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Canterbury Woods Neighborhood Newsletter
From meeting on August 14, 2007
Memos from Members
Please do your share. If you live in one of the two districts that doesn't have a Rep, please volunteer.
District #1 - Tabaid Lane (Entrance Road)?
District #2 - Tabaid Place (Cul-de-sac)?
District Representatives
Removed for privacy
Neighborly News
ECUA will be installing electronic meters. As far as we know, there is no ability to shut off water to your home with this new system unless you install a shut-off value between your meter and the house. This change should happen during the October time frame.
Our sincere sympathies go out to Mr. Castro.
Please pledge to donate money for the lake.
It costs approximately $170.00 per month to maintain the Lake Doctor contract. Any donation helps! Many neighbors are teaming up to pay for a whole month. The lake is really looking bad and we need your support!
The following yards were
awarded August Yard of the Month:
315 Southwalk Place
221 Camelford Place
Most Improved yard
8188 Camelford Drive
District of the Month
District 8