Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation

Summer, 2005 Newsletter

Jun 15, 2005

Fun in the Sun
Well, it?’s that time of year again as we look forward to the fun and sun of summer. Hope you?’ve been able to keep those extra few pounds off as we get ready for bathing suit weather. Here is a quick recap of some of the happenings within Buckingham Greene and the surrounding community.

Community Meeting Held
Residents met at the Brandywine Hundred Library on March 23rd for our semi-annual community meeting. Paul Zoppi, President, brought the meeting to order. Guest speakers included Christopher Sipe, our lawyer in the Arden litigation, and Fritz Land, a Conectiv representative.

First on the agenda was the assessment for the coming year. Line items discussed from the assessment were as follows:
Lawn and Grounds services: Playground maintenance ?– ideas for the surface of the playground to eliminate the need for mulch were discussed (pebbles and shredded rubber in particular). At this point, we will continue with the mulch based on the input that was received from the members in attendance. If anyone has other ideas, please mention them to a board member.
Insurance: The liability insurance we have purchased has been a huge benefit in dealing with the Arden situation. This litigation would have cost well over $75,000 during the past 8 years if we did not have the insurance. We will continue with the insurance as advised by Christopher Sipe and agreed to by the members in attendance.
Legal Fees: We do need advice from a lawyer from time to time to provide guidance regarding the various issues that can arise within a community. In addition, we will need to pay to register the revised deed restrictions with New Castle County. The proposed $500.00 is to be allocated for such expenditures.
Final Assessment: There are 55 lots in our community with 51 homes. Previously, the 5 lots owned by Scott Weiler were counted as one assessment. Now that 3 lots have been sold (one home complete), the builder who purchased the non-developed lots will pay the assessment for those 2 lots, and Scott Weiler will pay the assessment for the 2 lots that he currently still owns. This will result in an assessment of $125 per lot/household. The budget was unanimously approved by the residents in attendance and was due by April 30th. Please pay promptly to enable the Maintenance Corporation to continue to meet our financial obligations. Your attention to the 2005 assessment is greatly appreciated.

Christopher Sipe, our lawyer in the Arden litigation, spoke at length regarding the lawsuit. In particular, Christopher discussed the riprap basin and the alleged ?“erosion?” that Arden claims has been caused by the basin within the Arden woods. The trial took place approximately one year ago in Chancery Court, presided over by Vice Chancellor Noble. The engineer retained by the developer testified that the system was functioning correctly as intended. The geologist hired by Arden testified to the opposite. Mr. Sipe attempted to convince Chancellor Noble that the community of Buckingham Greene is caught between Arden and the developer. Approximately 3 months after the trial, Mr. Sipe received a communication from Vice Chancellor Noble stating that he felt there was insufficient information to make a decision, and that he wanted an independent civil engineer to give an opinion. Upon receiving the opinion of this independent expert, it will most likely be an additional 6 to 10 months for Vice Chancellor Noble to render a decision. If a monetary settlement is ultimately decided upon, the liability insurance that we have would cover it. Stay tuned for more details.

Fritz Land, from Conectiv, made a presentation with a great deal of information on energy saving tips, what to do to prepare for a storm, how to use electricity safely, etc. Handouts were made available ?– if you were unable to attend the meeting and would like the information, contact a board member.

The deed restriction changes are completed. We need to obtain signatures on the changes from the homeowners whose names are listed on the proposed amendments in order to finalize the process. Jimmy Jarrell (26 Weilers Bend) was on hand at the meeting to notarize the signatures of the residents who attended the meeting. Those who were not in attendance will be contacted in an effort to get this taken care of as quickly as possible. Your patience is greatly appreciated as we try to obtain the requisite signatures over the coming weeks/months. Our thanks to Jimmy for giving of his time to help us with this effort.

The Community Directory will be updated and distributed shortly. Each or our residents will be contacted to verify/update their current directory information. More details to follow soon. If you are interested in assisting with this project, please feel free to contact any board member directly.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering to help with anything can contact a Board member. We are not asking for a lot of time. Simply giving one hour of your time per month can have a profound impact on our community. Let?’s all chip in to help make Buckingham Greene the best development in New Castle County.

Please remember to drive safely within the development. The speed limit is 25 mph on Scotts Way and Weilers Bend, and please be sure to observe all stop signs within the community. There are many young children playing on our streets every day. Let?’s all lead by example by driving safely at all times within the community. Please help us keep Buckingham Greene as safe as possible. Thank you!

Spring Egg Hunt
In March, the Social Committee organized our Spring Egg Hunt for members of the community and their friends and relatives. The event was a tremendous success with more than 15 children participating. The day was filled with fun prizes and candy for all of the participants. The entire community owes a great big thank you to Blair Nowland for planning and organizing such a terrific event. Keep an eye out for more fun events in the near future. And if you have any ideas for an outing, or would like to get more involved with the Social Committee, please contact Blair, Rita McCann, or Lani Gibson directly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2005 Assessment:
Thanks once again for your prompt attention to the 2005 annual assessment. If you have not had a chance to send in your payment, please make every effort to do so as soon as possible (payments were due April 30th). As we have previously communicated, the Maintenance Corporation is in need of raising funds for grass cutting, playground maintenance, insurance, snow removal, etc. Please make checks payable to ?“Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corp.?” and send to our Treasurer, Alan Herring, at 113 Scotts Way. Thanks to all for your cooperation

Community Services
Christopher Sipe (the attorney who has been handling our litigation with Arden) has opened his own private practice in Newark. While Mr. Sipe will continue to represent our community in this case, he is accepting new clients at the present time. If you need help with a contract dispute, personal injury, or a collections problem, give Christopher a call at 302-995-5600. Initial consultations are free of charge. He also can be reached via email at Christopher@SipeLaw.com.

Sylvia Boyd (daughter of Miriam Sigler at 42 Weilers Bend) is offering baby-sitting services to members of the community. Sylvia is Red Cross certified (that includes CPR), and she is very responsible. She is mature, a good listener, and very patient with young children. She is also available as a mother?’s helper during the summer. Sylvia can be reached at 529-9085.

Daniel Tryon at 110 Scotts Way continues to offer grass-cutting services to members of the community. Please feel free to contact Daniel at 475-5034 if you are interested in hearing more about his lawn mowing service.

Buckingham Greene would like to welcome some of our newest neighbors to the development. Chris Klaber and Dianne Bowen recently moved into 20 Weilers Bend. Please be sure to say hello and introduce yourself to them. Welcome Chris and Dianne! We all wish you and your family much joy and happiness in your new home.

Paul and Tammy Zoppi (109 Scotts Way) will be celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary on July 1st. Congratulations! Here?’s to wishing you many more happy years together.

Don?’t forget, if you have anything you would like to announce to your fellow neighbors (i.e., birth announcements, anniversaries, birthdays, business advertising) please contact Paul Zoppi at 109 Scotts Way (feel free to email Paul with the specifics at pzoppi109@cs.com.). Thank you.

Upcoming Local Events
Wilmington Memorial Day Parade (May 30th)
Wilmington Memorial Day Committee is having its annual parade. Rockford Park, Delaware Avenue, Wilmington.
?· Admission is free
?· For information call 838-9114

St. Anthony?’s Italian Festival (June 12th-19th) Annual event of food and music features outdoor cafes, live entertainment, rides and more. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church and school grounds, Ninth and DuPont streets, Wilmington.
?· Admission is free, fees for activities
?· For information call 421-3790

49th Annual DFRC Blue-Gold All Star Football Game (June 25th)
Fund-raiser for DFRC, a nonprofit organization that strives to raise awareness of the abilities and talents of individuals with cognitive disabilities. University of Delaware Football Stadium, South College Avenue, Newark.
?· Admission is $7
?· For information call 454-2730

Independence Day Celebration (July 2nd)
Special activities and concerts sponsored by the City of Wilmington. Rain date is July 3rd. Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park, at the Christina River, Wilmington.
?· Admission is free
?· For information call 576-3095 or visit www.ci.wilmington.de.us

New Castle County Rockwood Ice Cream Festival (July 9th-11th)
New Castle County and Turkey Hill Dairy are teaming for the 23rd annual Ice Cream Festival. Rockwood Mansion Park, Washington Street Extension, south of Shipley Road, Penny Hill.
?· Admission is free
?· For information call 395-5119

Community Corner
DelDOT has replaced a speed sign on Veale Road to set the speed limit at 35 mph for all of Veale between Harvey and Silverside Roads. Most of the road was already signed for 35 mph. However, there was one stretch in that road segment which was posted at a higher limit of 40 mph. Numerous residents complained to Wayne Smith of speeding along Veale Road last summer and fall. DelDOT felt that making the speed a consistent 35 mph for the entire stretch would help to control the problem.

Wayne has also requested speed enforcement along Veale Road, and the police will be out from time to time to monitor speeds and potentially issue tickets to violators. Please be sure to be cognizant of the new speed limit along Veale Road.

In addition, it is that time of year again to begin to compile the roadwork needs in the 7th Representative District. Wayne Smith has asked that residents call Jean Diener (577-8723) with the names of the streets in the community in need of repair. As soon as Wayne has received this information he will have cost estimates prepared and add any such road repairs to his list for funding consideration.

Community Leader Update (from the Office of Representative Wayne Smith)
The 143rd legislative session is in full swing, and Representative Wayne Smith would like to take this opportunity to let each of us know some of the agenda items that will likely be discussed this year in the General Assembly.

The House Majority Caucus has released its five-point agenda, which includes initiatives aimed at reducing taxes, enhancing public safety and preserving open space and farmland. One of the main agenda items is a call to eliminate the three-tiered diploma system and replace it with a single diploma (a movement which Wayne supports).

Wayne also wanted to pass on some information about National Trails Day at Brandywine Creek State Park in June, as well as information on how to participate in the voluntary curbside recycling program being offered in New Castle County. All residents are encouraged to contact his office directly with any questions or concerns about a legislative or district-related matter. Please feel free to contact Wayne at his Wilmington office at 577-8723.

Tip of the Month
Are you in need of handyman services? If you require cleaning services (windows, gutters, power washing), deck staining, various home repairs, electrical work, carpentry, tile work, etc., give Ron Iorii a call at 302-427-2807. Through the years, Ron has accumulated a list of specialties with an excellent core of workers. He will always go that extra mile while providing expert craftsmen who are knowledgeable, safe, and courteous. He is very proud of the network of people he works with, and they will enjoy working for you as well. If you are interested in learning more, be sure to give Ron a call for a complimentary estimate.

Contact us with Ideas
If you have anything you would like to see published in our next quarterly newsletter, please drop off a note at 109 Scotts Way, or send an email to pzoppi109@cs.com. Your input and feedback is greatly appreciated. As always, we are looking for volunteers to help with putting the newsletter together on a quarterly basis. It doesn?’t have to take up a lot of your time, and it should be a lot of fun. Please feel free to contact any of the Board Members if you are interested in participating.

Next community TBD

Happy Summer

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