Attacking graffiti in your neighborhoods as soon as it appears sends a strong message. To your neighbors it says, ?“we care about our neighborhood.?” to the taggers it says, ?“we will not tolerate this.?”
It is extremely important not to let down or give up on your efforts. When the taggers hit at night, the graffiti should be removed as soon as physically possible, preferably the next morning. It has been suggested that the first 24-hour?’s is the critical time to get it removed. Removed before the taggers can benefit from their illegal efforts. And if it reappears, remove it again. Just as efficiently and effectively as a surgeon would keep cutting out a cancerous growth that returns. Persistence is the key. This can send the strongest message that it will not be tolerated in your neighborhood. That you will not give up. That you will never accept or recognize defeat.
To assist in the apprehension and arrest of these taggers (another word for criminal) any photos that you can take of the taggings will be greatly appreciated. They can often be used in building additional cases against known taggers or in identifying new ones.
When you do take photos, please write the date, time, and location that the photos were taken on the back of each photo. Then mail them or deliver them to your CAO at the Cactus Park Precinct. Your CAO will ensure that your photos are delivered to the proper Graffiti Detective for categorizing and filing in order to assist in ongoing or future investigations.
For information on the rewards and the Graffiti Hot Line, call (602) 262-7327. . . ☺