The time to get ready is NOW! First, prepare your bedroom:
1. Walls-make sure heavy mirors , pictures & wall hangings are not above your bed. If you must hang things, they should be anchored to the 2x4 "studs".
2. Bed-should keep warm clothes, shoes & socks near or under bed, along with a flashlight & fresh batteries. DO NOT use candles as there could be escaping gas leaks. DO NOT put your bed beneath a window that will shatter. DO NOT hang HEAVY lights above your bed, attache to wood beams if you must.
3. Shelves, cabinets & dressers are to be attached to the walls to keep furniture from falling on you. Any HEAVY articles are to be put on lower shelves.
4. Exits-be sure door is not blocked. For upper stories, use either a strong rope or a rope type ladder that drapes over balcony. Keep a clear path from your bed to your door for quick exit.
5. You should know the location of your gas SHUT-OFF & have a monkey wrench near-by.
6. Pets should be tagged & with your name, address, phone number and a relative's phone number in case you get separated from your pet(s).
Meet with your family and discuss the need for disaster preparedness. Explain the dangers of earth quakes, fire and severe weather conditions. Asssign responsibilities and have occasional drills so they will have an idea when the real thing comes and no one will panic.
Pick two places to meet. One is to be near your home, the other is to be away from your home with any phone numbers. Designate a relative out of state for "contact". Often it is easier to call out of state than in-state when a disaster strikes. Everyone should know that contact number.
Learn first-aid FREE thru your local Red Cross chapter.
There are six basics you should stock for your home: water, food, first-aid supplies, clothing, bedding and tools and special items. Keep items needed the most in easy to carry case. Suggested items would be money, flashlights, radio, can opener, water, clothing, bedding, important documents and MEDICATIONS.
Other items would include fire extingusher, safety equipment, sanitation supplies, food, prescription glasses, cups, plastic jugs and a rubber hose for siphoning gas. For other suggestions log on to
Make a 3x4" card with the following information and give to each family member:
* Emergency Meeting place...........
* Phone (outside your area).........
* Address...........................
* Family contact....................
* Phone (day).......................
* Phone (evening)...................