Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation

Buckingham Greene Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2022 Meeting 

President Paul Zoppi called the meeting to order @6:36pm


In Attendance: Robert & Melinda Agarwal, Matt Albert, Joe & Judy Boutin, Diane Bowen, Scott and Lisa Breyer, Michele Campbell, Erin Demko, Charlie & Ann Diggins, Dori English & Marty Lassman, Ginny & Mike Farrell, Noreen Gawley, Marvin Gerstein, Alan Herring, Rich & Denise Knight, Angela Kim, Gary Liu, Eun Hye Kim, Lisa Ressler, Pat & Colleen Sherwin, Chris Smith, Michele Sommer, Tom Tryon, and Paul Zoppi


Welcome and Announcements:

  • Welcome to our newest neighbor into the development, Michele Sommer at 105 Scotts Way.  Michele moved here from Connecticut.  Paul shared a warm welcome.
  • Paul also recognized a few 2022 college graduates from the development; Parker Lubin from the University of South Carolina.  Parker has recently accepted a sales position with Datadog out in Denver.  In addition, Alyssa Zoppi will be graduating in 2 weeks from the University of Delaware and has accepted a nursing position with Christiana Care.  Congratulations to our graduates!!!
  • Our very own Irina Romanova was interviewed about the Olympics back in February on NBC.
  • We had some milestone birthdays within Buckingham Greene recently; Dave and Beth Lubin, and Chris Klaber.  Happy Birthday to all!!!
  • Michele Campbell is now a grandmother.  Her grandson is Campbell James (CJ) Sonson and is 9 months old.
  • Tom & Karen Tyron are also recent grandparents. Their granddaughter Amelia Rose Tryon just recently turned one on April 22nd.
  • As a reminder, please do send important milestones, dates, birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments, births, etc. along to the Board.  We love sharing with our residents.


2021/’22 Financial Review / Budget Discussion:

  • The 2021/22 financial statements and proposed budget were shared, reviewed and discussed with those in attendance.
  • Funds have been reserved for playground and retention pond maintenance.
  • The total 2022 budgeted expenses are $11,000 ($200 per household).


2022 Annual Assessment:

  • The proposed 2022 annual assessment of $200 per household ($11,000 total dividedly 55 homes) was reviewed and discussed with those in attendance.
  • The residents voted and unanimously approved the $200 per household annual assessment.
  • Checks should be made payable to “Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation”, and delivered to Chris Smith at 75 Weilers Bend.
  • The Board of Directors is requesting that all 2022 annual assessment payments be made at your earliest convenience, but no later than June 30th.
  • Feel free to reach out to any of the Board members with any questions.
  • Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to 2022 annual assessment.
  • As a special added incentive, all residents who signed and stayed for the duration of the meeting were eligible for a drawing to have a $50 credit towards their annual assessment. The lucky winner of the random drawing of those residents in attendance was Erin Demko.  Congratulations, and thank you to everyone who came to the meeting!

Board Positions:

  • Two Board positions (Alex Shapero – VP; and Michele Campbell – Secretary) were up for re-election. These positions are a 2-year commitment.
  • The residents were encouraged and asked if anyone was interested in either of the Board positions.
  • Michele Campbell volunteered to continue as the secretary, and Ann Diggins volunteered to serve in the Vice President position.
  • The residents voted and unanimously approved the elected Board of Directors.
  • Paul shared his appreciation for those offering to serve. The commitment and dedication of the community is greatly appreciated!
  • We are always looking for volunteers to help with any committees.  If there is any interest, please reach out to a Board Member or a Committee Chair.  Thank you in advance for your help!



  • The steps to the slide were repaired by our District representative, Larry Lambert and his brother, which was a significant financial savings to our community. As a result, there is no immediate improvement needed to the playground equipment. Paul recognized and thanked Larry & his brother for their efforts in helping our community.
  • However, the playground is in need for mulching and spraying this year.  The Board will reach out to obtain estimates for mulching and spraying of the playground.


Deed to the Common Area:

  • The deed to the common areas currently belongs to the builder of the development.
  • Paul received an email communication belongs from the County regarding Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation taking over the deed for the common areas.  There are outstanding school and county taxes.
  • The issue of assuming the deed to the common areas was discussed, it was determined there needed to be a better understanding of the financial impact and potential risks associated with assuming the deed.
  • The Board will schedule a conference call with the County to better understand any potential financial impacts and other implications.


Buckingham Greene Community Sign:

  • The Buckingham Greene Sign at the entrance to the development needs to be sanded/painted or potentially replaced.
  • Tom Tyron shared that the sign was originally purchased from Lane Signs located on Concord Pike.
  • Michele Campbell and Paul Zoppi will reach out to obtain estimates for the repairs/painting.


Community Clean-Up:

  • Paul will send an email with some proposed dates for the community clean-up, asking for volunteers to help with the clean-up of the common areas.


Waste Collection:

  • A Waste Collection Survey was completed last year and we learned that majority of the households currently have services from either Waste Management or Evergreen.
  • The residents agreed that the goal is to minimize the number of trucks coming into the community.
  • There was a recommendation to attempt to have 2 companies serve the community; either Waste Management or Evergreen.  For those residents who are currently utilizing other companies, Paul encouraged them to use either Waste Management or Evergreen to help reduce the number of trucks coming through the development.
  • Paul shared a friendly reminder that the trash receptacles should be placed at the curb the night prior to pick up.  They should then be stored in the garage, the back, or the side of your house, and should not be visible from the street in front of your house on non-collection days.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Community Yard Sale:

  • Paul asked if there was any interest in having a community garage sale, and there is currently no interest at this time.


Open Discussion:

  • Paving of Weilers Bend and Scotts Way is pending funding from New Castle County from last year.  Larry Lambert (District 7 Representative) will follow up and get back to Paul on the status of this project.
  • Paul reminded all residents to drive safe within the development, even less than 25mph.  With the summer months, we will have children out and about within the neighborhood.  And remind your younger drives, as well.
  • Residents were reminded of the speed limit of 25 mph within the development, and residents were encouraged to remind drivers to slow down in a non-confrontational manner.
  • Residents were reminded to curb their pets and clean up after them within the development.


Local Representatives:

  • Larry lambert, District 7 Representative, and Kyle Evans Gay, State Senator, were in attendance and shared their top priorities with those in attendance.
  • Larry shared that he will follow up to check on funding and the status of the paving of Weilers Bend and Scotts Way and will share his findings with Paul.
  • Larry also shared his efforts for access to mental health resources, childhood lead poisoning screening, and the establishment and management of expanding access for retirement and savings program.
  • Kyle shared she receives multiple calls regarding the airplane travel; however, the state representatives do not have any influence over the Philadelphia airport traffic control.  Other areas of focus include access to voting, retirement benefits, Del Dot infrastructure and healthcare & teacher workforce issues.
  • Both representatives shared they are willing to be liaisons to help navigate the State agencies for community issues as arise.
  • Larry Lambert can be reached via his cell phone at 302-408 0901, and Kyle Evans Gay’s cell phone is 302-438-0102.  In addition, their contact information is also available in the 2022 Buckingham Green Community Directory.  Both are also willing to volunteer and help with community clean-up, as needed.


2022 Community Directory:

  • The 2022 Community Directory will be shared with residents along with the minutes from the annual meeting.  Please keep this document handy to stay connected with your fellow residents.  If you have any updates, please contact Michele Campbell, at Mlc221@aol.com.


Board Members:

  • A new board was voted on and approved as follows:
    • Paul Zoppi, President (no change)
    • Ann Diggins, Vice President (newly elected)
    • Alan Herring, Vice President (no change)
    • Michele Campbell, Secretary (newly re-elected)
    • Chris Smith, Treasurer (no change)



  • Architectural Review Committee: Chair, open position
  • Social Committee: Chair, Paul Zoppi
  • Landscape Committee: Chair, open position
  • Community News: Chair, Paul Zoppi


Thank you to the Board Members for agreeing to serve our community.

 Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm



May 18, 2021 Meeting 

President Paul Zoppi called the meeting to order @6:40pm

In Attendance: Robert & Melinda Agarwal, Matt & Ashley Albert, Joe & Judy Boutin, Diane Bowen & Chris Klaber, Scott Breyer, Michele Campbell, Erin Demko, George Oikonomou, Ella Edwards, Dori English & Marty Lassman, Mike Farrell, Marvin Gerstein, Alan Herring, Angela Lim, Gary Liu, Jason & Vanessa McClafferty, Steve Monzo & Lynda Seminara, Lois Nancarrow, Lisa Ressler, Alex Shapero, Pat & Colleen Sherwin, Chris & Vickie Smith, Tom Tryon, Thomas Lam, Paul & Tammy Zoppi 

2020/’21 Financial Review / Budget Discussion:

  • The 2020/’21 financial statements and proposed budget were shared, reviewed, and discussed with those in attendance.
  • Tree removal expenses already incurred in 2021 were $2.1k.  Additional tree removal expenses are anticipated and included in the proposed 2021 budget.
  • Funds have been reserved for playground and retention pond maintenance.
  • In addition, an increase from $125 to $150 per week for grass cutting and maintenance of the common areas was included in the proposed budget.
  • The total 2021 budgeted expenses are $11,000 ($200 per household).  

2021 Annual Assessment:

  • The proposed 2021 annual assessment of $200 per household ($11,000 total dividedly 55 homes) was reviewed and discussed with those in attendance.
  • The residents voted and unanimously approved the $200 per household annual assessment.
  • Checks should be made payable to “Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation”, and delivered to Chris Smith at 75 Weilers Bend.
  • The Board of Directors is requesting that all 2021 annual assessment payments be made at your earliest convenience, but no later than July 31st.
  • Feel free to reach out to any of the Board members with any questions.
  • Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to 2021 annual assessment. 

Board Positions:

  • Three Board positions including the President, Vice President, and Treasury positions – were up for re-election (Paul Zoppi - President; Alan Herring – VP; and Chris Smith – Treasurer).  These positions are a 2-year commitment.
  • The residents were encouraged and asked if anyone was interested in any of the Board positions. The time commitment is about 4-5 hours per year with a 2-year commitment.  There were no new volunteers.
  • Paul, Chris, and Alan agreed to continue in their Board positions for another 2 years.
  • The residents voted and unanimously approved the elected Board of Directors.
  • Paul shared his appreciation for those offering to serve. The commitment and dedication of the Board members is greatly appreciated!
  • We are always looking for volunteers to help with any committees.  If there is any interest, please reach out to a Board Member or a Committee Chair.  Thank you in advance for your help! 

Waste Collection:

  • The summary of the resident Waste Collection Survey and subsequent responses from the various local waste removal companies was shared, reviewed, and discussed by Steve Monzo (103 Scotts Way).
  • The residents agreed that the goal is to minimize the number of trucks coming into the community.  We learned that majority of the households currently have services from either Waste Management or Evergreen.  If there is a minimum of 40 houses with one company, the costs can be reduced.
  • There was a recommendation to attempt to have 2 companies serve the community; either Waste Management or Evergreen.  For those residents who are currently utilizing other companies, they will be asked if they would be willing to change to one of these companies.
  • Paul recognized and thanked Steve for taking the lead on administering the resident survey and preparing the excellent summary.
  • Paul shared a friendly reminder that garage receptacles should be placed at the curb the night prior to pick up.  They should then be stored in the garage, the back, or the side of your house and not visible from the front of your house on non-collection days.  Thank you for your cooperation. 


  • At last year’s annual meeting, there was a decision made by the residents to defer the use of funds for repairs due to the COVID restrictions.
  • A discussion was held on how to proceed with the playground, which is now 26 years old and in need of some repair.
  • The residents in attendance indicated a desire to keep the playground.  A children’s library was built this past year by Vickie Smith’s nephew.
  • The steps to the slide need repair and mulching is likely needed next year.  Paul asked if there were any residents who might be interested in performing any of the work to help minimize future impact on the annual assessment.  Please reach out to one of the Board members if there is any interest.
  • It was shared that full replacement costs are estimated to be around $15,000 to $20,000.
  • Vanessa McCaffery volunteered to pursue if there are any grants that could be procured to help cover the costs of needed repairs.
  • It was also discussed that decisions or plans for improvement will have a direct impact on future assessments. 

Community Yard Sale:

  • Paul asked if there was any interest in having a community garage sale, and there is currently no interest at this time. 

Community Clean Up:

  • Vickie Smith asked if we could get some new people involved to help with clean-up of the common areas, and also if anyone was interested in being the Chair of the Landscape Committee.
  • The Buckingham Greene Sign at the entrance to the development needs to be painted or potentially replaced, the common grounds need to be weeded, and the hedges need to be trimmed.  We appreciate any assistance we can get from residents to help do some of this work so we do not have to pay someone to do it.
  • Thursdays are generally a good time for Vickie.  A clean-up date will be shared in a future communication. 

Open Discussion:

  • Paving of Weilers Bend and Scotts Way is pending funding from New Castle County from last year.  Larry Lambert (District 7 Representative) will follow up and get back to Paul on the status of this project.
  • Common Areas – there is no update from New Castle County on the transfer of the deed to the common areas/retention ponds.
  • Residents were reminded of the speed limit of 25 mph within the development, and residents were encouraged to remind drivers to slow down in a non-confrontational manner.
  • Residents were reminded to curb their pets and clean up after them within the development. 

Local Representatives:

  • Larry lambert, District 7 Representative, and Kyle Evans Gay, State Senator, were in attendance and shared their top priorities with those in attendance.
  • Larry shared that will be reach out to DelDOT to perform a speed study in the community.  He will also follow up to check on funding and the status of the paving of Weilers Bend and Scotts Way and will share his findings with Paul.
  • Larry also shared his efforts to expand scholarships for all ages, increase the Delaware minimum wage, enhance Mental Health for ages K -5, childhood lead poisoning screening, and hazardous safety alerts - push alerts to the communities of any known hazards.
  • Kyle shared the State’s efforts on COVID relief, support and vaccination sites, economic recovery, elections/governmental affairs to make elections fair and accessible to all communities, and child care infrastructure.
  • Both representatives shared they are willing to be liaisons to help navigate the State agencies for community issues as arise.  Their contact information is included in the 2021 Buckingham Green Community Directory.  Both are also willing to volunteer and help with community clean-up, as needed. 

2021 Community Directory:

  • The 2021 Community Directory will be shared with residents along with the minutes from the annual meeting.  Please keep this document handy to stay connected with your fellow residents.  If you have any updates, please contact Michele Campbell, at Mlc221@aol.com

Board Members: 

  • A new board was voted on and approved as follows:
    • Paul Zoppi, President (newly elected)
    • Alex Shapero, Vice President (no change)
    • Alan Herring, Vice President (newly elected)
    • Michele Campbell, Secretary (no change)
    • Chris Smith, Treasurer, (newly elected) 


  • Architectural Review Committee: Chair, Alex Shapero
  • Social Committee: Chair, Paul Zoppi
  • Landscape Committee: Chair, Vickie Smith 
  • Community News: Chair, Paul Zoppi 

Thank you to the Board Members for agreeing to serve our community. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm


June 17, 2020 Meeting 

President Paul Zoppi called the meeting to order @6:35pm

 In Attendance: Robert Agarwal, Matt & Ashley Albert, Joe Boutin, Michele Campbell, Jack Clendaniel, Dori English & Marty Lassman, George Economou, Mike Farrell, Marvin Gerstein, Alan Herring, Steve Monzo, Dave Lubin, Georgios Magogias, Jason & Vanessa McClafferty, Mauro Panzera, Grace Park & Eun Hye Kim, Tina & Alex Shapero, Chris & Vickie Smith, Tom Tryon, Rosa Wong, Paul & Tammy Zoppi



The following residents were recognized: Jill Ferrell recently graduated from Archmere Academy and will be attending the University of Tennessee this fall; Thomas Lam just graduated from the University of Delaware with an Accounting degree; Tina & Alex Shapero had a baby girl named Vanessa; Mike & Erin Demko just had a baby (more details to come); Lisa Goodman recently celebrated a birthday; and congratulations to Michele Campbell on her retirement from ChristianaCare after 43 years of dedicated service to our community.  Congratulations again to everyone!!!


 2020 Annual Assessment:

The 2019 financial statements and proposed 2020 budget were reviewed and discussed with those in attendance.  The residents voted on and unanimously approved the 2020 annual assessment of $150 per household.  Checks can be made payable to “Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation” and delivered to Paul Zoppi (BGMC President) at 109 Scotts Way.  The Board of Directors is requesting to have all 2020 annual assessment payments received by July 15th.  However, it would be greatly appreciated if residents could make payments ASAP.  Feel free to reach out to any member of the Board of Directors with any questions.  Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to the 2020 assessment!


Community Update

Retention Ponds:  New Castel County is working with the original builder (Michael Simeone) on the transfer of the deed to the common space to the Maintenance Corporation.  The Board is working with the County on several questions regarding outstanding taxes due on the common space to ensure we are not responsible.  More details to come soon on the transfer.


Playground:  A discussion was held regarding the playground, which is 25 years old and in need of repair.  The discussion focused around how much the playground was being utilized, and if residents were still interested in keeping it.  Those in attendance indicated a desire to keep the playground, but acknowledged that the slide would likely need to be replaced.  The Board received an estimate to repair the slide steps, which was several thousands of dollars.  No one felt very good about making that kind of investment in equipment that is 25 years old.  It was agreed we would remove the current slide and address replacement options post COVID.  We also discussed refurbishing the two picnic tables in the playground.


Community Clean up: 

A community clean-up day is scheduled for Tuesday, June 23rd.  We will meet at the front of the development at 5:30pm.  Appreciate any/all assistance we can get from residents to help do some of this work ourselves.  As a reminder, the more of the common area maintenance we can do ourselves, the less we have to pay someone to do it…which ultimately means lower annual dues.  It would be great to get some new people involved.  And as a reminder, this is a great way for younger residents to earn community service hours.  Please contact Vickie Smith at 302-530-2423 if you can help (or email her at Vmccann51207@yahoo.com).  


Community Directory:

The 2020 Community Directory was shared again in follow-up to the meeting.  Please keep this document handy to stay connected to your fellow residents.  If you have any updates to your contact details, please contact Michele Campbell at Mlc221@aol.com.

 Buckingham Greene Website:


As a reminder, Buckingham Greene has our very own community website.  Just visit neighborhoodlink.com and search on Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation.  There is a calendar of events, contact information, previous community newsletters and much more, all to help the residents of Buckingham Greene stay abreast of what’s going on in our neighborhood and the surrounding community.  Be sure to check it out.


Board Elections:

Michele Campbell (Secretary) and Alex Shapero (Vice President) were unanimously elected to the Board of Directors.  Paul shared his appreciation for offering to serve.  Paul also recognized and shared a huge “THANK YOU” to Miriam Sigler and Mike Demko for their service the past  few years.  Their commitment and dedication to the community is greatly appreciated!  We are always looking for volunteers to help with any of the committees.  If anyone is able and willing to help, please reach out to a member of the Board of Directors.  Thanks in advance for your help!


Local District Representative Ray Seigfried and State Senator Cathy Cloutier

Ray reflected upon the State’s efforts around COVID relief and support.  He shared his work to have a house bill signed which reduced premiums for Obama Care by 20%.  He is currently working on a bill to reduce pharmaceutical costs.  He shared that there are 42 representatives throughout the State, and he is only one of two with previous healthcare experience.  He is up for re-election this coming November, and asked the community for their support.


Cathy shared that she received notice that funding was approved to pave the development streets.  Funds are targeted to be released in July.  The Board will share additional details once they are available.  Sanitation kits were also shared with residents.


Other:  Discussion was held regarding speeding within Buckingham Greene.  Please remind all drivers in your household to drive carefully within the development (posted speed limit is 25 mph).  And if you see others driving too fast or not observing stop signs, feel free to remind them in a non-confrontational manner.  And if you observe delivery/service vehicles driving aggressively, don’t hesitate to share details (name of the company, license plate info) with the Board of Directors.


Open Discussion:

Dave Lubin shared that currently there are 14 different trucks from multiple waste pick-up companies servicing the community on different days and times throughout the week.  Dave would like to explore the possibility of moving to a single waste hauler for the entire development.  Doing so will reduce the amount of trucks coming through Buckingham Greene, which is ultimately better for the environment and community.  And we are also hopeful to secure a competitive rate if we can have all 55 homes serviced by the same company.  Dave volunteered to pursue obtaining quotes to be shared with residents.  His only ask is that everyone remains open to the idea for the greater good of the community.  More details to follow soon.

Residents were reminded to curb their pets and clean up after them within the development.  And if you see someone not picking up after their pets, please feel free to remind folks in a non-confrontational manner.  Thank you!


Board Members:  The new Board of Directors is as follows:

  • Paul Zoppi, President (no change)
  • Alex Shapero, Vice President (newly elected)
  • Alan Herring, Vice President (no change)
  • Michele Campbell, Secretary (newly elected)
  • Chris Smith, Treasurer (no change)


Thank you to the Board Members for agreeing to serve our community!


Committees:  Please consider helping with one or more of the committees.

Architectural Review Committee: Chair, Alex Shapero

Social Committee: Chair, Paul Zoppi

Landscape Committee: Chair, Vickie Smith

Social Committee: Chair, Paul Zoppi


Respectfully submitted,

Michele Campbell, Secretary - Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation


Meeting adjourned 7:50 pm



June 6, 2019 Meeting 

President Chris Smith called the meeting to order @6:40pm

In Attendance: Melinda and Robert Agarwal, Charlie Diggins, Michele Campbell,  Mike & Erin Demko, George Economou, Dori English, Marvin Gerstein, Alan Herring, Denise & Rich Knight, Marty Lassman, Angela Lim, Guangliang (Gary) Liu, Yvonne Matthews, Lisa Ressler, Colleen & Pat Sherwin, Miriam Sigler, Chris & Vickie Smith, Rosa Wong, Paul & Tammy Zoppi

President Chris Smith introduced guest speakers:

1)    Christopher J. Curtin, Esq., Office of the Ombudsperson for the Common Interest Community

2)    Representative Ray Siegfried

3)    Senator Cathy Cloutier

Due to BG’s relatively “calm” past year, a great deal of attention was given to the 1st speaker.


1)    Office of the Ombudsperson for the Common Interest Community:

Christopher J. Curtin, (Christopher.Curtin@delaware.gov), Deputy Attorney General, Common Interest Community Ombudsperson, Delaware Department of Justice, is the first Common Interest Community Ombudsperson in Delaware. His position was approved by the Delaware General Assembly in 2014 and he began in 2015.  In this capacity, Mr. Curtin’s job is to educate common interest communities on members’ rights and responsibilities.  Buckingham Greene is a common interest community and property owners are members.  In addition to being a common interest community, BG is a maintenance corporation.

Other states have similar ombudspersons, but only in Delaware is this position in the Office of the AG. This is important because it gives the Delaware Ombudsman subpoena power and the discretion to appoint a master to communities when they are deadlocked.  Since 2016, Mr. Curtin has spoken 86 times to DE communities and taught 23 “after hour” workshops across the state. He speaks extensively on “transition” from developer to homeowner control. In 2018, his office responded to over 12,000 emails.

Community Contacts Database: Even though the Division of Revenue and the Office of Stormwater Management update their records of community contacts, there is still a need for a more comprehensive database, which the office of Ombudsman maintains.

Forms: If a common interest member/community feels it can’t resolve a conflict internally, please refer to this short publication: https://www.nccde.org/DocumentCenter/View/1310/Maintenance-Corporation-Manual?bidId=

Complaints must be in writing on a form that can be downloaded from the website:  www.attorneygeneral.delware.gov or requesting the form by phone: (302) 577-8943.  The complaint will be answered more quickly if the law/rule of suspected violation is cited.

 For ideas on how to optimize community governance, please read: An Introduction to Community Association Living https://www.caionline.org/LearningCenter/Homeowner%20Education/Intro_to_CA_Living.pdf or contact BGMC secretary, Miriam Sigler (abletranslations1@gmail.com) for hard copies. Miriam can also loan you a hard copy of the Ombudsman’s 2017-2018 annual report.


(2) Chris Smith next introduced Ray Siegfried (D-state rep, district 7):

Ray was elected in 2018. Prior to his election, he was a visiting professor at Acadia and Penn State Universities where he taught Healthcare Policy and Ethics. Prior to that he was Sr. VP of Administration at Christiana Care.

 Ray is working on legislation that would continue addressing Delaware’s opioid crisis. One piece of legislation that he has been involved with is a tax on pharmaceutical companies that make opioids.

 Ray spoke about legislation bringing property assessments up to date. Most Delaware properties haven’t been assessed since 1983. He also mentioned the ACLU’s lawsuit against state re: state reassessment of properties. He spoke briefly about the Clean Water Act.

 Ray’s office is #111 at 411 Legislative Avenue, Dover, 19901. Phone: (302) 744-4351; Ray.Siegfried@Delaware.gov He welcomes your ideas and visits (call ahead).


(3) Chris Smith next introduced Cathy Cloutier (R-state senator, district 5):

Cathy is the Senate Minority Whip for the Delaware General Assembly. She has been a state senator since 2000, prior to which she was a state representative and corporate regional district manager for the world’s largest privately-owned costume jewelry company. She currently sits on 6 committees. 

 The Delaware fiscal year ends 6/30/19, and today, Cathy included $$$ in the budget to continue the paving that had stopped at about 1/3 into our neighborhood several years ago.

 Senator Cathy Cloutier has a coffee “drop in” every Tuesday morning @ Sweet Nell’s (Concord Pike in front of Post Office) @8am. She wants to schedule a similar program evening. Please take advantage of this chance to speak one-on-one w/Cathy.

 Chris Smith told Senator Cloutier his concern/frustration over our neglected catch basins (a/k/a retention ponds). They are neglected because BGMC can’t maintain them until developer Simeone transitions them to us, which he has not. A reserve has been set aside in the BG budget for when the transition occurs, but it is hard to predict if it will be enough.

 Chris Curtin mentioned an expert he has worked with who might be able to look at how much we have reserved and give us an idea if we are on track. Miriam will follow up.

 Mention was made of a recently fallen tree and streetlight between 22 and 26 Weilers Bend. The light is being fixed by Delmarva Power.

 Vickie Smith brought up a concern that BGMC has been on DelDOT’s “to do” list for sinkholes in our neighborhood for quite some time. Children playing in the neighborhood get close to the holes. Cathy said she would reiterate to DelDOT to tend to these; some communities have been on DelDOT’s “to-do” list since 2006.  New Buckingham Greene member Michele Campbell (41 Weilers Bend—WELCOME!) shared that she had worked on a similar request with DelDOT in the past. It required many reminders, but it got done.

PLAYGROUND:  Chris Smith updated residents on the playground. Groundskeeper Mike Anderson tried to fix the slide where the rubber on the sides of the steps had split open, but it didn’t work. Chris asked if anyone in BG can fix it. They would be compensated. Please contact Chris is you can help: smithinc49@yahoo.com; (302) 559-3810

 Miriam mentioned that the playground sign is down. A pile driver is needed to put it back up.  Paul Zoppi offered to repair the sign.

 Upcoming landscaping day:

Saturday 6/15/19 at 9am, residents will meet to clean up the flower beds in the common areas (rain date is 6/16/19). Please let Vickie Smith know if you can help: vmcmann51207@yahoo.com; (302) 530-2423.  No more of this work we can do ourselves, the more money we can save.  Please help keep our common spaces beautiful.

 Budget: Chris Smith reviewed the budget (attached). All members of BG are current on dues, including prorated dues of new residents. Thank you everyone.

 We had a mild winter, so the money saved on snow removal will go into the reserve for maintaining common areas.  The playground hasn’t been mulched in a few years, so it needs mulch this year in order to remain safe. The board received a quote of $2,600 for mulching, which includes hauling the mulch; same $ as the last mulching.

 The Annual assessment for the 2019-2020 fiscal year was voted on and unanimously approved at $150 per household.  Please pay the $150 assessment no later than July 15, 2019.  Checks can be made payable to “BUCKINGHAM GREENE MAINTENANCE CORPORATION” and delivered to our Treasurer (Chris Smith) at 75 Weilers Bend, Wilmington, 19810.  Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to the annual assessment.


Board Members:  A new board was voted on and approved as follows:

  • Paul Zoppi, President
  • Mike Demko, VP
  • Alan Herring, VP
  • Miriam Sigler, Secretary
  • Chris Smith, Treasurer

 Thank you to the Board Members for agreeing to serve our community!



Architectural Review Committee: Charlie Diggins volunteered; Mike Demko is Chair

Landscape Committee: Vickie Smith is Chair

Social Committee: Paul Zoppi is Chair


Respectfully submitted,

Miriam Sigler; Secretary - Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corp.

 Meeting adjourned 7:57pm


April 30, 2014 Meeting 

Councilman John Cartier spoke about several issues that affect the community and local area.

  • Councilman Cartier acquired our community due to re-districting.
  • His territory comprises of 45,000 residents in New Castle County.
  • The Councilman’s Legislative Aide is Brian Holajter (bholajter@nccde.org)
  • There were no code enforcement cases for our community, however there were four 911 disconnect calls, three public relations calls, a disorderly conduct case, and ten 911 calls total.
  • The Councilman is the co-chairman of the finance committee.
    • The County gets 1.5% from transfer taxes.
    • 75% of the costs incurred by the New Castle County government are employee wages and benefits.
    • $0.65 of every dollar the County receives goes to public safety (911, police, fire, EMS)
      • Libraries are the second largest funding item.
      • The third largest funding items is infrastructure (sanitary sewers are the majority).
  • The growing real estate market has remained strong, and there is no proposal for a tax increase.  Last year there was a small increase to balance the sewer budget. The County is in a strong financial position. Currently there is $50 million in the general reserve and $30 million in the emergency reserve.
  • The Councilman discussed the property tax bill that residents receive.  The tax is distributed with 70% going to the school districts and 30% going to the government.
    • The median tax is $440 per residential property.
    • The Buckingham Greene Homeowners Association needs to follow up with a letter to indicate how the $500 grant for the playground was used.
    • Lani Gibson brought up the pot hole issue that DelDOT attempted to fix.
      • Mr. Cartier stated that the number one complaint they get is state of the roads.
      • Roads are a tough issue, as only a small amount of money is allocated for maintenance, and it is split amongst the legislators without age of the roads taken into account.
      • Lani asked how it was decided to repave the road.  The Councilman said that state legislators are given money and DelDOT creates a priority list.  Some only get $150,000, and this is a major reason why you hear about raising the gas tax. 
      • A resident brought up a sinkhole in their yard as they have reached out to a lot of resources without success.  Mr. Cartier requested that the resident contact his office so he can visit their property and see how he can help.
      • A resident asked for the Councilman to go through the formula for calculating property taxes.  Mr. Cartier stated that there is not a formula and the tax is based on the assessed property values that were determined by the County in 1983.  They look at comparable assessed property values and apply the value to the property tax.  The assessed value is less than the market value, and they have nothing to do with one another.
      • The County has put $100 million into sewer rehabilitation projects.  The sanitary system was originally built with federal money.  Addressing sanitary sewer issues protects public health, protects local water quality, and provides for economic development in the future.  The County will continue working on the sewer projects through 2018.  Recent sewer bill increases are related to this work.
      • The County has a AAA bond rating, making it 1 of 30 municipalities in the nation.
      • One more library will be built along the Route 9 corridor.
      • Lani Gibson asked what is happening with 10 cent gas tax.  Mr. Cartier stated that it is still being debated and that a greater focus needs to be placed on infrastructure.
      • Tom Tryon stated that we only have sidewalk on one side of the street and that the sidewalk is in poor condition.  Mr. Cartier stated that all sidewalk and roadways are the responsibility of either a private entity or DelDOT.
      • If you do have a property that you want to report for a code enforcement issue you can call 395-5555 to report it anonymously.

      • Paul Zoppi read off the crime report provided by the County Police Department.  There were 10 calls from 1/1/13 to 4/1/14, but nothing of note.

Paul Zoppi provided an overview of the financial reports.

  • Paul explained the snow reimbursement program that is through DelDOT.  Plowing is reimbursable if the snowfall amount is 4” and greater and a percentage of the plowing cost is determined to be reimbursable depending on the severity.
  • The Board decided to put enough money in the proposed budget for snow, net of state funds reimbursed.
  • Victoria Smith stated that last year we had a discussion about the playground, but it has yet to be addressed.
    • Paul stated that last year we agreed to allocate $5,000 towards the playground project for rubber mulch.  Vanessa McClafferty did a lot of research and found a contractor to do the work.  After meeting the contractor on site, the Board found out he was licensed and insured in Pennsylvania, but not Delaware.
    • Vanessa said that the Board tabled the project and decided to now go back to wood mulch, as a she could not find a contractor to do the project for the original budget.
    • Victoria requested that two baby swings be added to the playground.  She will research the swings and determine the cost.
    • The budget was approved unanimously.  Checks should be made payable to "Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation" for $160, and delivered to Chris Smith at 75 Weilers Bend.  Please make your payment ASAP.  Any payments received after the June 1st due date will be subject to late fees.
    • Paul announced that the Arden lawsuit has been settled between Arden and the builder, and Maintenance Corporation cannot be sued again for this issue.  There was a cash settlement with the Builder (Michael Simeone), and title of the stormwater ponds will be turned over to the community.  No construction work will be done to address the erosion issue.  Thanks to everyone for their understanding and support during this 17 year litigation process!
    • The Spring Cleanup will occur on May 17th at 9:30 AM.  Everyone is to meet at the front of the development.
    • All residents are reminded to observe all traffic laws, specifically the speed limit and stop signs within the neighborhood.  Many children and pets are active during the warmer months, so please drive safely.
    • Garbage cans may be placed outside the night before collection, but must be put out of sight afterwards.
    • Please clean up after all pets and remember to bring a bag during walks.  If you see anyone leaving pet waste behind, please remind them that it must be cleaned up.
    • Exterior home improvements must be approved by the architectural committee prior to construction.

Thank you, and please reach out to any member of the Board of Directors with questions.  Please remember to get your annual assessment payment of $160 to Chris Smith (75 Weilers Bend) no later than June 1st.

Paul Zoppi – President

Tom Tryon – Vice President

Vanessa McClafferty – Vice President

Chris Smith – Treasurer

Jason McClafferty - Secretary



April 23, 2013 Meeting


Brian Holajter, Legislative Aide to Councilman John Cartier, discussed several issues around the community.

  • Redistricting has led to the Buckingham Greene neighborhood no longer being within Councilman Bob Weiner’s territory; therefore John Cartier is now our councilman.
  • The incident that occurred along Delaview Avenue a few months ago is still under investigation. It is believed to be random, and no connection has been made to the incidents that occurred in Arden around the same time.
  • A question was posed as to whether Veale Road would be fully paved, as opposed to the current patching work that is being done. Brian stated that the paving of Veale Road is a State (DelDOT) issue.
  •  Brian stated that Councilman Cartier will provide the Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation with a $500 grant, and he will send the application for the grant to Paul’s attention.
  •  Door-to-door sales representatives may be coming from out of state, so they need to be reminded of the badge program that was implemented last year.
  •  Brian can be reached by phone at (302) 395-8368 or by email at bholajter@nccde.org.
  •  To join the Councilman’s mailing list, text JC8 to 22828.

Amy Kevis has retired from the New Castle County Police Department. Kristen Hester has taken her place and sent an update on recent crime in the area. The crime report stated that 5 calls have been placed within the last 12 months within Buckingham Greene for various reasons.

  • Information on the NCCPD Centennial and how to sign up for crime tips was provided. The Centennial Celebration will take place May 4th at the NCC Police Department on DuPont Highway (from 11am to 3pm). Also, anyone interested in signing up to receive crime alerts can go to the following website (www.nccpd.com) ...follow the link for “Tips and Alerts”. Just fill out the form and you’re done.

 Paul Zoppi provided an update on the litigation the community has been involved in with Arden.

  • Last fall, a new attorney for Arden reached out to the builder and the Buckingham Greene attorney (Christopher Sipe) to attempt to resolve the issue.
  • Paul and the impacted residents met with Arden’s attorney, Christopher Sipe, the builder’s attorney, and a contractor approved by Arden to discuss how to resolve the alleged erosion problems.
  • A decision was made to construct a series of check dams and make further soil and erosion improvements in the wooded area behind 22 and 26 Weilers Bend.
  • Arden has agreed to the proposed plan and the contractor has provided a proposal for the construction.
  • The Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board and the owners of the affected properties (26 and 22 Weilers Bend) reviewed the proposal and provided questions to be reviewed by Arden’s contractor prior to any work commencing. We are awaiting an official response from Arden to the list of questions.
  • Arden has agreed to release Buckingham Greene from the litigation if the project is completed.
  • The builder will be responsible for any associated costs. 

Paul Zoppi stated that the Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation has not taken title to the common areas of the neighborhood as our attorney (Christopher Sipe) has advised against doing so until the builder has resolved the outstanding litigation with Arden. We are, however, responsible for maintaining the common areas in order to remain eligible for the County’s storm water maintenance program, which would cover any major repair costs associated with the retention basins.

Vanessa McClafferty provided a discussion on rehabilitating the playground with either playground certified wood mulch or rubber mulch.

  • Both options would include a border to section off each piece of equipment to reduce the area that must be mulched.
  • Mulch, or an alternative fall protection material, must be installed in order to keep the playground safe and presentable.
  • Both materials meet IPEMA (International Playground Equipment Manufacturers Association) and the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) standards.

 Paul Zoppi presented the budget and led a discussion about the Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation’s current financial state.

  • Lawn and grass services are primarily grass cutting, but also include playground weeding, landscaping of common areas, and tree removal in the common areas.
  • Two options were proposed, each depending on the type of mulch used for the playground (wood vs. rubber).
  • Lisa Breyer volunteered to solicit quotes for the community’s lawn and grass services in an effort to reduce costs.

 Paul Zoppi and Alan Herring suggested that the Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation’s reserve funds be used to reduce the proposed budget. We had a surplus primarily the result of less than expected snow removal costs the past 2 winters.

  • a. A motion was made to use $2,500 from reserve funds and the $500 grant from Councilman Cartier to reduce the proposed budget to $150 per household.
  • The motion was approved unanimously by those in attendance.
  • PLEASE make your $150 check payable to the ”Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation” and deliver to Alan Herring at 113 Scotts Way as soon as possible. Doing so will eliminate the need to invoice residents, saving the Board Members time and effort. All payments are due by May 31st. Again, the Board is asking that we all pay early to avoid having to track down any late payments. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!!!

 Paul Zoppi provided reminders for overall community issues:

  • All residents are reminded to observe all traffic laws, specifically the speed limit and stop signs within the neighborhood. Many children and pets are active during the warmer months, so please drive safely and please remind any younger drivers in your household, as well.
  • Garbage cans may be placed outside the night before collection, but must be put out of sight afterwards (either in your garage or hidden behind your house).
  • Please clean up after all pets and remember to bring a bag during walks. If you see anyone leaving pet waste behind, please remind them that it must be cleaned up.
  • Exterior home improvements must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee prior to construction. Reach out to Robert Agarwal at 40 Weilers Bend (824-0775) with any questions. Robert is Chair of the committee.
  • A community cleanup day will be scheduled in the near future, most likely towards the end of May. An email will be sent to ask for volunteers. Please consider helping!
  • A big “thank you” to Chris Smith (75 Weilers Bend) for agreeing to relieve Alan Herring as our Treasurer at the end of the calendar year. Alan and Chris will work together on a transition plan to ensure everything is handled smoothly. And lastly, thanks so much to Alan for his 17 years of service to the community as our Treasurer. Alan has done so much for the community over the years, and his efforts are very much appreciated. Thank you Alan!!!

 Thank you,

Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors:
Paul Zoppi, President 529-7760
Vanessa McClafferty, Vice President 475-1383
Tom Tryon, Vice President 475-5034
Alan Herring, Treasurer 475-7976
Jason McClafferty, Secretary 475-1383



May 23, 2012 Meeting

 Paul Zoppi, President, brought the meeting to order.

Representative Bryon Short spoke on numerous issues:

  • New Castle County budget:  $71 million for the upcoming year ($63 million of the $71 million is from a one- time settlement).  The $71 million dollar budget was created with no tax increases.
  • Smaller recycling bins for senior citizens:  Bryon has petitioned DNREC to try to get smaller bins.  The standard size bins can be difficult for some seniors to handle.
  • Regulation of door-to-door sales:  With the exemption of non-profit organizations and religious groups, anyone selling door-to-door must have a state issued ID in a conspicuous place.
  • Speed signs:  The state now has permanent solar powered variable speed signs.  Bryon has been working with neighborhoods to determine problems areas.  He is trying to have two placed per year.  One will be placed on Veale Road.  A community member suggested Marsh Road in the Old Orchard Road area.
  • Legislation:  Bryon sponsored legislation for the inspection of doctors’ offices.  Previously, there were no regulations for inspecting the premises of doctors’ offices for sanitary/hygienic conditions.   
  • Crime is on the rise in the area.  There have been automobile break-ins in Arden, home break-ins, as well as an increase in graffiti.  Please be vigilant about your homes and personal property for safety (as well as your neighbors’ homes/property).  For any concerns, Corporal Amy Kevis (our police liaison) can be reached via phone at 302-395-8059, or email at akevis@nccde.org.
  • In addition, any suspicious activity should be reported to the non-emergency police number at 573-2800, and can be done so anonymously.  Always use 911 for true emergencies.  You may also text “tip411” – start your message with “NCCPD”.

 Please feel free to contact Bryon Short for any concerns or questions.  His office number is 577-8480, or you can email him at bryon.short@state.de.us.


Bob Weiner was unable to attend the meeting due to previous commitments.  As always, residents should feel free to contact Bob with any questions or concerns impacting Brandywine Hundred and/or New Castle County.  You can contact Bob via phone (395-8342), as well as via his legislative aide, Lou Hinkle, at lhinkle@co.new-castle.de.us.


2012 Annual Assessment:

  • The proposed 2012 annual assessment of $150 was discussed, voted upon, and unanimously approved by those in attendance. 
  • Payments should be forwarded to our Treasurer, Alan Herring (at 113 Scotts Way), as soon as possible.  Checks should be made payable to "Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation".  Please help the Board of Directors by paying promptly and dropping your check off at Alan’s ASAP.  It will save the community time and money if the Board does not have to provide invoices for everyone in the neighborhood.  Any assessment not paid by June 30th will be charged a late fee penalty.  Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to the assessment.  If you have any questions about the assessment, please contact Paul Zoppi (529-7760) or Alan Herring (475-7976).


Other Community Happenings/News:

  • There was much discussion regarding the playground upkeep.  A playground committee may be formed to try to determine the best possible way to maintain and improve the playground.
  • Trash cans should be kept out of sight on non collection days, preferably inside your garage.  Or, if kept outside, please keep them behind bushes and/or fencing so they are not openly visible from the street. 
  • We are planning to organize a Community Clean Up day on June 2nd (or 3rd as a rain date) around 9:00am to work on landscaping, pick up trash,  possible playground maintenance, etc.  Any and all volunteers are greatly appreciated (contact Lani Gibson at 529-7476 if you can help).  More information will follow soon regarding the specifics as we get closer to the date.  If everyone can donate a small amount of time, it will be much easier for those who do most of the volunteer work in the community.
  • Please remember to observe the speed limit within the development (25mph) – also PLEASE stop at the stop signs.  We have many small children playing within the neighborhood every day.
  • Thanks to everyone who has volunteered in any capacity.  Our community is always looking for more people to get involved.  Our committees include the Social, Architectural Review, Community News and Landscape.  It’s a great way to get to know your neighbors, as well.  Any and all help is greatly appreciated.  Anyone who is interested in a Board and/or Committee position, please contact a current Board member.  We have had the same people in these positions for quite some time, and we would love some for some new residents to get involved.
  • Email addresses wanted:  If you are not on our email distribution list, please send your email address to Paul Zoppi at pzoppi109@cs.com.  We love communicating via email as it saves time and paper.  It’s a great way to stay connected to the community.

 Thank you,

Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors:
Paul Zoppi, President 529-7760
Vanessa McClafferty, Vice President 475-1383
Tom Tryon, Vice President 475-5034
Alan Herring, Treasurer 475-7976
Shelli McGrory, Secretary 475-6331



April 27, 2011 Meeting 

Paul Zoppi, President, brought the meeting to order. 

Corporal Amy Kevis (NCC Police Community Liaison for the Brandywine Hundred District):

Corporal Kevis, who has 19 years experience as the Community Services Liaison with the New Castle County Police, works with Paul Zoppi, Bob Weiner, and Bryon Short on any police related activity that may impact the neighborhood.  Corporal Kevis is a trained mediator who also gives burglary prevention programs to local communities, and works with victims of identity theft.  Corporal Kevis reported that there have been no burglaries within Buckingham Greene over the past 12 months.  Having said that, there has been a recent increase in burglaries within Brandywine Hundred in general, in large part due to the current economic environment.  In addition, many residents have been too lax in their own personal security procedures; leaving doors and windows unlocked and garage doors open.  There has also been a trend towards occupied burglaries in the area (where the victims are home at the time of entry).  Some key points Corporal Kevis mentioned to help keep you and your home safe:

  • Do not leave your garage doors open.
  • Lock the inner door to your home, whether your garage door is open or closed.
  • Leave front and back lights on as a deterrent – install motion sensors to save electricity.
  • Use timers for your lights inside – have lights on at all times as a deterrent, and change the timing every so often.
  • Keep blinds/curtains closed.
  • Lock windows and doors.
  • Do not leave purses, laptops, or bags in your car – whether your car is in the garage or not.


Crimes occur in broad daylight - be vigilant at all times.  Corporal Kevis can be reached via phone at 302-395-8059, or email at akevis@ncc.org.  In addition, any suspicious activity should be reported to the non-emergency police number at 573-2800, and can be done so anonymously.  Always use 911 for true emergencies.  You may also text “tip411” – start your message with “NCCPD”.


Corporal Kevis suggested designating one contact person on each street within the development to report any situations if residents are uncomfortable contacting the police themselves.  The Board will be considering this option, and will advise if we decide to follow this approach.  If any residents are interested in serving as a “Block Captain”, please contact a member of the Board.


There has been continued activity with vandalism in the woods behind the large retention pond (trash, camp fires, etc.).  Miriam Sigler volunteered to speak with the Arden Watch Program leader to determine what can be done to discourage vandals from gathering in the woods.


Bryon Short and Bob Weiner were unable to attend the meeting due to previous commitments.  As always, residents should feel free to contact Bryon and/or Bob with any questions or concerns impacting Brandywine Hundred and/or New Castle County.


2011 Annual Assessment:

The proposed 2011 annual assessment of $180 was discussed, voted upon, and unanimously approved by those in attendance.  Payments should be forwarded to our Treasurer, Alan Herring (at 113 Scotts Way), as soon as possible.  If you previously prepaid $100 towards the 2011 assessment at the end of last year, please remit the remaining balance of $80.  Otherwise, please pay the full $180.  Checks should be made payable to "Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation".  Please help the Board of Directors by paying promptly and dropping your check off at Alan’s ASAP.  It will save the community time and money if the Board does not have to provide invoices for everyone in the neighborhood.  Any residents who do not pay by May 15th will be formally invoiced.  Any invoices not paid by June 15th will charged a $20.00 late fee penalty.  Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to the assessment.  If you have any questions about the assessment, please contact Paul Zoppi (529-7760) or Alan Herring (475-7976).


A huge thank you to Vanessa Botta for volunteering for the position of Vice President on the Board of Directors.  Vanessa was unanimously approved by the members in attendance.  And a very special congratulations to Vanessa and Jason McClafferty (69 Weilers Bend) on their upcoming wedding this Friday, May 6th.  We all wish you the best of luck in your new life together.


Other Community Happenings/News:

  • Please secure your trashcan lids on pick up days – bungee cords are very effective.  When the trash blows in the neighborhood, there are certain areas that it always gets deposited.  Again, a little common sense can go a long way in resolving this problem.  Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
  • Also, trashcans should be kept out of sight on non collection days, preferably inside your garage.  Or, if kept outside, please keep them behind bushes and/or fencing so they are not openly visible from the street.  Thank you.
  • We are planning to organize a Spring Cleaning day within the development to pick up trash, perform some minor playground maintenance, landscaping, etc.  As of now, it looks like the date will be Saturday, June 4th with Sunday the 5th as the rain date.  Any and all volunteers are greatly appreciated (contact Lani Gibson at 529-7476 if you can help).  More information will follow soon regarding the specifics as we get closer to the date.  If everyone can donate a small amount of time, it will be much easier for those who do most of the volunteer work in the community.
  • Please remember to observe the speed limit within the development (25mph) – also PLEASE stop at the stop signs.  We have many small children playing within the neighborhood every day.
  • Thanks to everyone who has volunteered in any capacity.  Our community is always looking for more people to get involved.  Our committees include the Social, Architectural Review, Community News and Landscape.  It’s a great way to get to know your neighbors, as well.  Any and all help is greatly appreciated.  Anyone who is interested in a Board position, please contact a current board member.  We have had the same people in these positions for quite some time, and we would love some for some new residents to get involved.
  • Email addresses wanted:  If you are not on our email distribution list, please send your email address to Paul Zoppi at pzoppi109@cs.com.  We love communicating via email as it saves time and paper.  It’s a great way to stay connected to the community.

Thank you, 

Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors
Paul Zoppi, President 529-7760
Vanessa McClafferty, Vice President 475-1383
Tom Tryon, Vice President 475-5034
Alan Herring, Treasurer 475-7976
Shelli McGrory, Secretary 475-6331



March 24, 2010

Paul Zoppi, President, brought the meeting to order.

Guest speakers included:

Bob Weiner - County Councilman:

Bob mentioned volunteers are needed for the Delaware State Park Watch Steward Program which kicks off this Saturday (3/27/10).  Delaware Greenways has even more paths, now even going into the city of Wilmington.

New Castle County has a project in the works to rebuild the sewers over the next 10 years, as they are the oldest in the area.  Through EPA & DENRC, it has been discovered that there are approximately 3,600 illegal sewer hookups in Brandywine Hundred.  There has been $500 – $1,000 allotted per home for repair.  These hook ups are predominately found in older neighborhoods, and we do not believe Buckingham Greene will be impacted.

The dog park at Talley Day Park requires maintenance by the citizens to be kept open.  On Friday, April 2nd at 10am, there is a group cleanup planned.  Many local organizations will be there to help.  Bob asks for your help to keep the dog park maintained.  Come out on the 2nd to help if you can!  Thank you.

The instant ticketing program for homeowner/deed restriction violations has been working well – see Bob’s website for more information on the program (www.bobweiner.com).  The anti-graffiti brigade continues to keep our bridges and underpasses clean – visit Bob’s website if you would like to volunteer or provide input on any issues.  You can also contact Bob by calling his aide (Lou Hinkle) directly at (302) 395-8362.

Bryon Short, 7th District Representative:

Bryon opened the floor to questions after his opening remarks.  Under discussion were issues regarding stop signs, speed bumps, street lights on Buckingham Road, a sink hole near the retention basin in the cul-de-sac in the back of the development, the proposed cell phone ban when driving, the legislation Bryon has been working on regarding traveling salespeople (needing to be registered with a picture id), and more information on the illegal sewer hookups.  You may contact Bryon for any questions or concerns at (302) 577-5313, or email him at bryon.short@state.de.us.

Corporal Amy Kevis:

Community officer for the Brandywine Hundred District.  Corporal Kevis, who has 18 years experience as the Community Services Liaison with the New Castle County Police, works with Paul Zoppi, Bob Weiner, and Bryon Short for any police related activity that may impact the local community.  The main issue of discussion with Corporal Kevis was speeding and the disregard for stop signs within the development.  As our neighborhood is not a cut through, it is most likely the residents and/or their guests who are speeding along Scotts Way and Weilers Bend.  Corporal Kevis will be working with the Board of Directors to set up a patrol monitor for our development to ensure all drivers are driving responsibly within Buckingham Greene.  In addition, Corporal Kevis praised Buckingham Greene for having a very low crime rate.  She did note that there has been an increase in the north Wilmington community in general with respect to residential burglaries.  Key points Corporal Kevis mentioned to help keep you and your home safe:

  • Do not leave your garage doors open – keep the inner door to your home locked whether your garage door is open or closed.
  • Leave front and back lights on as a deterrent – install motion sensors to save electricity.
  • Use timers for your lights inside – have lights on at all times as a deterrent.
  • Keep blinds/curtains closed.
  • Lock windows and doors.
  • Do not leave purses, laptops, or bags in your car – whether in the garage or not.

Corporal Kevis can be reached via phone (302) 395-8059 or email at akevis@ncc.org with questions.  In addition, any suspicious activity should be reported to the non-emergency police number at 573-2800.  Always use 911 for true emergencies.

Bryon, Bob Weiner, and Corporal Kevis work closely together on many community issues.  If you contact any of them, they will see that the appropriate people are notified to help you with your problem.

2010 Annual Assessment:

The proposed 2010 annual assessment of $ 150 was discussed, voted upon, and unanimously approved by those in attendance.  Payments are to be dropped off to Alan Herring at 113 Scotts Way – checks made payable to the "Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation".  Please help the Board by paying promptly and dropping your check off at Alan’s ASAP.  It will save the community time and money if the Board does not have to provide invoices for everyone in the neighborhood.  Payments should be received no later than May 1stLate fees will apply.  Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to the assessment.

Other Community Happenings/News:

  • We are in need of people to head up the planning for the children’s community events such as the Spring Egg Hunt, 4th of July parade, and Halloween parade etc.    Please contact a Board member if you are interested in volunteering. 
  • Please secure your trashcan lids on pick up days – bungee cords are very effective.  When the trash blows in the neighborhood, there are certain areas that it always gets deposited.  Again, a little common sense can go a long way in resolving this problem.  Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
  • As always, PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PETS, and don’t let them roam freely throughout the neighborhood unattended.
  • We are planning our annual Spring Cleaning Day within the development to pick up trash, some minor playground maintenance, landscaping, etc.  Last year was a great success with many volunteers – the work went quickly, and we all had fun.  Any and all volunteers are greatly appreciated.  More information will follow soon regarding a specific date (currently thinking about the last weekend in April).  If everyone can donate a small amount of time, it will be much easier for those who do most of the volunteer work in the community.
  • Ann Diggins has volunteered to organize a block party or community picnic during the summer months.  More info to follow for specific dates and times.
  • If anyone is interested in a community yard sale, please contact one of the Board of Directors.
  • Please remember to observe the speed limit within the development (25mph) – also PLEASE stop at the stop signs.  We have many small children playing within the neighborhood every day.
  • Thanks to everyone who has volunteered in any capacity.  Our community is always looking for more people to get involved.  It’s a great way to get to know your neighbors, as well.  Any and all help is greatly appreciated.  Please contact Paul Zoppi directly if you are willing/able to help.  We need help with the Community News Committee, the Social Committee, the Landscape Committee, etc.
  • Email addresses wanted:  If you are not on our email distribution list, PLEASE send your email address to Paul Zoppi at pzoppi109@cs.com.  We love communicating via email as it saves time and paper.  It’s a great way to stay connected to the community.Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors:

Thank you,

Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors
Paul Zoppi, President 529-7760
Rich McCann, Vice President 529-7554
Tom Tryon, Vice President 475-5034
Alan Herring, Treasurer 475-7976
Shelli McGrory, Secretary 475-6331


March 25, 2009

Paul Zoppi, President, brought the meeting to order.

Guest speakers included:

Corporal Amy Kevis:  Community officer for the Brandywine Hundred District.  Corporal Kevis, who has 17 years experience as the Community Services Liaison with the New Castle County Police, works with Paul Zoppi, Bob Weiner and Bryon Short for any police related activity that may impact the neighborhood.  The crime rate is up in general due to the economic situation, although Brandywine Hundred is very low compared to New Castle County and the State in totality.  Furthermore, Corporal Kevis praised Buckingham Greene for having very low crime rate in large part due to the vigilance of our residents.  Some key points Corporal Kevis mentioned to help keep you and your home safe:

  • Do not leave your garage doors open.
  • Lock the inner door to your home whether your garage door is open or closed.
  • Leave front and back lights on as a deterrent - install motion sensors to save electricity.
  • Use timers for your lights inside - have lights on at all times as a deterrent.
  • Keep blinds/curtains closed.
  • Lock windows and doors.
  • Do not leave purses, laptops, or bags in your car - whether in the garage or not. 

Crimes occur in broad daylight - be vigilant at all times.

Corporal Kevis can be reached via phone (302) 395-8059 or email at akevis@ncc.org with questions.  In addition, any suspicious activity should be reported to the non-emergency police number at 573-2800.  Always use 911 for true emergencies. 

Bob Weiner - County Councilman:  Bob filled us in on his many projects within the local community such as preservation of open spaces, parklands, pathways, and anti-graffiti brigade to name a few.  Due to budget cuts, the Bob stressed the need for volunteers to help maintain open areas.  A handout with important phone numbers for New Castle County and the state was given out.  Bob appreciates all input on any issue - he has specifically requested input on the currently proposed property tax increase.  Please go to www.bobweiner.com for more information or to volunteer.  You can also contact Bob by calling Lou Hinkle, his aide, at (302) 395-8362.

Bryon Short, 7th District Representative:  Bryon is also the chair of the Economic Development Banking and Assurance Committee - a bipartisan committee he helped to create to address small business obstacles.   Bryon opened the floor to questions after his opening remarks.  Please contact Bryon for any questions or concerns at 577-5313, or email at bryon.short@state.de.us.  Bryon's aide is Blaine Breeding.

Bryon, Bob Weiner, and Corporal Kevis work closely together on many community issues.  If you contact any of them, they will see that the appropriate people are notified to help you with your problem.

2009 Annual Assessment:  The proposed 2009 annual assessment of $ 130 was discussed, voted upon, and unanimously approved by those in attendance.  Payments are to be dropped off to Alan Herring at 113 Scotts Way - checks made payable to the "Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation".  Please help the Board by paying promptly and dropping your check off at Alan's ASAP.  It will save the community time and money if the Board does not have to provide invoices for everyone in the neighborhood.  Late fees will apply to all payments received after the May 15th due date.  Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to the assessment.

Arden Litigation:  At this point, we do not have any new information regarding the status of the case.  Please feel free to contact any member of the BOD if you have specific questions regarding the current status.

Other Community Happenings/News:

  • Spring Egg Hunt - April 5th at the playground. Please contact Blair Nowland at 475-3574 if you would like to participate with the number of children you will be bringing.
  • Please secure your trashcan lids on pick up days - bungee cords are very effective. When the trash blows in the neighborhood, there are certain areas that it always gets deposited. Again, a little common sense can go a long way in resolving this problem. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
  • We are planning to organize a Spring Cleaning day within the development to pick up trash, some minor playground maintenance, landscaping, etc. Any and all volunteers are greatly appreciated. More information will follow soon regarding a specific date (currently thinking about the last weekend in April). If everyone can donate a small amount of time, it will be much easier for those who do most of the volunteer work in the community.
  • Happy belated 89th birthday to Eric Christensen!
  • We will be planning our annual Independence Day Parade in late June /early July - more to follow.
  • Please remember to observe the speed limit within the development (25mph) - also PLEASE stop at the stop signs. We have many small children playing within the neighborhood every day.
  • Thanks to everyone who has volunteered in any capacity. Our community is always looking for more people to get involved. It's a great way to get to know your neighbors, as well. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
  • Email addresses wanted: If you are not on our email distribution list, please send your email address to Paul Zoppi at pzoppi109@cs.com. We love communicating via email as it saves time and paper. It's a great way to stay connected to the community.

Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors:
Paul Zoppi, President 529-7760
Rich McCann, Vice President 529-7554
Tom Tryon, Vice President 475-5034
Alan Herring, Treasurer 475-7976
Shelli McGrory, Secretary 475-6331Thank you,

October 23, 2008

Paul Zoppi, President, brought the meeting to order.

Officer Kevis, from the New Castle County Police department, spoke to the residents in attendance regarding a variety of issues. Corporal Kevis acts as a community liaison between local communities and the police department. She began by reminding all of us that most crimes, in residential areas in particular, are crimes of opportunity. Keep your car doors locked when parked in your driveway, close your garage doors, lock your windows at home, and keep an eye out for anything that looks out of the ordinary. And most importantly, if you are a victim of or witness to a crime, however small or insignificant it may seem, you must report it to the police (the County non-emergency number is 573-2800; 911 should always be used for true emergencies). The police will use this information to possibly solve related crimes, or even increase their patrols within our development. The bottom line is we owe it to each other to keep a watchful eye out for any suspicious activity. And remember, all tips to the police can be reported anonymously.

Next, Bryon Short (our District Representative) addressed our residents and answered questions. He mentioned that we would be eligible to receive a free barrel of salt/sand from the state for the winter months. The residents in attendance agreed that the barrel will be placed near the front of the development (perhaps hidden behind the community sign), and that we would all utilize the salt/sand as needed during the winter months. Bryon also gave an update on the air traffic noise over northern Delaware. If you are interested in being added to an email list to be informed of future meetings on the issue, contact Bryon directly (email him at electbryonshort@aol.com). He also provided signs that will be posted near the front of the development to remind residents to please not speed within the development (we continue to have issues with residents driving too fast and not observing stop signs). Please drive safely within Buckingham Greene, especially given all the young children we have playing in the development every day.

Bob Weiner (County Councilman) spoke to residents regarding a variety of issues. First and foremost, the County is having significant issues with the budget. Bob emphasized the need for local government to be lean and continue to look for ways to reduce expenses. The County has a need to hire more police officers, and will be faced with some difficult decisions over the next year or two. He also stressed that Stoltz continues to attempt to push through their shopping center project on Concord Pike. He continues to look for community support in getting this project stopped. You can visit his website at www.bobweiner.com for more information. He is always looking for volunteers to help with his graffiti brigade and crime watch programs, as well.

The meeting ended with a review of the 2008 budget/expenses. The BOD is also looking for referrals for snow plowing for the upcoming winter season. If you have someone to recommend, please contact Paul Zoppi or Alan Herring directly. In addition, there is a large dead tree in the back cul-de-sac that needs to come down. If anyone has referrals for tree removal, please contact the Board.

Volunteers: Thanks to everyone who has volunteered in some capacity. Especially Alan Herring as Treasurer, Lani and Jay Gibson (Landscape Committee), Rita McCann and Blair Nowland (Social Committee), Robert Agarwal (Architectural Review Committee) and Shelli McGrory as Secretary. As always, we are looking for residents to get involved within the development. Whether it’s helping with the Social Committee, the Landscape Committee, or any other aspect of Buckingham Greene, please contact a member of the Board of Directors. We aren’t asking for a lot of time, and it’s a wonderful way to meet your neighbors.

Remember, we have our annual Halloween parade scheduled for Sunday, October 26th, at 3pm. We will meet at the playground and then march around the development. Everyone is encouraged to participate, including adults. Also, we are planning on having our annual Holiday Adults Only Social either the first or second weekend of December. If you haven’t yet responded and are interested in participating, please contact Paul ASAP so we can finalize the numbers. It is always a great time, so please come.

Email addresses wanted: If you are not on our email distribution list, please send your email address to Paul Zoppi at pzoppi109@cs.com. We love communicating via email as it saves time and paper. It’s a great way to stay connected to the community.

Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors:
Paul Zoppi, President 529-7760
Rich McCann, Vice President 529-7554
Tom Tryon, Vice President 475-5034
Alan Herring, Treasurer 475-7976
Shelli McGrory, Secretary 475-6331

March 26, 2008

Paul Zoppi, President, brought the meeting to order

2008 Assessment: First on the agenda was a review of the proposed 2008 annual assessment. At the conclusion of a discussion period, the originally proposed assessment amount was determined to be inadequate. A revised amount of $170 was proposed and unanimously approved by the residents in attendance. There has been some discussion within the community since the meeting, and the Board would like to clarify the reasons for the increase again, for those who could not be in attendance. The slight increase was needed due to some maintenance issues we are having with our stormwater management facilities. Based on the most recent evaluation reports received from New Castle County, both stormwater basins were in need of immediate remediation. The community is responsible for ensuring the stormwater facilities are maintained in order to retain eligibility in the County's Amnesty Program (which would cover any major repairs should any be needed in the future). The County performs an annual physical inspection of each basin. In order to effectively address the maintenance issues identified in the most recent County inspection, the BOD contracted with EnviroTech – an organization that maintains and services stormwater facilities, as well as completes the required inspection logs for the County. EnviroTech performed the needed repairs, which have subsequently been approved by the County upon a re-inspection. In an effort to reduce costs associated with contracting with EnviroTech, the Maintenance Corporation has opted to have them do quarterly, as opposed to, monthly inspections. Patrick McGrory volunteered to perform the monthly inspections. It is these repair and maintenance costs, as well as anticipated increases in grass cutting fees, that resulted in the need to increase the annual assessment to $170 per household. Payments are to be made to Alan Herring at 113 Scotts Way - made payable to the "Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation". Please help the Board by paying promptly.

Guest speakers included: Bryon Short, 7th district representative. Bryon opened the floor to questions immediately. Some inquiries made by homeowners included concerns regarding the low flying helicopters, a desire to have a posted sign for our community along Veale Road, and the repair of pot holes at the intersection of Buckingham and Veale Roads. Bryon assured all that he would look into these issues and email Paul Zoppi with information as soon as it was available.

Next, New Castle Councilman Bob Weiner spoke to the residents. Bob discussed his many goals for the community in general – preservation of open spaces, parklands, pathways, and anti-graffiti brigade to name a few. Please visit www.bobweiner.com for more information or to volunteer.

Update on the Arden Litigation: The Maintenance Corporation sent a letter from the residents of Buckingham Greene to Chancellor Noble (the judge hearing the case) last summer. At this point, we have not heard any new decisions regarding the outstanding litigation.

Volunteers: Thanks to everyone who has volunteered in some capacity. Especially Alan Herring as Treasurer, Lani and Jay Gibson (Landscape Committee), Rita McCann and Blair Nowland (Social Committee), and Shelli McGrory as Secretary.

As always, we are looking for residents to get involved within the development. Whether it’s helping with the Social Committee, the Landscape Committee, or any other aspect of Buckingham Greene, please contact a member of the Board of Directors. We aren’t asking for a lot of time, and it’s a wonderful way to meet your neighbors.

Announcements and Reminders: Verizon Fios is now available on Scotts Way to any residents who may be interested.

Remember, as a courtesy to all of our neighbors, please be sure to clean up after your pets.

With the warmer weather fast approaching, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE drive safely within the community. Be sure to observe the speed limit and all posted stop signs. We have many young children playing in our streets every day. It’s just not worth picking up a few seconds by speeding through the development and/or not observing stop signs. Thank you for your cooperation!

Email addresses wanted: If you are not on our email distribution list, please send your email address to Paul Zoppi at pzoppi109@cs.com. We love communicating via email as it saves time and paper. It’s a great way to stay connected to the community.

Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors:
Paul Zoppi, President 529-7760
Rich McCann, Vice President 529-7554
Tom Tryon, Vice President 475-5034
Alan Herring, Treasurer 475-7976
Shelli McGrory, Secretary 475-6331

March 27, 2007

* Paul Zoppi, President, brought the meeting to order.

* Guest speakers included:

  • Lynn Linscott and Susan Gleich from the Brandywine School district, who spoke about the upcoming Operating Referendum to be voted on Tuesday, April 24th. The ballot consists of two items: 1) operations and strategic plan and 2) maintenance, safety and high school auditorium upgrades. This referendum would create an average tax increase of $251 in year one and an additional $22 in year two, bringing the total average homeowner increase to $273. There is relief for seniors and disabled persons. For information call the County Assessment Division at 395-5520.
  • Jorge Pizarro, from the New Castle Count Office of Community Governing, presented statistics on Buckingham Greene code violations and criminal activity reported during the 2006 calendar year. There has been one code violation reported since January 2006, and fifteen 911 calls during the same time period. With the new budget proposed by County Executive Christopher Coons, this office could potentially be eliminated. You can call Mr. Coons’ office at 395-5101 to voice your concerns over the elimination of this office. The Office of Community Governing has been instrumental over the years in assisting our community with numerous issues, and the Buckingham Greene Board of Directors is asking all residents to contact Christopher Coons (email: chriscoons@nccde.org) and/or Councilman Bob Weiner (email: bob@bobweiner.com) expressing your concerns. Thank you!
  • Jim Bowers (R) and Bryon Short (D), both campaigning for the 7th district seat recently vacated by Wayne Smith, each spoke briefly on their personal experience and views. Both will be in the neighborhood in the next few weeks to speak with residents and answer questions.

    * The originally proposed 2007 annual assessment amount of $100 per lot was determined to be inadequate, due to some potentially dangerous dead trees in the community that must be removed. A revised assessment of $135 per household was voted on and unanimously approved by those in attendance. While the $135 is more than was originally anticipated, it is still very much in line with previous years assessment amounts. Checks should be made payable to “Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation” and delivered to Alan Herring at 113 Scotts Way. Invoices will be circulated throughout the community shortly. Please do pay your assessment promptly. Thank you.

    * Arden Litigation: Ever since the case went to trial in the spring of 2004, the judge hearing the case (Chancellor Noble) has asked that the experts representing the builder and Arden work together on a mutually agreeable plan to help divert water runoff into the Arden woods. The expert for Arden is recommending that water be redirected to the large retention pond in our community, and that the existing pond be enlarged to accommodate the increased water flow. In order to make the pond large enough, the Arden expert is suggesting that half of the playground be removed to allow for the pond to be expanded. Paul Zoppi is recommending that the community send a letter to Chancellor Noble asking him not to consider such an alternative. We do not want our streets excavated, nor do we want to lose our playground. Once the letter is drafted, it will be circulated throughout the community for signatures. Please stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

    * As always, we are looking for residents to get involved within the development. Whether it’s helping with the Social Committee, the Landscape Committee, or any other aspect of Buckingham Greene, please contact a member of the Board of Directors. We aren’t asking for a lot of time, and it’s a wonderful way to meet your neighbors.

    * The Spring Egg Hunt is March 31st at the playground. Contact Blair Nowland 475-3574.

    * The landscape committee is looking for help. Contact Lani Gibson 529-7476.

    * Welcome to all our new neighbors including Igor Yaroshenko and Irina Romanova at 21 Weilers Bend, Sherman Tribbett and Wendy Ash at 61 Weilers Bend, Ella Edwards and Yvonne & Brian Matthews at 26 Weilers Bend, Debra and James Smith at 16 Weilers Bend, and Daniel Shufler at 63 Weilers Bend. Please be sure to say hello to our newest neighbors if you’re out and about in the development. Welcome to all!

    * Congratulations to Vicki McCann (daughter of Rich and Rita) on her upcoming wedding on May 12th.

    * Remember, as a courtesy to all of our neighbors, please be sure to clean up after your pets.

    * With the warmer weather fast approaching, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE drive safely within the community. Be sure to observe the speed limit and all posted stop signs. We have many young children playing in our streets every day. It’s just not worth picking up a few seconds by speeding through the development and/or not observing stop signs. Thank you for your cooperation!

    * Email addresses wanted: If you are not on our email distribution list, please send your email address to Paul Zoppi at pzoppi109@cs.com. We love communicating via email as it saves time and paper. It’s a great way to stay connected to the community.

    Buckingham Greene Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors:
    Paul Zoppi, President 529-7760
    Rich McCann, Vice President 529-7554
    Tom Tryon, Vice President 475-5034
    Alan Herring, Treasurer 475-7976
    Shelli McGrory, Secretary 475-6331
Posted by bcgreene on 03/31/2009
Last updated on 02/20/2023
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