In attendance: BCA Board members Anne Hughes, Lily Witham, Gilly Burlingham, Susan Lindsay, Brianne Eastburn and Jim Andrews, also Linda Chase, Abe Pfeifer (Foursquare Church), Aron Homberg (CCHS), Chris Walsh, Chris Marston and Christine Yun.
June Board Mtg. Minutes approved. Gilly Burlingham made a motion to approve the June board minutes; Jim Andrews seconded the motion, unanimous vote.
Crime Report- Neighbor Linda Chase gave a crime report on the recent upsurge in drug dealing from street corners along Ash St. Abe Pfeifer from Foursquare Church at SE 15th & Ash spoke about the efforts the church is making to keep drug users from shooting up in the outside stairwells.
Buckman Foot Patrol- Lily Witham asked Susan Lindsay to include a recruitment announcement for the foot patrol in her next list serve emailing.
Mt. St. Joseph’s- No one from the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association showed up to give a report about the Mt. St. Joseph proposed changes. A hearing will be held in council chambers on July 8th.
Buckman Pool Update- Christine Yun gave an update on the Buckman Pool. She has set up a website and asks that everyone go to the website and send emails to the Mayor and City Council members asking for the pool to be repaired and reopened in a timely fashion. Commissioner Randy Leonard is committed to having the pool repaired and reopened, to remain open until the Inner Eastside Community Center is built.
SEUL Report- Steve Hoyt gave a report on the suggested new ONI guidelines for neighborhood associations and coalitions. Among other things, it will clarify the grievance procedure. A hearing will be held on July 6th at 2pm in council chambers.
Handicap Accessibility- Steve Hoyt reminded everyone that the BCA meetings must be handicapped accessible. There was a discussion on how we can make sure that people in wheelchairs, etc. can get into CCHS to attend the meetings. Lily will add the instructions onto the BCA website when they are clarified.
CCHS Noise complaint- Neighbor Chris Marston reported that he is very disturbed by the noise emanating from the HVAC units on the roof of CCHS. He feels that the noise is too loud, especially later at night when it is quieter. Aron Homberg explained the steps that he has taken to address the complaint, which include having sound baffles built to try and cover the noise. He will call for re-inspection and try to add more sound baffles if it is thought that more baffles will take care of the problem. There will be a meeting at CCHS on Tuesday June 21st at 6:30pm for the neighbors and staff to talk about the problem and present a petition about the noise. Anne Hughes will attend the meeting as BCA representative.
Burnside Bridgehead Update- given by Jim Andrews. Opus and Beam may work together on the Bridgehead Project. The PDC is looking for a new director. There will be a discussion about the PDC pn June 15th at 6pm at City Hall. The Beam appeal has been withdrawn.
WAMO Update- Susan Lindsay gave an update. The School District is eager to sell the property. Larry Dully is handling the sale for PPS, and he does not want to have an RFP process and probably would prefer to leave the neighbor out of the selling process.
Board Elections- Four board positions are available and were filled by Ann Bowling, Anne Hughes, Brianne Eastburn and Lily Witham. The new positions were approved by Ann Bowling with a second by Jim Andrews, with a unanimous vote.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Submitted by Lily Witham, BCA Secretary.