As we go into this holiday season I would like to thank everyone who showed up for the quarterly homeowners meeting on September 17th.
We had a group of about twenty nine people that came out to the meeting. I hope that we can continue to keep that kind of support up for the new Board of Directors.
It is very encouraging to see that the community you serve in is concerned enough about their neighborhood to attend these valuable meetings.
As stated on the front page, due to the fact that we only had two people run for the board (Patricia Whiting and Bill Thompson) an election will not be needed this year. However, there will be another seat open next year, so I encourage all of you to think about serving your community as we have.
I would also like to personally thank the two of them for running this year, it helps to know our association can continue to prosper and grow in its efforts to improve the quality of life in Ft. Caroline Cove. I know our community will be in good hands with this new board as the new President has had a year of hands-on training from me and the Secretary and I know with his military background he is prepared for the challenges ahead.
I would also like to thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to serve as the President for the past 3 years and I would like to thank you for your support over the past 5 years. Shirley and I have enjoyed our conversations and we hope you won?’t forget us.
Now on to business, get all that old stuff taking up room around your house and get ready for a great neighborhood yard sale on October 25th. We will be sponsoring a community-wide yard sale to hopefully allow you to get some extra money for the holiday season.
We will have a nice sign put up at the entrance. The yard sale will be advertised to run from 8 AM to 4 P.M. There should be a lot of extra neighborhood traffic, so be ready to sell everything!