Buckner Terrace is dedicated to providing resources that promote a better understanding of our community.
All Buckner Terrace homeowners are invited and encouraged to support the Buckner Homeowners Association.
Our meetings move along quickly and there is a prepared agenda. If you have items you would like to present contact Chair.
Chair Darlene Reynolds
Email: boydsemporium@earthlink.net
Home: 214.381.2614
Co-Chair Darius D. McDonald Sr.
Email: ceus2003@gmail.com
Home: 214.435.7219
Treasurer Polita Flemming
Email: cradpnev@aol.com
Home: 214.388.4352
Secretary Marian Williams
Email: mcho49@aol.com
Home: 214.275.6338
VIP/Crime Prevention Mark Leonard
Email: markwleonard@sbcglobal.net
Neighborhood Data Corrdinator Molly Leanos
Home: 214.381.4813
SW Quadrant Newsletter Dist. Verlene Mitchell
Email: derrow-mitchell@sbcglobal.net
Home: 214.388.6839
NE Quadrant Newsletter Dist. Jim Dean Lewellen
Email: jimlewellen@sbcglobal.net
Home: 214.388.2238
NW Quadrant Newsletter Dist. Carolyn Johnson
Email: cajohnson5311@sbcglobal.net
Home: 214.381.5437
Crime Watch Chair Anthony Rios
Email: torios@att.net
Home: 214.388.8052
Crime Watch Co-Chair Tracy Hill
Home: 214.536.7587
SE Quadrant Newsletter Dist. Lito Belza
Email: intbelz@yahoo.com
Home: 214.388.9935