Buckman Community Association

BCA General Mtg. Minutes 08/12/04

BCA General Mtg. Minutes 08/12/04

Those present: Galina Boyechko, ONI, Bethany Pratt, Dianna Shaffer (St.Francis Park), Don MacGillivray, Anne Hughes, Ann Bowling, Steve Adam, Jim Andrews, Steve Hoyt (SEUL), Lily Witham, Dolores Dee, Susan Lindsay, .Judy Koonce, Scott Forrester, Michael Risner

1. Meeting came to order at 7:06 PM

2. A property owner, Steve Adam came to discuss his basement unit that was once a commercial unit.

3. Crime prevention: Galina Boyechko, ONI Crime prevention Coordinator :

-We had 40 National Night Out parties- great participation. August 2nd 2005

-OLCC is looking for neighborhood representatives to get involved in OLCC, to understand (503) 823-4000

-Public safety committee meeting is SE Portland 8-26 at Southeast Uplift at 6:30pm

-Susan suggested that we work through coalition to advocate a legislative to change guidelines around alcohol-siting saturation.

4. Measure 37 Issues-

-Take away land use planning- citizen involvement
-Property rights would be impacted, as your neighbor could do something on her/his property not allowed on our own.
-Buckman down zoning: since all of Buckman was once zoned multi-family, any one who owned property since before the 1970’s downzone could build an apartment/condo building next to your single family home in many areas.

-Oregonians in Action is sponsoring the measure, most of the funding has come from the timber industry and development-oriented companies.

Money- Lily moved that BCA give $50.00 to pay for a portion of the SEUL pamphlet statement that is going into the Oregon Voters Guide, Bethany seconded, passes unanimously.

5.Burnside Bridgehead Project-

Request for proposals- will go out next week for development of super block on Burnside and MLK, PDC still favors big box a bit. Very little representation from the opposition at the last URAC meeting next meeting will be on September 13. Elizabeth Kennedy –Wong offered Susan to help facilitate any neighbor concerns about the proposal.

-Burnside transportation plan-will need arrangements

-July 31st editorial in the Oregonian supported a Big Box in the project, they also had a Sunday story.

6. Mural- Lily says will be on west side of plaid pantry on Morrison between 11th & 12th. Lily has got paint donation from Parker Paints to cut the cost.

7. WAMO- On July 28th-City council chose “Option 1.” The City allocated $1 million from general fund, will take loan for the rest. There is a provision in the ordinance to sell back .7 of the 4.5 acres if Portland Parks can’t raise the money to pay back the loan. Susan hopes that PDC will put between $1.5 and $2.2 million toward the land purchase. There is scuttlebutt that PDC may extend the boundaries of the urban renewal area to go up E. Burnside to 12th/Sandy, could also enclose the WAMO site. Portland Parks is also applying for a $500,000 grant from the state to go toward a portion of the site.

8.Willamette Peoples’ Utility District Proposal:
A representative from WEPUD presented to the Buckman board. The proposal would create a peoples’ utility district in SE Portland. This captures all of Buckman and all of the precincts that voted for the previous peoples’ utility district proposal.

WEPUD believes they can deliver power at a cheaper cost than PGE, that they’d invest in solar to increase sustainable energy production and grow jobs, and maintain local control of power for Portlanders.

There is a court hearing tomorrow where the judge will again hear the case. She had thrown out the WEPUD initiative recently.
If the judge reinstates the initiative for the November ballot, and the measure passes: there will be a one-time levy of 60 cents for every $100,000 of valuation to pay for an engineering/feasibility study. Ann moved to endorse the WEPUD initiative. Jim seconded. Passed unanimously.

9. Newsletter-
August 25th is the deadline

10.Brief political message

- Jim Francesconi wants to talk to neighbors, please be willing to listen. He feels that with some of the big projects happening in SE (light rail to Milwaukee, WAMO, etc.) that Potter can’t get the job done and he can.

11. SEUL Neighborhood Agendas campaign for 2005. Coming up with three goals for next year. The first coalition-wide meeting is on Saturday, September 18th. Buckman is asked to come up with 3 goals.

12. Flex Car Site

There is concern that the new Flex Car (car sharing) parking site at 20th/Belmont is dangerous. Jim moves that BCA endorse moving the Flex Car parking site away from present location, to the South side of Belmont, West of 20th, Anne seconded, passed unanimously

13. Other announcements: Electric PUD

-HWG- Tuesday August 31st event

-New site for Buckman meetings. Anne would like BCA to find a new meeting space after September. Susan is exploring space with Cultural Catholic.

Submitted by Steve Hoyt, SEUL

Posted by lilywrites on 01/12/2005
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