Join Whitehaven and South Memphis in all the excitement and rebuilding of our community.
Whitehaven Fest: A Taste Of Whitehaven.
This event is scheduled for Saturday October 9, 2004, 9:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. at A. Maceo Walker Middle School,1900 E. Raines Rd. This Premier event promises to solicit fun, food, games and entertainment along with family fellowship for everyone.
Note, we are seeking vendors, donations, sponsors and volunteers. Feel free to review the enclosed newspaper article and sponsor sheet. After reviewing the contents, please make immediate contact with the President, Rev. Ellis Jones at (901) 789-1123 or the Secretary, Rhonda Johnson, at(901) 785-5400 or contact any of the officers.
Please don?’t wait, it?’s getting late! Lets make this happen as we band together to bring out the very best!!
The proceeds of this event will be used to defray the purchase and pay for the cost of school uniforms for A. Maceo Walker Middle School and Westhaven Elementary School.
Rev. Ellis Jones - President