I spoke with Police Chief Lance Johnson yesterday regrading a matter where upon a 20 year old female has been pursuing my 16 year old son. I had already verbally made it clear to this individual that she was not welcome on or near my property, was not permitted to make contact with my son or any of my other children, and if I saw her doing any of the above; I would contact the police.
When I spoke with Chief Johnson about this to find out what our rights exactly were and how it pertained to my son, since he's of legal consent age, Chief Johnson said this -
If there is a two year difference - 16 - 18 years old or 15-17 or even 17 - 19 years old, it's not really looked at as it's considered an acceptable dating age difference. However a 20 year old female pursuing a 16 year old is not!
I was told that since I had already given a verbal warning to this individual, that if anything else transpires, the person could be picked up for at least harassment, if not more - pending the situation.
I am very proud of my son for bringing this situation to my attention and am grateful we have that communication.
However, I'm reaching out to all parents who have children of dating age. Talk with your kids. Get to know who they are hanging out with and who their friends are. Get parents names and addresses and phone numbers. Ask them about their days. Get interactive with them and don't be afraid to take measures that are legal to protect your child/ren.
I alerted Chief Johnson to this person also because of recent purchasing of tobacco for some of the minors in my neigborhood, and also because she has been seen with with children as young as 6 through 14 years old.
There is no reason why a 20 year old female OR male should need to hang out with children this much younger than them.
If you see this going on with anyone, and or see in appropriate behavior, do not hesitate to contact the police.
Educate your children what their boundaries and limitations are. Teach them about stranger safety and let them know who they can play with and where they can play. Far better to be safe and have your children healthy and happy than to overlook something and have your child's safety and healthy jeopardized.
I am currently working on getting a speaker for child safety to come to a meeting to talk with all of us. When information is more definite, I will post that for everyone and have it ready also for the Centerton Newsletter.
Thank you,
Leslie Baker