Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation

Summer, 2004 Newsletter

May 17, 2004

Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer:
We?’ve all made it through a much too long, cold, and wet winter and spring. It?’s finally time to begin to enjoy the longer days of sun and fun that summer brings. Here is a quick recap of some of the happenings within Buckingham Greene and the surrounding community.

Community Meeting Held:
Community members met at the New Castle County Library on March 30th to discuss several topics of interest within our development. Paul Zoppi opened the meeting by introducing guest speaker Matt Denn. Mr. Denn is running for the office of State Insurance Commissioner. Mr. Denn spoke for a few minutes explaining why he is running for office. For more information, please visit his website at www.mattdenn.com.

Paul Zoppi then gave an update on the Arden litigation to the members in attendance. Paul and Ann Diggins joined our community?’s builder (Michael Simeone) in Chancery Court in early March for the lawsuit that has been ongoing with Arden since 1997. The lawsuit is regarding the water run-off into the woods that separate our two communities (Sherwood Forest). Arden alleges that the water from Buckingham Greene is causing significant and irreparable damage to the forest. While our insurance company appointed attorney (Christopher Sipe) does not feel that our community will have any culpability in the matter, it could be months until a final decision is made. The judge hearing the case will be coming out to the development to assess the potential ?“damage?” for himself. A very special thanks to Paul and Ann for taking their own personal time away from work to be present at the 3-day trial (Ann even had to testify on behalf of our community). The Board of Directors will communicate the judge?’s decision as soon as one is made available.

Next on the meeting agenda was the current status of the Maintenance Corporation?’s general liability insurance. Effective the beginning of 2004, the Maintenance Corporation did not have any liability insurance. Our original policy with Penn Mutual was assumed by Harleysville in 2003. Last fall, Harleysville notified the Board of Directors that they would be dropping our coverage effective January 2004 since they do not offer this type of general liability insurance. For the past 7 or 8 years, our annual premium was approximately $270. Upon receiving notice that we were being dropped effective January 2004, the Board began calling agencies for quotes for coverage. The first quote we received was for $3,200 annually. Subsequent calls resulted in a quote from Zutz Insurance Group in Wilmington for less than $1,500 per year. While the increase in premium will impact our annual assessment, it has been strongly recommended by legal counsel (Mr. Dan Losco of Losco & Marconi) that we retain our general liability coverage for the Maintenance Corporation. During the past seven years, our insurance has covered all of the expenses associated with the Arden litigation. The policy with Zutz has been purchased and is currently in effect.

Next, the members in attendance unanimously approved the 2004 budget at $165 per household. The due date for all payments was April 30th. If you have not yet sent in your payment, please make every effort to do so as soon as possible. As we have previously communicated, the Maintenance Corporation is in need of raising funds for grass cutting, playground maintenance, insurance, snow removal, etc. Checks should be made payable to ?“Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corp.?” and sent to our Treasurer, Alan Herring, at 113 Scotts Way. Thanks to all for your cooperation.

Deed restriction ballots were passed out to those in attendance, while those unable to attend were sent a copy of the ballot. Each household needs to vote ?“yes?” or ?“no?” for each proposed modification/alteration. For those of you who have not yet responded, these ballots need to be returned to Paul Zoppi at 109 Scotts Way as soon as possible. Two-thirds vote on each proposal is required in order to modify any restrictions. Once the requisite votes are obtained, we will need to circulate a petition throughout the community to be signed. This final document must be notarized and filed with New Castle County. Stay tuned for more details shortly.

The meeting ended with several general discussion topics. First, the annual spring yard sale will be held May 22nd (May 23rd rain date). Contact Lisa Goodman (phone 475-1932) at 104 Scotts Way if you would like to participate. Secondly, there continue to be concerns regarding pets within the development. Please keep your pets on leashes and pick up all waste when walking them within the development. This continues to be an ongoing problem, and we do appreciate your efforts in helping us resolve the concern. And finally, there has been some vandalism within the community over the past several months. A community watch program has been suggested. If you are interested in participating in such a program, please contact a member of the Board of Directors. In the interim, if you see any suspicious activity, please don?’t hesitate to contact the police.

As always, if you have questions regarding any issues involving our community, please feel free to contact any member of the Board of Directors. And please remember that the best time to voice any concerns/issues you may have is at these meetings. We generally only meet twice per year (February/March and August/September). While the Board appreciates how busy we all are with our personal and professional lives, we strongly encourage all residents to participate in these meetings. We will be sure to give as much advance notice as possible whenever scheduling a meeting.

Spring Egg Hunt:
In April, the Social Committee organized our Spring Egg Hunt for members of the community and their friends and relatives. The event was a tremendous success with more than 15 children participating. The day was filled with fun prizes and candy for all of the participants. The entire community owes a great big thank you to Blair Nowland and Rita McCann for planning and organizing such a terrific event. Keep an eye out for more fun events in the near future. And if you have any ideas for an outing, or would like to get more involved with the Social Committee, please contact either Blair or Rita directly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Adults Only Social:
Speaking of more fun and games, due to the overwhelming success of our first ever ?“Adults Night Out Holiday Social?” last December, another ?“Adults Only?” gathering is currently being planned. Look for more information regarding this next outing in the coming weeks/months. The current tentative timeframe is to have the outing sometime in September, but we will be sure to give plenty of notice once the date and location have been finalized. Last year?’s event was held at Mrs. Robino?’s Restaurant in Wilmington. Thirty-five residents got together in what turned out to be a fantastic evening of good food and great people. Everyone enjoyed having a chance to get reacquainted with some of their neighbors. Here?’s hoping that this year?’s event is an even greater success. Again, stay tuned for more details soon.

Community Services:
Christopher Sipe (the insurance company appointed attorney who has been representing our community in the Arden litigation) is opening his own law office in the Woodmill Corporate Center on Kirkwood Highway. While Mr. Sipe will continue to represent our community in this litigation, he is accepting new clients/cases at this time. Accordingly, if you need assistance with a personal injury matter, an automobile accident, a Worker?’s Compensation claim, an insurance problem, or the collection of a debt, give Mr. Sipe a call at 302-995-5600. In addition, Mr. Sipe can be reached via email at CSipe3436@aol.com. Most cases are handled on a contingency fee basis (which means that there is no fee if there is no recovery for you).

Upcoming Local Events:
Wilmington Memorial Day Parade (May 30th)
Wilmington Memorial Day Committee is having its annual parade. Rockford Park, Delaware Avenue, Wilmington.
?· Admission is free
?· For information call 838-9114

McDonald?’s LPGA Championship (June 7-13) Golf tournament fund-raiser for Ronald McDonald House charities. DuPont Country Club, Rockland and Blackgates roads, Rockland.
?· Admission: $12 advance (daily); $35 season badge (weekly); at the gate Mon-Wed $12, Thurs-Fri. $14, Sat. $16
?· For information call 428-1681 or visit website at www.mcdslpgachampionship.com

St. Anthony?’s Italian Festival (June 13-20) Annual event of food and music features outdoor cafes, live entertainment, rides and more. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church and school grounds, Ninth and DuPont streets, Wilmington.
?· Admission is free, fees for activities
?· For information call 421-3790

49th Annual DFRC Blue-Gold All Star Football Game (June 26th)
Fund-raiser for DFRC, a nonprofit organization that strives to raise awareness of the abilities and talents of individuals with cognitive disabilities. University of Delaware Football Stadium, South College Avenue, Newark.
?· Admission is $7
?· For information call 454-2730

Fourth of July Parade (July 4th)
Bring decorated scooters, strollers, bicycles, wagons. Put the finishing touches on and join in the parade. Prizes will be awarded. Bellevue State Park, Carr Road, off I-95 at Marsh Road.
?· Admission is $2.50
?· For information call 793-3046

New Castle County Rockwood Ice Cream Festival (July 10th-11th)
New Castle County and Turkey Hill Dairy are teaming for the 22nd annual Ice Cream Festival. Rockwood Mansion Park, Washington Street Extension, south of Shipley Road, Penny Hill.
?· Admission is free
?· For information call 395-5119

Community Corner:
There continue to be concerns expressed by some of our neighbors regarding cars traveling too fast (especially along Scotts Way), as well as drivers not observing stop signs within the development. Some of our own residents have been observed speeding and/or ignoring stop signs. Please remember that there are many young children playing in the streets every day. Please take extra caution to observe speed limits (25 mph) and to come to complete stops at all stop signs within the development. If you have younger drivers in your household, be sure to discuss with them the importance of safe driving at all times. Let?’s all lead by example by driving cautiously, especially here in Buckingham Greene. Thank you for your support!

Motorcycles in Sherwood Forest:
Recently, there have been some young people riding motorcycles in Sherwood Forest (the wooded area between our community and Arden). Local ordinances prohibit the operation of motorized vehicles in the forest. If residents should see anyone operating any such vehicles in the forest, please feel free to inform them that doing so is a violation of these ordinances. If that doesn?’t help the situation, the county police can be notified at 573-2800 (non emergency number).

Is Your Home Radon-Free?
As previously communicated in prior newsletters, several homes in our development have been found to have elevated levels of radon. If you haven?’t already done so, it may be a good idea to have your own home tested (especially if you have a finished basement). Testing your home for radon is easy and inexpensive. Simply purchase a radon test kit with an EPA-certified label available at most local hardware stores. If the radon test kit measures less than 4 picoCurie/L (4pCi/L), your home does not have a radon problem. If the reading is higher, call the Delaware Helpline at 1-800-464-4357 and ask for Delaware?’s Division of Public Health?’s Radon Program. Your home may be in need of immediate remediation. Ask if you qualify for a free radon consultation assessment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any member of the Board of Directors.

Tip of the Month:
When the homes in Buckingham Greene were originally constructed (between 1994 and 1996), each came with a Pride Home Warranty. The warranty is for a period of ten (10) years and protects homeowners in the event of any major construction defects. If you have anything that you believe may be covered under the warranty, it might be a good idea to give Pride a call at 302-737-3636 (especially since many of our homes are getting close to being ten years old). An inspector will come out, free of charge, to inspect any potential defect to determine if it is covered. Examples of defects that may be covered include drainage problems, cracks in concrete, masonry problems, leaks in the foundation or basement, problems with roofing tiles, malfunction of doors and/or windows (including garage doors), etc. Feel free to contact any member of the Board of Directors if you have questions regarding the warranty.

Contact us with Ideas:
As always, if you have anything you would like to see published in our next quarterly newsletter, please drop off a note at 109 Scotts Way (or send an email to pzoppi109@cs.com). Your input and feedback is greatly appreciated. As always, we are looking for volunteers to help with putting the newsletter together on a quarterly basis. It doesn?’t have to take up a lot of your time, and it should be a lot of fun. Please feel free to contact Paul Zoppi if you are interested in participating.

Have a happy and safe summer!

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