Chevington Woods

Trustee Meeting Minutes 01/16/06


January 16, 2006

Meeting site: Violet Twp Offices, 12970 Rustic Drive, Pickerington, OH 43147

President Comanita called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

The President ascertained the presence of a quorum with seven (7) trustees in attendance:

Carol Comanita, President
Don Roeder, Vice President
Mark Briggs, Treasurer
Will Snell, Secretary
Teresa Hartley, Trustee
Lisa Ross, Trustee
Julie Squier, Trustee

Residents in attendance:

Ted & Gina Stacy
Tom & Linda Besser
Gene Bednarski
Clark & Estalene Newell
Jim & Hallie Vohwinkel
Lynn & Janet Wilcox
Becky Mazurek
Mary Ann Murphy
Harlene Eggleston
Barbara Diehl

Reading of the minutes:

The Chair noted the minutes of the January 16, 2006 regular meeting had been previously distributed via email to the trustees and advised, that if there were no objections, the minutes could be approved as distributed. Thereafter, Trustee Hartley moved the minutes be approved as previously distributed. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Correspondence and Resident Participation:

Correspondence: The Secretary read two letters received via USPS. One was from resident Ed Patsch and the other from resident Allen Musheno. Both letters encouraged the CWCA Trustees to continue enforcement of the deed restrictions. It was also noted by President Comanita that she had received several phone calls and emails expressing the same sentiment.
Minutes of CWCA Trustees Meeting – 1-16-06 – Page 2

Resident Participation: Resident Gina Stacey submitted a list of questions to President Comanita. Each question was answered.

Resident Estalene Newell advised that all deed restrictions expired in the year 2006 and were no longer enforceable. After a general discussion among the Trustees it was the consensus of opinion that the deed restrictions continued as written until the provision for change was completed and executed as provided therein.

Resident James Vohwinkel voiced his concerns about the enforcement of deed restrictions and made it clear that he was unhappy about the CWCA citation that was pending in regard to his lot.

Resident Harlene Eggleston spoke in opposition to enforcement of deed restrictions and also advised that any complaint about realtors failing to comply with the “full disclosure” provision of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) should be directed to the Ohio Division of Real Estate. She also opined that the “majority have spoken” based upon the annual meeting. It was pointed out by the Secretary that the survey mailed to each homeowner in late 2004 revealed that the overwhelming majority of respondents (approximately 35% of 390 lot owners) supported deed restriction enforcement and the annual meeting of some 39 lot owners in attendance at the annual meeting, with a narrow majority in attendance opposed to deed restriction enforcement, hardly constituted the majority of lot owners in Chevington Woods.

Resident Gene Bednarski addressed the issue of deed restriction enforcement and noted that while he was opposed to the enforcement of the deed restriction banning the storage of boats on lots during the boating season that he was encouraging all of the residents to work together for the benefit of the entire community.

Resident Mary Ann Murphy noted that she was a member of the silent majority and apologized for her absence from previous Trustee meetings. However, she noted that she attended the meeting to thank the Trustees for their service to the Chevington Woods community and encouraged them to continue to enforce deed restrictions.

Resident Becky Mazurek advised that her family owned an RV but kept it stored out of Chevington Woods when not in use and she supported the enforcement of the deed restrictions.

Resident Estalene Newell suggested that a majority vote of the residents be sought on the issue. President Comanita responded that the 2006 dues notices would include a simple “yes” or “no” choice on the enforcement of deed restrictions and it was hoped the residents would mark their choice when paying their annual dues.

Minutes of CWCA Trustees Meeting – 1-16-06 – Page 3

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Briggs presented the Treasurer’s report and entertained questions from the Trustees and residents assembled. A written copy of the report is made a part of these minutes by reference.

Committee Reports:

Deed Restriction Committee: Secretary Snell noted that letters sent to each resident and also CWCA Newsletters had advised each resident of current deed restriction efforts for over a year and suggested the expense of “dialogue letters” be eliminated since all residents have been advised one way or the other of such enforcement. He noted that a citation still afforded the resident an opportunity to resolve the issue prior to legal action and if the resident wished to open discussion that option would still be available while further action was pending. Following discussion a motion was made by Trustee Ross to eliminate the “dialogue” letter. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Unfinished Business:

CWRC insurance resolution: Treasurer Briggs noted that he and the Treasurer of the CWRC were still researching the issue. Trustee Ross noted that the swimming pool had suffered significant damage as a result of a semi-tractor turning around in the pool parking lot and knocking down electrical power to the facility. She noted the insurance and law enforcement reports were still pending and could not predict what the eventual outcome would be.

Secretary Snell noted the cost of the annual meeting had always included a rent payment to the Holy Redeemer Church and made a motion that a rental payment in the amount of $50.00 be sent to the church. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

New Business:

Trustee Squier noted that she had received several complaints about two large dogs approaching and frightening exercise walkers at the former Turner home on Chevington Chase. It was noted by the Secretary that Jerry Carter, according to the Auditor’s web site, now owned the lot. After discussion among the Trustees, Trustee Squier made a motion that the CWCA send a letter to the owner advising him of the Association’s concern and attempt to resolve the problem notwithstanding that the lot had an underground electronic fence to contain the dogs. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Minutes of CWCA Trustees Meeting – 1-16-06 – Page 4

The Chair then called for any other business to come before the Trustees assembled. Hearing none, the Chair recognized a motion from Trustee Briggs to adjourn. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Snell, Secretary

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