Brentwood Community Council

May 6, 2008 Meeting Highlights

Aug 11, 2008

Representation Committee ?– Bette Harris, Committee Chair
New representatives and alternates were announced by Ms. Harris:
Father Ben Le - Ministerial/Congregational Representative
Rabbi Morley Feinstein - Ministerial/Congregational Alternate
Cory Buckner - Crestwood Hills Association Alternate
Tom Kalette - Brentwood Village Business District Alternate
Bryan Gordon - San Vicente Business District Alternate

Brentwood Youth Citizens Awards ?– Loretta Ditlow, Committee Chair
By Bette Harris

The Brentwood Community Council awarded Brentwood Youth Citizen Awards to the following outstanding students, who exemplify leadership, innovation, dedication, and courage.

Catherine Haber ?– 8th Grade Student at St. Martin of Tours School
Last year, Catherine Haber was one of forty national finalists in the Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge, held at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., where she participated in ?“Going Green?” competitions. Searching for a green alternative to the ?“Paper or Plastic?” grocery question, she learned that ?“Green Bags?” were the answer, as they can carry a larger load, and are recyclable and reusable. This year, Catherine started a fundraiser at St. Martin of Tours School selling Green Bags. The project has created awareness at the school and has helped raise several hundred dollars in profits for a charity in Africa. Incidentally, as a reward for her achievement, she was invited to appear on The Discovery Channel program, Mythbuster. She will also have minor planets named after her and her Science instructor.

Juliana Klein ?– A Senior at The Archer School for Girls
Juliana has a passion for volunteerism. She says that ?“a core principle in my life is the concept of Tikkun Olam, which translated from Hebrew means ?‘to repair the world.?’?” Juliana serves as a Peer Advisory Leader to help students resolve their differences. She also heads the school?’s Community Service Board, which assists students in finding appropriate volunteer opportunities. Juliana has worked with children in the classroom at Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services for several years, and has helped organize their library. She has been a camp counselor for homeless children at Camp Harmony, and has volunteered at the Westside Children?’s Center. Juliana is active in CHOSA (Children of South Africa) Club, raising money for these children and educating classmates about this cause. Last year, she completed 100 hours of community service and was awarded Archer?’s Community Service Board?’s Certificate of Excellence, and a Commendation for Service by the City of Los Angeles.

Mason Moss ?– A Senior at Brentwood School
Mason Moss is a scholar, athlete, senior prefect and peer leader at the school. Each week, he works with mentally and physically challenged children at Culver City High School. There, he mentors one of the students -- Luke, helping him gain a greater appreciation for basketball. One summer, Mason traveled to the island of Guadeloupe for a month of community service projects -- cleaning beaches, paving trails, and rebuilding a basketball court. He enjoyed helping and interacting with the people of the island. Community service is more than just a school requirement for Mason, it is a source of fulfillment. Over the years, he has been involved as a volunteer with Special Olympics, the Heart Walk, and toy drives. This charismatic and energetic young man continues to make a difference in the lives of many.

Rebecca Epstein ?– A Senior at Palisades Charter High School
Rebecca is involved in a number of charitable organizations. She has been a member of the Red Cross Club for three years, packing food for the homeless and giving gifts to those less fortunate during the holiday season. She is also active in another club, Best Buddies, where she is paired with a disabled student. She enjoys spending time each week with her buddy, who loves chess and computer games.

Last year, a group of orphans from Moshi, Tanzania visited her school. Rebecca was moved and decided to start a club -- ROTA (Reaching Out to Africa), to create awareness and raise funds for the orphanage. Rebecca serves as President of ROTA, which is now one of the largest clubs on campus with over fifty members. She has visited several elementary schools on the Westside, using interactive games to teach students about the poverty in Tanzania. Rebecca and her classmates have held bake sales and sold jewelry crafted by African artisans to raise money for the orphanage. They even sponsored a Green Carnival, to fund a sustainable vegetable garden at the orphanage. The crops will feed the orphans and the surplus will be sold to buy other essentials. The students raised more than $5,000 for the orphanage.

Special Award to Tom Freeman ?– Presented by Ike Cohen
Mr. Cohen presented an Award of Appreciation to Mr. Freeman, an attorney at the Bird Marella law firm, for his pro bono work on behalf of the BCC?’s opposition to the lighting at the Hotel Angeleno.

Street Furniture Update ?– Wendy-Sue Rosen, Chairwoman
With approval of the Executive Committee of the BCC, an attorney was hired to write a letter on behalf of the Council and to testify at upcoming hearings on the illegality of placing commercial advertising on Sunset Blvd., which is a designated Scenic Highway in the City?’s General Plan and San Vicente Blvd., which is a designated Scenic Corridor in the San Vicente Scenic Corridor Specific Plan. Chairwoman Rosen thanked those who have pledged money so far and asked that all checks be mailed to the BCC as soon as possible.

Public Safety ?– Officer Phillip Enbody
Crime is down 21% from last year?’s figures at this time. Motor vehicle crimes were, again, the major crime in the area. Officer Enbody reported that ?‘Tip a Cop?’ fundraiser at Gladstone?’s netted about $5,000 for the Special Olympics. The WLA Police Station will be holding a blood drive on May 14, 2008 from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM.

Public Safety ?– Ray Klein, Public Safety Representative
Mr. Klein announced that the Community-Police Advisory Board (CPAB) will be promoting a sticker warning that items left in vehicles invite theft -- ?“Leave It and Lose It.?”

Government Reports ?–
Ellen Isaacs, Representative for Assemblymember Mike Feuer
?• Assemblymember Feuer has three transportation bills that are moving through Committee at this time:
1. AB 2321 (?½ cent sales tax) ?– passed out of Transportation Committee, now it is onto Appropriations, hearing Wed. 5/21
2. AB 2558 (carbon fee at pump or through VRF) ?– read three times, now gathering votes
3. AB 1836 (infrastructure financing districts) ?– passed from Local Govt Committee; may go to floor if it receives enough votes
Three other bills are being held in Transportation Committee while Assemblymember Feuer and staff assess their prospects.
?• The Final EIR for the 405 expansion has been certified. Caltrans selected the locally-preferred Alternative 2, northbound HOV lane, between 10 and 101, which realigns portions of Sepulveda Blvd., adds lanes to Sunset Blvd., overcrossing and ramps. Caltrans will not widen southbound in the area of the hillside at Getty Center or Brentwood Glen. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2009 and will take approximately three years. There will be a project office jointly staffed by Caltrans and Metro, and we have asked for a designated point person for communications from residents during construction.
?• The 2001 Metro Draft Long Range Transportation Plan is being revised. It looks ahead 25 years to determine transportation needs and options for the county?’s residents. The 2008 Draft makes recommendations on projects that can be implemented through 2030 and others that could be funded if new revenues can be found.
?• The Expo Line Phase 1 is under way and Phase 2 is in the early stages of environmental planning process, evaluating alignments, modes of transport, mitigations, etc. A Draft EIR is due Fall 2008, to be followed by public comment period.

State Veterans Home, Andrea Campbell, Consensus Planning Group
Highlights of Key Activities Completed in April:
?• Laid Slab-On-Grade Concrete for Building ?“A?”
?• Laid Lift Foundation Concrete and Backfill Slab-On-Grade at Building ?“B?”
?• Installed Plumbing & Electrical Conduit at Building ?“C?”
?• Laid Concrete Foundation at Building ?“C?”, ?“D?” and ?“E?”
?• LADWP Completed Water Main Line down Brigham

Highlights of Key Activities Planned for May:
?• Complete Structural Steel Erection at Building ?“A?”
?• Complete Slab-On-Grade Concrete Placement at Building ?“B?”, ?“C?” and ?“E?”
?• Begin Structural Steel Erection at Building ?“B?” & ?“C?”
?• Complete Basement ?“12?” Wall Concrete Placement at Building ?“D?”
?• Begin Foundation Excavation & Construction at Building ?“F?”
?• Complete Retaining Walls Concrete Placement of Section between Building Areas ?“D?” & ?“E?”
?• LADWP Complete Water Main Vaults on Brigham

You may call our hotline (310) 651-5066 or visit our website at

Stephen Cheung, West Area Director, Mayor?’s Office
?• The Mayor?’s office has been receiving many questions about foreclosure in residential areas throughout the City. The Mayor is asking the BCC to reach out to local residents who are facing the devastating impacts of foreclosure and provide them with some tools and resources offered by the Mayor?’s Office.
?• The Mayor?’s proposed budget is available on line at The Budget and Finance Committee of the City Council is currently reviewing the proposed budget and will be hosting hearings throughout the month.
?• Of the 2,800 budget surveys returned, the public?’s priorities were: 1) Public Safety; 2) Infrastructure; and 3) Transportation

Lateral Root Notification Program Presentation
Bureau of Sanitation engineers Mr. Ali Poosti and Ms. Stephanie Roberts delivered a presentation on the importance of homeowners inspecting and maintaining their private sewer laterals. A sewer lateral is the pipe that carries sewage away from a residence to larger street sewers. Roots may infiltrate a sewer lateral due to cracks and defects in old and disjointed pipes. Ms. Roberts stressed the need for homeowners in ?“root hot spots?” to have their laterals inspected by licensed plumbers or sewer contractors and repair or replace them as needed. During the PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Roberts showed graphs and maps which illustrated that Brentwood includes many root hot spot areas where sewer laterals are particularly vulnerable to damage due to the age and material of the pipes and the abundance of very large and mature trees. Ms. Roberts also discussed options to prevent root growth in a sewer lateral through routine maintenance which includes cleaning of the lateral by a licensed plumber and/or the use of an environmentally friendly herbicide available to the public at retail hardware and home improvement stores.

Homeowners may obtain additional information by contacting the Bureau of Sanitation at telephone number (323) 342-21566 and email address, or visiting the web site

?• A power point presentation described the problems created by excessive root growth of mature trees, which makes a ?“hot spot?” for lateral root damage. Ms. Roberts and Mr. Poosti reviewed the planned replacement/revision of sewer lines in the Brentwood area.
?• A total of $7.7 million has been earmarked for the Brentwood area including streets off the Sunset/Amalfi Drive areas; Mulholland and Bellagio Road areas; and Mandeville Canyon/Westridge areas.
?• Homeowners can prevent or reduce lateral root infringement by scoping their roots periodically. Cost is about $200 per scoping.
?• Remediation includes: periodic scoping, periodic roto rooter applications; use of recommended herbicides; and injecting a substance to reline existing pipes.

BCC Votes to Support Barrington Recreation Center Improvement Feasibility Study
?• The Barrington Recreation Center, located on the west side of Barrington between San Vicente and Sunset Boulevards, is in need of modernization and remodeling including providing updated facilities and additional parking.
?• The existing facility is over 50 years old, contains an undersized gymnasium, and is insufficient to meet the needs of the community.
?• The Barrington Park Community Foundation, a neighborhood group headed by Ann Hollister and Bob Beyer, is spearheading the fundraising efforts to remodel and update the park.
?• The Barrington Park Community Foundation is currently working to create a public/private partnership with the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks to redevelop the park.
?• The new facilities would include an approximately 20,000 square foot one-story gymnasium with two basketball courts.
?• The Barrington Park Community Foundation assured the BCC that it would proceed in accordance with all applicable environmental, zoning and building codes and regulations including without limitation, a full opportunity for public comment.
?• Early support and prioritization of this project is important.
?• Councilmember Bill Rosendahl and the Department of Recreation and Parks support this project.

Chair Announcements ?– Wendy-Sue Rosen, Chairwoman
?• Baseline Mansionization Ordinance ?– The City Council passed the Baseline Mansionization Ordinance. Steve Gilbert announced that the City Council added a two-year ?“Sunshine Clause?” to encourage the prompt adoption of a similar ordinance for the Hillside and Coastal areas.
?• Wachovia Sign ?– Councilmember Rosendahl has written a letter to Planning asking that Wachovia?’s sign permit be revoked due to excessive glare shining directly into the surrounding communities in violation of the permit.
?• Barrington/Wilshire project ?– BCC wrote a letter to the City Council Office requesting a CEQA review of the construction-related environmental impacts.

Future Meeting Dates: June 3, 2008. July 1, 2008. August 5, 2008. September 2, 2008. October 7, 2008. November 4, 2008. December 2, 2008.

Future Presentations will include: Bruce Jugan ?– construction hazards, Marylin Krell and Ray Keller ?– San Vicente Design Review Board, Ron Kosinski ?– 405 project and its impacts on Brentwood, Brentwood School update, plans for the Barry Building (Munger project).

Next BCC Meeting on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. The BCC meets regularly on the first Tuesday of each month at the Brentwood Kaufman Library. The BCC agenda is posted at the Brentwood Kaufman Library one week prior to the meeting date. To receive the BCC?’s monthly agenda by e-mail, contact Chairwoman Wendy-Sue Rosen at or visit the BCC website:

(Sue Casamassima serves as Recording Secretary and Representative of Zone 8 ?– Brentwood Glen)

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