RECREATION PLAYGROUND PROGRAM IS RETURNING: We have just been informed that Columbus Recreation and Parks has heard our request. We have been selected for one of the few Recreation Playground Programs this summer. It will be staffed Monday through Friday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. It will start June 16 and run through August 8. For questions please call Recreation Programs Information at 645-3334. Only by having high participation, will we be able to keep this program. USE IT OR LOOSE IT!
The Brookside Woods Park has been approved for new playground equipment that will replace the current equipment. The proposed equipment includes various skill/developmental levels for children. The estimated cost for this project is $45,000.00 and will be funded by the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department. We are high on their Capital Project List and the Parks and recreation department has set a goal for completion during 2003, if funds are allocated.
There are three additional items the committee felt would be beneficial along with the new playground. These include a soccer net, more benches and maybe a drinking fountain [expensive]. These items will need to be funded by private sources. As our first fund raising event, the Brookside Woods Park Committee will be organizing a garage sale in the park during the neighborhood garage sale. Anyone who wants to support this effort, please either donate your time or your treasures for us to sell on April 26. We will be collecting items at the Gresham garage starting Thursday April 24 (7075 Winding Brook Court). Contract Lanna Shawgo (766-8204) to coordinate your contribution.