Hi Fellow Carefree Azusa Homeowners and Residents,
This newsletter will arrive after the beginning of the New Year. We do hope that everyone had a joyful Christmas Season and a Happy New Year. Your Board of Directors has been making plans for upcoming projects and repairs, both large and small on an ongoing basis. There are projects that are well into the planning stages, some being completed, and still others on the drawing board, so to speak. We are looking forward to working with the Association Members for ideas, and input on what you would like to see happen this year at Carefree Azusa. We need and appreciate your input with ideas that will enhance our environment here making it more accommodating and enjoyable.
From the Monthly Meeting
During our monthly meeting, a couple of items were discussed and it was suggested that we include them in this Newsletter. Just a friendly reminder about when you are parked in front of your garage door. Please make sure that your vehicle is parked parallel to, and within five feet of the door. Double parking in front of your garage door is never allowed. Our streets are considered as Fire Lanes and must be freely accessible for emergency vehicles at all times.
Please keep your garage doors closed as much as possible. When your door is open, people passing through our complex can see what you have. If your garage is open, and left unattended even for a short period of time, thefts can and will occur. Open doors also invite thieves into the complex to see what can be taken of value.
There are currently four parking spaces available to rent for $40.00 a month each. The available spaces are numbered 4, 15, 20, and 22. If you are interested in renting a space, contact Alan at CMS.
Notifications to Dig Alert
Regarding the scheduling of projects that involve water leaks and excavations, sometimes there are delays in starting the repairs. There are several reasons why the repairs to the water leaks cannot begin immediately. First of all, prior to any excavation, an organization called Dig Alert needs to be notified. This organization has maps of buried utilities. It is their responsibility to identify and mark the underground utilities, or notify those utilities to mark the location of existing buried services located near the location of the new trench. Dig Alert has 48 hours, on business days only, to mark the locations of their buried services. Those locations and services are then marked with their uniquely colored paint, on the surface near the trench. Compliance with this requirement is a state law. This law also applies to homeowners. Their web address is http://www.digalert.org or call 811. This service is free.
CMS has received concerns from residents about these markings and have reported them as graffiti on the pavement. These markings are the result of complying with this state law. If we do not comply with this free service and the State learns of the breach, or worse, we hit and break the buried utility service, we are liable for all of the costs that the affected utility experiences. That can be really expensive and we do not have a good defense against their billing.
The vendor and his subcontractors also need to coordinate their availability to schedule the work, so when the work begins, the project proceeds smoothly. Sometimes the vendors need to finish other work in process, prior to being available to begin our work.
Lastly, our vendors try very hard to provide advance notice (at least two days) to the Carefree Azusa residents that they will need to turn off the water service to the complex in order to make the repairs to the piping system.
Annual Fire Hydrant Testing and Certification
Recently, the Association had a vendor perform the annual test and inspection of our fire hydrants throughout the complex in preparation for certification. One of the tests they perform involves turning the hydrants on one at a time to verify that the hydrant is capable of supplying the water when it is needed in an emergency. This affects the water pressure in the complex. We will try to provide advanced notice of these annual tests, so you will be aware of the reduced water pressure during the tests.
In the Near Future
As Spring and the Summer seasons approach, we will be working with the landscaping contractor regarding aeriation of the turf, and trimming the trees, as needed, throughout the complex. We also plan to continue with the fence replacements as funding permits.
The next Board Meeting will be on February 9, 2015 at 7:00 P.M., at the Clubhouse.