Buckman Community Association

BCA Bylaws

Buckman Community Association Bylaws

as revised and adopted on: May 15, 1992 & April 12, 2001

Section (1) Buckman Community Association; hereafter referred to as the BCA

Section (1) The BCA shall work to improve and enhance the livability of the Buckman Neighborhood. This shall include, but not be limited to, the subjects included in the "Buckman Neighborhood Plan" (1991).
Section (2) The BCA shall provide a variety of methods and forums to improve communications among public and private organizations and individuals working to improve the Portland Metropolitan area.
Section (3) The BCA shall work to improve the cohesiveness of the Buckman neighborhood by initiating and coordinating neighborhood projects, gathering and disseminating information, and by promoting the active involvement of our members in neighborhood activities.

Section (1)
Northern boundary - The centerline of East Burnside Street
Eastern boundary - The centerline of S.E. 28th Avenue
Southern boundary - The centerline of S.E. Hawthorne Blvd.
Western boundary - The middle of the Willamette River.

Section (1) MEMBER QUALIFICATIONS: Membership in the BCA shall be open to all residents, property owners, business owners, employees, and persons with a continuing interest in the Buckman neighborhood.
Section (2) DUES: No dues or members fees are required for membership or voting. Voluntary contributions or donations may be accepted by the BCA.
Section (3) MEMBERS: Members are those qualified persons that request to be members and whose current name address and phone number are maintained on the member/mailing list.
Section (4) MEMBER REGISTRATION: A prospective member shall provide their name, address, and telephone number to a board member or to S.E. Uplift with a request to be placed on the member/mailing list. They may also join by signing the attendance sheet at a board meeting of the BCA when they provide the above information.
Section (5) MEMBER RIGHTS: Members shall be able to vote to elect the board of directors. Members may request of the chairperson a non-binding advisory vote of the members at any board meeting. Members may participate on committees and assist with the various activities of the BCA. Members may seek and receive assistance from S.E. Uplift.

Section (1) BOARD/GENERAL MEETINGS: Meetings of the board of directors shall be held at least five (5) times a year with the intent to hold them once each month. All business of the BCA is reported to this forum for action and/or ratification. These meetings are expected to function as general membership meetings.
Section (2) SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by the executive committee. Board members will be notified at least twenty-four (24) in advance of any special meeting.
Section (3) QUORUM: A quorum of the board of directors is required to conduct business and vote on official actions. A quorum of the board shall be half (50%) of the members.
Section (4) NOTIFICATION: Every effort shall be made to notify the members not less than seven (7) days preceding any board meeting or election. When possible the active membership shall be notified of all meetings of the BCA and its committees. The BCA will, whenever possible, hold board meetings consistently on the same day of the same week in each month (example: the third Thursday of each month).
Section (5) METHOD OF NOTIFICATION: Notification shall be by a reasonable means of communication apt to reach a majority of the members.
Section (6) PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY: The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order (revised) shall govern this organization when the adopted rules and the normal procedures of the BCA fail to provide the necessary authority as determined by the board of directors.
Section (7) PARLIAMENTARIAN: The chair of any meeting of the BCA shall act as the parliamentarian or select another member to act as parliamentarian.
Section (8) STANDING RULES: There shall be standing rules relating to the operation of meetings, the responsibilities of members, and other matters as deemed appropriate by the board of directors. They may be amended by a majority vote of the board of directors at a board meeting to take effect at future meetings of the BCA. These rules will be reviewed and revised each year after the election of new board members.

Section (1) NUMBER OF BOARD MEMBERS: There shall be nine (9) positions on the board of directors.

Section (2) TERMS OF OFFICE: Each director will hold office for a term of two (2) years. Each director position shall be numbered. Odd numbered positions will be elected in odd numbered years. Even numbered positions will be elected in even numbered years.
Section (3) DUTIES OF BOARD MEMBERS: The board of directors shall vote, conduct business, coordinate activities, and serve as the collective spokesperson for the BCA. The board shall be accountable to the membership and shall act in the best interest of the neighborhood. The board shall consider the views of those affected by proposed policies or positions before adopting any recommendation on behalf of the BCA. The board shall strictly comply with these by-laws.
Section (5) BOARD VACANCIES & REMOVAL: Any member of the board of directors who is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings may be removed from the board and replaced with an alternate board member or other interested member selected by the board of directors. Resignations shall be handled in a like manner.
Section (6) BOARD OFFICERS: The board of directors shall each year after the May elections select the following officers from within its membership: a chair-person, a vice chair-person, a treasurer, a secretary, and an at-large board member willing to assume a similar level of responsibility. Officers may be removed from their office at a board meeting with a 2/3 vote of the directors present.
Section (7) EMERGENCY POWERS: Members, directors, and committees are expected to always represent the BCA in a manner that is consistent with the previous policies and directives of the BCA. In such cases where a member, director, and/or committee of the BCA is required to provide a neighborhood response before the issue is presented to the board of directors, this information must be provided to the questioner, and the response shall be taken up at a special meeting or board meeting in a timely manner for ratification as circumstances dictate.
Section (8) LIABILITY LIMITATION: The personal liability of a director or uncompensated officer of the BCA to the BCA, its members, or the public for monetary damages for conduct as a director or officer is thereby eliminated to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Section (1) MEMBERS: The executive committee shall be the five(5) board officers.
Section (2) MINUTES: The executive committee shall insure that minutes are taken at all meetings and given to S.E. Uplift in a timely manner.
Section (3) MEMBERS LIST: The executive committee shall maintain a current member/mailing list for the BCA and standing committees.
Section (4) BYLAWS: The executive committee shall insure compliance with these by-laws and the standing rules of the BCA. New board members will be provided with these by-laws and rules in a timely manner after election.

Section (1) The board of directors may establish standing and special committees to promote the purposes of the BCA. Membership on these committees is open to all members. Appointments to committees shall be made by the board of directors. Committees shall make recommendations to the board for action. Committees shall not have the power to act on behalf of the BCA. Two members of the board of directors shall be members of each committee.

Section (1) MONTH: Elections to establish the membership of approximately one half of the board of directors shall be held annually in the month of May or soon thereafter.
Section (2) ELECTIONS COMMITTEE: The elections committee shall submit their recommendations concerning nominees and the election process to the BCA at the April board meeting.
Section (3) NOMINATIONS: Nominations will be made by the elections committee in April and from the floor during the meetings in April and May.

Section (1) DEFINITION: A conflict of interest exists for a member or board member whenever said person holds a personal financial interest which will be impacted by the action or inaction of the BCA on a proposal before the board. A personal financial interest shall include a financial interest held by the member &/or by the members of their immediate family. A personal financial interest includes an ownership above 5% of a business which will be impacted by the decision of the BCA. Examples of personal financial interest would include: employment by the BCA, ownership of property, the use/control of which is considered by the BCA; plans to buy property, use or control of which is under discussion by the BCA; etc.
Section (2) DECLARING THE CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Whenever a member or board member determines that they have a conflict of interest relating to an item under discussion, they must inform the board or committee hearing the proposal that the conflict of interest exists.
Section (3) ABSTENTION FROM VOTING: Members or board members shall not vote on matters in which they have a conflict of interest.

Section (1) SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS / GRIEVANCES: Any person or group, inside or outside the boundaries of the BCA may propose in writing items for consideration and / or recommendation to the Board. Any person adversely affected by a decision of the BCA may file a complaint following this procedure. The board shall decide whether the proposals / complaints will be heard by the board or a committee and shall act in a timely manner.
Section (2) NOTIFICATION: The proponent and members directly affected by such proposals / complaints shall be notified in writing of the place, day, and hour the proposal / complaint shall be reviewed not less than seven (7) days in advance.
Section (3) ATTENDANCE: The proponent / complainant may attend this meeting to make a presentation and answer question concerning the proposal / complaint.
Section (4) MEDIATION: Prior to a hearing on a major grievance the parties shall be encouraged to request assistance from the Neighborhood Mediation Center.
Section (5) RESOLUTION AND DISSEMINATION: The BCA shall submit recommendations and dissenting views as recorded from the meeting to the proponent / complainant, to S.E. Uplift, and to other appropriate parties.

Section (1) The BCA shall abide by all Oregon statues relative to public meetings and public records. Official actions taken by the BCA must be on record and part of the minutes of each meeting. The minutes shall include a record of attendance and the results of any vote(s) taken. A summary of the dissenting views should be transmitted along with any recommendation made by the BCA to S.E. Uplift and other appropriate parties.

Section (1) The BCA must not discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin, income, or political affiliation in any of its policies, recommendations, or actions.

Section (1) All amendments to these by-laws must be propose in writing and submitted to all members of the board of directors with notice specifying the date, time, and place for consideration at least seven (7) days before voting. Major changes (determined by the executive committee) shall be published in the newsletter prior to the meeting. Adoption of amendments to these by-laws shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the board members present at a regular meeting.

Section (1) The BCA is a member neighborhood in the S.E. Uplift district coalition of neighborhoods. S.E. Uplift provides support to citizens and organizations involved with neighborhood activities. The coalition staff should provide training, orientation, information, and consultation to the BCA. The coalition assists with the Buckman newsletter. The BCA utilizes the S.E. Uplift tax exempt status. S.E. Uplift Board Delegates, one from each recognized neighborhood association including the BCA, manage the affairs of S.E. Uplift. Any person interested in the affairs of the BCA may ask for assistance form S.E. Uplift, and/or the City of Portland, Office of Neighborhood Associations.

Posted by buck on 08/12/2001
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