Why should you become a member?
Because one person added to others, becomes many! Which turns into a loud voice for our city representives to hear. Our meetings are not mandatory but they are informative. We are here to take interest in a small area of our great city, weither it concerns crime, grafitti, roads, schools or issues that occure daily in our area. If you have concerns, we need you. As a dues paying member you have one vote and that vote can make a difference.
Your Yearly Dues are: $5.00 Residential Membership or $20.00 Business Membership
If you don't live within our boundaries, but you wish to support our efforts. Become a Associate Member. Dues: $5.00
This money is used for the daily operation of the Association. There are NO PAID Officers or Board Members. ALL are volunteers
You may send your check to: Cable Westwood Neighborhood Association
1706 Pinn Rd. San Antonio, TX 78227