holding a prior lien on any part of the Properties, shall report to said mortgagee any Assessments remaining unpaid for longer than thirty (30) days after the delinquency date of such Assessment.

5.11 Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages. The lien securing the payment of the Assessments shall be subordinate and inferior to the lien of any bona fide first lien mortgage or deed of trust now or hereafter recorded against any Lot; provided, however, that such subordination shall apply only to the Assessments which have become due and payable prior to a sale, whether public or private, of such property pursuant to the terms and conditions of any such mortgage or deed of trust. Such sale shall not relieve the new Owner of such Lot from liability for the amount of any Assessment thereafter becoming due nor from the lien securing the payment of any subsequent assessment.

5.12 Exempt Property.

The following property subject to this Declaration shall be exempted from the assessments, charges and liens created in Section 5.04 and Section 5.05(a) hereof:

(a) All properties dedicated and accepted by the local public authority and devoted to public use.

(b) All Common Properties.

5.13 Estoppel Information from Board with Respect to Assessments. The Board shall upon demand at any time furnish to any Owner liable for an Assessment, a certificate signed by an officer or agent of the Association, setting forth whether said Assessment has been paid. Such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of payment of any Assessment therein stated to have been paid. A reasonable charge may be made by the Board of Directors of the Association or its agent for the issuance of such certificates.


6.01 Powers and Duties. The affairs of the Association shall be con-ducted by its Board of Directors. From the effective date of the Association's incorporation until the date ten (10) years thereafter, Declarant shall select and appoint the Board of Directors, each of whom shall be a Class A or Class B Member, or an officer, employee, representative or agent of a Class A or Class B Member. Thereafter, the Board of Directors shall be selected in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association by the Members. The Board, for the benefit of the Properties, the Common Properties and the Owners, shall provide and pay for, out of the funds(s) collected by the Association pursuant to Article V above, the following:

(a) Care and preservation of the Common Properties and the furnishing and upkeep of any desired personal property for use in the Common Properties. Expenditures for the repair or installation of capital improvements, not included in the annual maintenance budget, may be paid from the reserve fund as specifically provided in Section 6.05 herein.

(b) Care and maintenance of the landscaping, screening walls, entry features or any other improvement that may be constructed on and constitute a part of the Common Properties. Maintenance includes all repair, rebuilding or cleaning deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.

(c) Should the Board so elect, maintenance of exterior grounds, drives, parkways, private streets and access areas, including care of trees, shrubs and grass, the exact scope of which shall be further specified by the Board from time to time. In particular, the Board shall be empowered to contract with persons or entities who shall be responsible for the maintenance of landscaping, trees, shrubs, grass and like improvements which are located on the Common Properties and/or the Lots, except for landscaping and other like improvements which are located within rear yards or side yards enclosed by solid fence, which shall be maintained by the individual Lot Owner. Maintenance services contracted for by the Board in accordance with this paragraph shall be paid for out of Association funds.

(d) The services of a person or firm to manage and/or provide consultation to the Association or any separate portion thereof, to the extent deemed advisable by the Board, and the services of such other personnel as the Board shall determine to be necessary or proper for the operation of the Association, whether such personnel are employed directly by the Board or by the manager.

(e) Legal and accounting services.

(f) A policy or policies of insurance ensuring the Association, its officers and directors against any liability to the public or to the Owners (and/or their invitees or tenants) incident to the operation of the Association, including, without limitation, officers' and directors' liability insurance.

(g) Workers' compensation insurance to the extent necessary to comply with any applicable laws.

(h) Such fidelity bonds as may be required by the Bylaws or as the Board may determine to be advisable.

(i) Any other materials, supplies, insurance or property owned by the Association, furniture, labor, services, maintenance, repairs, alterations, taxes or assessments which the Board is required to obtain or pay for pursuant to the terms of this Declaration or by law or which in its opinion shall be necessary or proper for the operation or protection of the Association or for the enforcement of this Declaration.

(j) To execute all declarations of ownership for tax assessment purposes and to pay all taxes with regard to the Common Properties.

(k) To enter into agreements or contracts with insurance com-panies, taxing authorities and the holders of mortgage liens on one or more Lots with respect to: (i) taxes on the Common Properties and (ii) insurance coverage of the Common Properties, as they relate to the assessment, collection and disbursement process envisioned in this Declaration.

(l) To borrow funds to pay costs of operation, secured by assign-ment or pledge of rights against delinquent Owners, if the Board sees fit.

(m) To enter into contracts, maintain one or more bank accounts, and generally, to have all the powers necessary or incidental to the operation and management of the Association and the Common Properties, expressly including the power to enter into management and maintenance contracts.

(n) If, as, and when the Board, in its sole discretion, deems necessary it may take action to protect or defend the Common Properties from loss or damage by suit or otherwise, to sue or defend in any court of law on behalf of the Association and to provide adequate reserves for repairs and replacements.

(o) To make reasonable rules and regulations for the operation and use of the Common Properties and to amend them from time to time, provided that any rule or regulation may be amended or repealed by an instrument in writing signed by a majority of the Members, or, with respect to a rule applicable to less than all of the Properties, by a majority of the Members in the portions affected.

(p) Subsequent to incorporation, to make available to each Owner, within one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of each year, an unaudited annual report.

(q) Pursuant to Article VII herein, to adjust the amount, collect, and use any insurance proceeds to repair damage or replace lost property; and if proceeds are insufficient to repair damage or replace lost property, to assess the Members in proportionate amounts to cover the deficiency.

(r) If, as and when the Board, in its sole discretion, deems necessary, it may take action to enforce the provisions of this Declaration, the provisions of any Supplementary Declaration and any rules made hereunder and to enjoin and/or seek damages from any Owner for violation of such provisions or rules.

6.02 Board Powers. From and after the date on which the title to the Common Properties has been conveyed to the Association, the Board shall have the right to contract for all goods, services and insurance, and the exclusive right and obligation to perform the functions of the Board, except as otherwise provided herein.

6.03 Maintenance Contracts. The Board, on behalf of the Association, shall have full power and authority to contract with any Owner or any third party for the performance by the Association of services upon such terms and conditions and for such consideration as the Board may deem proper, advisable and in the best interest of the Association.

6.04 Liability Limitations. No Member, officer of the Association or member of the Board of Directors shall be personally liable for debts contracted for, or otherwise incurred by the Association, or for a tort of another Member, whether such other Member was acting on behalf of the Association or otherwise. Neither Declarant, the Association, its directors, officers, agents, or employees shall be liable for any incidental or consequential damages for failure to inspect any premises, improvements or portion thereof or for failure to repair or maintain the same.

The Common Properties may be subject to storm water overflow, natural bank erosion and other natural or man-made events or occurrences to extents which cannot be defined or controlled. Under no circumstances shall Declarant ever be held liable for any damages or injuries of any kind or character or nature whatsoever resulting from: (i) the occurrence of any natural phenomena; (ii) the failure or defect of any structure or structures situated on or within the Common Properties; and (iii) any act, conduct, omission or behavior of any individual, group of individuals, entity or enterprise occurring on, within or related to the Common Properties.

6.05 Reserve Funds. The Board may establish capital reserve funds, for such purposes as may be determined by the Board, including, but not limited to the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of capital assets, which funds may be maintained and accounted for separately from other funds maintained for annual operating expenses and may establish separate, irrevocable trust accounts in order to better demonstrate that the amounts deposited therein are capital contributions and are not net income to the Association. Expenditures from any such fund will be made at the direction of the Board. The reserve fund provided for herein shall be used for the general purposes of promoting the recreation, health, welfare, common benefit, and enjoyment of the Owners and occupants of the subdivision, and maintaining the subdivision and improvements therein, all as may be more specifically authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors. Capital expenditures from this fund may include by way of example, but not be limited to, repairs of major damage to the Common Properties not covered by insurance.


7.01 Right to Purchase Insurance. The Association shall have the right and option to purchase, carry and maintain in force insurance covering any or all portions of the Common Properties, the improvements thereon and appurtenant thereto, for the interest of the Association and of all Members thereof, in such amounts and with such endorsements and coverage as shall be considered good sound insurance coverage for properties similar in construction, location and use to the subject property. Such insurance may include, but need not be limited to:

(a) Insurance against loss or damage by fire and hazards covered by a standard extended coverage endorsement in an amount which shall be equal to the maximum insurable replacement value, excluding foundation and excavation costs as determined annually by the insurance carrier.

(b) Public liability and property damage insurance on a broad form basis.

(c) Fidelity bond for all directors, officers and employees of the Association having control over the receipt or the disbursement of funds in such penal sums as shall be determined by the Association in accordance with its Bylaws.

(d) Officers and directors liability insurance.

7.02 Insurance Proceeds. Proceeds of insurance shall be disbursed by the insurance carrier to the Association or contractors designated by the Association as the Board of Directors may direct. The Association shall use the net insurance proceeds to repair and replace any damage or destruction of property, real or personal, covered by such insurance. Any balance from the proceeds of insurance paid to the Association, as required in this Article, remaining after satisfactory completion of repair and replace-ment, shall be retained by the Association as part of a general reserve fund for repair and replacement of the Common Properties.

7.03 Insufficient Proceeds. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or replace any loss or damage, the Association may levy a special assessment as provided for in Article V of this Declaration to cover the deficiency. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or replace any loss or damage for which an Owner is bound hereunder, such Owner shall, as such Owner's undivided responsibility, pay any excess costs of repair or replacement.

7.04 Mortgagee Protection. There may be attached to all policies of insurance against loss or damage by fire and other hazards, a mortgagee's or lender's loss payable clause; provided, however, that amounts payable under such clause to the mortgagee may be paid to the Association to hold for the payment of costs of repair or replacement, subject to the provisions of Section 7.02 hereof. The Association shall be responsible to hold said monies or to collect additional monies if the proceeds are insufficient to pay for the cost of all repairs or replacements and shall ensure that all mechanics', materialmen's and similar liens which may result from said repairs or replacements are satisfied.

7.05 Destruction of Improvements on Individual Lots. In the event of destruction (total or partial) to the improvements on any individual Lot due to fire or any other cause each Owner covenants and agrees to clear and remove any and all debris resulting from such damage within two (2) months after the date that the damage occurs and to complete all necessary repairs or reconstruction of the damaged improvements within one (1) year after the date that the damage occurs.


The Common Properties may be occupied and used as follows:

8.01 Restricted Actions by Owners. No Owner shall permit anything to be done on or in the Common Properties that would violate this Declaration, that would violate any applicable public law or zoning ordinance or which will result in the cancellation of or increase of any insurance carried by the Association. No waste shall be committed in or on the Common Properties.

8.02 Damage to the Common Properties. Each Owner shall be liable to the Association for any damage to the Common Properties caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Owner or such Owner's family, guests, pets, tenants or invitees.

8.03 Rules of the Board. All Owners and occupants shall abide by any rules and regulations adopted by the Board, which may include the imposition of fees or other charges for the use, rental or operation of the Common Properties. The Board shall have the power to enforce compliance with said rules and regulations by all appropriate legal and equitable remedies, and an Owner determined by judicial action to have violated said rules and regulations shall be liable to the Association for all damages and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the Association in connection therewith.


The Properties and each Lot situated thereon shall be constructed, developed, reconstructed, repaired, occupied and used as follows:

9.01 Public Use Permitted. Any restrictions contained herein shall not be intended to restrict or prohibit, and shall not restrict or prohibit the State of Texas or any political subdivision thereof, including independent school districts, from using any of the property affected hereby for public purposes, regardless of the nature of said use.

9.02 Residential Purposes. Each Lot (including land and improvements) shall be used and occupied for single family residential purposes only. No Owner or other occupant shall use or occupy such Owner's Lot, or permit the same or any part thereof to be used or occupied, for any purpose other than as a private single family detached residence for the Owner or such Owner's tenant and their families and domestic servants employed on the premises. As used herein the term "single family residential purposes" shall be deemed to prohibit specifi-cally, but without limitation, the use of any Lot for a duplex apartment or other apartment use. Notwithstanding any provision herein, Declarant and its successors and/or assigns, and any party engaged in the process of constructing a residential dwelling on a Lot for sale to consumers (with the prior written consent of Declarant), shall be entitled to conduct on such Lot or Lots all activities normally associated with and convenient to the development and sale of the Lots and the subdivision and the construction and sale of residences on the Lots.

9.03 Minimum Lot Area. No Lot shall be resubdivided; provided, however, that Declarant shall have and reserves the right, at any time, or from time to time, upon the joinder and consent of the appropriate county and/or municipal authorities, and with the joinder and consent of the directly affected Owners, to file a replat of the Plat to effect a resubdivision or reconfiguration of any Lots then owned by Declarant, so long as, such replat results in each resubdivided Lot containing not less than the minimum lot size prescribed by the applicable governmental authorities. Owners shall not unreasonably withhold or delay their joinder in or consent to the replat or amendments to the Plat. The privilege to replat Lots owned by the Declarant reserved in this Section 9.03 shall be exercisable only by Declarant.

9.04 Minimum Floor Space. All floor areas referenced below are for air-conditioned floor areas, exclusive of porches, garages, or breezeways attached to the main dwelling. Each dwelling constructed on any Lot in the subdivision shall contain a minimum of One Thousand Four Hundred (1,400) square feet.

9.05 Combining Lots. Any person owning two or more adjoining Lots may, at his sole cost and expense, and with the prior written consent of Declarant and the Architectural Control Committee, consolidate such Lots into a single building location for the purpose of constructing one (1) residential structure thereon (the plans and specifications therefor being approved as set forth in this Declaration) and such other improvements as are permitted herein; provided, however, any such consolidation must comply with the rules, ordinances and regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Properties. In the event of any such consolidation, the consolidated Lots and structures built thereon shall be deemed to be a single Lot for purposes of applying the provisions of this Declaration; provided, however, such Owner shall continue to pay assessments on such Lots as if such Lots had not been consolidated and shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot (determined prior to such consolidation) owned by such Owner. Any such consolidation shall give consideration to easements as shown and provided for on the Plat and any required abandonment or relocation of any such easements shall require the prior written approval of Declarant as well as the prior written approval of any utility company having the right to the use of such easements. Combining of portions of Lots into a single building site is prohibited.

9.06 Setback Requirements and Building Location. All front, side and rear setbacks must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee, and must meet the requirements of the applicable governmental authorities and the requirements of the Plat or other recorded documents. Driveways shall be permitted to be placed within a setback as approved by the Architectural Control Committee. The location of the main residence on each Lot and the facing of the main elevation with respect to the street shall be subject to the written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. No building or structure of any type shall be erected on any Lot nearer to the property lines indicated by the minimum building setback line on the Plat.

9.07 Height. No building or structure on any Lot shall contain more than two (2) stories or exceed, in height, the maximum height allowed by the applicable governmental authorities, such height to be measured and determined in accordance with the method approved by such governmental authorities.

9.08 Driveways. Each Lot must be accessible to the adjoining street by a driveway suitable for such purposes and approved in writing as to design, materials and location by the Architectural Control Committee before the residential structure located on such Lot may be occupied or used.

9.09 Access. No driveways or roadways may be constructed on any Lot to provide access to any adjoining Lot except as expressly provided on the Plat, or otherwise approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee.

9.10 Drainage. Neither the Declarant nor its successors or assigns shall be liable for any loss of, use of, or damage done to, any shrubbery, trees, flowers, improvements, fences, walks, sidewalks, driveways, or buildings of any type or the contents thereof on any Lot caused by any water levels, rising waters, or drainage waters. After the residence to be constructed on a Lot has been substantially completed, the Lot will be graded and maintained by the Owner of the Lot so that surface water will generally flow to streets, drainage easements, or Common Properties, does not cause undue erosion of any Lot and is in conformity with the general grading and drainage plans for the subdivision. Owners causing (either directly or indirectly) erosion or other incident damage to personal or real property due to inadequate or defective grading or drainage measures on their Lot, or because of excess runoff caused by their irrigation system, shall be liable to all such damaged parties for the replacement, repair and/or restoration of such damaged parties for the replacement, repair and/or restoration of such damaged real or personal property. Any such damaged parties, and not the Association or Declarant, shall be responsible for instituting any legal action to correct any such inadequate or defective grading or drainage systems or seeking damages due to such inadequate or defective grading or drainage system. Each Owner shall be responsible for ensuring that all local, state and federal rules and regulations regarding drainage and run-off are met.

9.11 Utilities. Each residence situated on a Lot shall be connected to the water and sewer lines as soon as practicable after same are available at the Lot line. No privy, cesspool, or septic tank shall be placed or maintained upon or in any Lot. However, portable toilets will be allowed during building construction. The installation and use of any propane, butane, LP Gas or other gas tank, bottle or cylinder of any type (except portable gas grills), shall require the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee, and, if so approved, the Architectural Control Committee may require that such tank, bottle or cylinder be installed underground. Any control boxes, valves, connections, utility risers or refilling or refueling devices shall be completely landscaped with shrubbery so as to obscure their visibility from the streets within or adjoining the Properties or from any other Lot.

9.12 Construction Requirements.

(a) The exterior surface of all residential dwellings shall be constructed of glass, wood, brick, stone, stucco, or other materials approved by the Architectural Control Committee. The exterior wall area of each residence located within the Properties shall not have less than fifty percent (50%) brick, stone or stucco construction, unless specifically approved, in writing, by the Architectural Control Committee. By way of example, a particular style of house constructed entirely of siding may be approved. The front and side portion of any chimney located on the front facade of the residence or on a facade directly facing a street shall be one hundred percent (100%) brick, stone or stucco construction. The other exterior portions of any chimney may be constructed of brick, stone, stucco or siding. The surface area of windows surrounded on two or more sides by brick, stone or stucco may be included within the computation of the exterior brick, stone or stucco wall area of a residence. No previously used materials, other than fired antique brick, shall be permitted on the exterior of the residential structures located within the Properties,without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee.

All roofs shall be constructed of twenty-five (25) year, composition shingles or better. The Architectural Control Committee will only approve roofing materials which are of a quality consistent with the external design, color and appearance of other improvements within the subdivision. The roof pitch of any portion of the main roof of the house shall be 6 x 12 minimum. Any deviation of roof pitch must be approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. Exterior paint and stain colors shall be subject to the written approval of the Architectural Control Committee.

(b) No dwelling or other structure shall be erected nearer to any street or property line than that allowed by the applicable plat or other recorded documents unless first approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. Driveways shall be permitted to be placed within a setback as approved by the Architectural Control Committee.

(c) No above ground-level swimming pools shall be installed on any Lot. This provision is not intended to prohibit inflatable pools, no greater than twenty-four inches (24") in depth, typically used by toddlers.

(d) All exterior construction of the primary residential structure, garage, porches, and any other appurtenances or appendages of every kind and character on any Lot and all interior construction (including, but not limited to, all electrical outlets in place and functional, all plumbing fixtures installed and operational, all cabinet work, all interior walls, ceilings, and doors shall be completed and covered by paint, wall-paper, paneling, or the like, and all floors covered by wood, carpet, tile or other similar floor covering) shall be completed not later than one (1) year following the commencement of construction. For the purposes hereof, the term "commencement of construction" shall be deemed to mean the date on which the foundation forms are set.

(e) No projections of any type shall be placed or permitted to remain above the roof of any residential building with the exception of one or more chimneys and one or more vent stacks without the written permission of the Architectural Control Committee.

9.13 Garages and Servants Quarters. Each residential dwelling erected on any Lot shall provide garage space for a minimum of two (2) conventional automobiles. All garage doors shall be closed at all times when not in use. Detached garages and detached servants quarters must be approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. No carport shall be built, placed, constructed or reconstructed on any Lot. As used herein, the term "carport" shall not be deemed to include a porte cochere. No garage shall ever be changed, altered, reconstructed or otherwise converted for any purpose inconsistent with the garaging of automobiles, unless a new garage is constructed in accordance (i) with the requirements of this Section, (ii) any applicable building setback lines, and (iii) plans approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Porte cocheres must be approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee.

9.14 Landscaping. Any and all plans for the landscaping of front yards and of side yards not enclosed by solid fencing, including alterations, changes or additions thereto, shall be subject to the written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. Each Lot shall be fully landscaped in accordance with the approved plans prior to occupancy of the residence constructed on the Lot. Any significant changes in the existing landscaping on any Lot must be approved, in writing, by the Architectural Control Committee. Each Lot Owner shall be responsible for maintaining his own lawn and landscaping in a healthy and attractive condition.

9.15 Tree Removal. No trees greater than six (6) caliper inches to be measured a point two (2) feet above grade shall be removed, except for diseased or dead trees and trees needing to be removed to promote the growth of other trees or for safety reasons, unless approved by the Architectural Control Committee. In the event of an intentional or unintentional violation of this Section, the violator may be required to replace the removed tree with one (1) or more comparable trees of such size and number, and in such locations, as the Association may determine necessary, in its sole discretion, to mitigate the damage.

9.16 Fences. No fence, wall or hedge shall be erected, placed or altered on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee and the design of and materials used in the construction of fences shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. No fence, wall or hedge shall be erected, placed or altered on any Lot nearer to any street than the minimum building setback line indicated on the Plat, unless otherwise permitted by the Architectural Control Committee and in accordance with the requirements of the applicable governmental authorities. All wooden fences shall: (i) be cedar or better wood materials (except structural components); (ii) have a minimum height of six (6) feet and a maximum of eight (8) feet; (iii) have slats measuring not more than six (6) inches wide; (iv) have vertically installed slats; and (v) be neither painted nor stained; provided, however, that a clear stain or sealer, may be used. In addition, any wood fence visible from a street or from the Common Properties must be constructed so that the structural supports are on the inside of the fence and not visible from the street or the Common Properties. Lots with rear lot lines adjacent to a lake must have a five (5) foot metal fence constructed along the entire rear lot line and along the first sixteen (16) feet of each side lot line abutting the rear lot line. The design and material of any metal fence shall be subject to the written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. Fences erected on common lot lines shall be jointly maintained, repaired and replaced by the Owners of the two (2) Lots sharing the common lot line upon which the fence is constructed. No fence, wall or hedge shall exceed eight (8) feet in height unless otherwise specifically approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No chain link fence or other wire type fence shall be erected on any Lot, without the prior written consent of the Architectural Control Committee, but in no event shall any such chain link fencing be visible from residential streets or the Common Properties. All service and sanitation facilities, clothes lines, and wood piles must be enclosed within fences, walls and/or landscaping so as not to be visible from the adjoining Lots and residential streets. Upon submission of a written request, the Architectural Control Committee may, from time to time, at its sole discretion, permit Owners to construct fences or walls which are in variance with the provisions of this paragraph where, in the opinion of the Architectural Control Committee, the fence or wall is an integral part of the home.

9.17 Trash Receptacles and Collection. Each Lot Owner shall make or cause to be made appropriate arrangements with the applicable governmental authority or designated collection contractor for collection and removal of garbage and trash on a regular basis. If the Owner fails to make such provisions, the Association may do so and assess the costs thereof to the Owner. Each and every Owner shall observe and comply with any and all regulations or requirements promulgated by the applicable governmental authority, and/or the Association, in connection with the storage and removal of trash and garbage. All Lots shall at all times be kept in a well maintained, healthful, sanitary and attractive condition. No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for garbage, rubbish, debris, trash, junk or other waste matter. All trash, garbage, or waste matter shall be kept in adequate containers which shall be constructed of metal, plastic or masonry materials, with tightly-fitting lids, or other containers approved by the applicable governmental authority, and which shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. An Owner may place trash on the street curb abutting his Lot only on those days designated by the applicable governmental authority, as trash collection days; provided, however, such trash must be kept neatly contained in a sanitary, tightly-sealed metal, plastic or other container. No Lot shall be used for open storage of any materials whatsoever, except that new building materials used in the construction of improvements erected on any Lot may be placed upon such Lot at the time construction is commenced and may be maintained thereon for a reasonable time, so long as the construction progresses without unreasonable delay, until completion of the improvements, after which the materials shall either be removed from the Lot or stored in a suitable enclosure on the Lot. No garbage, trash, debris, or other waste matter of any kind shall be burned on any Lot.

9.18 Exterior Lighting. No exterior light, including landscape lighting, shall be installed or maintained on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. Further, and notwithstanding such prior written approval, upon being given notice by the Architectural Control Committee that any exterior light is objectionable, the Owner of the Lot on which same is located will immediately remove said light or shield the same in such a way that it is no longer objectionable.

9.19 Window Units. No window or wall type air-conditioners shall be permitted to be used, erected, placed or maintained on or in any residential building on any part of the Properties.

9.20 Antennas Restrictions and Satellite Dishes. No radio or television aerial wires or antennas shall be maintained on the outside of any building nor shall any free standing antennas of any style be permitted. All radio or television aerial wires or antennas must be built within the main structure and must not be visible from outside of such structure. The location of all satellite dishes (in excess of one meter in diameter) shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee; provided, however, all satellite dishes (in excess of one meter in diameter) shall be situated in a fenced back-yard and in no event shall any satellite dish (in excess of one meter in diameter) be situated, in whole or in part, above the fence of such residence.

9.21 Temporary Structures and Vehicles. No temporary structure of any kind, other than backyard playground equipment, shall be erected or placed upon any Lot without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. No modular or prefabricated home, tent, shack, shed or barn shall be placed on any Lot, either temporarily or permanently. No residence, house, garage or other structure appurtenant thereto shall be moved upon any Lot from another location, except for a sale, pre-sale or construction trailer; provided, however, that Declarant reserves the exclusive right to erect, place and maintain, and to permit builders to erect, place and maintain such facilities in and upon the Property as in its sole discretion may be necessary or convenient during the period of and in connection with the sale of Lots, construction and selling of residences and constructing other improvements on the Properties. Such facilities may include, but not necessarily be limited to, a temporary office building, storage area, signs, portable toilet facilities and sales office. Declarant and builders shall also have the temporary right to use a residence situated on a Lot as a temporary office or model home during the period of and in connection with the construction and sales operations on the Properties, but in no event shall a builder have such right for a period in excess of one (1) year after the date of substantial completion of his last residence on the Properties. Any truck, bus, boat, boat trailer, trailer, mobile home, campmobile, camper or any vehicle other than conventional automobile shall, if brought within the Properties, be stored, placed or parked within the garage of the appropriate Owner or, with the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee, concealed from view from adjoining Lots, Common Properties, or public streets.

9.22 Parking. Parking in driveways is permitted; provided, however, no inoperable vehicles, no stored vehicles, or vehicles not utilized on a daily basis shall be permitted to be stored in driveways. For purposes of this section, a vehicle shall be considered "stored" if it remains in view from the street or the Common Properties for a period of time in excess of 72 hours.

9.23 Signs. No signs, flags or flag poles shall be placed on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee, with the following exceptions: (i) Declarant may erect and maintain a sign, signs or flags for the construction, development, operation, promotion and sale of the Lots; (ii) the display of a flag not exceeding 4 x 6 in size shall be permitted, provided the display is attached to the front facade of the home by a bracket; (iii) signs of customary dimensions (3 x 4 maximum) advertising said property or portions thereof for sale; and (iv) with Declarant's prior written approval, home builders may erect and maintain a sign, signs or flags on the Lot for the promotion and sale of homes being constructed in the subdivision by such builder. Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, any and all signs, if allowed, shall comply with all sign standards of the applicable governmental authorities, as such standards may be applicable to the Properties.

9.24 Removal of Dirt. The digging of dirt or the removal of any dirt from any Lot is prohibited, except as necessary in conjunction with landscaping or construction of improvements thereon, and in no event shall any such dirt be deposited on a vacant Lot within the Subdivision without the prior written consent of the Owner of such Lot. Minimum finished floor elevations, if any, established on the Plat shall be maintained.

9.25 Drilling and Mining Operations. No oil drilling, water drilling or development operations, oil refining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted upon or in any Lot, nor shall oil wells, water wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavations or shafts be permitted upon or in any Lot. No derrick or other structure designed for use in boring for oil, natural gas or water shall be erected, maintained or permitted upon any Lot.

9.26 Offensive Activities. No noxious or offensive activity shall be conducted on any Lot nor shall anything be done thereon which is or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the other Owners. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any residential Lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets [not to exceed three (3) adult animals] may be kept, provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for commercial purposes.

9.27 Duty of Maintenance.

(a) Owners and occupants (including lessees) of any Lot shall, jointly and severally, have the duty and responsibility, at their sole cost and expense, to keep the Lot so owned or occupied, including buildings, improvements, grounds or drainage easements or other rights-of-way incident thereto, and vacant land, in a well-maintained, safe, clean and attractive condition at all times. Such maintenance includes, but is not limited to, the following:

(i) Prompt removal of all litter, trash, refuse and waste;

(ii) Lawn mowing and edging of all curbs and edgeways on a regular basis;

(iii) Tree and shrub pruning;

(iv) Watering landscaped areas in a regular manner so as to maintain harmony with the overall standards of the subdivision;

(v) Keeping exterior lighting and maintenance facilities in working order;

(vi) Keeping lawn and garden areas alive, free of weeds, and attractive;

(vii) Keeping parking areas, driveways and curbs in good repair;

(viii) Complying with all government health and police requirements, this Declaration and all rules and regulations promulgated by the Association;

(ix) Repair of exterior damages to improvements, including but not limited to, broken glass or damaged or unsightly doors;

(x) Cleaning of landscaped areas lying between street curbs and Lot lines, unless such streets or landscaped areas are expressly designated to be Common Properties maintained by applicable governmental authorities or the Association; and

(xi) Repainting of improvement, after first obtaining the written approval of the Architectural Control Committee.

(b) If, in the opinion of the Association, any such Owner or occupant has failed in any of the foregoing duties or responsibilities, then the Association may give such person written notice of such failure and such person must within thirty (30) days after receiving such notice, perform the repairs and maintenance or make arrangements with the Association for making the repairs and maintenance required. Should any such person fail to fulfill this duty and responsibility within such period, then the Association, through its authorized agent or agents, shall have the right and power to enter onto the premises and perform such repair and maintenance without any liability for damages for wrongful entry, trespass or otherwise to any person.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9.27(b) above, if, at any time, an Owner shall fail to control weeds, grass and/or other unsightly growth, the Association shall have the authority and right to go onto the Lot of such Owner for the purpose of mowing and cleaning said Lot and shall have the authority and right to assess and collect from the Owner of said Lot a sum up to $500.00 for mowing or cleaning said Lot on each respective occasion of such mowing or cleaning. If, at any time, weeds or other unsightly growth on the Lot exceed six inches (6") in height, the Association shall have the right and authority to mow and clean the Lot, as aforesaid.

(d) The Owners and occupants (including lessees) of any Lot on which work is performed pursuant to Sections 9.27(b) and (c) above shall, jointly and severally, be liable for the cost of such work [such costs constituting a special individual assessment as specified in Section 5.05(b) hereof] and shall promptly reimburse the Association for such cost. If such Owner or occupant shall fail to reimburse the Association within thirty (30) days after receipt of a statement for such work from the Association, then said indebtedness shall be a debt of all said persons, jointly and severally, and shall constitute a lien against the Lot on which said work was performed. Such lien shall have the same attributes as the lien for assessments and special assessments set forth in this Declaration, and the Association shall have the identical powers and rights in all respects, including but not limited to the right of foreclosure.

9.28 Maintenance of Common Properties. All landscaping and improvements placed or erected on the Common Properties by Declarant shall be owned and maintained by the Association.

9.29 Retaining Walls. Retaining wall materials and locations must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee.

9.30 Basketball Goals/Hoops. With the prior written consent of the Architectural Control Committee, basketball goals, hoops, backboards and nets shall be permitted.


10.01 Architectural Control Committee. And as long as Declarant holds title to any of the Lots, the Architectural Control Committee, hereinafter called the "Committee", shall be composed of three (3) or more individuals selected and appointed by the Declarant. At such time as Declarant no longer owns any Lots, the Committee shall be composed of such individuals selected by a vote of the Board of Directors of the Association. The Committee shall use its best efforts to promote and ensure a high level of quality, harmony and conformity throughout the Properties. The Committee shall function as the representative of the Owners for the purposes herein set forth as well as for all other purposes consistent with the creation and preservation of a first-class residential development.

A majority of the Committee may designate a representative to act for it. In the event of the death or resignation of any member of the Committee, the remaining members shall have full authority to designate and appoint a successor. Other than as set forth in Section 10.02 hereof, no member of the Committee shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed hereunder nor be liable for claims, causes of action or damages (except where occasioned by gross negligence or arbitrary and capricious conduct) arising out of services performed, actions take, or inactions in connection with any undertaking, responsibility, or activity hereunder or request for action hereunder. At any time, the Declarant may delegate and assign to the Board of Directors, all of the Declarant's power and right to change the membership of the Committee, to withdraw or add powers and duties from or to the Committee, or to restore the powers and duties of the Committee. Such action by the Declarant shall be effective upon recordation of a written instrument properly reflecting same in the Office of the County Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas.

10.02 Architectural Approval. No building, structure, shed, fence, wall or improvement of any kind or nature shall be erected, constructed, placed, altered, changed or modified on any Lot until the plot plan showing the location of such building, structure, paving or improvement, construction plans and specifications thereof and landscaping and grading plans therefor have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Committee or a representative or agent designated by the Committee to act on behalf of the Committee as to: (i) location with respect to Lot lines; topography; finished grades elevation; height and dimensions of improvements; intended use of the proposed improvements; impact and relationship to neighboring Lots and improvements situated or to be situated thereon; effect of location and use on neighboring Lots and improvements situated thereon; and any drainage arrangement, (ii) conformity and harmony of external design, color, texture, type and appearance of exterior surfaces and landscaping with existing structures and existing landscaping, (iii) quality of workmanship and materials; adequacy of site dimensions; proper facing of main elevation with respect to nearby streets; and (iv) the other standards set forth within this Declaration (and any amendments hereto) or as may be set forth in bulletins promulgated by the Committee. In connection with the submission of such plot plan, construction plans and specifications, and landscaping and grading plans, the Committee may require that the submitting party pay a fee of up to $250.00 per initial submission and up to $50.00 for each subsequent submission, which fee shall be payable to the Committee or, if the Committee elects, to a representative designated by the Committee to review such plans and specifications. The Committee is authorized to request the submission of samples of proposed construction materials or colors of proposed exterior surfaces.

Final plans and specifications shall be submitted in duplicate to the Committee for approval or disapproval. At such time as the plans and specifications meet the approval of the Committee, one complete set of plans and specifications will be retained by the Committee and the other complete set of plans will be marked "Approved" and returned to the Owner. If found not to be in compliance with these Covenants and Restrictions, one set of such plans and specifications shall be returned marked "Disapproved", accompanied by a reasonable statement of items found not to comply with these Covenants and Restrictions. Any modification or change to the approved set of plans and specifications which affects items (i) through (iv) of the preceding paragraph must again be submitted to the Committee for its inspection and approval. The Committee's approval or disapproval as required herein shall be in writing. If the Committee or its designated representative fails to approve or disapprove such plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after they have been submitted, then Committee approval shall be presumed; provided, however, that nothing in this paragraph shall affect in any way the method for seeking or granting variances, as described in Section 10.03 hereof, nor shall any failure of the Committee to act on a variance request within any particular period of time constitute the granting or approval of any such variance request.

The Committee is authorized and empowered to consider and review any and all aspects of dwelling construction, construction of other improvements and location, quality and quantity of landscaping on the Lots, and may disapprove aspects thereof which may, in the reasonable opinion of the Committee, adversely affect the living enjoyment of one or more Owner(s) or the general value of the Properties. As an example, and not by way of limitation, the Committee may impose limits upon the location of window areas of one residential dwelling which would overlook the enclosed patio area of an adjacent residential dwelling. Also, the Committee is permitted to consider technological advances in design and materials and such comparable or alternative techniques, methods or materials may or may not be permitted, in accordance with the reasonable opinion of the Committee.

The Committee may, from time to time, publish and promulgate architectural standards, bulletins and/or design guidelines which shall be fair, reasonable and uniformly applied and shall carry forward the spirit and intention of this Declaration. Such bulletins and guidelines shall supplement these Covenants and Restrictions and are incorporated herein by reference. The Committee shall have the authority to make final decisions in interpreting the general intent, effect and purpose of these Covenants and Restrictions.



10.03 Variances. Upon submission of a written request for same, the Committee may, from time to time, in its sole discretion, permit Owners to construct, erect, or install improvements which are in variance from the architectural standards, the Covenants and Restrictions, or the previously published architectural bulletins which are provided in this Declaration or which may be promulgated in the future. In any case, such variances shall be in basic conformity with and shall blend effectively with the general architectural style and design of the community. No member of the Committee shall be liable to any Owner or other person claiming by, through, or on behalf of any Owner, for any claims, causes of action, or damages arising out of the granting or denial of, or other action or failure to act upon, any variance requested by an Owner or any person acting for or on behalf of any Owner. Each request for a variance submitted hereunder shall be reviewed separately and apart from other such requests and the grant of a variance to any Owner shall not constitute a waiver of the Committee's right to strictly enforce the Covenants and Restrictions, architectural standards or published architectural bulletins provided hereunder against any other Owner. Each such written request must identify and set forth in detail the specific restriction or standard from which a variance is sought and describe in complete detail the exact nature of the variance sought. Any grant of a variance by the Committee must be in writing and must identify in narrative detail both the standards from which a variance is being sought and the specific variance being granted.

10.04 Nonconforming and Unapproved Improvements. The Association may require any Owner to restore such Owner's improvements to the condition existing prior to the construction thereof (including, without limitation, the demolition and removal of any unapproved improvement) if such improvements were commenced or constructed in violation of this Declaration. In addition, the Association may, but has no obligation to do so, cause such restoration, demolition and removal and levy the amount of the cost thereof as a special individual as-sessment against the Lot upon which such improvements were commenced or constructed.

10.05 No Liability. Neither Declarant, the Association, the Committee, the Board, nor the officers, directors, members, employees and agents of any of them, shall be liable in damages to anyone submitting plans and specifi-cations to any of them for approval, or to any Owner by reason of mistake in judgment, negligence, or nonfeasance arising out of or in connection with the approval or disapproval or failure to approve or disapprove any such plans or specifications. Every per-son who submits plans or specifications and every Owner agrees that he will not bring any action or suit against Declarant, the Association, the Committee, the Board, or the officers, directors, members, employees or agents of any of them, to recover any such damages and hereby releases and quitclaims all claims, demands and causes of action aris-ing out of or in connection with any judgment, negligence or nonfeasance and hereby waives the provisions of any law which provides that a general release does not extend to claims, demands and causes of action not known at the time the release is given. Plans and specifications are not approved for engineering or structural design or adequacy of materials, and by approving such plans and specifications neither the Committee, the members of the Committee, the Declarant nor the Association assumes liability or responsibility therefor, nor for any defect in any structure constructed from such plans and specifications.


11.01 Ingress and Egress by the Association. The Association shall, at all times, have full rights of ingress and egress over and upon each Lot for the maintenance and repair of each Lot and the Common Properties in accordance with the provisions hereof, and for the carrying out by the Association of its functions, duties and obligations hereunder; provided, that any such entry by the Association upon any Lot shall be made with as little inconvenience to the Owner as practical, and any damage caused by the Association's entry, other than damages caused by the Owner, shall be repaired by the Association at the expense of the Association.

11.02 General. The rights and duties of the Owners with respect to sanitary sewer, water, electricity, natural gas, telephone and ca-ble television lines and drainage facilities shall be governed by the following:

(a) Wherever (i) sanitary sewer or water service connec-tions, (ii) natural gas, electricity, telephone or cable television lines, or (iii) drainage facilities are installed within the Properties, which connec-tions, lines or facilities or any portion thereof lie in or upon Lots owned by any party other than the Owner of a Lot served by said connections, lines or facilities, such Owners of Lots served shall have the right and are hereby granted an easement to the full extent necessary therefore, to enter upon the Lots within or upon which said connections, lines or facilities or any portion thereof lie to repair, replace and generally main-tain said connections, lines or facilities as and when the same may be necessary.

(b) Wherever (i) sanitary sewer or water service connec-tions, (ii) natural gas, electricity, telephone or cable television lines, or (iii) drainage facilities are installed within the Properties, which connections, lines or facilities serve more than one Lot, the Owner of each Lot served by said connec-tions, lines or facilities shall be entitled to the full use and enjoyment of such por-tions of said connections, lines or facilities which service such Owner's Lot.

11.03 Reservation of Easements. Easements over the Lots and Common Properties for the installation and maintenance of electric, telephone, cable television, wa-ter, gas and sanitary sewer lines and drainage facilities are hereby reserved by the Association, together with the right to grant and transfer same.

11.04 Surface Areas of Utility Easements. Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities are reserved as shown and provided for on the Plat. Underground electric, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, natural gas and telephone service shall be available to all Lots in the subdivision. Easements for the underground service may be crossed by drive-ways, walkways, patios, brick walls and fences, provided the Declarant or builder makes prior arrangements with the utility companies furnishing electric, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, natural gas and telephone service and provides and installs any necessary conduit of ap-proved type and size under such driveways, walkways, patios, brick walls or fences prior to construction thereof. Such easements for the underground service shall be kept clear of all other improvements, and neither the grantee nor any utility company using the easements shall be liable for any damage done by either of them or their assigns, their agents, employees or servants, to shrubbery, trees, flowers or other improvements (other than for damages caused in crossing driveways, walkways, patios, brick walls or fences, providing conduit has been installed as outlined above) of the Owner located on the Lot covered by said easements. In addition, the utility easements shall not be used as alleyways.

11.05 Emergency and Service Vehicles. An easement is hereby granted to all police, fire protection, ambulance and other emergency vehicles and oth-er service vehicles to enter upon the Common Properties, including but not limited to private streets, in the performance of their duties; and further, an easement is hereby granted to the Association, its officers, directors, agents, employees and man-agement personnel to enter the Common Properties to render any service.

11.06 Universal Easement. The Owner of each Lot (including Declarant so long as Declarant is the Owner of any Lot) is hereby granted an easement not to exceed one (1) foot in width over all adjoining Lots and Com-mon Properties for the purpose of accommodating any encroachment due to engi-neering errors, errors in original construction, settlement or shifting of the building, or any other cause. There shall be easements for the maintenance of said encroachment, settling or shifting; provided, however, that in no event shall an easement for encroachment be created in favor of an Owner or Owners if said encroachment occurred due to willful misconduct of said Owner or Own-ers. Each of the ease-ments hereinabove referred to shall be deemed to be established upon the recordation of this Declaration and shall be appurtenant to the Lot being ser-viced and shall pass with each conveyance of said Lot.

11.07 Wall and Landscape Easement. An easement of varying width has been established on the Plat for the maintenance and repair of the perimeter screening wall and the associated landscape and irrigation. Owners shall not alter, paint or otherwise use such walls even though such walls and easements may be located on or adjacent to such Owner's Lot. It is the responsibility of each Owner to maintain that portion of the landscaping within this easement which is enclosed by the wall on their respective Lot, however, the Association retains the right to enter upon the Properties and perform such maintenance as necessary.

11.08 Drainage Easement. Easements over the Lots and the Common Properties for the drainage and flow of surface water, as shown on the grading and drainage plans for the subdivision, are hereby reserved and retained for the benefit of the Association and/or its successors and assigns. In addition, each Owner covenants to provide easements for drainage and water flow as contours of land and the arrangements of improvements, approved by the Architectural Control Committee, thereon required. Each Owner shall be responsible for maintaining his Lot so that there is no interference with the drainage patterns established by the grading and drainage plans, and, in the event any Owner shall interfere with the drainage patterns established by the grading and drainage plans, the Association shall have the right to enter such Lot to re-establish the proper drainage patterns.


12.01 Duration. The Covenants and Restrictions of this Declar-ation shall run with and bind the land subject to this Declaration, and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Association and/or any Owner, their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, for a term of thirty-five (35) years from the date that this Declaration is recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas, after which time these Covenants and Restrictions shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless an instrument signed by the Members entitled to cast seventy percent (70%) of the votes of the Association, in the aggregate, regardless of class, has been recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas, agreeing to abolish or terminate these Covenants and Restrictions; provided, however, that no such agreements to abolish shall be effective unless made and recorded one (1) year in advance of the effective date of such abolishment.

12.02 Amendments. Notwithstanding the terms and provisions of Section 12.01 hereof, this Declaration may be amended, modified and/or changed as follows:

(a) during the time Declarant is the Owner of any Lot, the Declarant, without the vote of the Members, may amend or change this Declaration with the consent of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the total eligible votes of the Association, regardless of class;

(b) in all other situations, this Declaration may be amended or changed either upon the express written consent of Members entitled to cast at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the total eligible votes of the Association who are in attendance at a meeting called and held in accordance with Section 3.03 hereof, or at least seventy percent (70%) of the total eligible votes of the Association, whether or not a meeting is called.

Any and all amendments to this Declaration, shall be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas. Notwithstanding the prior provisions of this Section 12.02, (a) the Declarant may execute and record amendments to this Declaration without such consent or approval if the amendment is for the purpose of correcting technical or typographical errors or for clarification only, and (b) as long as the Declarant is the Owner of any Lot, no amendment to this Declaration shall be effective without the prior written consent of the Declarant.

12.03 Enforcement. Enforcement of these Covenants and Restrictions shall be by any proceeding at law or in equity against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate them, or to recover damages, or to enforce any lien created by these Covenants and Restrictions; and failure by the Association or any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. In addition should the Association prevail in any such litigation, the Association shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees.

12.04 Severability. Invalidation of any one of these Covenants and Restric-tions by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any other provision of this Declaration or the remainder of these Covenants and Restrictions which shall remain in full force and effect.

12.05 Headings. The headings contained in this Declaration are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this Declaration.

12.06 Notices to Member/Owner. Any notice required to be given to any Member or Owner under the provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been properly delivered when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the last known address of the person who appears as a Member or Owner on the records of the Association at the time of such mailing.

12.07 Notices to Mortgagees. If a holder of a mortgage on a Lot shall notify the Association of its address and the identity of the Lot and Owner covered by and granting such mortgage, then such holder(s) shall be entitled to receive, written notification from the Association of any default by the respective Owner in the performance of such Owner's obligations as established by this Declaration.

12.08 Disputes. Matters of dispute or disagreement between Owners with respect to interpretation or application of the provisions of this Declaration or the Bylaws of the Association shall be determined by the Board of Directors, whose determination shall be final and binding upon all Owners.

12.09 Termination of and Responsibility of Declarant. If Declarant shall convey all of its right, title and interest in and to the Properties and assign all its rights, benefits and obligations as Declarant hereunder to any partnership, individual or individuals, corporation or corporations, then and in such event Declarant shall be relieved of the performance of any further duty or obligation hereunder, and such partnership, individual or individuals, corporation or corporations, shall be obligated to perform all such duties and obligations of the Declarant.

12.10 Limitation of Liability. Neither Declarant, the Association, the Architectural Control Committee, the Board of Directors of the Association, nor any of the respective officers, partners, directors, members, successors, assigns or agents of the above, shall be liable in damages or otherwise to anyone who submits matters for approval to any of the above-mentioned parties, or to any Owner affected by this Declaration by reason of mistake of judgment, negligence, or nonfeasance arising out of or in connection with the approval hereunder. Approval by the Architectural Control Committee, the Board of Directors of the Association, or the Association, or any of their respective officers, partners, directors, members, successors, assigns or agents, is not intended as any kind of warranty or guarantee as to the integrity or workability of the plans or the contractors used.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has caused this instrument to be executed as of the ______ day of _________________, 1998.

a Texas limited liability company

Authorized Representative

COUNTY OF _______________ §

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared ___________________________________, an Authorized Representative of ASHTON HOUSTON RESIDENTIAL L.L.C., a Texas limited liability, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of such company.

GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this ______ day of ____________________, 1998.

Notary Public, State of Texas
My Commission Expires:
(Printed or Typed Name of Notary)

All of the lots, reserves and common areas shown on the map or plat of Brazos Landing Section One, recorded in Slides 1741A and 1741B of the Map or Plat Records of Fort Bend County, Texas.

Posted by sw183938 on 12/27/2004
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