By Icela Brown, Community Action Officer
Debbie Parnham and Lorretta Winn will do a presentation at your next Block Watch meeting. The topic is Life Sentence. Debbie and Loretta do school and youth group presentations also. The topics of discussion for youth groups are as follows:
?• Violence ?• Drugs and Alcohol
?• Anger Management ?• Sexual Abuse
?• Weapons ?• Forgiveness
?• Hope ?• Inner Peace
?• A New Sense of Self-Control ?• Making Better Choices
?• Victim?’s Right -- -
There is a fee when Debbie and Loretta do a presentation at schools or churches. However, Loretta said they would go out to Neighborhood Associations Meetings or Block Watches to inform groups about who they are and what they do.
The goal of Life sentence is to educate youth, parents and the public on the devastating effects of violence. In their presentation on ?“Choices,?” they share their own life stories in a very graphic and powerful way. They bring the reality to the youth of today in a way they can understand, from a mother?’s heart.
Debbie?’s son Brent was shot in a senseless drive-by shooting. He lived 7 days after the violent attack and died on December 12, 1992. Loretta?’s son Ryan was murdered on July 4, 1995. He was in a fistfight and the other teen had a gun.
If you want either Debbie or Loretta to speak to your group about their program call Debbie at 602-404-0727-email Loretta can be reached at 602-971-3827 email: There is no charge to have them talk to you about their group. Life sentence is a 502(c)(3) non-profit that educates youth, parents, and the public on the devastating effects of violence.
It would be a good idea to promote this program in your schools and churches. Remember we shouldn?’t forget about the children, they are our future. . .☺