Brentwood Community Council

August 7, 2007 Meeting Highlights

Sep 04, 2007

MOMENT OF SILENCE ?– Chairwoman Rosen spoke of the passing of Stan Lefcourt and asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of this great man.


Filling in for Sr. Lead Officer Phillip Enbody, Dennis Hinman reported that Burglary Theft from Motor Vehicles accounts for most of the crime in Brentwood. He cautioned against leaving any possessions in view in unoccupied motor vehicles to prevent these types of burglaries.


Bob Sleppy, Chief, Environmental Services Section, State of California, Department of General Services, reported that construction of the West Los Angeles State Veterans Home has just begun at this site. The 396-bed residential complex will be located on 14 acres that is currently comprised of surface parking lots, internal roads, and maintenance buildings on the west side of the campus, near the Brentwood Theatre. This facility will provide veterans with skilled nursing, assisted living and dementia-related care. Construction hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Work will only commence after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays on an as-needed basis. Trucks will exit from Wilshire Boulevard. According to Mr. Sleppy, some trees had been cut accidentally, but landscaping will correct for this after construction is completed. There are a variety of ways for the community to keep track of the project including an information line at 310-651-5066, e-mail:, or the project?’s informational website:


Ellen Isaacs, Representative to State Assembly Member Mike Feuer (Assembly District 42), reported that the past couple of weeks have been very busy because of the state budget process, which requires a two-thirds majority vote from each house for passage. The Assembly passed a budget on a bipartisan vote. However, the Senate is holding up passage to gain concessions. Senate Republicans are demanding more cuts to bring the budget deficit to zero. The Governor?’s budget plan took $1.3 billion in transportation funds out of the Public Transportation Account, which will severely jeopardize highway and transit projects throughout the state. The Proposition 1B revenues that the public voted for last fall to commit to transportation will be used instead to balance the state budget. The California Transportation Commission has deferred allocating funds for projects like the Expo Line until September, after a state budget is hopefully finalized. Metro, the County transportation agency, has deferred its Call for Projects until after the state budget is finalized. The Assembly Subcommittee on Transportation, which Assembly Member Feuer chairs, made recommendations saving some funds for transportation.

Ms. Isaacs announced that a hearing regarding the 405-Sepulveda Pass HOV Lane Project is scheduled for August 22nd from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Skirball Cultural Center. Written comments by U.S. mail must be received by September 10, 2007.


Stephen Cheung introduced himself as the new West Area Director from Mayor Villaraigosa?’s office. In the past, he had worked with Assembly Member Karen Bass. His goal is to bring the community together in partnership with the Mayor?’s office. Mr. Cheung invited Neighborhood Council members to a meeting on October 13th for a Budget survey to provide the Mayor with input regarding where funds should be allocated. At a future meeting, two representatives from each region will meet with the Mayor to discuss the results of the survey.

Mr. Cheung announced that an Emergency Preparedness Fair would be held on Saturday, September 29th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Westchester Park, 7000 W. Manchester at Lincoln Boulevard. Community members will learn how to develop and execute emergency plans and receive important public safety information. Representatives will attend from the Fire, Police, Water and Power, Building and Safety, Animal Services, Public Works, Disability Departments, county and state agencies. Those interested in sponsoring the event or donating giveaways, prizes, and/or water are asked to e-mail: or telephone (310) 479-3823.


Andrea Epstein, representative from Council Rosendahl?’s office, reported that the Los Angeles Department of Transportation has issued work orders for restriping on Montana Avenue between Bundy Drive and Barrington Ave. The new striping will provide left-turn pockets on Montana Ave. at Bundy Drive., at San Vicente Blvd., and at Barrington Ave.

Most of the construction on Sunset Boulevard at Mandeville Canyon Road and Riviera Ranch Road has been completed, with the exception of some minor work, landscaping, and timing of signals. Sunset was opened to four lanes of traffic the week of August 1st. Councilman Rosendahl expedited the road opening that was not due to take place until September 22. The City is working on last minute improvements such as sidewalks, the decomposed granite path, and landscaping. The Council Office hopes to have a ribbon cutting ceremony in September. The BCC will be notified as to date and time of the event.

BCC Chairwoman Wendy-Sue Rosen thanked Councilman Bill Rosendahl and his staff for their efforts in expediting the left-turn lane improvements.

Ms. Epstein reported an Emergency Preparedness Summit sponsored by the Los Angeles Police Department on Saturday, September 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Hollywood Presbyterian Church, 1760 N. Gower Street.

According to Ms. Epstein the Department of Sanitation has initiated a free Multifamily Residential Recycling Program. She encouraged participation in the program. For more information, visit

She also announced that the Wilshire Bus-Only Lane has been discontinued. The City will analyze the cost and feasibility of phasing in a bus-only lane operating from downtown to the ocean.

Chairwoman Rosen asked Ms. Epstein to convey the BCC?’s appreciation to Councilman Rosendahl for the two letters his office submitted to the Zoning Administrator in support of the Community?’s position on the Hotel Angeleno?’s exterior lighting.

Chairwoman Rosen asked Ms. Epstein to convey to the Council Office the BCC?’s request for support of a land-use master plan at the West Los Angeles VA campus in light of the CARES and Army Reserve Public Hearings, both scheduled for September.

The Chair also expressed concern regarding the Density Bonus Ordinance, which could negatively impact the community?’s specific plans and height limitations. She asked the Council Office to assist the BCC in having a member of the Planning Department address this issue. She also asked Ellen Isaacs to request that Assembly Member Feuer address this issue from the State side.


Sherrie Olson, a Consultant with Amlex and owner Annette York addressed Palmeri Restaurant?’s request to upgrade from a beer and wine license to a full alcohol permit. Jay Handal, President, Greater West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce provided additional information in favor of granting the request. Jackie Raymond spoke in support of the request on behalf of South Brentwood. The BCC unanimously approved support for the full alcohol license.

405-SEPULVEDA PASS PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT MODIFICATIONS ?– Ron Kosinski, Caltrans?’ Deputy District Director for Environmental Planning, reviewed Caltrans?’ alternatives for the 405-Sepulveda Pass Project, and addressed certain modifications. Alternative One is the ?“no build?” option. Alternative Two involves adding an HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane to the northbound 405 freeway from National to Greenleaf. Alternative Three includes Alternative Two, but also adds a mixed use lane on the southbound 405 from Skirball to Waterford and involves widening all lanes to comply with Federal design standards. Alternative Three also requires the closing of the 405 southbound on-ramp from eastbound Sunset. Motorists would be forced to turn left on Church Lane to enter the southbound 405 on-ramp. According to Mr. Kosinski, Alternative Two is the locally preferred Alternative.

Ken Husting, Sr. Transportation Engineer, Los Angeles Department of Transportation, said that his agency has been working closely with Caltrans, tweaking and modifying the alternatives to improve design. They are studying alternatives and mitigations wherever city streets may be impacted by the proposals for the 405-Sepulveda Pass Project. He gave credit to Council Members Rosendahl and Weiss and State Assembly Member Mike Feuer for their cooperation in the ongoing process.

Jason Kogan, Chairman, Brentwood Glen Association?’s Transportation Committee, urged the public to provide comments on the 405 proposals because the project will affect all Brentwood residents. He said that a modified version of Alternative Three released by CalTrans in July no longer involves the taking of homes or the Church in Brentwood Glen, but it requires moving the east curb on Church Lane and the current sound wall, and removing all parking from Church Lane. He questioned the enormous cost of Alternative Three and the recent proposed modification to Alternative Three in light of the minimal benefit, if any, of widening the current lanes to Federal standards and adding an additional lane for seven-tenths of a mile at Brentwood Glen.

Mr. Kogan said that he had not seen any studies to show that the widening of the lanes would provide any increase in safety and, on the contrary, might cause more accidents. He also said that because the proposed additional lane stops at Waterford, cars would be backed up on the new storage lane between Waterford and the Wilshire Boulevard off-ramp. In addition, he said there would be bottlenecks because the five mixed use lanes would be reduced to four lanes after Waterford and then further reduced to three lanes as the 405 approaches the intersection of the 405 and the 10.

Mr. Kogan said that the Brentwood Glen Association strongly opposes both the original Alternative Three, which requires taking of the homes and the Church in Brentwood Glen, and the modified version of Alternative Three.

After much discussion, the BCC passed a motion opposing both Alternative Three as originally proposed and Alternative Three as recently modified.

The public is urged to send comments via U.S. mail (no e-mails) prior to the September 10th deadline to: Ronald Kosinski, Deputy District Director, Division of Environmental Planning, Department of Transportation, District 7, 100 S. Main St., MS-16A, Los Angeles, CA 90012.


Dennis Hinman, President, Brentwood Rotary Club gave a presentation regarding the organization, founded in 1964. According to Mr. Hinman, Rotary International has over 31,000 Rotary Clubs with over 1.2 million members in 165 countries. The Brentwood Rotary Club consists of 16 community volunteers who provide humanitarian service both locally and throughout the world. Some of this year?’s projects include escorting 30 blind adults from the Braille Institute on a deep sea fishing trip out of Marina Del Rey; sponsoring a toy give-away for needy children during the holiday season; working with organizations to provide "survival packs" to homeless men, women and children; helping fund a summer camp for children with "special needs"; and providing clothing, food and medical supplies to children living in poverty in the Dominican Republic.

The Brentwood Rotary also designed, purchased and installed Brentwood?’s gateway monuments at both ends of San Vicente Boulevard, and sponsors the bi-annual Brentwood Art Festival. Mr. Hinman invited the community to form a "partnership" with the Brentwood Rotary to help the organization continue funding all projects at the current level. Donations are 100% tax-deductable and 100% of each donation directly funds the projects. Mr. Hinman extended an invitation to attend one of the meetings, as a guest. Brentwood Rotary meets at noon for lunch every Tuesday at Chez Mimi Restaurant, 246 26th St. ?“We are always looking for new men and women who want to join us in making a positive impact on the world,?” said Mr. Hinman, quoting the Rotary motto, ?“Service Above Self.?” For further information, contact Dennis Hinman at 310-666-8206.


Brentwood Beautiful?’s ?“Adopt a Tree Program?” ?– Barbara Goldenberg reported that Brentwood Beautiful, which planted most of the ninety-two London plane trees on San Vicente Boulevard, needs to raise funds to maintain the trees. The organization is sponsoring an ?“Adopt a Tree?” program, charging $1,000 per tree. So far, eleven trees have been adopted. For more information, telephone: (310) 472-1000 or E-mail: Checks may be made out to Brentwood Beautiful and mailed to P.O. Box 194, 149 South Barrington, Los Angeles, CA 90049.

?“The Gathering?” on September 30th ?– Loretta Ditlow reported that the ?“Before Columbus Day?” celebration of the Gabrielino/Tongvas has been re-named, ?“The Gathering,?” and will be held on Sunday, September 30th at the springs on the grounds of University High School.

Paul Revere Quad Fundraiser - Fundraising for Improvements at Paul Revere Middle School ?– Caroline Kelly requested support for the improvement project at Paul Revere Middle School. She said that $215,000 has been raised out of the $250,000 needed for the new quad and other improvements. Fifteen trees have been planted on the school grounds. Ms. Kelly also reported that issues have been worked out and Paul Revere graduates will matriculate to Palisades High School this year.

New Meeting Time for CPAB ?– Jay Handal, Co-Chair of the West Los Angeles Community-Police Advisory Board announced that CPAB will change the time of its meetings to the last Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. He encouraged participation in CPAB.


Chairwoman Wendy-Sue Rosen made a number of announcements. She reported that the BCC?’s Federal Land Committee is addressing homeless issues at the WLA VA. Committee members have taken tours with Bill Daniels as well as with Tony Reinis of New Directions. Last week the committee met with representatives of elected officials. Uses on the VA grounds have escalated and impacts are increasing, including traffic and noise. Chairwoman Rosen asked Congressman Waxman?’s aide, Lisa Pinto, to look into NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) review at the property. She announced that a CARES (Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services) hearing is scheduled for September 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for the Advisory Panel and a meeting from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for the formal Advisory Panel meeting and for public comment at the Wadsworth Theater.

The Chair announced that the Environmental Impact Report Scoping meetings in connection with U.S. Army Reserve property on Federal at Wilshire Boulevard are planned for Tuesday, September 11 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for elected officials only. The public is invited to attend the hearings at the U.S. Army Reserve building on Tuesday, September 11 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Wednesday, September 12 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

NEXT BCC MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 4TH ?– The next BCC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 4, 2007 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Agenda items include project plans for the Barry Building and a presentation on the City?’s Density Bonus Ordinance. Future agenda items include a personal visit from Assembly Member Mike Feuer and a Federal Land Update. The BCC meets regularly on the first Tuesday of each month. The BCC agenda is posted at the Brentwood Kaufman Library one week prior to the meeting date. To receive the BCC?’s monthly agenda by e-mail, contact Chairwoman Wendy-Sue Rosen at or visit the BCC website:

(Bette Harris serves as Recording Secretary and Public Safety Representative on the Brentwood Community Council.)

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