Buckman Community Association

BCA Board Mtg Minutes 02/05/04

BCA Board Meeting Minutes 02/05/04

In attendance: M’Lou Christ, Mary Ann Schwab (Sunnyside Neighbour Assoc.), Jack Maynard, Susan Lindsay, Jarkko Cain, Anne Hughes, Christine Walsh, James Desantel, Sharon Ryan, Lucille French, Dolores Dee, Ann Bowling, Commissioner Maria Rojo de Steffy, Kristin Anton, Brian Larrabee, Judith Gonzalez, Don MacGillvray, Jennifer Richmond, Bo Neill, Mirijana Monetio, Katherine Schultz, Eric Epperson, Chris Linn (Boora Architects), Becky Oswald, Wade Nkrumah (The Oregonian). Lily Witham and Lee Perlman.

Lone Fir Cemetery- Metro Commissioner Maria Rojo de Steffy gave an update on the Lone Fir Cemetery/Multnomah County Building situation. She has spoken individually to each of the other Metro Commissioners and they are all willing to take the proposal to sell the site off the table and give her time to pursue developing it along the lines indicated by the people who attended the hearing. Maria welcomes any help given to her by our community in tracking down sources of funding for the project. Mary Ann Schwab stated that she was concerned about mixed commercial use on the property. She also asked about the availability of PDC funding for the project. Susan Lindsay told Commissioner Rojo de Steffy that she has the support of the BCA. Sharon Ryan, Vice Chair of the Oregon Cemetery Commission reminded us that any cemetery designation changes must be brought before SHIPO (State Historic Preservation Office). Friends of Lone Fir Cemetery Representative Christina Walsh pointed out that Multnomah County does not own the property that the building sits on, they merely had an easement. Therefore the deed is not intact and any sale would be illegal.

Hawthorne Gardens-Jack Maynard reported that there has been another proposal from the architects and Marquis on their project at SE 29th and Salmon. Jack feels that it is the best proposal so far, but still far too large and tall for the surrounding neighbourhood. A core group of neighbours feel the same and are continuing their objections to a 62-unit assisted living center on less than one square block. Sunnyside Neighbourhood Association, while not yet having dropped their appeal to the City about the project, has endorsed the most recent plan. SNA does have a list of caveats to their endorsement, and promises to include that list along to the City Council in their letter of endorsement. Jack asked that the BCA continue to show support for the neighbours who are against the project as it stands by sending a letter to the City Council from the BCA, informing them of the BCA’s position on this matter. A motion was made thusly by Jack Maynard and seconded by M’Lou Christ. A vote showed 4 in favour and 2 against.

12th & Taylor green building project- Property owner Eric Epperson has commissioned a “green” building planned for the parking lot at 12th and Salmon. This parking lot served the former bingo parlour located directly across the street. This building is planned as a housing project with 52 units to be sold at market value ($200,000), with retail spaces on the first floor. The green features include photovoltaic/solar which will be 60% more efficient and tanks for capturing rainwater to be re-used for toilet-flushing, etc. However, the project does not include any on-site parking, which is a concern to the BCA and community members living near the project. Mr. Epperson plans to sell the units to people who do not own cars. His thought being that if they appreciate the green aspects of the building, they will not be the type to own cars. He plans to include at least one “flexcar” which will be parked on bottom floor and available at all times for tenants use. Various members of the Board expressed their concern and skepticism about building housing with no on-site parking. Susan Lindsay reminded Mr. Epperson that most of the houses in Buckman do not have garages, as our neighbourhood was settled before cars were available to the general public. Mr. Epperson also owns the building across the street from the planned construction site (formerly the bingo parlour) and is planning on building a fully-enclosed parking structure, which will house luxury cars to be used by people who would joining a luxury car club which would entitle them to rent the various cars for a week at a time. Lily Witham pointed out that as he is planning on building a parking structure anyway, why not dedicate a certain amount of parking spaces for the exclusive use of the tenants in the new building. Susan Lindsay agreed and asked for a Good Neighbour Agreement stating that Mr. Epperson will provide parking at fair market value. Mr. Epperson agreed to sign a GNA, to be drafted by Jarkko Cain. Architect Chris Linn of Boora Architects showed plans for the housing units to the Board and answered questions about the project.

Chili Feed Fundraiser- This will be the 6th annual chili feed fundraiser to benefit the BCA. This will take place on Sunday February 29th from 4-8. An admission price of $10 ($5 for children) will buy all of the chili and cornbread one can eat. It will be held at Anne Hughes Kitchen Table Caf?©. Anne is donating the chili and providing tickets, which will be distributed at the General Meeting on February 12th. Each Board member will take 10 tickets to sell. Lily Witham is designing the flyers, also to be distributed at the general meeting. Lily will contact Montage about a donation of cornbread. On the day of the event, people working will meet at Anne’s caf?© at 3pm. Set up and serving will be done by Ann Bowling, Lily Witham and Mary Ann Schwab. M’Lou Christ will sell tickets at the door and promised to bring her cash box. Jarkko Cain will provide paper cups and plastic spoons. All Board members are asked to bring a dessert. There will be raffle prizes, which are being collected by Lily Witham from various businesses in Buckman.

Time Place & Manner- Various Southeast communities are less supportive of the Time Place & Manner ordinance brought to us by Commissioner Randy Leonard. SEUL has written a letter asking Commissioner Leonard to re-vamp this ordinance. As it stands, the ordinance intent is to help improve places where there are repeated problems by limiting hours for liquor sales, reducing noise, etc. Options to be enforced by the City once there have been three complaints verified by the police. Jarkko Cain stated that he feared anyone with a personal agenda could create problems for a business owner, whether warranted or not. Mary Ann Schwab asked the BCA to send a letter to City Council stating that we are not in agreement with TPM as it stands. M’Lou Christ made a motion that the BCA investigate the SEUL letter and also that the BCA will not support the TPM as it stands, with the exception of how noise issues are handled. The motion was seconded by Lily Witham, with a unanimous vote.

Plaid Pantry Mural- Anne Hughes spoke with the manager of the Plaid Pantry (SE 12th and Morrison) and gave him an update about the damaged mural. He was happy to know that the BCA has become involved with this project The damaged mural will be painted over by the Plaid Pantry, and place-holders attached, which will be provided by Rose Griego of Metro Murals.

WAMO- Susan Lindsay recently met with Pat LaCrosse of the Real Estate Trust regarding the Community Center at Washington-Monroe High School.There had been some earlier confusion as to the various options for the project, but Advisory Committee, Portland, Parks & Recreation and the Real Estate Trust are unanimous in their agreement for Option B.

BCA Board Retreat- Has been tentatively scheduled for March 6th from 9Am to lunch time. This will take place at Anne’s caf?©. There has no been a Board Retreat since last spring.

City Repair Letter Update- At last month’s general meeting, the Board agreed to amend a letter to City Repair Projects, expressing our concerns about site-management issues. This letter would be written by Lily Witham, based on a draft by Cynthia Milbradt. Lily reported that Cynthia has contacted City Repair on her own and has had a very satisfactory interaction with Jenny of City Repair. Jenny feels that putting a good Neighbour Agreement in place for each project is a very good idea and plans to implement this idea in future projects. Therefore, the motion to send a letter from the BCA to City Repair has been rescinded with a motion made by M’Lou Christ and seconded by Lily Witham. The vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 10PM.

Submitted by Lily Witham, BCA Secretary.

Posted by lilywrites on 01/12/2005
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