In attendance: BCA Board members M’Lou Christ, Ann Bowling, Donna Milrany, Jarkko Cain, Anne Hughes, Susan Lindsay, Jack Maynard, Bethany Pratt, Lily Witham. Also Denny Walden, Jon Miller, Dolores Dee, Jim Evernden (Hinson Baptist Church), Don MacGillvray, Randall Howington, Antony Valoppi, Jana Hughes, Officer Jim McMurray, Laura Jaeger (Central Catholic), Scott McCorkle, Christa Overby (City of Portland, Engineering Services.), Bob Cynkar (City of Portland Engineering Services), Ed Lyle, Rion Lyle and Mary Ann Schwab (Sunnyside Neighbourhood Association and city council candidate).
Minutes Approved- Board mtg minutes from both 03/04/04 and /2/05/04 were approved.
Environmental Update- M’Lou Christ gave a presentation to the Board to inform them of various projects etc that the BCA can become involved in. One suggestion made was to create a benchmark survey documenting the old trees in Buckman. An Environmental sub-committee was formed with M’Lou as Chair. Lily Witham and Jack Maynard are both interested in working on the tree survey.
Sewer System Update-Bob Cynkar and Christa Overby (City of Portland, Engineering Services) gave a presentation about the sewer upgrade coming to the Inner South East. The Environmental Services is studying long-range options to repair and improve the sewer system in two East Side sewer basins: Oak in N.E. and S.E. Portland, and Beech/Essex in north and northeast Portland. Many of the sewers are 50-100 years old and in bad shape. The most urgent repair projects (pipes in the worst condition) will be referred for early action, as early as 2004. The remaining projects will be prioritized, and could start construction as early as 2006.
Ballot Measure for PUD- Don MacGillvray announced that signatures are being gathered to put a ballot measure to form the Willamette Electric People’s Utility District in a small area that includes Buckman in the November elections. Only 800 signatures are needed, so Don asks that we look out for a chance to sign the petition.
Neighbourhood Clean-up/Earth Day – Ann Bowling is in charge of the annual Earth Day Neigbourhood clean-up for Buckman and Kerns neighbourhoods and is asking for volunteers to work from 9Am-1PM on Saturday, April 24th. A pizza party for volunteers is held at the end of the clean-up, and there are great raffle prizes to be one by the volunteers.
Plaid Pantry Mural Project- A sub-committee was formed to facilitate the replacement mural at the site of the damaged mural on the south side of the Plaid Pantry at SE 12th & Morrison. The sub-committee consists of Lily Witham, Janna Hughes and Laura Jaeger. They will give a report at next month’s Board Meeting.
SNO-Report- Officer Jim McMurray gave out last month’s crimes stats for Buckman. Crime is increasing, especially car prowls (55 last month). He also reported that a suspect in February’s rape is being held in jail (on un-related charges) there was also some discussion on bicycle safety (is there a helmet law, etc.).
Doug Fir Lounge-The manager of the Doug Fir Lounge is applying for a Class A liquor license. After some discussion, the board decided not to object to the application, as the owners/managers of the Jupiter Motel have been cleaning up their block of Burnside and seem very eager to keep alcohol-related problems off of their premises. M’Lou Christ made a motion to accept the Good Neighbour Agreement for the Doug Fir Lounge, and the motion was seconded by Lily Witham. A vote proved unanimous.
Speaker’s requests- Both Nick Fish (city council candidate) and Diane Rosenbaum would like to address the BCA at our April General Meeting.
Board business- Four board seats are opening in May (Jack Maynard, M’Lou Christ, Jarkko Cain, and Donna Milrany). Anne Hughes and Susan Lindsay will work as a nominee committee. M’Lou Christ made a motion to appoint Donna Milrany temporarily to the seat vacated by Ani Haines, which will become open again in May. The motion was seconded by Ann Bowling, with a unanimous vote. The BCA is still without a SEUL representative. Susan Lindsay asked if any current board members would be willing to take the position, but no one was interested at this time. Susan would like to have some appointed to the seat in time to attend the SEUL Board Retreat on April 17th, along with Susan Lindsay and Don MacGillvray.
Lone Fir Cemetery-Susan Lindsay attended a Metro county commissioners meeting on March 4th and volunteered to be part of a taskforce to decide the fate of the Multnomah Building located at the edge of Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery. Two council members want to receive full market value for the property, despite assertations from Lone Fir supporters that the land was only leased out to Multnomah County.
WAMO update- Susan Lindsay asked everyone to come to the City Council hearing for the MARC project, scheduled for Wednesday March 10th. Many people fear that if the MARC project at the Memorial Coliseum is built that our Inner SE Community Center will be delayed for years. As usual, everyone is concerned by the lack of public process.
Letter to Metro Commissioners- Susan Lindsay asked the board to approve sending a BCA letter thanking the commissioners for their stance on gay marriage. Although no one was against gay marriage, M’Lou Christ pointed out that she could not vote to send the letter because there was a lack of public process in the decision. The idea was shelved for the time being.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10.
Submitted by Lily Witham, BCA Secretary