Brooklyn has had an active FootPatrol for over 10 years. The focus of the FootPatrol is to enhance the livability of our neighborhood. They are non-confrontational in their patrols and perform such duties as graffiti removal, keeping the telephone poles clean of advertisements, reporting abandoned vehicles and other safety issues. The benefits are that you get to walk through out the neighborhood and learn about the different aspects of your neighborhood. It is a social time for the patrol members as well as having an opportunity to interact with your neighbors. Your obligation would be about 1 ½ hours a week. With more volunteers this time would be lessened. . Contact for more info.
Once a year the neighborhood board sponsors an Ice Cream Social In Brooklyn Park. This is usually the first Sunday in September. This is a time the BAC board shows their appreciation to the neighborhood. Ice Cream is usually sold for 25¢ a bar. There are fun things for the kids to do as well booths showing off other aspects of the neighborhood. Volunteers are needed to set-up and take down as well as assist in the booths and at the kid's projects. Watch the newsletter for the scheduled date for the Social In The Park.