Friday, July 30, 2004
by Mary Glass
It is time for another Presidential Election and the large networks and news outlets are making millions x millions in dollar advertisements. The pundits and talking heads are “going for broke” with stereotypes and biases. The voters are disconnected.
The Kerry/Edwards ticket was in town last week at the King Center, 17th & Vilet. The two huge red, white and blue banners were just beautiful swaying in the wind. The crowd was poised with signs and slogans for the Kerry/Edwards Campaign.
At the podium was Democratic Candidate for Vice President – John Edwards, a backdrop of diversity (age, sex, race, government, business) but in the audience, there was a huge absence of the neighborhood they were in. African American and Asian.
Instead of What Happened? I wish to speak from this point on/about what should happen if the Kerry/Edwards Ticket is to rise in the column of African Americans and other People of Color in Milwaukee. If they are to rise in the low, moderate NO income and undecided voter of the Inner City of Milwaukee. These are potential voters in the thousands.
I say Milwaukee, but the formula is sound for other similar urban and rural cities across the country.
This campaign needs to “connect” with African Americans, People of Color, low, moderate, and NO income potential voters.
This article leads the field with African American for two reasons, they have been the largest and most continuous group of People of Color to support the Democratic Party. They are the ones in majority in the area visited; and, they are the ones most disproportionately affected.
First and foremost, there should be a 30-day concentrated effort that simultaneously ask and match the key question, “What’s in it for the African American, People of Color, low, moderate and NO income voters”, while INTRODUCING the two candidates – John Kerry and John Edwards as the SOLUTION.
Secondly, the 30-day concentration should be day-by-day, house-by-house, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, block-by-block contact with an introduction of John Kerry and John Edwards. Who they are.
But, most of all, what they will “specifically” do to provide People of Color and low, moderate and NO income resident, entrepreneurial opportunities, family supported employment, education attainment, health insurance, child related services, affordable housing and access, access, access to the jobs, training, health insurance, child related services, housing and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Thirdly, connect by recruiting, HIRING and orientating the Kerry/Edwards field soldiers from a pool of skilled but unemployed and under-employed citizens. They are “seniors”, “young adults”, “single parents”, “veterans” and “the homeless”. Their primary job is to carry the Kerry/Edwards message.
A recommended "short list" of individuals can be gotten from places like, Senior Citizen Complexes, Senior Citizen Centers, churches, workforce development centers, Repairers of the Breach, Salvation Army, Rescue Mission and Vets Place Central. Recruits should become recruiters.
Benefit: It will renew HOPE and allow connected participation in the process. It would provide a tangible get-my-attention right now result, money, payment of wages.
Fourthly, connect by creating a Command Center with two Senior Managers at each selected senior center. Two able-bodied seniors w/computer knowledge, hired to recruit and keep up-to-date Kerry/Edwards supporters.
The two seniors one and only campaign job is to spread the word of Kerry/Edwards to the tenants and convince them of the need for spreading the word and their vote should be for Kerry/Edwards because of issues that relate to them, their families and the neighborhood. The two leaders, per building should work together.
Two computers and two fast laser printers should be installed "in their apartment" for maintaining data and for campaign headquarters to send emails and on-the-spot messages. They should be introduced and treated as full-fledge Kerry/Edwards Campaign Team members.
When the campaign is over, they should be made owners of the computers and printers for their efforts.
Everyday, the Kerry/Edwards national office, state and local office should send an updated special message for 30 days to keep the troops engaged, time-sensitive and in-the-know.
A similar computer set-up should be made available for the veterans and the homeless ambassadors.
A newsletter should be created by these Ambassadors that stick to the message of CONNECT – Introduction of the candidates and what they will do for the African American, People of Color, low, moderate and NO income potential voters.
The two networks can help the Kerry/Edwards/Democrat Party coordinate a "young adults" rally at King, Johnsons, and Sherman Parks.
Each leader would also have a "Cell Phone" for instant access. The phone becomes the property of the team member at the end of the campaign.
Two Kerry/Edwards T-Shirts with a “HOPE” message should be made available for the recruited team leaders and those working in the field.
Every week, the Kerry/Edwards Coordinator of the two networks identified here, would bring the newly created team leaders together for strategic planning and feedback.
This is a great way to galvanize and increase the voter column of People of Color, low, moderate and NO income potential voters in the upcoming Presidential election and to Win.
It will help to dispel the “taken for granted” slogan that has been associated with the Democratic Party.
AFTER THE 30-DAYS, review and retrench with Phase Two for a "STRONGER AMERICA".
To be Continued . . .
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