Landmarks Hearing June 19
The landmarks Committee will hold its hearing June 19 at the grace Immanuel United Church of Christ, 1612 Story Avenue, at 6 PM. The results of this hearing, in large part, will determine whether Butchertown can save its existing architecture and can turn out new construction that is compatible with its existing architecture. By obtaining a local Landmarks designation, a process is set up to review all exterior alterations, demolition and new construction. From the past until today, unfavorable influences, such as zoning, the rerouting of Beargrass Creek, commuter traffic on U.S. highways, three interstate highways that cut through and an untapped interest in protecting nineteenth century building have caused the loss of nearly half of Butchertown?’s original structures and their ensuing replacement with sheet metal buildings. Today, we are faced with new influences: a downtown Louisville rapidly expanding into Butchertown; the Waterfront?’s expanding popularity and a new larger and closer kennedy interchange that will place more tentacles into our historic area. Butchertown needs local Landmarks designation to remain a viable living and working historic community. Unless Butchertown has protection with a local Landmarks designation, the pressure from these old and new influences will cause attrition, erosion and abandonment so that Butchertown will become little more than a curious cut-through with scattered historic buildings. If you need more information, please call me at (502) 584-2549 or email me at
Hoyt Bleakley