For a complete list of all city parking laws, consult the Phoenix City Code Section 36-132 through 36-162
Below are common violations of codes:
Vehicles parked on the street with ?“For Sale?” visible on it.
Parking vehicles with a rated chassis weight in excess of ?¾ of a ton , or a tractor, semi trailer, trailer, or bus on a local or collector street in a residential zone except during the process of loading or unloading such vehicle. (This includes travel trailers, work trailers, motor homes, etc.)
Parking of any vehicle which is in-operable or which does not display a current registration on any street or public right-of-way.
Parking on a sidewalk.
Parking in front of a public or private driveway or the entrance to an alley.
Parking a vehicle with right side (passenger side) tires more than 18 inches away from a curb (parking in the wrong direction on a street). . . ☻