?• Control a lamp inside your home with a light sensor to turn the light on at dusk and off at dawn automatically.
?• Use a timer to turn lights on and off during the evening to make your home look occupied.
?• Use a timer to turn a radio on and off throughout the day and evening.
?• Use a photo cell sensor in outdoor fixtures to make sure your entrances are well lit at night.
?• If you use lighting timers in or outside your home, make sure the clock is accurate after any power outage.
?• If you have an electric security system, test it on a regular basis to ensure it is working when you need it.
?• If you are going to be away from your home for an evening, make sure your neighbors know who to contact should your security system or light sensors be activated.
?• Eliminate potential dark hiding places around your home by removing clutter and ensuring your lighting covers the whole yard.
?• Keep a battery-powered flashlight accessible in case your power is interrupted. . . ☻