Community Service Projects
The Red Belt Academy has a number of community service projects coming up:
Operation Cover-Up
We are collecting new bed & bath items such as slippers, bath robes, towels, T-shirts and socks for veterans staying at VA hospitals to provide them with some of the comforts of home. Most of these vets have nothing but a hospital gown while they are receiving medical care in the hospitals. Drop off your donation in the green tub in the lobby at AMAA.
Blood Drive
We are securing a weekday date to hold a Blood Drive at AMAA. Details forthcoming.
Dojo Beautification Day
On Sunday, Feb. 21, the Red Belt Academy will be performing cleanup and maintenance at the dojo, including paint touch-ups, organization, cleaning and needed repairs. Contact us if you'd like to lend a helping hand.
Operation Homefront
Café Hidalgo in downtown Fullerton will provide the venue for a fundraising event on March 28 from 2-5 p.m. Tickets for the event will include food and beverages. We will also organize a raffle the help raise additional funds. The money raised will help support the needs of a local military family through the Operation Homefront nonprofit program. Operation Homefront provides emergency and morale assistance for our troops, the families they leave behind and for wounded warriors when they return home.
Check back soon for further details on these projects.