In attendance-Seann McKeel, Dolores Dee, Lily Witham, Becky Oswald, Jim
Desante, Christina Walsh, Aron Homberg, Jack Maynard, Susan Lindsay, Ann
Bowling, Anne Hughes, Loran & Cathy Lamb-Mullin, Gilly Burlingame, Don
MacGillivray, Randall Howington, Jim Evernden, Jonathan Konkel, To Potter,
Chris Woo, Karen Hanson, Jarkko Cain, Lucille French, M’Lou Christ, Wade
Nkrumah, Steve Oswald, Katy Daily, Donna Milrany, Barry Sutton, Jim
Karlock, galena Boyechko, Officer Jim McMurray, Mary Ann Scwab, Sam Adams.
Superfund Cleanup/Portland Harbour- Katy Daly from the National
Environmental Trust spoke and asked the BCA to sign on to a support letter
to City Council. In December 2000, the Portland Harbour was placed by the
EPA on the Superfund Nat’l Priorities List, due to extreme contamination
of water and soil. As Congress allowed polluter’s fees to expire in 1995,
there is a shortfall of almost $175 million in the 2003 Superfund budget.
It is very likely that when studies are completed in 2006, the Portland
Harbour could become of the largest and most expensive clean-ups in U.S.
History. Jack Maynard made the motion that the BCA sign off onto the
support letter, the motion was seconded by Lily Witham, and a vote proved
unanimous. Aron Homberg (Central Catholic) observed that most warning
signs (about pollution) around the river are in English, and that there is
a great need for warning signs in multiple languages.
Colonel Sumners Park Cleanup Day- Randall Howington reported that a
citizen’s group (formed to push a much needed cleanup in the Park) met
recently with Mary Huff (Parks & Rec) and volunteer coordinator Cheryl
Fairfax, to bring to their attention the problems within the Park such as
nefarious activities, lack of maintenance etc. A cleanup day is planned for April 24th, and volunteers are needed for cleanup, edging walks,
trimming bushes, and anything else needed. PPR is currently working on a
21-Parks Model, and has started collecting data. A sub-group of local dog owners are working to set up staggered times for doggie play.
Tom Potter for Mayor- Mayoral candidate Tom Potter spoke to the group about the myriad problems besetting Portland. He feels strongly that the City needs to resolve our struggling school systems, high unemployment rates, and lack of affordable housing. He also feels that there needs to be a clear vision for Portland, one that includes re-engaging citizens with our local government and rebuilding strong ties between the
neighbourhoods and city government. Tom’s campaign slogan is “bringing us
together”. As mayor, he would delegate executive functions to a professional by appointing a city manager to manage all bureaus.
WAMO Update- Susan Lindsay asked that as many people as possible attend the city council hearing on Wednesday, when the city will hear testimony regarding the need for a community center in the Inner Southeast and (hopefully) approve the PPR purchase of 4.5 acres on the WAMO site, to be set aside until funds can be gathered for construction of the center.
M’Lou Christ passed around a towel signed by folks at the Feb. 7th “photo
op” and invited meeting attendees to add their signatures. The towel will be given to Commissioner Francesconi at the hearing.
Lone Fir Cemetery- Various neighbours and friends of the Lone Fir Cemetery
expressed their concerns that the land on which the Multnomah Building is
located will be developed in an inappropriate manner. Steve Oswald stated that 7 years of records are missing for Lone Fir, which means that there could still be bodies buried under the building. Some feel strongly that
the County has an obligation to tear down the building, but others felt
that was not a good use of scarce County funding (sharp revenue losses for the last several years have already meant loss of services to many needy residents). Don MacGillvray would like to see public process input for the
development project. M’lou Christ made a motion that the BCA encourage Metro and the County Commissioner to pursue a public process to return the land to the Cemetery, and to encourage County and Metro boards to do fund-raising to provide funds for whatever changes are approved following the public process. Jack Maynard seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Monthly Crime Report- Officer Jim McMurray gave out the monthly crime
statistics sheet and informed us (once again) that crime is on the rise in
Sam Adams for City Council- City Council Candidate Sam Adams spoke to the group and informed us that if he wins a seat on the Council, he will ask to be assigned to ONI (Office of Neighbourhood Involvement). Sam is in full support of a community center for the Inner South East and would also like to see our neighbourhoods become empowered and have some responsibility/input for budgets within neighbourhoods. He feels that the
system does not serve citizens well. The City budget is 1.74 billion dollars, of which each neighbourhood association is given $400 per annum.
Chili-feed Fundraiser-Tickets will be ready on Monday and may be picked up
at Anne Hughes’ Kitchen Table Caf?©. Ann Bowling will pick up cornbread from Montage the day of the fundraiser. Lily Witham will call and work out details for the cornbread donation.
Meeting was adjourned at 10PM.
Submitted by Lily Witham.