Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation

Winter, 2005 Newsletter

Dec 27, 2005

Happy Holidays
We wish everyone a very happy holiday season, as well as a joyous and healthy new year. Once again, much was accomplished within our little community of Buckingham Greene. Following is a quick recap of some of the highlights within the development, as well as a preview of some exciting events yet to come.

Community Meeting Held
Community residents met at the Brandywine Town Center on September 20th to discuss several topics of interest within our development.

First on the agenda was guest speaker, Bonnie Metz, Vice President of External Affairs at Verizon. Ms. Metz was in attendance to give the community information about the new services that Verizon will be able to offer upon the completion of their work within the development. The conduits that were installed completed the first phase of the fiber optic installation project. The fiber optic cables will be installed within the next few months. Ms. Metz assured us that there should be no more disruptions within the neighborhood when installing the cables now that the conduits are in place. With the fiber optic cables, Verizon will be able to offer voice, data, and video services to residents. All of the services should be available within the next 3 to 4 months. Each household will need to contact Verizon directly if they are interested in these services. If anyone would like to email Bonnie for additional information, or with questions/concerns regarding the work previously completed this summer, feel free to email her at bonnie.l.metz@verizon.com (or call her at 302-576-5310).

Regarding pets, aside from the standard reminder of ?“cleaning up after your pets?”, we would also like to remind everyone that all pets should be kept under the control of their owners while within the development. Please do not let dogs out loose in the neighborhood. If they are with you, please use a leash or be able to control them verbally. There have been several cases of pets getting into neighbors?’ garages, as well as issues with unattended pets jumping onto residents (one resident actually sustained multiple scratches when a dog jumped on her). Please, Please, Please supervise your pets. A little common sense can go a long way in helping to alleviate any problems.

Please do not leave your trashcans outside in view from the street for more than the 24 hours prior to pickup (as specified in the deed restrictions). Trash cans should be stored either in the garage or out of sight when not outside for collection. Thank you for your cooperation!

Nothing new to report with respect to the Arden lawsuit. Both parties (plaintiff and defendants) are having their experts meet to determine what, if any, alternate solutions may be possible to divert some of the storm water from running into the Arden woods.

The landscaping at the front entrance and two retention ponds was re-worked this past fall. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with this effort. We would especially like to recognize Lani and Jay Gibson, Patrick McGrory, Rich and Rita McCann, Mike Duffy, Paul Zoppi, Tom Tryon, Christie Cannon, Ann Diggins, Beth Lubin, Pete Cipolla, Miriam Sigler, and Blair Nowland for their efforts. The next phase of the project will begin in the spring as we plant flowers, bushes, etc. at each location.

We are still trying to obtain signatures for the proposed amendments to the deed restrictions. We may try to organize a time for people to drop by somewhere in the neighborhood within a few hours time frame. Hopefully this will allow more people to review and sign the proposed amendments. Also, if anyone is interested in helping with this process, please feel free to contact Jimmy Jarrell at 475-5064.

The Community Directory was updated and circulated throughout the neighborhood this past fall. If any of your information is incorrect, or if you have any updates, please contact Shelli McGrory at 475-6331. We hope you find the directory to be useful. Thank you!

Anyone who is interested in volunteering to help with anything can contact a board member. We are not asking for a lot of time. Simply giving one hour of your time per month can have a profound impact on our community. Let?’s all chip in to help make Buckingham Greene the best development in New Castle County.

Buckingham Greene is Online!
Don?’t forget that our neighborhood has a Web site! Our Web site includes information about Buckingham Greene, the online newsletter, a list of the local schools in our area, and community pages about issues and events that affect our neighborhood. Links to city government officials and services, including the police, make it a great communication channel.

Our Web site is not just an information source, but also a place for all neighbors to be connected on the Internet. Want to tell people about an upcoming meeting, garage sale, or lost pet? Then post a notice in the "Community Calendar". Want your own personal Web page? Then create one in the "Meet Your Neighbors" section - tell people about yourself, your family, your hobbies, or your interests. Concerned about a neighborhood issue? Talk to your neighbors - solicit new viewpoints. Go to the "Talk About It" section and create a new discussion.

This is our Web site - anyone can use it - and it's easy to use! You don't need any special computer skills to post information to the site. Simply fill out a form and the information is posted. All you need is Internet access - everything is in an extremely user-friendly format.

So check it out! Our Web site can be found at www.neighborhoodlink.com/wilmington-de/bgca or go to www.neighborhoodlink.com and enter 19810 in the zip code field. Buckingham Greene will be one of the available sites to choose from. Please take a tour and let us know if you have any feedback. Comments and suggestions can be sent to Paul Zoppi at pzoppi109@cs.com.

Adult Social
In November, a group of residents got together for our third ever ?“Adults Night Out Holiday Social?”. The event was held at Kid Shelleen?’s in Wilmington and was a tremendous success. The food was good, but the people were even better. Everyone enjoyed having a chance to get reacquainted with some of their neighbors. Jimmy Jarrell won the Buckingham Greene Trivia Contest. Special thanks goes to Tammy Zoppi, Lani Gibson, Blair Nowland, and Rita McCann for helping to make this wonderful event take place. Keep an eye out for more fun events in the New Year.

Buckingham Greene Trivia
We had our annual Buckingham Greene Trivia Contest at the ?“Adults Social?” in an effort to determine who knew the most about the neighborhood. As previously mentioned, Jimmy Jarrell won with a very impressive score of 8 out of 10 correct answers. How well can you do? If you are up to the challenge, see how many questions you can answer (correct responses can be found on the Buckingham Greene neighborhood website). Good luck!

1) Who are our newest residents ?– moving into Buckingham Greene in October of 2005?

2) Which residents were married in June of 2005?

3) How many of the 50 original Buckingham Greene homeowners are still residing in the development ?– does not include the open lots (need to be within plus or minus 2)?

4) Which Buckingham Greene resident?’s band (Boys Night Out) played at the Rockwood Museum?’s Ice Cream Festival this past July?

5) Which resident has a dog named Gracie?

6) Which resident works as a dentist and spends two nights a week practicing dentistry at Wilmington?’s Howard R. Young Correctional institution (formerly known as Gander Hill Prison)?

7) What is the name of the attorney who has represented our community over the past 8 years during the Arden lawsuit?

8) How many fire hydrants are there within Buckingham Greene?

9) Which residents had a baby girl last November named Madison?

10) There are 23 of 52 homes within Buckingham Greene with some shade of tan (light, medium, dark) for the exterior siding color. What is the 2nd most popular exterior house color in the development ?– white, gray, or yellow?

Correct answers can be found on our website at www.neighborhoodlink.com/wilmington-de/bgca. Good luck!

Halloween Parade
In October, the Social Committee also helped organize the community Halloween parade. Children and adults participated by coming dressed in their favorite costumes. Everyone had a great time, and there were plenty of treats to go around for all. Thank you to the entire Social Committee (especially Blair Nowland and Rita McCann) for organizing the parade. We look forward to more fun events in the near future.

Eileen Schmitt Honored by Catholic Charities
Our very own Eileen Schmitt (111 Scotts Way) will be one of three people honored by Catholic Charities at its annual tribute dinner March 29th in Wilmington. Eileen, who is a physician in charge of St. Francis Hospital?’s Car Van, will be recognized along with Father Thomas Curran and Christopher Degnan. The award was created in 1989 in memory of Monsignor Thomas J. Reese, a community activist and the longtime director of Catholic Social Services, the forerunner of Catholic Charities.

?“My goal from the time I was young was always to be a missionary,?” Eileen said in a recent interview. She guided St. Francis Hospital through a period of instability and change and then resigned her position as president and CEO to become medical director of the St. Clare Outreach Van, which provides health care to the homeless, poor, and uninsured of the Wilmington area.

?“I love it. I have the best job in town,?” she said, a former Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart, of her four-day-a-week practice in which she sees ?“everyone from newborns to people in their 90s.?”

In honor of Dr. Thom Scott, her predecessor in operating the medical van, Eileen launched a drive to create a Pharmaceutical Fund, soliciting donations from doctors, foundations, and businesses. It now generates $14,000 a year to pay for prescription medications for the poor. She has also lined up physicians in specialty fields who donate their time to treat the van?’s patients. The Brandywine Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals last month presented Eileen with its 2005 Award for Philanthropy.

Eileen also serves on the board of directors of Archmere Academy, the St. Francis Hospital Foundation and the Sisters of St Francis Foundation. She is also a member of the Diocesan Review Board, which investigates allegations of sexual abuse of minors by priests and diocesan employees. She is a former member of the Ministry of Carding board of directors.

The dinner will be held March 29th, starting at 5:30 p.m., at the Chase Center on the Riverfront (formerly the Bank One Center) in Wilmington. For ticket information, contact Danielle Lanteri in the diocese?’s Development Office at 573-3125. Congratulations to Eileen on this wonderful honor. All of us here in Buckingham Greene are incredibly proud of you.

Upcoming Local Events
First Night Wilmington (Dec 31st 4-10pm) Family-oriented nonalcoholic celebration. Theme "Winter Wonderland" includes ice skating rink. Other entertainment includes performers, continuous shorts at Theatre N, exhibit of works by Ed Loper and students at the Community Services galleries. In and around Rodney Square, 11th and Market streets, Wilmington.
?· Admission: One button $7, two $10, 11 and younger free, available at Happy Harry?’s.
?· For information call 576-3095.

Buckingham Greene would like to welcome some of our newest neighbors to the development. Thea Amato and Alan Hobbs recently moved into 18 Weilers Bend. Please be sure to say hello and introduce yourself to them. Welcome Thea and Alan! We all wish you and your family much joy and happiness in your new home.
Don?’t forget, if you have anything you would like to announce to your fellow neighbors (i.e., birth announcements, anniversaries, birthdays, business advertising) please contact Paul Zoppi at 109 Scotts Way (feel free to email Paul with the specifics at pzoppi109@cs.com.). Thank you.

Woodshaven-Kruse Park Threatened ?– A letter from Representative Wayne Smith
Following is a letter that Wayne Smith sent to the Maintenance Corporation back in November. We wanted to share it with all of you.

?“Dear Friends,

You have perhaps heard rumors regarding a proposed development at the Woodshaven-Kruse Park. The developer who bought the Brookview property and is going to redevelop that location, has asked New Castle County to consider allowing the company to build homes in Woodshaven-Kruse Park in exchange for creating an equal sized park at the Brookview site.

I want you to know that I am very much opposed to allowing building on Woodshaven-Kruse Park and have communicated my opposition to New Castle County Executive Chris Coons.

Woodshaven-Kruse was a state property, the former site of a women?’s prison. When that property became surplus and was threatened by development, I worked very hard with former Senator Myrna Bair and other public officials to save the 26 acre natural site and turn it into a park. I was able to have the state appropriate $1 million to tear the old prison building down, clean the site and hand it over to New Castle County as part of their park system. It was, and remains, Claymont?’s first park.

Allowing use of a park for development is a terrible precedent to set. If a developer can swap land in exchange for building in lovely Woodshaven-Kruse Park, other developers will soon propose land swaps to allow building at other state and county parks. The area residents I talk to, and those who have called me specifically in regard to this threat, seem to like Woodshaven-Kruse Park and its clear top setting fringed by woods. I don?’t think our local residents favor building at Woodshaven-Kruse Park. Also, building at this location would be breaking faith with the community and the state. The state had control of this property, used $1 million of your tax dollars to establish it as a park, and deeded it over to New Castle County in expectation of it remaining a park forevermore. Thus, there are other good reasons to oppose taking this park for development beyond the terrible precedent it would set.

I wanted to explain to you my position on this threat to develop our park as well as my reasons for taking this position. I will be working hard to save our Woodshaven-Kruse Park.

Sincerely, Rep. Wayne Smith?”

House For Sale???
The Board of Directors has recently been contacted by a couple interested in moving into Buckingham Greene. The Rosenthal?’s discovered our development on their walks through the community in the spring and summer. They have an 8-month old baby, and are looking to move out of their town home off of Marsh Road. If you are looking to move in the near future, please consider contacting Meredith Rosenthal at mrosenthal@marycampbellcenter.org. It could represent an excellent opportunity to alleviate the need for a realtor and the high commissions that come with them.

Tip of the Month
Are you in need of professional painting services? If so, give Mike Aitken a call at 302-547-9738. No job is too small, and Mike performs meticulous work that will be beyond your expectations. Customer satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If you are interested in learning more, be sure to give Mike a call for a complimentary estimate.

Contact us with Ideas
If you have anything you would like to see published in our next quarterly newsletter, please drop off a note at 109 Scotts Way, or send an email to pzoppi109@cs.com. Your input and feedback is greatly appreciated. As always, we are looking for volunteers to help with putting the newsletter together on a quarterly basis. It doesn?’t have to take up a lot of your time, and it should be a lot of fun. Please feel free to contact any of the Board Members if you are interested in participating.

Next community meeting TBD.

Happy Holidays!!!

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